The Observer VOL. XXV. NO. 55 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S ND Ave. Apartments to open to students in January By SARAH DORAN plumbing fixtures have been owns the Lafayette Square one away. surrounding the Notre Dame News Writer installed. Complex and it is their “goal to Since beginning to run ad­ Apartments have escalated in A new entry security system, make the Notre Dame Apart­ vertisements in The Observer the past two years with lax Notre Dame Avenue Apart­ chain link fence and additional m ents as nice as L a fa y e tte ,” about a week dgo, Matteo said property management, short ments have been undergoing lighting will also be put in, and said Matteo. that he had received “five or six term leasing and high extensive renovations since the land surrounding the An open house showcasing a reservations for January rental turnover,” said Matteo, “ but, changing ownership during the apartments w ill be re-land­ model of the apartment is and about twenty reservations since the apartments were va­ summer and w ill be leased scaped. scheduled for sometime after for August rental.” cated during the summer, the primarily to students beginning The apartments were pur­ Thanksgiving and the general The area surrounding the crime element has been re­ in January. chased by Matteo Enterprises population of ND invited. M at­ apartments had been charac­ moved and the neighborhood A total of 44 two-bedroom with the aid of a substantial teo Enterprises has been pro­ terized in previous years as a made safe.” units in the three buildings have loan from the University of viding rental information to the having an unusually high crime The apartments will be been completely gutted, newly Notre Dame, according to com­ office of Off-Campus housing rate, but Matteo said this situa­ equipped with a security system carpeted and painted and new pany owner and ND graduate and plans to target a mainly tion is completely in the past. appliances, cabinets and Chris Matteo. The company also student market, but will turn no “Crime problems in the area see ND AVE. / page 4 Saint Mary’s McCarthy: SUB events proposes have been successful By BECKY BARNES foremost in SUB’s concerns, Assistant News Editor said Controller Carrie Dwyer. fee increase “Our object this year was to By JENNIFER HABRYCH Student Union Board (SUB) keep a really strict budget pol­ News Writer has learned from past mistakes icy,” which entails constant to make this year’s program­ reminders to commissioners to Saint Mary’s Student Gov­ ming a success, according to stay within their budgets, she ernment proposed an increase Board Manager Pat McCarthy. said. in the student activity fee from SUB came under fire last year As a result, finances are the current rate of $20 per after the failure of the running according to plan, and semester to $75 per semester Cult/Lenny Kravitz concert and the success of “The Shirt” has to be effective next year, ac­ a performance by comedian brought extra funds, said cording to Julie McCormick, Howie Mandel. McCarthy said Dwyer. Although profits from vice president for Student Af­ this year’s successes were the “The Shirt” have not been ac­ fairs. result of SUB “playing to (its) counted for and no decisions The proposal w ill be given to strengths,” citing concerts by for their use have been made, Georgeanna Rosenbush, direc­ Spin Doctors and They Might Dwyer said they are consider­ tor of Student Activities, to Be Giants and the mock presi­ ing sponsoring an extra big evaluate today and then send dential debate between Fred event such as a concert or to the Senior Officers of the Barnes and Jack Germond of speaker. College, who are currently in the McLaughlin Group, SUB underwent an early the process of budgeting for By focusing on medium-sized shake-up in the beginning of next year. events in Stepan Center and September with the resignation “In order to improve social scheduling them “on dates that of Director of Programming activities on campus we need make sense,” which may be Matt Bomberger. The resigna­ to increase the fees,” said Mc­ more important than the qual­ tion resulted in a’’brief period Cormick. “We had problems in The Observer/ Andrea Fisk ity of the perform er, SUB has of re-staffing, which kept us the past trying to program Stretching those muscles found a formula for successful busy with personnel matters events and bring in a lot of programs, he added. instead of programming," said Preparing for her afternoon workout, Pangborn Hall freshman Michele quality events for students.” Attention to the budget is also see SUB / page 4 Student government con­ Herceg stretches out to prevent any aching muscles. ducted research of student ac­ tivity fees at schools compara­ ble in size and tuition all over CLC to consider new study to improve SYR structure the country, and found most By JOHN LUCAS tion and more drinking in most honest, balanced re­ sentiments. had fees ranging from $50 to News Writer rooms. We want to look at all sponses from students. “We want to improve this as $100 a semester. the different alternatives to The discussion group format an institution rather than abol­ Currently, each Saint Mary’s The Campus Life Council remedy the problem in some w ill have the best chance of ish it,” said Student Body student pays $20 a semester (CLC) discussed ways to study way,” Ravry said. succeeding if a “core” group of President Greg Butrus. for Student Government fee, and improve the current SYR On the recommendation of hall government members in Established by the Board of which is divided among Stu­ format in a meeting Monday. Bill Kirk, assistant vice presi­ each hall is mixed with students Trustees in 1977, the CLC dent Activities Board, all resi­ A 1990-91 student govern­ dent for residence life, the CLC’s to add input on the discussion, works as an independent dence halls, 80 clubs and or­ ment survey brought out committee on SYRs will begin to said Kirk. branch of the Hall Presidents’ ganizations, Residence Hall As­ problems with the current SYR form discussion groups in each Kirk stressed that the Admin­ Council. It is composed of resi­ sociation and everything else format, said Marianne Ravry, residence hall to evaluate the istration and the CLC have no dence hall rectors, faculty student related, said Mc­ Hall President’s Council co­ pros and cons of dorm SYRs. intent to try to end dorm SYRs. members, four student sena­ Cormick. chair and CLC member. It cited “If SYRs aren’t serving the tors, the student body presi­ “When it comes down to it, high levels of alcohol abuse at The committee agreed with purpose students want for dent, an HPC representative, there just isn’t enough to go SYRs and consumption of alco­ Kirk in favoring the format of them, we want to push for study and Bill Kirk. around,” said McCormick. hol in dorm hallways. discussion groups over phone to change it to a better event, ” “The CLC is the highest level “There is less social interac­ surveys and similar written he said. of student representation on see FEE / page 4 surveys of the past to try for the The committee echoed Kirk’s campus,” according to Butrus. Catholic bishops continue to struggle with women’s role in church WASHINGTON (AP) — Roman Catholic bishops Monday began ■ Catechism / page 5 Anglican move could motivate Catholics a last-ditch effort to salvage By DAVID KINNEY The Church of England voted said Professor Ralph Mclnerny, their long-considered, “no advantage in sharing the News Editor Thursday to become one of 12 who is opposed to the ordina­ contentious document about Roman suggestions” with other self-governing provinces of the tion of women in the Catholic women even as more denun­ bishops. The move by the Church of Anglican Communion that or­ Church. ciations of it surged from In the prolonged, much criti­ England to ordain women as dain women priests. Vatican Despite vocal opposition from church ranks. cized effort to produce the pas­ priests could serve as an im pe­ spokesman Joaquin Navarro the papacy, the debate is not The document, which affirms toral letter on women, Imesch, tus for the similar movement in said the vote was a “grave ob­ closed on the issue, the worth of women but says of Joliet, 111., said: “ We’ve the Catholic Church and might stacle” to repairing the 16th pacy is not the whole church,” they cannot be priests, was managed to alienate, in one further the gap between the century split between the two said Gremiilion. questioned by some bishops at way or another, about every Anglican and Catholic churches, churches. Since priests are called to act the opening session of their fall male and female group along according to Father Joseph Although Sister Regina Coll in in the name of Jesus, a man, “it the theology department said would be impossible for a meeting here. Several the way.” Gremiilion, former director of the Justice and Peace Office of the move will set back any ec­ woman to do challenged deletions made from However, the document the Vatican. umenical matters between the erny. earlier drafts and asked how cleared an initial hurdle as ex­ But "nothing is going to hap­ churches, McBrien argued that “The Church’s practice is much it was influenced by pected moves to eliminate it pen as long as Pope John Paul the ordination of women is not something that has been going Vatican interventions.
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