Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Table S1: Overview of green roof (= GR) studies involving wild bee species assessment Location Time Roof type Survey Species # species Research Reference span method level ID Question(s) (Y/N) European Studies Baden- 1990 - “Pflegeloses Pan traps Y 19 Green roofs as (Riedmiller Wuerttemberg, 1992 Pflanzendach” secondary habitat 1991; Germany experimental Schneider & extensive roof Riedmiller (only one layer, 1992; no drainage) Riedmiller & Schneider 1993) Berlin (7 roofs) April- Green roofs of Pan traps Y (list 51 Influence of the (Köhler and September different ages not number of plant 2014) Neubrandenburg 2013 (n=12) provided) species on the (5 roofs), number of bee Germany species Bingen, July- Extensive GR Observation N N/A Comparison of (Hietel 2016 Germany September (n=5) and gravel insect abundancy, summarizing 2014 and roofs (n=4) density/m² and information June- diversity from Kaiser August 2014; 2015 Kuhlmann 2015) 1 Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Böblingen/ mainly Extensive to Netting and Y 49 Assessment of (Mann 1994) Sindelfingen, May- intensive GR hand the arthropod Germany August (n=4 capturing spectrum on 1992 (two days differently each, 1-2h) planted GR Böblingen, Extensive (n=4) Pan traps Y (list N/A Faunistic (Mann Germany and and intensive and Netting not assessment on 1996a, Linz, Austria (n=3) GR provided) different roof 1996b) types Basel, Luzern, 2004 - Extensive GR Pan traps Y 77 Wild bees on (Brenneisen St Gallen, 2005 (n=18) and extensive GRs; 2005) Zurich, observation no comparison to Switzerland ground-level habitats (reference samples lost due to disturbance) St Gallen, 2011 - GR (n=8), Observation, Y 44 Feasibility of (Brenneisen Tessin, Vallis, 2013 spontaneous GR Netting nesting aids for et al. 2014, Switzerland (n=1), non-GR (max 4x per ground-nesting summarizing (n=3) year, 30 min species on GRs information each) from Kälin 2005; Kessler 2010; Käppeli 2010; Zehnder 2011) 2 Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Hannover, June-July GR (n=10): Netting, 1x Y 28 Wild bees and (Witt 2016) Germany 2015 extensive Sedum- June and 1x wasps on GRs roofs (n=3), some July shrubs (n=2), intensive roofs London, UK Summer- GR (Sedum, n=3) Pan traps Y 22 Invertebrate (Kadas Autumn and conservation and 2006) 2004 brown/biodiverse habitat roofs (n=2) mitigation; Comparison of green (Sedum) roofs, brown/biodiverse roofs and brownfields London, UK N/A Extensive GR Suction Y N/A Invertebrate (Jones 2002) (n=8) sampler 9 survey hymenopterans Northern France 11 April - Moss/Sedum, Hand- Y 18 spider, true bug, (Madre et al. 7 June herbaceous layer sampling beetle and 2013) 2011 and shrubs (roofs with pill hymenopteran (n=115) bottles abundance and species richness Stuttgart, June-July Intensive (n=1) Pan traps N 4 Height limitation (Mann 2005) Wuerzburg, 2005 and extensive of invertebrates Germany (n=2) GR on skyscrapers 3 Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Vienna, Austria March – Intensive and Netting Y 91 Species (Kratschmer September extensive GR composition and 2015) 2014 (n=9) abundances on GR, influence of vegetation and surrounding area Zurich, May - Extensive GR Pan traps, Y (list 126 Habitat (Braaker et Switzerland September (n=40) non- not connectivity by al. 2014, 2010 directional provided) GR for taxa of 2017) traps different mobility North American Studies Chicago, US June – GR dominated by 3x 15 min Y 18 Comparison of (Tonietto et October native plants observation, GR with tallgrass al. 2011) 2008 (n=2) or Sedum netting, prairie and city- (n=4) pan traps park green spaces Chicago, US Three N/A (n=3) Pan traps N N/A Pollen limitation (Ksiazek et month on GR compared al. 2012) to ground-level sites Chicago, US 2 years Intensively Pan traps Y 26 Species (Ksiazek et maintained to composition on al. 2014) extensive roofs GRs (n=7) Halifax, Nova May – Established (>8) Pan traps N (only Comparison of (MacIvor & Scotia, US October intensive roofs (> morpho- GR and ground- Lundholm 2009 30 cm growth species) level habitats 2011) medium) 4 Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Halifax, Nova June- Native planted Netting Y 24 Comparison of (Walker Scotia, US August GR (n=2) green roof, urban 2016) 2014 and coastal barrens habitats Michigan, US June – Sedum GR (n=2) Netting Y 1 Arthropod survey (O’Brien, July 2010 of Michigan Swanson, & Monsma, 2012) Toronto, Canada 2004 – Actively seeded Pan traps Y 79 Diversity and (Colla et al. 2006 (n=1) and abundance of 2009) passively seeded bees 0n GR in (n=1) GR comparison to ground-level sites Toronto, Canada 5 days in Green Roof Netting Y 17 Pollen analysis of (MacIvor et June and Innovation urban bees al. 2015) July Testing Lab visiting Sedum (University of on green roofs Toronto) Toronto, Canada 2011 - Vegetated and Trap nests Y 11 Nesting activity (MacIvor, 2013 non-vegetated of bees on GR 2016) roofs (n=29) depending on building height Upper Midwest July - Extensive (n=1) Netting N 59 morpho- Rapid (Coffman & Great lakes (MI, August and intensive species of biodiversity Waite 2011) OH), US 2004 (n=1) roof insects assessment from presence-absence and relative abundance data 5 Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Other studies Chiba City, May- 150 m² biotope Observation Y 3 Plant (Nagase & Japan November roof, 8 years (7 x 3h), development and Nomura 2010 netting, pan invertebrate 2014) traps colonization after 8 years 1 2 References 3 Braaker, S., Ghazoul, J., Obrist, M.K., Moretti, M. (2014) Habitat connectivity shapes urban arthropod communities: the key 4 role of green roofs. Ecology 95, 1010–1021. 5 Braaker, S., Obrist, M.K., Ghazoul, J., Moretti, M. (2017) Habitat connectivity and local conditions shape taxonomic and 6 functional diversity of arthropods on green roofs. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 521–531. 7 Brenneisen, S. (2005) The natural roof (NADA). Research project report of the use of extensive green roofs by wild bees. 8 University of Wädenswil, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 9 Brenneisen, S., Käppeli, S., Schneider, R. (2014) Förderung gefährdeter Wildbienen auf Flachdächern - Forschungsprojekt im 10 Mandat für Pro Natura. https://www.zhaw.ch/no_cache/en/research/people-publications-projects/detail-view- 11 project/projekt/1835/ (accessed April 10, 2017). 12 Coffman, R.R., Waite, T. (2011) Vegetated roofs as reconciled habitats: rapid assays beyond mere species counts. Urban 13 Habitats 6 (electronic journal). http://www.urbanhabitats.org/v06n01/vegetatedroofs_full.html 14 Colla, S.R., Willis, E., Packer, L. (2009) Can green roofs provide habitat for urban bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)? Cities and 15 the Environment 2(4), 1–12. 16 Hietel, E. (2016) Biodiversität begrünter Dächer. Ergebnisse eines Forschungsprojektes der Forschungsinitiative RLP. Pages 17 13–16 14. Internationales FBB-Gründachsymposium 2016 - Tagungsband. Ditzingen, Germany. 18 Jones, R.A. (2002) Tecticolous invertebrates: a preliminary investigation of the invertebrate fauna on green roofs in urban 19 London. English Nature, London. 20 Kadas, G. (2006) Rare invertebrates colonizing green roofs in London. Urban Habitats 4, 66–86. 21 Kaiser, C. (2014) Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen der extensiven Dachbegrünung auf lokale Biodiversität und 22 Mikroklima. Bachelorarbeit. FH Bingen, Bingen, Germany. 23 6 Hofmann, M., and S. S. Renner. Bee species recorded between 1992 and 2017 from green roofs in Asia, Europe, and North America, with key characteristics and open research questions. Apidologie. Online supporting material, Tables S1 and S2 Kälin, M. (2005) Wildbienen auf begrünten Dachflächen – Substrate und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Wildbienenfauna. 24 Semesterarbeit. Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 25 Käppeli, S. (2010) Wildbienen auf begrünten Dächern – Fördermöglichkeiten für gefährdete Arten? Semesterarbeit. Züricher 26 Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 27 Kessler, C. (2010) Wildbienen auf begrünten Dächern – Fördermöglichkeiten für gefährdete Arten? Semesterarbeit. Züricher 28 Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 29 Ksiazek, K., Fant, J., Skogen, K. (2012) An assessment of pollen limitation on Chicago green roofs. Landscape and Urban 30 Planning 107, 401–408. 31 Ksiazek, K., Tonietto, R., Ascher, J.S. (2014) Ten bee species new to green roofs in the Chicago area. The Michigan 32 Entomological Society 47, 87–92. 33 Köhler, M. (2014) Untersuchungen zur Biodiversität begrünter Dächer. Pages 13–16 12. Internationales FBB- 34 Gründachsymposium 2014, Tagungsband. Ditzingen, Germany. 35 Kratschmer, S.A. (2015) Summen auf den Dächern Wiens. Masterarbeit. Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria. 36 Kuhlmann, M. (2015) Erfassung der Auswirkungen extensiver Dachbegrünung auf die lokale Abundanz und Vielfalt 37 blütenbestäubender Insekten. Bachelorarbeit. FH Bingen, Germany. 38 MacIvor, J.S. (2016) Building height matters: nesting activity of bees and wasps on vegetated roofs. Israel Journal of Ecology 39 & Evolution 62, 88–96.
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