Charles Daly INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR PUMP ACTION SHOTGUNS WARNING Please read ths manual carefully and do not use ths frearm untl you have fully understood all the safety nstructons and ts handlng procedures. Should you requre further nformaton, do not hestate to contact Chappa Frearms USA, Ltd. PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN WARNING: Dschargng frearms n poorly 9. Never leave the weapon loaded, t could fall and cause WARNINGS ventlated areas, cleanng frearms, or handlng njury and death. Always pont the gun n a safe drecton, The manufacturer s not responsble for damage ammunton may result n exposure to lead or other and handle t as though t were loaded. Ths s especally to objects caused by msuse of the gun or for substances known to the State of Calforna to mportant when loadng and unloadng the gun, and when njures to persons or anmals, or n case of death, cause brth defects, reproductve harm, and other handng t to someone else. Never take someone’s word caused voluntarly or nvoluntarly by the gun user. serous physcal njury. Have adequate ventlaton that t s unloaded. Always make sure the gun s unloaded at all tmes. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure. before layng t down or handng t to someone else. The manufacturer s not responsble for njures 10. After use, clean and lubrcate the nsde of the barrel caused by poor mantenance, msuse of the gun, ANY LEGAL DISPUTE WILL BE UNDER unauthorzed or mproper modfcatons. THE JURISDICTION OF A COURT IN THE wth approprate ol. Grease or ol buld up can cause excessve pressure and result n serous personal njures. The manufacturer declnes responsblty for the STATE OF OHIO – USA, OR IN THE COURT OF BRESCIA – ITALY, AT OUR DISCRETION. Before usng the gun agan, nspect the barrel and ndrect consequences of any njures and / or chamber to make certan that there are no obstructons death of persons or anmals, damage to objects n the bore. Remove any o resdue wth rod and dry caused by use of the gun or by prmer exploton, SAFETY RULES patch before shootng. by bullet’s rcochet, or unsafe loadng practces and / or procedure. 1. Read the nstructons carefully before use. 11. Accumulaton of rust n the barrel can cause excessve Readng the manual and careful examnaton of the pressures resultng n serous njury and may cause the Read the entre manual and learn the proper use gun are fundamental to avod any knd of problem. exploton of the barrel. A rusted, ptted or eroded barrel of the gun wthout lve ammunton. It s mportant should be replaced. that you understand the proper use of ths product. 2. Be aware that you are handlng a frearm; therefore your knowledge and behavour may 12. Before shootng ALWAYS check to ensure that the barrel The lfe of the people close to you may depend on affect your lfe and those of the people close to you. s free of obstructons. your safe behavour. 13. Never force a jammed acton, ths act could cause exploton If the manual s not clear, please contact the dealer 3. Guns and ammuntons must be kept n separate of the round and consequent njury. where you bought the gun or call the dstrbutor or places. the manufacturer by usng the contact nformaton 4. ALWAYS keep guns and ammuntons out of reach 14. Use exclusvely factory loaded ammunton of the calber provded wthn ths manual. of chldren. specfed on the frearm barrel. Use of dfferent calbers may The manufacturer declnes any responsblty for 5. Store the gun n a clean,dry and ary place after use cause serous personal njures to you and to people close to you. msuse of the frearm. In case of alteraton of the to avod rust n mechancal parts that may cause 15. In case of msfre, manually extract the cartrdge from the frearm, The manufacturer declnes any cvl and serous problems n functonng after a perod of chamber. If frearm fals to fre when trgger s pulled, as a result of penal responsblty and wll not refund any nactvty. slow prmer gnton (hangfre), keep muzzle poted downrange for damage. 6. The gun must ALWAYS be stored unloaded , ALWAYS a mnmum of 30 seconds. If the round does not fre, clear the weapon and examne the ejected, unfred cartrdge. If the ndent QUALITY INSPECTION: Every frearm s check that the chamber s empty. from the frng pn s off center, lght or absent, take the gun to a thoroughly nspected by the manufacturer, for 7. Keep away from open flame or heaatng sources. competent gunsmth. If the ndent appears normal compared to functon and cosmetc blemsh, pror to shpment. 8. Never leave a loaded gun unattended. other rounds, assume a faulty round, seperate from other cartrdges, reload and contnue shootng. 1 16. Do not attempt to re-use unexploded ammuntons. 28. Never drnk alcoholc beverages or take any drugs before or durng IDENTIFYING MARKINGS 17. NEVER modfy any parts of your gun. Any alteraton may cause shootng, as ths not only consttutes crmnal dsregard for your safety serous personal njury and vods the warranty. and that of others, but wll serously mpar your judgment and vson. Every gun we produce has a seral number that s marked on the Never use a gun whle you are takng medcaton unless you have recever/frame and the barrel. On the barrel you wll also fnd the 18. Only a qualfed gunsmth may servce the gun for repar or serous checked wth your doctor to ensure your ftness to handle the gun mantenance. manufacturer nformaton wth the model name and calber as requred safely. by law. 19. Pay great attenton durng transportaton and use. Mechancal 29. Always wear and encourage others near you to wear proper ear These markngs must not be removed from the frearm for any reason. safety devces can fal. Developng ntellgent, good safety habts s the protecton when shootng, especally on a range snce the nose from best way to prevent accdents. your gun, and other guns close to you, could result n permanent AMMUNITION 20. Never rest your fnger on the trgger untl the very moment you wsh hearng loss. Use only hgh qualty factory ammunton spesfcally desgned for your to shot. Always keep the safety on untl you are ready to safely shoot at 30. Always wear protectve shootng glasses to protect your eyes from an ntended target (see safety features). gauge of shotgun. The gauge and chamber are marked on barrel. The njury by gun powder, gas, lubrcant, drt or metallc partcles, carbon shells for each gauge that can be used are lsted at the below table. Note: Safety devces on guns are extras and are not a substtute for resdue, sparks or other debrs. your proper and safe handlng practces. Your shotgun wll accommodate steel shot. However, steel shot should 31. Wash hands thoroughly after shootng and handlng frearms to not be used wth any choke tghter than a modfed choke (flush mount 21. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded when transportng t from home to remove any unwanted resdues. or external). Do not use steel shot wth mproved modfed, full or extra the shootng areas. Carefully check that cartrdge chamber s empty. 32. NEVER leave the loaded frearm or the loaded magazne n the sun. full choke tubes (flush mount or external). 22. When you walk around wth the gun n a shootng area, ALWAYS WARNING: ACCIDENTAL LOADING AND DISCHARGE OF SHELLS keep the muzzle ponted n a safe drecton. REMEMBER: No mechancal safety devce s nfallble. OF THE WRONG GAUGE IN YOUR GUN CAN RESULT IN 23. NEVER run wth a loaded gun, don’t cross any obstacle (fences The user s responsble for njures or damages caused to hm or to other DAMAGE TO YOUR GUN AND INJURY TO THE SHOOTER OR or water courses, etc.) or walk where there s any possblty of slppng persons. OTHERS. or fallng wthout havng your frearm unloaded and n safety poston. COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE OF YOUR FIREARM CAN MAKE THE Only carry the proper ammunton wth you when shootng. 24. When selectng a place to shoot, always be absolutely sure of your DIFFERENCE. target and the area behnd t before you touch the trgger, makng sure there s an adequate backstop whch wll stop and contan bullets. A bullet can travel through or past your target wth a range up to 1 1/2 mles. If you have any doubt, do not shoot. Gauge & Chamber Shells can be used 25. Never shoot aganst a sold surface or n a pool of water, the projectles could rcochet and shoot toward any drecton. Don’t shoot 12/76 12Ga 3” 12/70 12Ga 2 ” 12/76 12Ga 3” up nto the sky. 26. Keep all bystanders behnd you, standng besde a shooter s not 12/89 12Ga 3 ” 12/70 12Ga 2 ” 12/76 12Ga 3” 12/89 12Ga 3 ” a safe poston. Make sure all other shooters and bystanders are well away from the ejecton port. 20/76 20Ga 3” 20/70 20Ga 2 ” 20/76 20Ga 3” 27. Do not smoke whle handlng, loadng or shootng any ammunton, 28/70 28Ga 2 ” 28/70 28Ga 2 ” especally black powder. Keep black powder n a closed contaner at all tmes, reclosng the contaner after each and every use. Do not use a cartrdge that s longer than the maxmum cartrdge length that s stamped on the barrel. 2 PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN NOTICE: WE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM Immedately stop shootng and check the barrel for a possble from the bore, chamber and mechansm before resumng RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE OR obstructon whenever: shootng.
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