Histology of the regeneration of Paulownia tomentosa (Paulowniaceae) by organogenesis Mª del Carmen San José, Mª José Cernadas & Elena Corredoira Instituto de Investigaciones Agrobiológicas de Galicia, CSIC, Apartado 122, 15705 Santiago de Compostela, Spain; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Received 29-VII-2013. Corrected 07-XI-2013. Accepted 06-XII-2013. Abstract: Paulownia tomentosa is a fast-growing tree species with a considerable economic potential because of its value for wood as well as its high biomass production, and elevated stress tolerance. The objective of the pres- ent study was to evaluate the development of adventitious buds in leaves obtained from four-week-old shoots of P. tomentosa, in order to identify the cells involved in in vitro adventitious bud development. Leaves (proximal halves with the petiole) from the first node were excised from four-week-old micropropagated shoots, and cul- tured on Murashige and Skoog medium, supplemented with 3% (w/v) sucrose, 0.6% (w/v) Sigma agar, 22.7µM thidiazuron (TDZ) and 2.9µM indole-3-acetic acid for two weeks, explants were then transferred to the same medium with 0.44µM N6-benzyladenine for another four weeks. Five explants were collected daily during the two first weeks in TDZ treatment. A total of 140 samples were processed. Most of the buds developed indirectly from the callus formed in the petiole stub, and they became visible after eight-ten days of culture, although some buds were also observed in the area of the laminar cut at the level of the veins. The first histological changes could be observed after two-three days of culture, with the dedifferentiation of some subepidermal and inner parenchyma cells, which exhibited a large, prominent nucleus, densely-stained cytoplasm and a high nucleus- to-cell area ratio. Proliferation of these cells gives rise to meristemoid formation after seven-ten days of culture. Organized cell division in meristemoids allows the formation of bud primordia that emerged from the explants surface. The progressive structural differentiation of the apical meristem, leaf primordia, and procambium strands, led to formation of complete buds that were observed in the exterior of the explants after 10-15 days of culture. Direct development of buds from cells in the subepidermic and/or epidermic layers were observed on the adaxial surface of the petiole. This protocol may be a useful tool for the application of genetic transformation techniques, as it enables to determine specific regions in the foliar explants where the meristemoids formation will take place, and therefore to determine which cells should be the object of genetic transformation. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (2): 809-818. Epub 2014 June 01. Key words: bud induction, histological analysis, organogenesis, Paulownia tomentosa, TDZ. The search for new sources of energy is gasoline, is obtained from the fermentation of currently of great interest. One potentially sugars from sugar cane, beet or cereals such promising option is the use of plant biomass as wheat, corn, or barley (Balat, Balat, & Öz, or production of biofuels like bioethanol and 2008). However, biofuels should be obtained biodiesel, which are renewable and do not from primary materials that are not also used as contribute to climate change (Mandpe, Kad- foodstuff, to prevent the price of such materials laskar, Degen, & Keppeler, 2005). Oil-based increasing and to make use of soils that would feedstock or biodiesel can be produced from otherwise not be used for agricultural pur- vegetable oils obtained from agricultural plants poses. In this context, lignocellulosic biomass such as rapeseed, sunflower, soybean, oil palm materials constitute a substantial renewable and groundnut (Johnson, Eswaran, & Sujatha, substrate for bioethanol production that do not 2011). Bioethanol, with features similar to compete with food production and animal feed Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (2): 809-818, June 2014 809 (Limayem & Ricke, 2012). Paulownia tomen- to produce regenerated transgenic plants. The tosa Steud., a lignocellulosic energy crop, is major prerequisite for genetic transformation used to produce electricity, although species through Agrobacterium tumefaciens is the of this genus are being considered for the pro- availability of a reliable plant regeneration duction of biofuels (López, Pérez, Zamudio, system and a suitable method of transforma- De Alva, & García, 2012). This species is tion (Chateau, Sangwan, & Sanhgwan-Norreel, becoming economically important because of 2000; Chovelon, Restier, Giovinazzo, Dogi- its marketable value for wood and high bio- mont, & Aarrouf, 2011). An understanding of mass production as a result of its rapid growth the regeneration process and the identification in a wide variety of soil types, as well as its of the optimal target tissue is essential for the resistance to pathogens, and elevated stress success of genetic engineering techniques. It is tolerance (Bergmann, 1998; Corredoira, Ball- therefore very important to locate and identify ester, & Vieitez, 2008; Doumett et al., 2008). the cells involved in and responsible for in Paulownia is also useful because of its high vitro plant organogenesis. Despite the large transpiration rates, widespread root system, number of reports on in vitro plant regenera- and elevated tolerance to high concentrations tion of Paulownia species via organogenesis, of metals in both hydroponic and field stud- the scant histological data available does not ies, and is a good candidate for the phytore- provide a good understanding of the process. mediation of polluted soils (Doumett et al., The purpose of the present study was there- 2008). The species is also used for the land fore to identify the cells involved in in vitro reclamation of nutrient-poor soils (Marcotri- adventitious bud development in leaf explants giano & Jagannathan, 1988), as a fast growing derived from a mature P. tomentosa tree. This ornamental tree (Castellanos-Hernández et al., may lead to a better understanding of in vitro 2009), and its leaves and flowers can be used development and may be particularly useful for for medicinal purposes, they are rich in nitro- micropropagation and genetic transformation gen, serving as good fertilizer and fodder (Zhu, of this species. Chao, Lu, & Xiong, 1986). A prerequisite for genetic improvement MATERIAL AND METHODS of this biofuel feedstock plant (Kausch et al., 2010) is the establishment of an efficient Plant material and culture conditions: transformation system. The use of transgenic Crown branches of a 17-year-old P. tomentosa tools to improve plant feedstock are required tree were collected in May and cut into 25-30cm in order to diversify the energy sources, and to segments. The branch segments were forced to obtain plants that produce cellulases or ligni- flush by placing them upright in flats of moist- nases, plants with lower lignin content or with ened perlite in a growth chamber at 25ºC and increased biomass, suitable for producing bio- 90% relative humidity under a 16-h photope- fuel (Beltrán, 2008). Although in vitro regener- riod. After three weeks the flushed shoots were ated plants of P. tomentosa have been obtained surface sterilized and nodal segments and shoot by propagation of axillary shoots (Burger, tips were inoculated in Murashige & Skoog 1989; Song, Sato, Saito, & Kihachiro, 1989) medium (MS) (1962) supplemented with 30g/L and organogenesis (Rao, Goh, & Kumar, 1996; sucrose, 6g/L Sigma agar (basal medium) and Yang, Ho, Chen, & Chang, 1996; Bergmann 8.9µM N6-benzyladenine (BA). The develop- & Moom, 1997; Corredoira et al., 2008), these ment shoot were multiplied by axillary shoot regeneration systems have not been developed development on basal medium supplemented into efficient genetic transformation protocols. with 0.88µM BA (proliferation medium) (Cor- Attempts in our laboratory to transform Pau- redoira et al., 2008). In vitro shoots were lownia tissues by kanamycin selection have maintained by subcultures every four weeks produced transgenic calluses, but have failed on a shoot proliferation medium. Leaves from 810 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (2): 809-818, June 2014 the first node were excised from four-week-old dehydrated tissue was infiltrated by transfer micropropagated shoots and were cut transver- to paraffin wax: n-butanol (1:1, v/v) at 58ºC sally across the midvein. The proximal halves, for 48h, and then to 100% paraffin wax at with two-three mm of the petiole attached, 58ºC for 48h. The paraffin wax infiltrated were then placed in 90x150mm Petri dishes tissue was transferred to metal embedding (10 explants per dish) containing 25mL of basal moulds with melted paraffin wax, and the tis- medium supplemented with 22.7μM thidiazur- sue sample was solidified at room temperature. on (TDZ) and 2.9μM indol-3-acetic acid (IAA) Sections (10μm) were cut on a Reichert-Jung for two weeks, and then transferred to medium rotary microtome, and were later stained with with 0.44μM BA for another four weeks. All safranin-fast green (Jensen, 1962) or with culture media were brought to pH 5.6 before PAS-naphthol blue-black (O´Brien & McCully, autoclaving at 121ºC for 20min. 1981). The stained sections were mounted with The cultures were maintained in a cli- Euckit® and the photomicrographs were taken matized growth chamber with photoperiodic with a Nikon-FXA microscope equipped with lighting. White light of radiant flux density of 2 an Olympus DP71 digital camera. Macroscopic 30μmol/m .s was provided by fluorescent tubes features were observed in a stereo microscope (Mazdafluor 7D TF 36w/LJ), for a period of (Olympus SZX9) and photographed with an 16h. The temperature was maintained at 25ºC Olympus DP10 digital camera. during the 16 hours of light, and at 20ºC during the eight hours of darkness. RESULTS Histological procedure: The proximal halves of the foliar explants were collected Morphological appearance: First mor- daily during the two week period in culture phological changes in the leaves were observed medium containing TDZ.
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