newCAJE Conference On Jewish Education The Origin Of Kaddish Presented by the Beurei Hatefila Institute Translation Of Kaddish Magnified and sanctified be G-d’s great Name `¨n§l¨r§A .`A© ¨ x Dn§ ¥ W WC© ©w§z¦i§e lC© ©B§z¦i in this world which He created according to His ,DzEk ¥ l© § n Kil§ ¦ n©i§e ,D¥zErx¦ §k `x§ ¨a iC ¦ will. May He establish His kingdom, and; oFki¥I©g§A .Dgi ¥ W§ ¦ n ax¨ ¥wi¦e D¥p¨w§xªR gn§ © v©i§e May He Hasten the coming of His annointed ,l`¨ ¥ x§U¦i zi¥A lk§ ¨ c i¥I©g§aE oFkinFi ¥ aE § Messiah; in your life-time, and in the life-time of all the house of Israel, speedily and at a near :on¨ ¥ ` Exn¦ § `§e aix¨ ¦w on§f¦ © aE `¨l¨b£r©A time; and say you, Amen. i¥n§l¨r§lE m©l¨r§l Kx¨ ©a§n `A© ¨ x Dn§ ¥ W `d§i ¥ May His great Name be blessed for ever and .`¨I©n§l¨r ever. m©nFxz¦i§e § x©`¨R§z¦i§e g©A©Y§W¦i§e K©x¨A§z¦i Blessed, praised and glorified, exalted, extolled l¨N©d§z¦i§e d¤N©r§z¦i§e xC© ¨d§z¦i§e `¥V©p§z¦i§e and honoured, adored and lauded be the Name l¨M on ¦ `¨N«¥r§l ,`Ed Kix§ ¦A `W§ ¨ cªw§C Dn§ ¥ W of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond all ,`z¨ ¨ n¡g¤p§e `¨z¨g§A§WªY `z¨ ¨ xiW§e ¦ `¨z¨k§x¦A blessings and hymns, praises and songs, which can be uttered in this world; and say you, Amen. .on¨ ¥ ` Exn¦ § `§e ,`¨n§l¨r§A oxi ¨ n£ ¦ `©C May the prayers and supplications of the whole ziA ¥ lk§ ¨ C oFdzEr § aE ¨ oFdzFl § v § lA© ¥ w§z¦Y house of Israel be accepted in the presence of their ,`¨I©n§W¦a iC ¦ oFdEa£` mc¢ ¨w l`¨ ¥ x§U¦i Father who is in heaven; and say you, Amen. o¦n `A© ¨ x `n¨ ¨ l§W `d§i ¥ :o¥n¨` Exn¦ § `§e May there be abundant peace from heaven, and l¨M l©r§e Epi«¥l¨r miaFh ¦ mi¦I©g§e `¨I©n§W life for us and for all Israel; and say you, Amen. :on¨ ¥ ` Exn¦ § `§e ,l¥`¨x§U¦i May He who makes peace in His high places, d¤U£r©i `Ed ,einFx ¨ n¦ § A mFlW ¨ d¤UŸr make peace for us and for all Israel; and say Exn¦ § `§e ,l¥`¨x§U¦i l¨M l©r§e ,Epi«¥l¨r mFlW ¨ you, Amen. :on¨ ¥ ` Kaddish is a messianic text that many believe was composed during the period of Rabbi Akiva and the Bar Kochva rebellion 132-135 CE and was recited by those who died Al Kiddush Hashem, martyrs deaths, during that period. Messianic texts are prayers in which the Jewish People express a hope that the Moshiach will come soon and open a world in which the entire human race recognizes the Jewish G-d as G-d. The great tragedies that struck Jewish comunities during the last 2000 years were often viewed as the percusors of the coming of the Moshiach and led to the recital of messianic prayers as Jews were led to their deaths. The prayer of Aleinu L’Shabeach was recited by those who died a martyr’s death in Blois, France in 1171 CE. Jews who were being led to their deaths in the concentration camps during the Holocaust sang Ani Ma’Mamin B’Emunah Sh’Laima Bi’Biyus Ha’Moshiach-I believe with unbreakable faith that the Moshiach will come. Examples Of Messianic Prayers .zFxF`O© § d x¥vFi ,¨i-§i dY© ¨ ` KExA ¨ .FxF`l § dx¥ ¨d§n Ep«¨Nªk d¤M§f¦p§e ,xi`¨ ¦ Y oFIv ¦ l©r Wc¨ ¨g xF` Ep«¥v§x©`§l zEIn§ ¦ nFw Ep«¥kilFz§e ¦ ,u¤x«¨`¨d zFt§p©M rA§ © x©`¥n mFlW§ ¨ l Ep«¥`ia£ ¦ d©e KExA ¨ .ux«¨ ¤`¨d zFt§p©M rA§ © x©`¥n cg«© © i Ep«¥v§A©w§e ,Epi«¥zFIl¨ ªB uA© ¥ w§l q¥p `U§e ¨ ,Ep«¥zExg§ ¥ l lFc¨B xtFW ¨ A § r©w§Y .l`¨ ¥ x§U¦i Fn©r ig§ ¥ c¦p u¥A©w§n ,¨i-§i dY© ¨ ` Epi«¥n¨i§A aFxw§ ¨ A DzF` ¨ d¥p§aE ,Y§ ¨ x«©A¦C x¤W£`©M DkFz ¨ A § oFMW¦ § z§e ,aEW¨Y min£ ¦ g©x§A Lxi¦r § m¦i«©l¨WExil§e ¦ .m¦i«¨l¨WEx§i d¥pFA ,¨i-§i dY© ¨ ` KExA ¨ .oik¨ ¦ Y DkFz ¨ l § dx¥ ¨d§n c¦e¨c `Q¦ ¥ k§e ,m¨lFr o©i§p¦A KExA ¨ .mFId © lM ¨ Epi«¦E¦w Lz¨ § rEWil ¦ iM ¦ ,L«¤z¨rEWiA ¦ mExY ¨ Fpx© §w§e ,©gi«¦n§v©z dx¥ ¨d§n LC§ §a©r c¦e¨C gn«¤ © v z` ¤ .d¨rEW§i o¤x«¤w gi«¦© n§v©n ,¨i-§i dY© ¨ ` ,¨i-§i dY© ¨ ` KExA ¨ .min£ ¦ g©x§A oFIv§ ¦ l LaEW § A § Epi«¥pi¥r d¨pi«¤f¡g¤z§e . L«¤ziA ¥ xia§ ¦ c¦l dcFa£ ¨ r¨d z` ¤ aW¨ ¥ d§e .oFIv§ ¦ l Fz¨pik§ ¦ W xi¦f£g©O©d ,Epi«¥n¨i§A aFxw§ ¨ A ,oFIv§ ¦ A KŸl§n¦Y iz¨ © n .K¨l Epg«© § p£` miM© ¦ g§n iM ¦ ,Epi«¥l¨r KŸl§n¦z§e ,©ri«¦tFz Ep«¥M§l©n LnFw § O¦ § n Epi«¥pi¥r§e .mi¦g¨v§p g©v«¥p§lE xFc¨e xFcl § ,Lxi¦r § m¦i«©l¨WEx§i KFz§A WC© ©w§z¦z§e l©C©B§z¦Y .oFMW¦ § Y c¤r¨e m¨lFrl § :L«¤w§c¦v gi«¦© W§n c¦e¨c ic§i ¥ l©r ,L«¤Gªr ixi ¥ W§ ¦ A xEn`¨ ¨ d xa¨ ¨ C©M ,L«¤zEkl© § n d¨pi«¤`§x¦z .D-¨iEll© § d ,xŸc¨e xŸc§l ,oFIv ¦ K¦i«©dŸl¡` ,m¨lFrl § i-§i¨ KŸl§n¦i ,mik¨ ¦ l§O©d ik§ ¥ l©n K¤l«¤n l¤W FnW § ,`V© ¥ p§z¦i§e m©nFxz¦i§e § x©`¨R§z¦i§e g©A©Y§W¦i§e WC© ©w§z¦i§e lC© ©B§z¦i lŸM©d l©r . `A© ¨ d mlFr ¨ d§e ¨ d¤G©d mlFr ¨ d ¨ ,`x¨ ¨A¤W zFn¨lFrA ¨ ,`Ed KExA ¨ WFcT© ¨ d An Early Talmudic Reference To Kaddish Translation: It has been taught: Rabbi Jose says: I 'nr 'b sc zekxa zkqn ilaa cenlz was once travelling on the road, and I entered into one iziid zg` mrt :iqei iax xn` ,`ipz-'` of the ruins of Jerusalem in order to pray. Eliyahu zg` daxegl izqpkpe ,jxca jldn Ha’Navi, of blessed memory, appeared and waited edil` `a .lltzdl milyexi zeaxegn for me at the door until I finished my prayer. After I oiznde) gztd lr il xnye aehl xekf finished my prayer, he said to me: Peace be with you, izniiqy xg`l .izltz izniiqy cr (il my master! and I replied: Peace be with you, my !iax ,jilr mely :il xn` izltz master and teacher! And he said to me: My son, why xn`e !ixene iax ,jilr mely :el izxn`e did you go into this ruin? I replied: To pray. He said to me: You ought to have prayed on the road. I ?ef daxegl zqpkp dn iptn ,ipa :il replied: I feared that passers-by might interrupt me. jl did :il xn`e .lltzdl :el izxn` He said to me: If that was the case, you should have `xizn :el izxn`e !jxca lltzdl said an abbreviated prayer. I therefore learned three .mikxc ixaer ia ewiqti `ny iziid things from Eliyahu Ha’Navi: One must not go into .dxvw dltz lltzdl jl did :il xn`e a ruin; one may say the prayer on the road; and if one :mixac dyly epnn izcnl dry dze`a does say his prayer on the road, he may recite an izcnle ,daxegl oiqpkp oi`y izcnl abbreviated form of the prayer. The Prophet Eliyahu lltzndy izcnle ,jxca oilltzny further said to me: My son, what sound did you hear :il xn`e .dxvw dltz lltzn - jxca in this ruin? I replied: I heard a divine voice, cooing izxn`e ?ef daxega zrny lew dn ,ipa like a dove, and saying: Woe to the children, on dpeik zndpny lew za izrny :el account of whose sins I destroyed My house and burnt mdizeperay mipal ie` :zxne`e My temple and exiled them among the nations of the ilkid z` iztxye izia z` izaxgd world! And the Prophet Eliyahu further said to me: jiig :il xn`e .zene`d oial mizilbde By your life and by your head! Not in this moment ,jk zxne` cala ef dry `l ,jy`x iige alone does G-d so exclaim, but three times each day zxne` minrt yly meie mei lka `l` does G-d exclaim like that! And more than that, l`xyiy drya `l` ,cala ef `le ;jk whenever Jews go into the synagogues and schoolhouses zeyxcn izale zeiqpk izal oiqpkp and respond: May His great name be blessed! the Holy One, blessed be He, shakes His head and says: yecwd ,jxean lecbd diny `di oipere Happy is the King who is thus praised in this house! ixy` :xne`e ey`x rprpn `ed jexa Woe to the Father who had to banish his children, el dn ,jk eziaa eze` oiqlwny jlnd and woe to the children who had to be banished from mipal mdl ie`e ,eipa z` dlbdy a`l the table of their Father! .mdia` ogley lrn elby This source relates that a mystical reaction takes place when Kaddish is recited within a group of ten Jews-G-d remembers that despite the unfortunate moment when His residence on Earth-the Holy Temple was destroyed and the People of Israel were exiled from their homeland, the Jewish People continue to pray that G-d be recognized by all mankind as G-d on this world.
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