Provides articles, surveys, book reviews, notes on current activities and plans for new international organizations, changes of address, together with International • the International Congress Calendar, and • the " Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings " (monthly). Associations Each issue contains 76-150 pages. Bilingual (English/French) Annual subscription: (Calendar year); US$11; 75/-; BF 450 is published by the UNION OF INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Comité de Direction de l´UAI : Executive Council : Autres publications : Other publications : Président : President : • Yearbook of International Organizations - 11th edition, F A CASADIO, Directeur, Societa Italiana per l´Orga- 1966-67 (English) nizzazione Internazionale (Italie); • Petit répertoire des organisations internationales, Vice-Présidents : Vice-Présidents : liste alphabétique en langue française avec adresses. Sir Ramaswami MUDALIAR, President India Steamship Company (India); • International Initialese, 2nd edition with supplement. Pierre VASSEUR, Secrétaire général honoraire de la • Select Bibliography on International Organization Chambre de Commerce Internationale (France); (1985-1964), by G P Speeckaert. Membres : Members : Bibliographie sélective sur l'organisation internatio- nale (1885-1964) par G P Speeckaert. Th CAVALCANTI. Président de l'Institut de Droit Public de la Fondation Getulio Vargas (Brésil); • Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings Etienne de la VALLEE POUSSIN, Sénateur, Délégué held In 1957, 1958, 1959 (3 volumes). belge à l'Assemblée Consultative du Conseil de Bibliographie des comptes rendus des réunions l'Europe (Belgique); internationales tenues en 1957, 1958, 1959 (3 vol). Dr Mohamed Aly RIFAAT (RAU). Secrétaire général de l'Organisation Afro-Asiatique de Coopération Econo- • Yearbook of International Congress Proceedings mique; 1960-68 (in preparation). S ROKKAN, Director of Research, Chr Michelsen • International Congress Science Series : 7 volumes in Institut (Norway); English and French editions. T KOTARBINSKI, Ancien Président de l'Académie Collection " La science des congrès internationaux ": Polonaise des Sciences (Pologne); 7 volumes parus en éditions française et anglaise. Louis VERNIERS, Secrétaire général honoraire du Ministère de l'Education nationale (Belgique); • Documents for the study of international non govern- mental relations (14 volumes issued). Secrétaire Général : Secretary-General : Documents pour servir à l'étude des relations interna- Georges Patrick SPEECKAERT, Docteur en droit; tionales non gouvernementales (14 brochures parues). Trésorier Général : General Treasurer : Roland RAINAUT (France). La liste détaillée des publications sera envoyée sur Secrétariat générât : General Secrétariat : demande. Full list will be sent on request. 1. rue aux Laines, Bruxelles 1. tél. 11.83.96 12 numéros par an, chacun de 76 à 150 pages, contenant Associations des articles, des études, des chroniques, des statisti- ques, des recensions bibliographiques, Pannonce de création ou de projets de création d'organisations internationales internationales, les changements d'adresse des orga- nisations internationales et • le " International Congress Calendar " et • la " Bibliographie courante des Documents, Comptes Rendus et Actes des Réunions inter- nationales " (mensuelle) est publiée par Edition bilingue (français-anglais) Abonnement annuel : 450 FB. 45 FF, 40 FS UNION DES ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES 1, RUE AUX LAINES, BRUXELLES 1. Publications of the Union of International Associations Documents essential for reference and research work on — international organizations; — international meetings; — international publications. A. - Order for series on international documentation already published 1st series — INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 10 subscriptions for 1968 for the monthly illustrat ed magazine « International Associations », which now includes the annual International Congress Calendar (with monthly suppl ements) and the Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports and Procee- dings of International Meetings. Approx 1,000 pages per annum. 25 x 20 cm. 10 x $ 11 $ 110 10 Yearbook of International Organizations (11th an d most recent edition), 1,008 pages, 26 x 21 cm. 10 x $ 20 $ 200 10 International Initialese, 64 pages. 10 x $ 2 $ 20 $ 330.00 or £ 118.0.0 2nd series — BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND HISTORY 1. International Congresses 1681 to 1899. Full list. 76 pages. 2. International Congresses 1900 to 1919. Full list. 144 pages. 3. Select Bibliography on International Organizat ions (1885-1964). 160 pages. 4. Bibliography of Proceedings of international Meetings (annual) Volume I , in 1957, 388 pages Volume II , in 1958, 398 pages Volume 111, in 1959, 320 pages ——————————— $ 41.00 or £ 13.10.0 3rd series — INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1. International Co-operation and You. 96 pages. (Separate En- glish, French and Dutch editions). 2. Facilitation problems of international associa tions. The legal, fiscal and administrative facilities of international non-govern- mental organizations. An international and comparat ive law, organization and policy study. 170 pages. 3. Freedom of association. A study of the role of international non-governmental organizations in the development p rocess of emerging countries. 97 pages. 306 ASSOCIATIONS INTERNATIONALES, 1968, N° 5 4. The relations between Unesco and the non-gover nmental organi- zations. 115 pages. 5. Relations between the Council of Europe and in ternational non- governmental organizations. 79 pages. —————————— $ 12.50 or £ 4.5.0 4th series — INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES The 7 volumes already published in the « Internatio nal Congress Science » Series : English edition (634 pages), Fre nch edition 658 pages). Plus the work « Location and Economic Consequences of Interna- tional Congresses » (134 pages) —————————— $ 28.— or £ 9.16.0 B. - Annual all-inclusive order For all publications of the Union of Internation al Associations appearing during 1968, comprising among others: 1. The monthly illustrated magazine «International Associations», including the annual International Congress Calenda r (with monthly supplements) and the Bibliographical Curren t List of Papers, Reports and Proceedings of International Me etings, etc. : approx. 1,000 pages per annum. 2. Every two years (the next edition to be publis hed at the end of 1968), the «Yearbook of International Organizations» (over 1,000 pages) and the « Yearbook of International Congress Procee- dings » (about 750 pages). 3. Works to be published in the « Documents for t he Study of International Non-Governmental Relations» series (1 5 volumes already published) and in the « Congress Science » series (7 volumes already published, each in English and Fren ch editions). 4. Various other works, such as International Initialese, the Direc- tory of Periodicals Published by International Organizations, etc. Total annual subscription . $ 100. 00 or £ 42.0.0 Note — Each series can be ordered separately or in varyi ng quantities. — A complete collection of the four series costs $ 411 or £ 145.11.0. — This collection of publications which appeared pr ior to 31 December 1967, plus an order for all 1968 publications, amounts to US $ 5 1.1.— or £ 187.11.0. — Cost of dispatch by post is included in the above -mentioned prices. — A detailed description of the books will be found in the printed list of publications of the Union of International Associations, which will be sent on request. Secretariat General of the U.A.I.: 1, rue aux Laines, Brussels 1, Belgium. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS, 1968, No S 307 International Associations Internationales 20° A N N E E 1968 20th Y E A R M A I 5 M A Y Sommaire Contents Les participations nationales aux organisations internationales . 312 Les ONG et l'élaboration des conventions intergouvemementales . 323 NGO contribution to inter-governmental agreements (summary) . 325 CHRONIQUES SURVEYS Congressalia . 326 Informations officielles sélectionnées à l'intention des ONG par les principales organisations intergouvemementales — Officiai information compiled by the principal inter-governmental organizations for the benefit of NGO's . 353 IAEA . 353 OCDE . 355 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL CURRENT LIST OF PAPERS, REPORTS AND PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL MEETINGS . 339 BIBLIOGRAPHIE COURANTE DES DOCUMENTS, COMPTES RENDUS ET ACTES DES REUNIONS INTERNATIONALES . 339 Combined subscriptions to UAI publications . 306 Courrier des lecteurs . 351 Fifth supplement to the Annual International Congress Calendar, 1968 edition. Cinquième supplément au Calendrier annuel des réunions internationales, éd. 1968 359 (Les opinions exprimées dans les articles signés ne reflètent pas nécessairement les vues de l'UAI.) [The views expressed in the signed articles do not necessarily reflect those of the UAL] MENSUEL publié par Published MONTHLY by Union des Associations Internationales Union of International Associations Annual subscription: $ 11 or 75/- Editor, Administration : 1, rue aux Laines, Brussels 1 (Belgium) UK Business Office : Mrs. Fay Pannell, 184 Fleet Street, London EC 4 Advertising manager : Roger Ranson, 35, boulevard de la R épublique, St Cloud, Seine-eNOise (France) Abonnement 1 an : 450 FB, 45 NF, 40 FS Rédaction, Administration : 1, rue aux Laines, Bruxelles 1 (Belgique) UK Business Office : Mrs. Fay Pannell, 184 Fleet Street, London EC 4 Délégué, Direction de la publicité : Roger Ranson 35, boulevard de la République, St Cloud, Seine-et-Oise (France) INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS,
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