בס“ד Menachem Av 5772/2012 SPECIAL DAYS IN MENACHEM AV Volume 23, Issue 5 Menachem Av 1/July 20/Friday Rosh Chodesh "When Av comes in, we minimize happiness" (Taanis 26B) "In the nine days from Rosh Chodesh Av on we should try to make Siyumim." (Likutei Sichos Vol. XIV: p. 147) Mountains emerged above the receding Flood waters (BeReishis 8:5, Rashi) Plague of frogs in Mitzrayim. (Seder HaDoros) Yartzeit of Aharon HaKohen, 2489 [1312 BCE], the only Yartzeit recorded in the Torah, (BaMidbar 33:38) (in Parshas Masaei, read every year on the Shabbos of the week of his Yartzeit) Ezra and his followers arrived in Yerushalayim, 3413 [457 BCE]. (Ezra 7:9) Menachem Av 2/July 21/Shabbos Titus commenced battering operations In Av 5331 [430 BCE] there was a debate against the courtyard of the Beis between Chananya ben Azur and Yirmi- HaMikdash, 3829 [70]. yahu. Chananya prophesized that Nevu- chadnetzer and his armies would soon The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe arrived in leave Eretz Yisroel, and all the stolen vessels Eretz Yisrael, on his historic visit, 5689 from the Beis Hamikdash would be re- [1929]. turned from Bavel along with all those who were exiled. Yirmiyahu explained, that he Menachem Av 4/July 23/Monday too wished that this would happen, but the Nechemiah began building a wall around prophesy is false. Only if the Jews do TZCHOK CHABAD OF HANCOCK PARK Yerushalayim, 3413 [444 BCE] Teshuvah can the decree be changed. (Nechemiah 6:15). Yirmiyahu also said that in that year Chananya will die, since he spoke falsely in Yartzeit of R. Menachem Azariah of Fano, the name of Hashem. And so it happened. the RaMa MiPano, author of Asarah (This occurred around seven years before Maamaros and Alfasi Zuta, Halachist and the destruction of the first Beis Hamikdash) Kabbalist, cited extensively in Chasidus, (Yirmiyahu 28). 5385 [1625]. In the eleventh year of the reign of Tzid- Menachem Av 5/July 24/Tuesday kiyahu, on Rosh Chodesh Av, the year of the Yartzeit of R. Yitzchak Luria, the Ari Zal, destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, 5332 [1572]. He passed away at thirty- Yechezkal said a prophesy, that the king- six, in Tzfas. dom of Tzur will be destroyed by Nevu- " . All Israel accepted him as the chadnetzar King of Babylon, because they final Posek in all matters of the hidden celebrated Jerusalem’s destruction. parts of the Torah and its secrets, there is (Yechezkal 26) no room for argument and the Halachah is Chabad Chodesh Menachem Av 5772 Av Chabad Chodesh Menachem CONGREGATION LEVI YI as the words of the Ari Moshiach born on the day of the a Roman colony, Aelia Capatolina, Zal" (Kovetz Lubavitch, Vol. II: p. destruction of the Beis HaMikdash 71 [3831] (Taanis 26b). 61) (Yerushalmi Berachos 2:4, Eichah Yartzeit of R. Gedalyah Hayun, Rabah 1:51). This Day, Shabbos, Betar, last independent outpost head of the Yerushalayim reveals only the positive aspects of under Bar Kochba fell to the Kabbalists, founder and head of the day that Moshiach was born. Romans, 3895 [135]. (Taanis the Kabbalists Yeshivah, Beis E-il, (Sichah, Shabbos Chazon, Av 9, 26b) 5510 [1750]. The Baal Shem Tov's 5748) brother-in-law, R. Avraham Edward I of England ordered the Gershon Kitover studied in this Yartzeit of R. Yaakov Yitzchak, the expulsion of all Jews, 5050 Yeshiva. "Chozeh" of Lublin, author of [1290]. Divrei Emes, 5575 [1815]. Yartzeit of R. Chaim of Krasna, There is a vort of the Ferdinand of Spain expelled the student of the Baal Shem Tov, Chozeh’s student that my father, Jews, 5066 [1492]. 5553 [1793]. Rabbi Menachem Shmuel Dovid Raichik, OB”M, often repeated 3,000 Jews perished in the Menachem Av 6/July 25/Wed which he heard from the Rebbe, Chmielnicki massacres, 5408 Sukkos 5716/1955. In Tehillim [1648]. Nevuchadnetzar occupied the we say (Psalm 126), “Hashem has First Beis HaMikdash, 3338 [423 done great things for these (the Deportation of Jews from the BCE]. Yidden). Hashem has done Warsaw ghetto started, 5702 great things for us: we were [1942]. Menachem Av 9/July 28/Shabbos joyful.” When the Geulah will Chazon come the nations of the world will Birth of Yisachar son of Yaakov (Fast is deferred to Sunday) ask “Why does Hashem do such Avinu, 2196, and his Yartzeit, in great things for the Jewish 2318 (Midrash Tadshe). Reb Hillel of Paritch would say in people?” The Yidden will the name of R. Levi Yitzchok of respond, “Hashem was so great Yartzeit of R. Dovid Furkas, Berditchev: "Chazon" means with us - because we were always student of the Baal Shem Tov, vision; on Shabbos Chazon, joyful.” It is well known how 5532 [ 1772 ]. HaShem shows every Jew a vision much the Chozeh did to try to of the Third Beis Hamikdash". bring Moshiach in his times. Beis HaMikdash destroyed by a fire started the preceding "...Appropriate with the end of the M. Av 10/July 29/ Sunday afternoon, (Taanis 29a). Haftarah of Shabbos Chazon, Fast of Tisha B’Av (deferred) "Tzion in justice will be redeemed M. Av 11/July 30/Monday and its returning with Commemorates the destruction of Yartzeit of R. Hillel of Paritch, righteousness" (Yishayahu 1:27): the first and second Beis Chasid of the Mitteler Rebbe and Justice, 'Mishpat', is Torah (Likutei Hamikdash and many other the Tzemach Tzedek, author of Torah, Devarim) and tragedies that happened on this Pelach HaRimon, Shabbos righteousness, 'Tzedakah', is all of day. Nachamu 5624 [1864]. the Mitzvos, which includes the He never saw the Alter Mitzvah of Tzedakah, we should, The Exodus generation Rebbe but he did hear a D’var in these days add in the study of condemned to die in the desert, Torah from him. Reb Hillel tried Torah and doing Mitzvos, 2449. [1312 BCE] (Devarim 1:35; to meet the Alter Rebbe, as he had especially the Mitzvah of Taanis 26b) a question for him on the Tractate Tzedakah." (Sicha, Shabbos Erchin (discussing the evaluation Chazon, Av 9, 5751a) Nevuzaradan set fire to the Beis of things for the Bais Hamikdosh). The Rebbe would hold a far- HaMikdash 3175 [586 BCE]. Every time he came to meet the brengen on this Shabbos and ad- Alter Rebbe the Alter Rebbe wasn’t vised that farbrengens spreading The Romans destroyed the Second there. simcha with Ahavas Yisroel be Beis HaMikdash, 3829 [69]. Reb Hillel decided to find held on this Shabbos The Romans plowed the site of the out where the Alter Rebbe Beis HaMikdash to convert it into planned to be one time. He went VOLUME 23, ISSUE 5 Page 2 early and hid in the room so that Lady Judith were given lifetime when the Alter Rebbe would come seats in the Chabad Shul. The Romans permitted the burial in he would be able to speak to of Jews killed at Betar in the Bar him. When the Alter Rebbe Kochba rebellion, 3898 [138] entered the room he said, “If a M. Av 14/August 2/Thursday (Ta’anis 30b); At that time the young man has a question on Erev Tu B'Av - Chachamim added the Brachah, Tractate Erchin, he has to evaluate No Tachanun at Mincha "HaTov Ve-Ha-Meitiv" to the himself.” Hearing this, Reb Hillel Birkas HaMazon. fainted. When he came to, the The Alter Rebbe settled in Liadi, Alter Rebbe had already left. 5561 [1801]. Wedding of Rebbitzen Chayah It is known that Reb Hillel Sarah, daughter of the Mitteler Paritcher was exceedingly M. Av 15/August 3/ Friday Rebbe, with R . A h ar o n scrupulous in his performance of Tu B'Av– No Tachanun Alexanderov of Shklov, 5586 mitzvohs throughout his life. As " . There were no days [1826]. They were the parents of the Rebbe explained - because of more joyous than the Fifteenth of Rebbitzen Rivkah, the Rebbe what Reb Hillel heard from the Av and Yom HaKipurim" [Taanis, MaHa-RaSh's wife. R. Aharon Alter Rebbe he constantly 26B] printed the first Torah Or, in evaluated and reevaluated himself Shklov. regarding his observance of the "In connection with Tu B'Av, we mitzvos. (Likutei Sichos Vol 22, should make Farbrengens M. Av 16/August 4/Shabbos pp. 171-172) everywhere with great joy, to Shabbos Nachamu gather, speak Divrei Torah, make The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe The Alter Rebbe left Peterburg for Siyumim, and make good left Eretz Yisrael for the United Liadi, after his second decisions to add in Torah, Mitzvos States, 5629 [1929]. imprisonment, 5561 [1801]. and Tzedakah and all good things. (Sichah, Shabbos Chazon, 5751) M. Av 17/August 5/Sunday. M. Av 12/July 31/Tuesday Arab riots in Chevron; sixty Jews Disputation between the Ramban The last of the Exodus generation were murdered, among them al- and the apostate Pablo Christiani, stopped dying in the desert; most the entire Slonim family, 5023 [1263]. HaShem resumed speaking to who were descendents of the Mit- Moshe Rabeinu. (Ta’anis 30b). teler Rebbe’s daughter Menuchah Wedding of the Alter Rebbe and Rochel, and the Jewish the Rebbitzen Sterna, 5520 Intertribal marriage permitted to community (including the central [1760]. post-exodus generations (Taanis Chabad Community of Eretz 30b). Yisrael) was forced to move to The Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe Yerushalayim, 5689 [1929]. and Agudas Chasidei Chabad Permission was given to the tribe The Friediker Rebbe was purchased 770 Eastern Parkway, of Binyamin to marry into other on the ship coming to the United World Lubavitch Headquarters, tribes, saving them from States, he was informed of the ri- 5700 [1940]. extinction (Shoftim 21:21; Ta’anis ots and destruction in Chevron, 30b).
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