Mevé épidém.rt, hebd. | 1964, 39, 361-380 N ' 31 Wkly Epidem.n. Ree. f ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GENÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notifications et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the do Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de la Quarantaine internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique: EPIDNAUONS, GENÈVE Telegraphic address: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE 31 JUILLET 1964 39‘ ANNÉE — 39* YEAR 31 JULY 1964 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES QUARANTENABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés au 30 juillet 1964 Infected areas as on 30 July 1964 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence o f quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 353). diseases was reported (see page 353). B = Ciiconsdipüons ou territoires notifiés aux termes de Vartide 3 à la B ss Areas notified under Artide 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des artides 4» S et 9 a): under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A during the period indicated under the heading o f each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; B = prior to the period indicated under the heading o f each disease; * == territoires nouvellement infectés. * — newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGUE ÉQUATEXm — ECUADOR CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Karimnagar. District • . a 13.11 Manabi, Province * Kumool, District .... B 11.VII 12-30.vn Mahbubnagar, District . a 17.VII 12-3Q.VU Portoviejo, Canton Medak, District ... a 28.m Asie — Asia . Portoviejo, Parr................. b 1.XII.62 * Nalgonda, District B U.VII Afrique — Africa Nellore, District .... a 13.11 Nizamabad, District . a S.XI1.63 Sucre, Canton BIRMANIE — BURMA Visakhapatnam, District. a S.V.63 CONGO (LtopoldvlUe) Charapoto, Parr................. ■ i.xn.62 Akyab (PA) West Godavari. District . a 27.3^.S9 Kivu, Province San Vicente, Parr. ■ 1.XU.62 (ejicl. airport) .... ■ 10.VIU.63 Assam, State Moulmein ( P ) ................. b 20.IX.63 Nord-KivUg District Sibsagar, District ... a I8.IV Rangoon (PA) (excl. air­ Lubno, Terr....................... B 22.1V port) ............................. ■ 4.VI.63 Bihar, State PÉROU — PERU Orientate, Province Arakan, Division Bhagalpur, District ... a 3.VHI.63 Akyab, District . ■ 20.IX.63 Darbhanga, District . a 8.IV Kibaii-ituri, District Amazonas, Dep. Muzaffarpur, District . ■ 9.V.61 Djugu, T err...................... B 4.V Bagua, Province Mandalay, Division Patna, D istrict................. ■ 20.V.63 La Feca, District «... B 27.VI Mandalay, D.: Mandalay A 18.VII Pumea, District .... ■ 23.XT.63 Meiktila, District . B 11.VII Santal Parganos, District, a 3.VIII.63 SUD-OUEST AFRICAIN Pegu, Division Shahabad, District ... ■ 7.EX.63 SOUTH-WEST AFRICA Hanthawaddy, District. B 11.VII Guirat, State Ovamboland» District . B25.VI Asie — Asia Insein, D istrict................. A 25.VTI Baroda, District .... a li.V I ♦ InselnD.: Insein .... A 2S.VH Bhavnagar, District ... a 4.VII Tenasservn, Division Surat, D istr ic t.................. a ll.V I INDE — INDIA Amherst, District .... A 18.VII Madhya Pradesh, State Amirique — America Andhra Pradesh, State Karen, State .... b 20.1X.63 * Bastar, D istrict................. ■ 19.VII Bilaspur, District .... a 27.V Chittoor, District .... a 17.V1U.6 Morena, District . ■ 20.VU BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA CAMBODGE — CAMBODIA Raigarh, District .... ■ 29.V Koh Kong, Province . b 27.VI Madras, State Chuquisaca, Dep, VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU Chingleput, District ... a 30.XI.63 Tomina, Province VIET-NAM, REP. OF Coimbatore, District . a 14.1X.63 Tabacal,Canton .... INDE — IN D U B 3I.V Dalat ( A ) ......................... B i i .v n Kanyakumari, District . a 28.1X.63 Calcutta (PA) » ..................b 17.10.56 Santa Cruz, Dep, Nhatrang (PA) .... B 4 .v n North Arcot, District . ■ 25JC62 Nagpur ( A ) .............................18.VI Ramanathapuram, Cordillera, Province Saigon (PA exclus) . B 4.V1I • Saigon (PA) (Aéroport Andhra Pradesh, State D istr ict......................... a 26.X.63 Boynibe, Canton .... B 30.V exclu).............................. A25.VII Anantapur, District ... b 4.VH South Axcot, District • . ■ 31.1.63 Chittoor, District .... a 29.11 Tanjore, District .... ■ 10.Vm.63 Gia^Dinh, Province Cuddappah. District . a 10.V11I.63 Tinmelveli, District ... a 10.vm.63 Guntur. Distnet . ■ 3LX1L59 BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Phunhuan. District . A is .v n Mfdiarashtro, State HydCTabad, District. a 7.11.63 Thuduc, District .... B i i .v n Ahmednagar, District . « a ) .VH.63 Alagoas, State Akola, D istrict.................. ■ 30. VI «Falmeira dos Indios, Dep* B23.VI ^ A rexdusioD de la circonscription de Amraoti, District .... a 14.V ••Paulo Jadnto, D ^ . B 12.VI Khanh-Hoa, Province Taéroport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Aurangabad, District • • a 18.IU Qiiebraogulo, Dep. B 31.V Dienkhanh, District . • B 4.VII local area o f Dum Dum airport. Bbandara, District ... a 15. VII — 362 Bhir, District..................... ■ 19JC.63 PHILIPPINES Amérique — America CONGO (LéopoldvUle) Buldhaoa. District . ■ 14.m Davao ( P ) ......................... • 6. VI Albertville (PA) .... East Khandesh. District . ■ 13.vn.63 BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA a 7.VÆ Manila (PA) (excL airport) ■ 12.VII.63 Boma(P) .......................... ■ 23:1« Kolaba. District .... ■ 27.V ÎMzon, Group La Paz, Dep, L6opoldriUe(PA) .... Nagpur. District .... ■ 20.1X8 ■ 14.V Nor Yungas, Province M atadi(P)......................... Nanded. District .... B n . v n P a sa y .................................. ■ 27.V1I.63 ■ 25J08 Caranari, Canton . • • . A 8.V StanleyriUe (A ) ................. Osmanabad. District . ■ 30.VI Q u e z o n .............................. ■ 13.vn.63 ■ 27.113 Parbhani. District . ■ 24.VI . Bataan, Prov. (excl, Limay Santa Cruz, Dep. Equateur, Province . • 6Xâ Poona, District................. ■ 30.VI (P))................................. ■ n . v n Ickilo, Province Kasai, Province . ■ 6.X«! Batangas, Prov. («td. Ratna^il, District. ■ 3.V1 Buena Vista, Canton . A 31.V Katanga, Province. B27.V1 Satara North, District . ■ 16.XII.63 Bauan (P ))..................... ■ 13.VI Bulacan, Province . ■ 13.VIL63 Kivu, Province . BI3.VI Satara South. District . ■ 13.XI.63 BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Sholapur. D i ^ c t . B n . v n Camaiines Sur, Province ■ 6.VI Mato Grosso, State Stu^Kivu, District Tbana. D istrict................. B 20.VI Camarines Sur, Piov.: BukavuiTerr...................... ■ 18.VU N a g a .............................. ■ 4.VU Barra do Bugres, Dep. A 4.V Wardha, District .... ■ 7 .v n « Coxim, Dep........................ A 9.VI LéopoldvUte, Province ■ 18.VU West Khandesh. D istrict. ■ 3.IU »Cavite, Prov. (excl. San- gley Point (P)) .... ■ ll.V II ♦ Mutum, Dqp....................... B23.IV Orientale, Province . B27.VI Yeotmal, District .... ■ 25.V Kibidi-iturU District Laguna, Province .... ■ 30.V COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Mysore^ State Mindoro occidental, Prov. ■ 20.VI Bunia.Tert.......................... ■ 29.IXÌ1 Belgaum, District. B20.V I ♦ Mindoro oriental, Prov. Caldas, Dep. Bellaiy, District .... ■ 22.VI (excl. Calapan (P) & ♦ La Norcasia, M. A IZVI CÔTE D ’IVOIRE — IVORY COiST Bidai, D is tr ic t................. B 13.VI Pinamalayan (P)) . ■ ll.V II ♦ Victoria, M . ..................... A 18.V I Kcrhogo, Cercle Bijapur, District .... « 24.in Nueva Ecija, Province. ■ 27.V1 Caqueta, Intendencia A 26.V I Ferkessédougou, Subdiv. B22.VI Chitaldnig, District . ■ 25.V Nucva Ecija, Prov.: Dharwar, District. ■ 4.VH Cabanatuan................. ■ 13.VI PÉROU — PERU DAHOMEY Gulbarga, District. ■ n .v i Pampanga, Province . ■ 9.V Huancaveîica, Dep. Centre Dép. Préf. Mandya, District .... ■ 21.IV Rizal, Prov. (excl. Manila Tayacaja, Province Abom<^, Cire. méd. B16.VI Raicbur, District .... ■ ll.V I (A)) . ■ 6.vn.63 Tumkur, District .... ■ 22.n * Huachocolpa, District . B22.IV Zafanado, CHre. méd. B 2VI Rizal, Prov. ;Caloocan . ■ 13.VIL63 * Surcubamba, District . B 16.IV Orissa^ State Mindanao, Croup ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.VJI Balasore, District .... ■ i .x n .61 Huanaco, Dep. Davao, Prov. (excl. port) ■ 6.VI GABON Cuttack, District .... ■ 8.1I.S8 Zamboanga del Norte, Huamalies, Province Canjam, District .... ■ 30.VII.62 Prov.................................. ■ 20. VI hfonzon. District .... B18.m N ’Gounié, Région . B27.VI Koraput, D istrict.... B 13.VI Zamboanga del Norte, Huanaco, Provintx Ogooué Maritime, Région A ll.VD Puri, D istrict................ ■ 14.in Prov.: Dapitan .... ■ 16.V Huanuco, District . A 7.VI Sundergarh, District . ■ 29.U GHANA Vlsayas, Group Leoncio Prado, Province Eastern Region TVipuro, TerTitory . ■ 25.V.59 Cebu, Prov. (excl. port) . ■ 4 .v n Damaso Baraun, District A 20.V Western Akim, District . ■ 22.VI Uttar Pradeshf State THAÏLANDE — THAILAND José Crespo y Castillo, D. A 3.V Bañaras (Varanasi), Bangkok (cxcl. PA) . , B ll.V II Padre Luyando, District . B 8.IV GUINÉE — GUINEA D istr ic t.................... ■ is .v n Chachoengsao, Province . A
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