INSTITUT KURDDE PARIS E Information and liaison bulletin N° 404 NOVEMBER 2018 The publication of this Bulletin enjoys a subsidy from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of Culture This bulletin is issued in French and English Price per issue : France: 6 € — Abroad : 7,5 € Annual subscribtion (12 issues) France : 60 € — Elsewhere : 75 € Monthly review Directeur de la publication : Mohamad HASSAN Misen en page et maquette : Ṣerefettin ISBN 0761 1285 INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fayette - 75010 PARIS Tel. : 01-48 24 64 64 - Fax : 01-48 24 64 66 www.fikp.org E-mail: bulletin@fikp.org Information and liaison bulletin Kurdish Institute of Paris Bulletin N° 404 November 2018 • ROJAVA: TURKEY ATTACKS ROJAVA WHILE KURDISH FORCES ARE ENGAGED IN A DECISIVE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISIS • TURKEY: THE EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS DEMANDS THE END OF DEMIRTAŞ DETENTION • IRAQ: RELATIONSHIP WITH THE NEW GOVERNMENT IS ESTABLISHED, BUT KIRKOUK'S ARABIZATION CONTIN- UES • IRAN: THE IRANIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES THREATEN AND ARREST KURDISH CIVILIANS AND ACTIVISTS; THE MURDERING OF KOLBARS CONTINUES ROJAVA: TURKEY ATTACKS ROJAVA WHILE KURDISH FORCES ARE ENGAGED IN A DECISIVE CAMPAIGN AGAINST ISIS n the 1st November the tion was trying to work wherev- described the Turkish interven- Iraqi Kurdish channel er it was possible in Syria and so tion as “illegal” and a “violation Kurdistan 24 echoed had operated in Afrin for for a of international law” and indi- the Christian Peacemaker few months — but that now the cated that in the event of the fail- O Teams’s (CPT) failure to YPG forbade them to enter the ure of international diplomacy, understand the “White area. Stressing, in their letter, the the Syrian Army was ready to Helmets”, this Syrian civil peaceful co-habitation between use force to retake Afrin… defence organisation operating the communities that had been in rebel territory. Nominated for the rule in Afrin before the In Afrin, the abuses of power the Nobel Peace Prize at the Turkish invasion, the CPT asked and the fighting between fac- same time as the White Helmets, the White Helmets to use their tions are continuing. On the 12th the CPT criticised them, in an local and international influence the Turcoman jihadist “Sultan open letter made public on 29th “to call for the withdrawal of Murad” Brigade has released the October, for their connivance Turkish troops and their Syrian activist Bilal Srewel after having with the Turkish invasion of allies”. Besides, in an interview savagely tortured him for taking Afrin. For their part, a White given on the 8th to the Russian photos without authorisation Helmets spokesman declared on news agency Sputnik, the Syrian (Kurdistan 24). On the 18th, after Kurdistan 24 that their organisa- General Ahmad Hassan months of fighting between fac- • 2 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 404 • November 2018 tions quarrelling over Afrin’s deploy troops in the provinces of ANHA news agency, who had riches, namely the olive trees Raqqa and Hassaké, as well as of been wounded in the face the confiscated from their Kurdish North Aleppo at Tell Rifaat, and day before by Turkish firing at owners, the Turkish Army final- behind the SDF lines at Tabqa the same time as another jour- ly sided with the “Sultan (AMN). On the 27th Erdogan nalist. The ANHA Agency Murad” faction and attacked even went to far as to assert to accused the Turks of having Ahrar al-Sharqiya, imposing a the Members of Parliament of “deliberately” aimed at these 2 curfew on the town. The fighting his own Party “There is no ISIS journalists. The US Air Force had already caused 25 deaths in in Syria”, talking about little also begun to patrol the borders both camps, and Ahrar al- gangs “disguised as jihadists” to prevent Turkish air strikes… Sharqiya was accused of much … (Newsweek) (AMN). plundering and stealing. The Turkish Minster of Agriculture The Americans, for their part, On the 6th the Turkish President had, moreover, recognised on after the increase in Turk-SDF described the joint US-SDF the 10th that olive trees stolen tensions, seem to be increasingly patrols as “unacceptable” — so from Afrin had then been sold in condemned to do the splits much so that he would ask his Turkey… On the 19th, a booby- between their anti-ISIS alliance American opposite number to trapped motorbike exploded in with the SDF forces in the field have them stopped when he the town, wounding 5 people, and their fear of offending would meet him in Paris during and fighting continued till the Turkey… On 1st November, in a the 11 November celebrations last week of the month, causing clear attempt to appease Turkey, (Reuters). On the 10th the Syrian more destruction and new civil- after months of “separate but co- Observatory for Human Rights ian deaths (WKI). The YPG also ordinated” patrols near Manbij, (SOHR) reported that, despite a claimed, at the end of the month the US have started joint patrols second joint Americano-Turkish the death of two members of the with the Turks in accordance patrol carried out on the 8th, “Sultan Murad” gang in an with a “road map” dated last some islamist armed groups ambush (AMN). June but since then kept pend- supported by Turkey shelled ing. Another gesture to Ankara: with their artillery the positions The Turks are clearly not going the US offered, on the 6th, of the Manbij Military Council, to limit themselves to Afrin in rewards of up to 5 million dol- as well as aiming at peasants Northern Syria. They are prepar- lars for information as to the working in their olive groves ing an all-out attack on Rojava, whereabouts of 3 major leaders (Kurdistan 24). under the indifferent eyes of the of the PKK, Murat Karayilan, West, as the France-Kurdistan Cemil Bayik and Duran Kalkan On the 21st the US Defence Association accused in a 1st (AFP). Secretaty, Jim Mattis, announced November communiqué that, to ensure that “SDF do not (Rojinfo). On the 3rd, the Turkish However, in parallel to this, withdraw again from the anti- Army launched a series of heavy Moustafa Balî, the officer in ISIS fight”, the US Army would artillery barrages on the town charge of the SDF media Centre, set up all along the border sever- and region of Kobanê, killing 4 indicated on the 2nd that al observation towers “clearly fighters of the Syrian Democratic American troops had started marked, day and night so that Forces (WKI). On the 5th, after a patrolling the borders near the Turks should know exactly 3-day pause, the shelling was Kobanê to prevent new Turkish where they were”. According to resumed, aimed this time, attacks. This was not immediate- Mattis, the decision had been according to the Syrian ly confirmed by the coalition made “in full cooperation with Observatory for Human Rights (Kurdistan 24), but in the field Turkey” (AFP). However, Turkey (SOHR), at Kobanê and Girê Spî the AFP reported that armoured was fast to criticise these towers, (Tell Abyad), killing a 6-year-old vehicles flying the American flag described as “useless” by the girl in a village near the latter were being escorted by the Turkish Minister of Defence, and obliging the school to be SDF… The Manbij Military Hulusi Akar (AFP), who also closed… The Syrian Democratic Council also published on the demanded, on the 23rd the carry- Council denounced these attacks 3rd the visit by the US ing out “by the end of the year” and called on the international Ambassador, William Roebuck, of the Manbij “roadmap”, so community to act, while demon- during which he visited the meaning the withdrawal of the strations took place throughout town’s hospital to meet Gulistan YPG from the town (Le Figaro). Rojava. As for the regime, the Mohammed, a young Kurdish On the 28th Mattis oddly enough Syrian Army has started to journalist working for the specified that the observation n° 404 • November 2018 Information and liaison bulletin • 3 • posts were aimed at “warning on the 4th 12 SDF fighters and 1 fighters, including 9 children, had the Turks (…) of any threats”, civilian were killed in Raqqa by a been killed by the coalition air while admitting they would also booby-trapped car and in other strikes… protect the SDF from any clashes near Hajin which caused Turkish attacks… (RT). On the 20 more wounded (SOHR), as On the 22nd the SDF and US 29th the State Department’s spe- ISIS had taken advantage of bad Special Forces announced hav- cial Representative for Syria, weather to launch a murderous ing captured Oussama Awaid al- James Jeffrey, while assuring counter attack (AFP). This attack Ibrahim (Oussama Oueid al- Turkey of US support against the came soon after the assassination, Saleh as AFP wrote it), ISIS’s sec- PKK, warned Ankara against on the 2nd, of a Raqqa Arab tribal ond in command after any unilateral action against the leader, Sheikh Bashir Faysal al- Aboubakir al-Bagdadi, the US’s Kurdish allies in Syria, all Huwaidi, a member of the City’s founder and “Caliph” of ISIS. He the more “unacceptable” as it Civil Council. On the 14th was found in a tunnel near the would endanger American army Moustafa Bali, manager of the village of al-Tayyana (WKI). On personnel (Breitbart News). On SDF Press Centre, announced that the 23rd the SDF announced that the 30th Ahmad Osman, the head of the jihadist cell at least 50 jihadists had been Commander of the “Sultan responsible for the operation had killed in the Hajin pocket in the Murad” Brigade declared, in an been arrested.
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