Hh' 18.5 . A 34 no. NO. D0T-TSC-NHTSA-80-21 .1 DOT- HS- 80 5 572 DOT- t sc- NHTSA- AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTUR1NG PROCESSES - VOLUME I OVERVIEW department of transportation APR 2 9 1981 LIBRARY BOOZ-AL'LEN & HAMILTON INC. 4330 East-West Highway Be thes da MD 2001 4 FEBRUARY 1981 FINAL REPORT DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD. VIRGINIA 22161 Prepared for U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Office of Research and Development Washington DC 20590 NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange.. The United States Govern- ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. IpflCE;^ The United States Government does not endorse pro- ucts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturer's names appear herein solely because they are considered essential to the object of this report. NOTICE The views and conclusions contained in this docu- ment are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policy or opinions, either expressed or implied, of the U.S. Government. 1 A3 4 ™r.rsc-*>»T*+ Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. DOT-HS - 805 572 4. Title and Subtitle S. Report Date AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES February 1981 Volume I - Overview 6. Performing Orgonisation Code DOT/TSC 8. Performing Orgom lotion Report No. 7. Author's) noIT-TSC-NHTSA-21. 'IF 9. Performing Organisation Name and Address forte Uni t No. (TRAIS) TRANSPORT ATI Booz-Allen and Hamilton Inc. SI 60/R14 07 4330 East-West Highway Contract or Gront No. Bethesda MD 20014* APR 2 9 198 l"i OT-TSC-1609 13. 1 ype of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Nome end Address — Agency LIBRARY Final Report U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Adm inistrat ion Office of Research and Development 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington DC 20590 15. Supplementary Notes U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration *Under contract to Transportation Systems Center Cambridge MA 0 2142 16. Abstract Extensive material substitution and re-sizing of the domestic automotive fleet as , well as the introduction of new technologies, will require major changes in the techniques and equipment used in the various manufacturing processes employed in the production of auto- mobiles. The purpose of this report is to document and analyze the publically available data on current and projected motor vehicle pro- duction processes and equipment and to report on impending changes. This volume deals with the history of automotive-related govern- ment standards and the impact on the automotive production processes and vehicle design, future trends in automotive design, and the impli- cations of these changes on the manufacturing infrastructure. Also included is an overview of engine and emission control systems and two passive restraint systems. 17. Kay Words 18. Distribution Statement Stamping, Finishing, Casting, DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC Assembly, Facilities, New Technolo- THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL gies, Trends, Passive Restraints, INFORMATION SERVICE. SPRINGFIELD, Controls, Material Substitution, VIRGINIA 22161 Weight Reduction 19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassified 174 Form (8-72) DOT F 1700.7 Reproduction of completed page authorized ' - . l ; ' i : " PREFACE This report is Volume I of a series of five reports which address changes occurring in motor vehicle manufacturing pro- cesses, materials, and equipment during the period 1978 to 1980. The reports present an overview of the major manufacturing pro- cesses and materials, and a summary of historical improvements in motor vehicle fuel economy, emissions reduction, and safety. Also included are detailed discussions of vehicle components designed to improve motor vehicle fuel economy, emissions, and safety. The reports also present detailed examination of motor vehicle manufacturing process industries, trends, and issues. The five volumes in this "Automotive Manufacturing Process" series are listed below: Volume I - "Overview" Volume II - "Manufacturing Processes for Passive Restraint Systems" Volume III - "Casting and Forging Processes" Volume IV - "Metal Stamping and Plastic Forming Processes Volume V - "Manufacturing Processes and Equipment for the Mass Production and Assembly of Motor Vehicles . iii 1 1 - J JcTl 88 jVi 1 * 8 *^ 2'. iff ,| nil III iitiii it . .O 8 .- S 8 1 S -88 « h 8,, •' O O <"i - O © « ~ ^ ^ - ® ' S $ ! S 8 o . S f u f .{8 5 I if]*; ,1 It u • • J fill .# 4 i I I 1 ill! iti fill ou *• i w <v « « i E e e i Tl i 1 <3 .i- I E E V) n it it ot SI I tl 01 KM tM> u u 1 o«etie» E 5 e I Ve^I 2 E 6 g.__„E£ t..j ® 9 ® SI ; till, i I ”"I I I 1 .T M»»WWUW 1 © imU W 6 A iiiii ill I I i u ?8 .8 £ »1 I « « i 5 $ S . S « j: z n e & ia e o* © « d © 2 S r*s°- s g J / 3 S 5 Is !« w (•* i i s I in! : SC .is II 1 = j 1 * s S lit! iiiii ill s s until l - m S -J i 5? t s t l fell V*V« 8 til U & S 1 r'V IV TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME I - OVERVIEW Section Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1 1.1 General 1-1 1.2 History of Government Standards and Their Impact on Automobile Design in the United States . 1-2 1.2.1 Safety 1-2 1.2.2 Emissions 1-5 1.2.3 Fuel Economy 1-7 1.4 1.3 Future Trends in Automobile Design 1-10 1.3.1 Materials Substitution 1-10 1.3.2 Electronic Engine Controls 1-14 1.3.3 Safety Improvements 1-16 1.3.4 Other Technology Changes ............ 1-17 Implications of Design Changes on Automotive Manufacturing Processes 1-20 2. AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 2-1 2.1 General 2-1 2.2 Casting 2-3 2.2.1 Type of Castings .................... 2-3 2.2.2 Automotive Applications 2-10 2.2.3 Size and Structure of the Casting Industry 2-10 2.2.4 Key Issues Facing the Casting Industry 2-16 2.3 Forging 2-20 2.3.1 Forging Processes 2-20 2.3.2 Automotive Applications 2-27 2.3.3 Size and Structure of the Forging Industry 2-29 2.3.4 Key Issues Facing the Forging Industry 2-30 2.4 Metal Stamping 2-33 2.4.1 Major Stamping Operations 2-33 2.4.2 Automotive Applications 2-39 2.4.3 Size and Structure of the Metal Stamping Industry 2-40 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Section 2.4.4 Page Key Issues Facing the Metal Stamping Industry 2-41 2.5 Plastic Forming . 2-45 2.5.1 Major Types of Plastic Forming 2-45 2.5.2 Automotive Applications 2-49 2.5.3 Size and Structure of the Plastic Forming Industry 2-51 2.5.4 Key Issues 2-53 2.6 Machining 2-56 2.6.1 Types of Machining 2-56 2.6.2 Automotive Applications 2-57 2.6.3 Size and Structure of the Machining Industry 2-58 2.6.4 Key Issues Facing the Machining Industry 2-59 2.7 Joining 2-61 2.7.1 Types of Joining 2-61 2.7.2 Automotive Applications 2-65 2.7.3 Size and Structure of the Joining Industry . 2-66 2.7.4 Key Issues Facing the Joining Industry 2-66 2. 8 Assembly . 2-68 2.8.1 Types of Assembly 2-68 2.8.2 Automotive Applications 2-69 2.8.3 The Size and Structure of the Joining and Assembly Industries 2-70 2.8.4 Key Issues Facing the Assembly Industry 2-70 2.9 Finishing 2-74 2.9.1 Types of Finishing 2-74 2.9.2 Automotive Applications 2-76 2.9.3 Size and Structure of the Finishing Industry 2-77 2.9.4 Key Issues Facing the Finishing Industry 2-78 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Section Page 3. AUTOMOTIVE ENGINE AND EMISSION CONTROLS . 3-1 3.1 General 3-1 3.2 Catalytic Converter 3-2 3.2.1 Types of Catalytic Converters 3-2 3.2.2 Manufacturing Processes 3-3 3.2.3 Size and Structure of the Industry .. 3-5 3.2.4 Key Issues 3-5 3.3 Electronic Engine Controls 3-6 3.3.1 Components of an Engine Control System 3-6 3.3.2 Manufacturing Processes 3-10 3.3.3 Size and Structure of the Industry .. 3-17 3.3.4 Key Issues 3-17 3. 4 Turbochargers 3-19 3.4.1 The Turbocharging Principle 3-19 3.4.2 Manufacturing Processes 3-20 3.4.3 Size and Structure of the Industry .. 3-20 3.4.4 Key Issues 3-22 3.5 Electronic Fuel Injection 3-23 3.5.1 Basic Operation of Electronic Fuel Injection Systems 3-24 3.5.2 Manufacturing Processes 3-24 3.5.3 Size and Structure of the Industry .. 3-25 3.5.4 Key Issues 3-27 3.6 Electronic Ignition 3-28 3.6.1 Manufacturing Processes 3-29 3.6.2 Size and Structure of the Industry .. 3-29 4. PASSIVE RESTRAINT SYSTEMS 4-1 4.1 General 4-1 4.2 Air Bag Systems 4-2 4.2.1 Major Components of Air Bag Systems .
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