Matthew E. Smith, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Plant Pathology & Curator of the UF Fungal Herbarium (FLAS) University of Florida 2517 Fifield Hall Gainesville FL 32611-0680 Phone: +1.352.273.2837 Email: [email protected] Web: http://plantpath.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty/matthew-e-smith/ EDUCATION 2006 Ph.D. – Graduate Group in Ecology, University of California at Davis 1997 B.S. – Biological Sciences, University of California at Davis FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS, AND SCHOLARSHIPS 2017 u University of Florida Term Professorship Award (2017–2020) 2017 u SEC Travel Grant [$1930] 2016 u Alexopoulos Prize, Mycological Society of America [$1000] 2015 u University of Florida Excellence Award for Assistant Professors [$5000] 2012 u American Phytopathological Society travel award – Providence, RI [$500] 2012 u FESIN – N. America Mycoflora workshop grant – New Haven, CT [$900] 2010 u Duke Preparing Future Faculty Program – Duke University 2010 u FESIN Metagenomics Scholarship – Scotland, UK [$2,000] 2007–2009 u Farlow Postdoctoral Fellowship – Harvard University [$80,000] 2006 u North American Truffling Society – Student Scholarship [$1,000] 2005 u Mycological Society of America – Best Student Presentation [$1,000] 2003 u San Francisco Mycological Society – Student Scholarship [$500] 2001, 2002 u Sonoma Mycological Association – Student Scholarship [$500] GRANTS 2017 u University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences OSBS seed grant: “DNA barcoding the macrofungi of Ordway-Swisher: documenting biodiversity and building herbarium resources for the iconic fungi of north Florida ecosystems” PI: Smith ME. co- PI: Richter BS, Healy RA. [$48,356] 1 Matthew E. Smith Curriculum Vitae 2016 u National Science Foundation Grant, Systematics and Biodiversity Science Cluster: “Ambrosia beetles and fungi: a comprehensive global survey of an increasingly important symbiosis” PI: Hulcr J. co-PI: Smith ME. [$668,983] DEB-556283 2016 u CSP Community Sequencing Project, Joint Genome Institute, US Dept. of Energy: “Genomics of the early diverging lineages of fungi and their transition to terrestrial, plant- based ecologies”. Funded Proposal 1978 2015 u National Science Foundation Grant, Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections (ADBC): “Digitization TCN: Collaborative: The Microfungi Collections Consortium: A Networked Approach to Digitizing Small Fungi with Large Impacts on the Function and Health of Ecosystems” PI: Smith ME, Co-PIs: Brewer M, Kluse J. [$201,681] DBI- 1502763 2015 u National Science Foundation Grant, Genealogy of Life Cluster: “The Zygomycetes Genealogy of Life (ZyGoLife) – the conundrum of Kingdom Fungi” PI: James TY, co-PI: Smith ME. [$690,389] BIO-1441715 2015 u National Peanut Board, Southeastern Peanut Research Initiative – “Increasing our understanding of the population diversity of Sclerotium rolfsii, the white mold pathogen, in Southeastern peanut production areas” (PI: Dufault N, Co-PI: Smith ME) [$9,517] 2015 u University of Florida, Natural Area Teaching Lab (NATL) Minigrant – “NATL Lichen Biodiversity Survey”, co-advisor for Barry Kaminsky (MS Student, Biology) [$500] 2014 u National Science Foundation Grant, Systematics and Biodiversity Science Cluster: “Symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi in southern South America – macroecology and evolutionary history from community to landscape scale” PI: Smith ME, co-PI: Matheny PB. [$450,239] DEB-1354802 2014 u Southern Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE): “Propagation of the edible Pecan Truffle (Tuber lyonii) in pecan nurseries” PI: Smith ME, Collaborator: Tim Brenneman [$14,978] 2013 u University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Early Career Grant: “Elucidating the Biology and Ecology of the Pecan Truffle (Tuber lyonii) in Pecan Orchards of Florida and nearby Southeastern States.” PI: Smith ME. [$42,032] 2012 u University of Florida, Natural Area Teaching Lab (NATL) Minigrant – “Documenting the common macrofungi of the NATL reserve”, advisor for student consortium [$500] 2012 u Instructional Improvement Grant from University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences: “Modernizing the Infrastructure for Hands-On Laboratory Education in Plant Pathology“ – Matthew E. Smith (PI), Brantlee Richter (co-PI) [$10,000] 2011–2013 u National Science Foundation Grant to Advance Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC): “The Macrofungi Collection Consortium: Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs.” Principle Investigator Barbara Theirs at NYBG with collaborators at 35 fungal herbaria (Co-PI, N. Cellinese; senior personnel, M.E. Smith) [$31,428] 2 Matthew E. Smith Curriculum Vitae 2009–2011 u National Science Foundation Grant: “Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity of the Guiana Shield, South America (#0816695)” with co-author T. Henkel (California State University at Humboldt). PI for administrative purposes – R. Vilgalys (Duke University) [$580,000] 2007–2009 u Farlow Postdoctoral Research Grant – Harvard University [$10,000] 2006 u AH & HV Smith Research Fund – Mycological Society of America [$1,000] 2003 u Forest Ecology Research Award – Mycological Society of America [$1,000] PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS 89) Benny GL, Smith ME (2018) Notes on Syncephalis (Zoopgales, Zoopagomycota) from the Farlow Herbarium with the description of a new species, Syncephalis aethiopica. Mycologia. <Accepted Manuscript> 88) Alvarez-Manjarrez J, Garibay-Orijel R, Smith ME. (2017) Caryophyllales are the main hosts of a unique set of ectomycorrhizal fungi in a Neotropical dry forest. Mycorrhiza. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-017-0807-7 87) Healy RA, Horner HT, Bonito GM, McLaughlin DJ, Smith ME (2017) An ultrastructural study of spore wall development and septal pores in species of the Pachyphlodes (Pezizaceae, Pezizales) lineage, with a description of the new species Pachyphlodes annagardnerae. Mycological Progress. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-017-1348-3 88) Kuhar F, Smith ME, Mujic A(p), Truong C(p), Nouhra E. (2017) A systematic overview of Descolea (Agaricales) in the Nothofagaceae forests of Patagonia. Fungal Biology. 121(10): 876-889 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2017.06.006 87) Chuang S-C, Ho H-M, Tsai J-L, Reynolds N, Smith ME, Benny GL, Chien C-Y (2017) Preliminary phylogeny of Coemansia (Kickxellales) with the description of four new species from Taiwan. Mycologia. <Online Early> https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2017.1401892 86) Ge Z-W, Brenneman T, Bonito G, Smith ME. (2017) Soil pH and mineral nutrients strongly influence truffles and other ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with commercial pecans (Carya illinoinensis). Plant and Soil. 418(1-2): 493-505. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-017-3312-z 85) Desirò A, Rimington W, Jacob A, Vande Pol N, Smith ME, Trappe JM, Bidartondo MI, Bonito G (2017) Multigene phylogeny of Endogonales, an early diverging lineage of fungi associated with plants. IMA Fungus. 8(2): 245–257. doi:10.5598/imafungus.2017.08.02.03 84) Healy RH, Donald Pfister, Alija B. Mujic, Daniela Torres, Eduardo Nouhra, Guiliana Furci, Smith ME. (2017) Pseudotricharina lanigera, a new species from the Patagonian region of Argentina. Ascomycetes.org 9(4):135-138. 83) Truong C, Kuhar F, Kaplan Z, Smith ME. (2017) Out of Gondwana: Southern temperate Amanita lineages and the description of the first sequestrate species from the Americas. Fungal Biology 121(8): 638-651. doi: 10.1016/j.funbio.2017.04.006. 3 Matthew E. Smith Curriculum Vitae 82) Smith ME, Henkel TW, Williams GC, Aime MC, Fremier AK, Vilgalys R (2017) Investigating niche partitioning of ectomycorrhizal fungi in specialized rooting zones of the monodominant leguminous tree Dicymbe corymbosa. New Phytologist 215(1): 443-453 doi: 10.1111/nph.14570 81) Lazarus KL, Benny GL, Ho H-M, Smith ME (2017) Phylogenetic systematics of Syncephalis (Zoopagales, Zoopagomycotina), a genus of ubiquitous mycoparasites. Mycologia 109(2) :333-349. doi: 10.1080/00275514.2017.1307005. 80) Renolds NK Smith ME, Tretter ED, Gause J, Heeney D, Cafaro MJ, Smith JF, Novak SJ, Bourland WA, White MM (2017) Resolving relationships at the animal-fungal divergence: A molecular phylogenetic study of the protist trichomycetes (Ichthyosporea, Eccrinida). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 109: 447-464. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2017.02.007 79) Truong C, Mujic AB, Healy R, Kuhar F, Furci G, Torres D, Niskanen T, Sandoval-Leiva PA, Fernández N, Escobar JM, Moretto A, Palfner G, Pfister D, Nourha E, Swenie R, Sánchez-García M, Matheny PB, Smith ME. (2017) How to know the fungi: combining field inventories and DNA-barcoding to document fungal diversity. New Phytologist. 214(3) :913-919. DOI: 10.1111/nph.14509 78) Orihara T, Smith ME. (2017) Unique phylogenetic position of the African truffle-like fungus Octaviania ivoryana (Boletaceae, Boletales) and the proposal of a new genus, Afrocastellanoa. Mycologia. 108(2): 323-332. doi: 10.1080/00275514.2017.1301750doi/full/10.1080/00275514.2017.1301750 77) Kumar LM, Smith ME, Nouhra ER, Orihara T, Pfister DH, McLaughlin DJ, Healy RA (2017) A molecular and morphological re-examination of the generic limits of truffles in the Tarzetta-Geopyxis lineage - Paurocotylis, Hydnocystis, and Densocarpa. Fungal Biology. 121(3) :264–284. DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2016.12.004. 76) Sulzbacher MA, Grebnec T, Cabral TS, Gianchi AJ, Goto BT, Smith ME, Baseia IG. (2016) Restingomyces, a new sequestrate genus from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest that is phylogenetically related to early-diverging taxa in Trappeaceae
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