歡迎蒞臨指導 沙田循道衛理中學 Sha Tin Method生ist College 直 達 本 校 之 巴 士: Access to our school Bus routes to Sun Tai Wai Estate: 281M;81K;87B;82K;282 途 經 本 校 之 巴 士: Bus routes to a stop close to Sun Tai Wai Estate: 74A;80M;82M;85A;86;89 另外可由馬鐵車公廟站步行約10分鐘至本校 Via the Ma On Shan Rail About 10-minute walking distance from Che Kung Miu Station 命 沙田循道衛理中學 Sha Tin Methodist College 校 監:盧 龍 光 牧 師 校長:何振傑先生 Supervisor: Lo Lung Kwong (Rev. Prof.) Principal: Mr. Ho Chun Kit 香港 沙田新田圍邨 Sun Tin Wai Estate Shatin Hong Kong 電話(Tel): 852-2602 1300 傳真(Fax): 852-2609 1477 http://www.stmc.edu.hk 學校概覽 2013年10月印製 學校 辦學 簡介 School Basic Information 宗旨 Scho ol Philosophy and Aims 本校創辦於一九八三年,為循道衛理聯合教 會主辦之政府資助中學。 本校與本會沙田牧區之禮拜堂和服務中心一 同服務社群。 Sha Tin Methodist College, a government subsidized secondary school founded in 1983, is sponsored by the Methodist Church, Hong Kong to serve the local community together with churches and service centres in Sha Tin parish. 本校秉承基督精神辦學,以全人關懷為首要 任務,培養學生於靈、德、智、體、群、美 六育並進,邁向基督化完美人格,從而服侍 人群,建設社會。 Based on the spirit of Jesus Christ, and putting whole person caring as our top priority, the school aims to provide education on spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic aspects, which helps students build a personality in the image of Christ to serve people and society. 2 3 智慧 的培育 Nurturing Intelligence 回應新紀元的挑戰,本校著意讓學生: In response to the new century’s challenges, we aim at nurturing students’ intelligence in the following • 全面接受通識教育,兼備科技基礎和人 ways: 文素養,能夠批判思考,建構知識。 Provide Liberal Studies education on both the junior and senior form curriculum so that • 建立閱讀的興趣和習慣。 students are trained in various aspects including science, technology and humanities, • 掌握兩文三語,有效學習和溝通。 which in turn builds up their critical thinking and facilitates the development of knowledge. • 善用資訊科技。 Develop students’ interest in reading. • 藉豐富的活動,拓展視野、活用知識。 Enhance students’ language proficiency of the two languages (Chinese and English) so that • 接受多元的資優教育。 they can be trilingual (English, Putonghua and Cantonese) in communication and learning. Develop students’ abilities to use information technology to facilitate learning. Provide a rich variety of extra-curricular activities to allow them to apply the knowledge gained to daily life. Offer enrichment programmes and activities for the gifted to best develop students’ abilities and skills. 4 5 人格 的塑造 Shaping Character 本校本著聖經的教導、基督化校風的薰陶,讓學生: Through the teaching of biblical knowledge and Christian education, the following is implemented to shape students’ character: • 互相關愛,人人閃耀。 Recognize students’ uniqueness and emphasize the • 藉自由信任的校風,培育責任感,並不斷奮鬥 opportunity for every student to shine and the need 、積極和創新。 for mutual respect and care. Create a trusting and free school atmosphere to • 透過考察及交流,擴闊胸懷,關心社會、國家 nurture students’ sense of responsibility and estab- 和世界。 lish a school culture that is striving and innovating. • 藉著服務活動,培育承擔感。 Broaden students’ vision and cultivate their sensitiv- ity to issues related to the society, the home-country and the world by organizing field trips, exchange • 接受多元化的課外活動,陶冶性情,培育領導 programmes, open forums, etc. 才能。 Emphasize the importance of learning through 自訂學習和成長目標,自策自勵。 services so as to build up students’ sense of com- • mitment. • 藉學生表現概覽,獲得全面的成長回饋: Offer a rich variety of extra-curricular activities in which students’ character and leadership can be best developed. 品性:誠信、自律、禮貌; 能力:思辨能力、人際關係、領導才能; Enable students to set their own goals for studies 態度:學習態度、服務精神、主動性。 and personal growth and monitor their own progress. To reflect students’ whole-person development, replace the traditional conduct mark with an assess- ment of nine personal qualities under three catego- ries as follows: Personality: honesty, self-discipline and courtesy Abilities : thinking, inter-personal relationships and leadership Attitude : learning attitude, willingness to serve and initiative 6 7 師資優良 Professional Teachers 課程創新 Innovating Curriculum 本校以英語作為授課語言,包括大部份學科及全部術 • The school adopts English as the medium of instruc- 科科目。 tion in most academic and non-academic subjects including Physical Education, Music and Visual Arts. 全體英語及普通話教師均已符合政府語文基準要求。 • All English Language and Putonghua teachers have met the requirements of the Language Proficiency 約41%教師持有碩士學位 Assessment prescribed by the EDB. 具特色的必修科目: • About 41% of the teachers have attained education at master’s degree level. 中醫中藥通識教育 • School-based compulsory subjects: 科學科技專題研習 General Education Curriculum on Chinese Medicine 博物館專題研習 and Herbs 戶外考察及專題研習 Project Learning on Science and Technology 義工服務與學習 Museum Studies Outdoor Field Trips and Project Learning Voluntary Service Learning • In accordance with the New Senior Secondary Curriculum, the following subjects are offered: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics, Accounting and Financial Studies, Geography, Chinese History, 配合新高中學制,開設選修科目: Chinese Literature, Information & Communication 物理、生物、化學、經濟、企業會計及財務概論、地 Technology and Visual Arts. 理、中國歷史、中國文學、資訊及通訊科技、視覺藝 術。 • Restructure Life Education, Service Learning, P.E. and Arts programs to align with the Other Learning Experiences required by the New Senior Secondary 整合生命教育、服務學習和體藝等課程,以配合新高 Curriculum. 中「其他學習經歷」。 • Visits and study tours outside HK are organized each year. 每年舉辦多次境外考察與交流活動。 • Distinguished scholars and outstanding figures are 經常邀請各地學者及傑出人士到校訪問演講交流。 invited to visit the school and give talks. • Provide subsidy for students with financial difficulty 設有考察學習助學金,支持有需要同學參加學校安排 to take part in overseas learning tours. 之境外有關活動。 • Run a ‘My-ile’ (My file) Scheme to enable students to set their own goals for studies and personal growth 推行My-ile(我的檔案)計劃,讓學生自訂學習和成長 and monitor their own progress under the supervisi- 目標,在老師和家長支持下自策自勵,不斷成長。 on of parents and teachers. 8 9 優異的公開試成績 優質的教育配套 Outstanding Public Examination Results 香港中學文憑試 2013成績 近年及現時參與的教育項目: HKDSE 2013 推動全港優化教育 • 資源學校 • 專業發展學校 (PDS) 中國語文科 • 學校支援夥伴計劃 (SSPS) Chinese Language 55.5% (27.5%) 86.3% (52.3%) 99.5% (80.7%) • 優化教學協作計劃 (PILT) 英國語文科 English Language 68.1% (25.6%) 97.8% (48.8%) 100% (77.8%) • 通識教育支援計劃 (STILLS) • 優質生命教育計劃 數學科 72% (34.7%) 94.5% (57.3%) 99.5% (80.8%) Mathematics (Core) • 優化提升英語水平計劃 (REES) 通識教育科 55% (35.5%) 89.6% (69.3%) 99.5% (88.5%) • 教育局加強公營學校行政管理試驗計劃 Liberal Studies 12個文憑試科目 : 超過 50%達四級或以上成績 12 DSE subjects: >50% attained Level 4 or above Promoting Gifted Education 最佳成績學生及升讀大學: • one of the resource schools in Hong Kong 6B 張愷晴(35分): 5科5**,2科5*,1科5 (香港大學醫學院) • one of the member schools under the Professional 6C 黎俊傑(34分): 5科5**,2科5*,1科5 (香港大學統計及精算學系) 6C 何紹朗(32分): 3科5**,2科5*,1科5,2科4 (香港中文大學專業會計學) Development Scheme (PDS) 6D 彭施慰(32分): 3科5**,1科5*,1科5,2科4 (香港中文大學心理學系) • one of the member schools under the School 6B 張雪晴(32分): 2科5**,4科5*,1科5,1科4 (香港中文大學醫學院) 6C 鄭偉然(32分): 2科5**,4科5*,1科5,1科4 (香港大學統計及精算學系) Support Partners Scheme (SSPS) 6C 郭晉穎(31分): 3科5**,2科5*,3科4 (香港中文大學保險、財務與精算學系) • one of the member schools under the Partnership 6B 關業鴻(31分): 2科5**,3科5*,1科5,2科4 (香港大學經濟金融學系) for Improvement of Learning & Teaching Project (PILT) Best Results and further studies: • Support for Transition to the Implementation and 6B Cheung Heidi (35 marks): Leadership of Liberal Studies (STILLS) 5 subjects 5**, 2 subjects 5*, 1 subject 5 (MBBS, HKU) • Quality Life Education 6C Lai Chun Kit (34 marks): 5 subjects 5**, 2 subjects 5*, 1 subject 5 (BSC (AC), HKU) • Refined English Enhancement Scheme (REES) 6C Ho Siu Long (32 marks): • Pilot Study on Strengthening School’s Administrative 3 subjects 5**, 2 subjects 5*, 1 subject 5, 2 subjects 4(Prof. Accountancy, CUHK) Management 6D Pang Sze Wai (32 marks): 3 subjects 5**, 1 subject 5*, 1 subject 5, 2 subjects 4 (Psychology, CUHK) 6B Cheung Suet Ching (32 marks): 2 subjects 5**, 4 subjects 5*, 1 subject 5, 1 subject 4 (Medicine, CUHK) 6C Cheng Wai Yin (32 marks): 2 subjects 5**, 4 subjects 5*, 1 subject 5, 1 subject 4 (BSC (AC), HKU) 課程發展處種籽計劃學校 • 資優教育 6C Kwok Chun Wing (31 marks): 3 subjects 5**, 2 subjects 5*, 3 subjects 4 (IFAA (QFIN), CUHK) • 中醫中藥通識教育 • 通識教育科 6B Kwan Yip Hung (31 marks): 2 subjects 5**, 3 subjects 5*, 1 subject 5, 2 subjects 4 (Econ & Fin, HKU) • 綜合人文科 2013年大學入學率 CDI’s Collaborative Research and • 於第二屆香港文憑試中,本校84%(全港38.7%)中六同學達大學聯合招生基本 Development (“Seed”) Projects 入學要求(3322) 。 • 超過100位同學(全級182人) ,即56%(全港26.3%)獲取大學聯合招生學額。 • Gifted education Further Studies • General Education Curriculum on • Chinese Medicine and Herbs minimum entry requirement (33222) of universities. • Liberal Studies education on both • 56% (HK 26.3%), i.e. more than 100 out of the 182 students have got the junior and senior form curriculum offers from the JUPAS. • Integrated Humanities 10 11 優質的教育基金項目 Outstanding Education Support uality ducation und rojects Q E F P • 教統局「潤物無聲,德育有情」夥伴學校 • 中藥園並有關課程被收納入《中國環境巡禮》內 綠化校園計劃 • 自1992年已在中六開辦通識教育科;科會擁有10多位教師 中藥普及教育與學習中心 • • ,經驗豐富,也主力推動全港通識教育科之發展。 • Speak Trilingually in Virtual Reality • 2006至2009年與香港大學專業進修學院協作,開辦高中基 中樂團 • 礎中醫藥選修課程(新高中應用學習先導課程);並提供場 • 西樂團 地與資源予3間友校開辦同類課程,成為學習中心。 • 羣集學校資優計劃 • 與教育局資優教育組及香港資優教育學院緊密聯繫,推薦 • 數碼音樂藝術創作室 學生參加有關課程。 • 多媒體語言學習中心 • 今學年,通識教育科與香港中文大學合作推動課堂研究, • 筆記簿型電腦 進行觀課交流。 • 學校專業發展協作計劃 • EDB Partner School of Civic and Moral Education • 中醫藥普及教育課程與資源中心 • The Chinese Herb Garden and the curriculum of Chinese • Developing Teaching and Self-Access Learning Materials Medicine and Herbs have been incorporated in a publication using Web-based and Multi-media Resources about Chinese environment. • 專題探究優質教案計劃 Since 1992 the school has already implemented Liberal • 運用新科技處理學校行政工作計劃 • Studies. The subject panel comprises over ten experienced • 建立優質數碼廣播系統,深化校園電視台功能 teachers, who are keen to share with
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