DOCUMENT RESUME 'c! 208 153 ED 239 309 AUTHOR Agee, Hugh, Ed. ,------. High Interest Easy Reading: ForJunior-4nd Senori 'TITLE __.-- High ..School Students. FourthEdit-koli. Teachers--61-Engish, Urbana, INSTITUTION Rational Counciiof ./ Ill. ,v.f,_,-. , REPORT. NO ISBN-0-8141-2095-4 ,--' _,------' 84 , PUB-DATE ---- Commitfee-to_Revise "High NOTE 102g.; Prepared by the Interest-Eas'll Reading" ofthe.National\-Council_of i O chers,Zf English. Tea EnglishAil Kenyon AVAILABLEFROM Nationil Council of Teachers.of Rd.Urbana, IL 61801 (StockNo."209.54, $4.50member,/ -, - -/ ;5%00 flop-member). PUB- ..TYPE ./Books (01D) --Reference Materials.- Bibliographies ('131) I. _ EDRS PRICE/ °MF01/PC05 Plus Postage. *Adolescents; Annotated DESCRIPTOIS. Adolescent Literature; Bibliographies; *High\Interest LowVocabularrBooks; 'Learning Motivation;*Reading Attitudes; Reading Habits;-Reading Interests''Reading Materials; Recreational Reading; SecondaryEducation; Student Motivation ASTRACT,, ...InteSded for students who ;areable to read but lack encountered books that the motivationto do' .so because they have.not and concerns, this revisedbooklist contains . speak to theirs,i terests \books of high quality that than 400 titkes.,Thetitles represent Ideal with topics of'interest to_theaverage' adolescent. Titles and annotations are arranged under-thefollowing categories:' (1) biograithyi,(4) icareers, (5) carsand edlienture, (2) .animals,.(3) (8) folklore, other machines,:(6):ethnicexperiences, (7) fantasy, (9) historical fact andfiction, (10) humor, (11)love dnd . friendship, (12) mysteryand crime, /(13) poetry,(14) problems, (15) Science, (16) sports, (17) thesupernatural,(18) trivia, and (19) series books. A 'directoryof publishers is included.(MTH) *************************'**************************,********************' Reproductkons supplied b' EDRS arethe best 'that can bemade . * * * * from the originaldOcument. _ *********t********************************************************** ).%..- U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) )6his document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization, originating it. Minbr changes have been made to improve High Interest reproduction quality. i Points of view or opinions stated in this docu- ment do net necessarily representofficial NIE re. Easy-Reading position'or policy. rcs. , 1=1 . For Junior and Senior 1"/-1- High School Students' fp Fourth Edition . .'Hugh, ,Agee, Chair, and the Committee toRevise" High Interest-L--EasyReading of the National Councilof Teachers of English "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCETHIS MATE IALHAS.,SEEN.GRANTED" BY IqCTE National Council of Teachersof English "-1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, Illinois61801 TO THEEDUCATIOr)LRESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (E141C)." -. NCTE Editorial Board: Marilyn Hanf Buckley, Thomas L. Clark, Jane Hornburger, Elisabeth McPherson, Zora Rashkis, John C. Maxwell, ex officio, Paul O'Dea, ex officio - Book Design: TT Kovacs for TGK Design, interior; Vicki Martin, cover NCTE Stock -Number 20954' b1984 by the Nationat Council of Teachers of English. AlI'rights resered. Printed ine United States of America. It is the policy of NCTE in its journals and otherpublications to provide ,a foruriffor the open discussion of ideas'concerning the content and the teaching of English and the language arts. Publicity accordedto any particular'point of view does not imply endorsement by the Eiecutive Committee, the Board of Directois, or the membership at large, except in announcements of policy, where such endorsement is clearly specified.. Library Of Congress Caitaloging in Publication Data National Council of Teachers of English.Committee to Revise High Interest-Easy Reading. High interest easy reading. Summary: Annotates approximately' 400 recommended books of interest to the.reluctant high school reader, arranged alphabetically-within ,eighteen categoriei inCluding adventure; trivia, careers, fantasy, and history: 1. High interest -low vocabulary books- Bibliography. [1. High interest-low vocabulary books.--Bibliography. 2. BibliographyBest books]I. Agee, Hugh, 1933-: - II.,Title. Z1039.S5N41984 ISBN 0-8141,26954 NOTE Committee to Revise High InterestEasy Reading Hugh Agee, Department of English Edtication, University ofGeo'rgia, Chair W. Geiger Ellis, College.of Educuion, University of Georgia Susetfi Lee Galda, Department of Language Education, Utfiyersity of Georgia . Martha J. jones;Bib.b hoard of Education, Macon, Georgia Kate Kirby, University of Georgia c, Terry C. Ley, Secondary Education, Auburn University.. Patti McWhorter,Cedar Shoals High School, Athens,Georgia Pamela S. Seney,.Southwest High School, Macon, Georgia Joel Taxel, Department of LanguageEducation, UniVersity of Georgia Sarah P. Thornton, Elbert County Middle School, Elberton, Georgia Sibley R. Veal, Timothy Elementary School, Athens, Georgia Grace Larkin,'Oneonta High School, New York, ex officio Paul O'Dea, National Council of Teachers of English, ex officio Contents Introduction to the Read& Adventure 6 Animals- 10 Biography 13 Careers 14 Cars and Other Machines 16 Ethnic Experiences ,17 Fantasy 22' Folklore 22 _...-----. History: Fact and Fiction 25 Humor 29 Love and. Friendship 87 Mystery and Crime 46 Poetry 46 Problems 62 Science 65 SpOrts 70 The Supernatural 73 Trivia 74. Series Books \ 82 Afterword to the Teacher vi Contents _Directory of Publishers : 84 °Author Index 87 Title Index 9i Introduction =to Reader c.. of teachers has looked athundreds of This book's for you. A group think will books published in the lastfew years and selected those we many most interest.you as an activeyoung persort We realize there are and reading aside demandi od your cline and thatyou often put books television. Yet, whether youfind yourself in favor of, say, watching discovering more needing a book for aschool assignment or simply for that interests you yqii may notalways know' about a person or topic recently published how to-find just that rightbook. We hope this, list of books will be of help to you. booklist 'are divided into eighteencategories, The books in this different topics ranging from Adventure toTrivia anti including such and the Supernatural. as Careers,Fan- Easy, History: Fact and Fiction, book'S are arranged alphabeticallyby the author's Within'each category, the name " last name. Afterthe author's nameare the title of the book, and the PubliCationdate. Last comes the of .the publiShing company, will aid your International Standard Book'Number (ISBN), which ordering a book from thepublisher. A brief teacher or librarian in the main description is includedfor each book to introduce you to . 77-----theme ormain character:A typiCal entry reads this way:, Smith, Pauline C. BrushFire! Hiway Books, 1979:ISBN 0-664- 32639-0. 'Johnny, a high school junior,is taking care, of theMillers' they are away for thesurnmer. Then a motorcycle home the'house, and Johriny gang starts abrush fire that threatens 'must iry to controlthe fire: FiCtion. of Trivia books are 'descriptions_of fourteen Following the section and science. If you series of books on suchtopics as adventu\re, Mystery, enjoy one book .in aseries; You may4tt to read some of the other titles as. well thcs'book are a list of publishersand their addresses At the end of by book title. and twO. indeices--ohe arrangedby authcir and the other r vii viii Introduction to the Reader Many of the books have beenselected on the advice of other high school students. We hope you have the same positive reactions as these : students had. Remember that a book works no niagic on its own. Only. .when you, the reader, pick it "up and become involved with it does it come alive. Then it has the power to entertain, toinspire, to inform, to persuade. It's up to you to give a book a chance. Again, this book's for you. May it bring you into the habit of reading ansi enjoying books as an important part ofyour.life., Book Descriptions ADVENTURE Boehm, Bruce, and JanetWinn.-Conriecticut Low. HoughtonMifflin Co., 1980. ISBN0-395-29518-1; A fourteen-year-old boy findshappiness as he explores the Con- friend who teaches him about , necticut River and discovers a secret death to the . nature. When a floodcomes, this same river brings boy's friend. But it alsobrings the bOy and his fathercloser together as the boy shows braveryin lescuing people during, the ' flood. Fiction. Books, 1979. ISBN 'Breckler, Rosemary.Where Are the Twins?Hiway 0- 664 - 32651 -X. disappedred during- a rainstorm . ,While searching for twins who and,Mudilides, two teenagers help theircommunity in other wayS as well. Everyoneshows kippreCiati?n at aspecial assembly, and- the teenagers becomeofficial.Police Cadets. Fiction., 0 -525- Fife, Dale. Destination UnknoWn.Unicorn BookS, 1981. ISBN 28624 -1. , patenti and Twelve.year,old JonLunde is separated from his stranded on the Faerbe Islandswhen the Nazis occupy his native , Norway in the 1940s. So hestowi,:away.,on a fishing boat. But Atlantic to Jon soon realizes the boat isbeing for.7ed to cross the Canada because of the troublewith-the Nazis inthel1/4Iorth Atlan- tic. Fiction. , ISBN' Fornian, James D. Call BackYesterday. Signet Vista Books, 1982. 0-684-17138-6.: Cindy, is visiting her parentsinSaudiArabia, where her father with two young Works in the- American.ernliassy.Her involveinent bombing of the embassy.Cindy, as-the only men leads tothe who survivor; now has to retail thatnight of horrdr for officials are trying toprevent aworld crisis.Fiction. Adventure
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