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No.: 29/518,270 (Continued) (22) Filed: Feb. 20, 2015 Primary Examiner — Ian Simmons (51) LOC (10) Cl. ................................................ 14-04 Assistant Examiner — Shannon Morgan (52) U.S. C. (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — American Patent Agency USPC ......................................................... D14/486 PC; Daniar Hussain; Karl P. Dresdner, Jr. (58) Field of Classification Search (57) CLAM USPC ......... D14/485-495, 448; 715/700, 702, 716, The ornamental design for a mobile device with graphical 715/719, 726, 733, 763, 765, 781, 783, 864 user interface, as shown and described. CPC. G06F 3/0482; G06F 3/0484; G06F 3/0485; DESCRIPTION G06F 3/0486; G06F 3/04845; G06F 3/04847; G06F 3/04855; G06F 9/446; G06F 9/4443; FIG. 1 is a front view of a first embodiment of a mobile device G06F 3/0481; G09B 21/003: G09B 21/007 with graphical user interface, showing our novel design; See application file for complete search history. 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