AMD > Products We Design > Processor Pricing > AMD Opteron™ Effecve January 22, 20 4 Prices below are sub%ect to change without noce. This lisng re)ects pricing for direct AMD customers in 000,unit tray -uanes, e.cept when designated as PI0 -uanes. 1hop for all AMD Opteron™ Processors 2ompare 1erver Processors AMD Opteron™ 32 50 AP5 677 AMD Opteron™ 3 50 2P5 684 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8388 1E 6 ,372 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8380 6 ,088 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8378 6887 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8378 6703 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8370P 6578 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8348 6575 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8344 64 5 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8338P 6377 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8328 6575 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8320 6273 Four,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8308 650 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8388 HE 6575 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4388 6348 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4378 HE 650 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4340 6348 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4334 6 7 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4332 HE 64 5 Four,2ore AMD Opteron™ 43 0 EE 64 5 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 3380 6227 Four,2ore AMD Opteron™ 3350 6 25 Four,2ore AMD Opteron™ 3320 6 74 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8284 1E 6 ,285 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8282 1E 6 ,0 7 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8278 6787 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8278 6788 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8274 6837 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8272 6523 1ixteen,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8282 HE 6523 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8238 6455 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8234 6377 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8220 6523 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 82 2 6288 Four,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8204 6455 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4284 63 8 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4280 6255 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4278 HE 6455 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4274 HE 6377 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4258 EE 6377 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4240 63 8 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4238 6255 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4234 6 74 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4230 HE 6377 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4228 HE 6255 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4228 6 25 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ Model 3280 6227 Quad,2ore AMD Opteron™ Model 3280 HE 6 25 Quad,2ore AMD Opteron™ Model 3250 HE 677 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 80 1E 6 ,5 4 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 78 1E 6 ,388 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 78 6 ,285 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 74 6 , 85 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 72 6787 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 88 6744 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 88 HE 6873 Twelve,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 84 HE 6744 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 40 6787 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 38 6744 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 34 6523 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 32 HE 657 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 28 HE 6523 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 28 6288 Eight,2ore AMD Opteron™ 8 24 HE 6455 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 84 63 8 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 80 6 88 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 78 HE 6377 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 74 HE 6255 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 70 HE 6 74 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 84 EE 6878 1ix,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 82 EE 63 8 Quad,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 30 6 25 Quad,2ore AMD Opteron™ 4 22 677 Desktop Braphics C Daptop Braphics C Professional Braphics C Daptops C 2,in, and Tablets C Desktops C Pro 1oluons C 1ervers C Desktop Processors C Daptop and Tablet Processors C 1erver Processors C Professional Braphics C Embedded Embedded C 2hipsets C Memory C 1olid 1tate Drives E11DF AMD Technologies C Our History C Aecent Designs HomeC2onsumer C Bamers C 2ommercial C Partners C Embedded C 1hop in the 5nited 1tates C 1hop in 2anada C 1hop in France C Developers 1hop in Bermany C 1hop in 1pain C 1hop in the 5nited Gingdom C 1earch for retailers in other countries 2ompany Informaon C Investor Aelaons C 2orporate Aesponsibility C Drivers I Download 2enter C Datest AMD BP5 Drivers C Newsroom C 0logs C 2areers C 2ontact Datest AMD AP5 Drivers C Technical Documentaon C FAQs C 2ompare 1peciJcaons C Warranty C Forums 1hop C Baming C Developers C Partners C Investors 2ontact 5s 2areers 1ubscribe 1ite Map ?20 5 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Terms and 2ondions Privacy 2ookie Policy Trademarks Aate This Page AMD > Products We Design > Processor Pricing > AMD FX™ Effecve September 1, 014 Prices below are subject to change without noce. This lisng re*ects pricing for direct AMD customers in 1000,unit tray .uanes, e/cept when designated as P01 .uanes. AMD FX 2320 1lac4 Edion 54.773.089:, 0W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $ 0 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 2370 1lac4 Edion 54.474.789:, 0W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $ 04 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 8370 1lac4 Edion 54.074.389:, 1 3W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $124 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 8370E 1lac4 Edion 53.374.389:, 23W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $124 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 8330 1lac4 Edion 54.074. 89:, 1 3W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $173 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 83 0 1lac4 Edion 53.374.089:, 1 3W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $14 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 83 0E 1lac4 Edion 53. 74.089:, 23W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $14 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 8130 1lac4 Edion 53.A74. 89:, 1 3W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $183 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 81 0 1lac4 Edion 53.174.089:, 1 3W, 8M1 total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $133 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX A330 1lac4 Edion 53.274. 89:, 1 3W, AM1, total dedicated L cache, AM1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $1 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX A300 1lac4 Edion 53.374.189:, 23W, AM1, total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $101 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX A 00 1lac4 Edion 53.874.189:, 1 3W, AM1, total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $13 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX A100 1lac4 Edion 53.373.289:, 23W, AM1, total dedicated L cache, 8M1 L3 cache, 3 00M9: $11 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 4330 1lac4 Edion 54. 74.389:), 1 3W, 4M1, total dedicated L cache, 4M1, L3 cache, 3 00M9B $27 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 4300 1lac4 Edion 53.874.089:), 23W, 4M1, total dedicated L cache, 4M1, L3 cache, 3 00M9B $27 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 4170 1lac4 Edion 54. 74.389:), 1 3W, 4M1, total dedicated L cache, 8M1, L3 cache, 3 00M9B $1 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 4130 1lac4 Edion 53.873.289:), 1 3W, 4M1, total dedicated L cache, 4M1, L3 cache, 3 00M9B $101 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) AMD FX 4100 1lac4 Edion 53.A73.889:, 23W, 4M1, total dedicated L cache, 8M1, L3 cache, 3 00M9: $101 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3+) Des4top 8raphics 7 Laptop 8raphics 7 Professional 8raphics 7 Laptops 7 ,in,1 and Tablets 7 Des4tops 7 Pro Soluons 7 Servers 7 Des4top Processors 7 Laptop and Tablet Processors 7 Server Processors 7 Professional 8raphics 7 Embedded Embedded 7 Chipsets 7 Memory 7 Solid State Drives 5SSD) AMD Technologies 7 Our 9istory 7 Recent Designs 9ome7Consumer 7 8amers 7 Commercial 7 Partners 7 Embedded 7 Shop in the Dnited States 7 Shop in Canada 7 Shop in France 7 Developers Shop in 8ermany 7 Shop in Spain 7 Shop in the Dnited Hingdom 7 Search for retailers in other countries Company 0nformaon 7 0nvestor Relaons 7 Corporate Responsibility 7 Drivers + Download Center 7 Latest AMD 8PD Drivers 7 Iewsroom 7 1logs 7 Careers 7 Contact Latest AMD APD Drivers 7 Technical Documentaon 7 FAJs 7 Compare SpeciKcaons 7 Warranty 7 Forums Shop 7 8aming 7 Developers 7 Partners 7 0nvestors Contact Ds Careers Subscribe Site Map E 013 Advanced Micro Devices, 0nc. Terms and Condions Privacy Coo4ie Policy Trademar4s Rate This Page / / AMD > Products We Design > Processor Pricing > AMD Phenom™ II Effecve April 29, 2 13 Prices below are subject to change without noce. This lisng re)ects pricing for direct AMD customers in 1 -unit tray -uanes, e.cept when designated as PI/ -uanes. Phenom II 01 92 3/lac4 Edion563.789:, 125W, , 2M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $163 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Phenom II 01 975 3/lac4 Edion563.689:, 125W, , 2M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $153 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Phenom II 01 97 '/lac4 Edion' 63.589:, 125W, 2M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $112 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Phenom II 01 965 '/lac4 Edion' 63.189:, 11 W, 2M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $21 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Phenom II 02 565 '/lac4 Edion' 63.189:, 2 W, 1M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $1 1 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Phenom II 02 56 '/lac4 Edion' 63.389:, 2 W, 1M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $29 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Phenom II 02 555 '/lac4 Edion' 63.289:, 2 W, 1M/ total dedicated L2 cache, 6M/ L3 cache, 1 M9: $21 9yperTransport™ bus, soc4et AM3) Des4top 8raphics / Laptop 8raphics / Professional 8raphics / Laptops / 2-in-1 and Tablets / Des4tops / Pro Soluons / Servers / Des4top Processors / Laptop and Tablet Processors / Server Processors / Professional 8raphics / Embedded Embedded / Ahipsets / Memory / Solid State Drives 6SSD) AMD Technologies / Our 9istory / Eecent Designs 9ome/Aonsumer / 8amers / Aommercial / Partners / Embedded / Shop in the Bnited States / Shop in Aanada / Shop in France / Developers Shop in 8ermany / Shop in Spain / Shop in the Bnited Iingdom / Search for retailers in other countries Aompany Informaon / Investor Eelaons / Aorporate Eesponsibility / Drivers K Download Aenter / Latest AMD 8PB Drivers / Newsroom / /logs / Aareers / Aontact Latest AMD APB Drivers / Technical Documentaon / FALs / Aompare SpeciMcaons / Warranty / Forums Shop / 8aming / Developers / Partners / Investors Aontact Bs Aareers Subscribe Site Map D2 15 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
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