TRANSPORT THE GREEN CONFERENCE WASTE AND EVENT AND DRINK FOOD HANDBOOK ELECTRICITY Your guide to working strategically and practically with sustainability VOLUNTEERING INNOVATION DOKUMENTATION 2019 Aarhus Events – Aarhus University – VisitAarhus – Worldperfect ABOUT US GREEN = TRANSPORT SUSTAINABLE Here at Aarhus Events and VisitAarhus so even small steps can make a big differ- The Green Conference and Event Handbook is Our Method we have a goal: we want to lead the way in ence. developed by Aarhus Events, VisitAarhus, the making events sustainable. Aarhus Univer- departement of events and communication The design of The Green Conference and Over the next few years, our goal is to WASTE sity shares our dream and wants to be- support at Aarhus University and Worldperfect. Event Handbook reflects a number of operat- make this handbook known to all large come Europe’s greenest university when it ing principles covering several relevant topics. events and conferences, meaning those Working alongside the Climate Department at comes to hosting conferences. We, as event organisers, work within these with 50 participants or more. Aarhus Municipality, we’ve defined our aim in principles, and recommend them to other Our plans are pretty ambitious and we’re terms of sustainability in events and conference At Aarhus Events, VisitAarhus and the de- organisers. The handbook includes specific setting the bar high, so we’ve put togeth- management. partement of events and communication instructions, good advice and guidelines, as AND DRINK FOOD er this handbook to help us achieve our support at Aarhus University, we’ve de- Our systematic approach has already proved well as a series of useful questions that you goals. cided to use the handbook to help us plan successful, and we’re committed to further de- can ask yourself and your suppliers. Each area Luckily for us, the city of Aarhus presents our upcoming events and conferences. veloping this way of working. of focus outlines some general objectives that a whole host of possibilities for working All of these events will be assessed using we, as organisers, aim for. We want to make This handbook outlines the direction we, as sustainably, which we can all benefit from the criteria outlined in the following pages it clear, however, that all organisers of events organisers of large events and conferences in as event and conference organisers. according to this timeline: and conferences can contribute with their Aarhus, wish to take. It’s built around Aarhus’ know-how to fulfil and spread their own sus- Year 1: We’ll collect data from participat- existing policies and is connected with: ELECTRICITY Our goal tainable visions. ing events and conferences based on the • CLIMATE STRATEGY AND CLIMATE In addition to our own goals, we’re pas- relevant objectives. PLAN 2016-2020 sionate about helping you, whether you’re The UN Sustainable Year 2: We’ll continue to collect data and • WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN 2015-2018 an events organiser or manager, take your Development Goals assess our progress. If our goals are not • CYCLING ACTION PLAN 2017 next sustainable step, however great or All of the initiatives described in each section being met, we’ll update our plans. • BUSINESS PLAN 2018-2019 small it may be. The more projects that are directly related to the UN Sustainable De- work sustainably, the stronger the impact, Year 3-5: We’ll continue to collect data • SPORTS AND LEISURE POLICY 2018-2021 velopment Goals. These are outlined and in- VOLUNTEERING and update our objectives. • AARHUS MUNICIPALITY’S FUTURE terpreted at the end of each section and can PLASTIC STRATEGY be used actively by organisers in funding ap- We measure our progress using the Global Des- plications, or for the purposes of general com- tinations Sustainability index (GDS index). This munication. % of events and conferences in Aarhus is an international index that measures how sus- using this handbook. tainable cities are in terms of the way they run Process 100% INNOVATION conferences and events. Working sustainably is all about mindset. We know it’s not possible to achieve all our goals 80% New Event Strategy 2020-2024 in the first year, but we’re committed to doing 70% In the near future, Aarhus Municipality will devel- as much as we can, as well as making a plan 60% for how we can do even more next year. We 60% op and approve a new event strategy focusing on sustainability and the United Nations (UN) hope that we can inspire others to think in the same way. With this handbook in hand, plan- 40% Sustainable Development Goals. 40% ning sustainable events should be that little bit 30% Across the city, as a result of this handbook, easier for all of us. organisers of events of all sizes have already DOKUMENTATION 20% become involved in sustainable and green initi- So, to get started, read the handbook, follow atives. This means that future event strategies the guide, and, if you have any questions, get can build on previous experience, allowing us in touch with the team at Aarhus Events, Vis- 2019 2020 2021 2022 to outline common trends and initiatives that itAarhus, The Climate Department or World- could be useful for event and conference perfect. organisers. Let’s rock. WHY DO WE TRANSPORT NEED A GREEN CONFERENCE AND WASTE EVENT HANDBOOK? FOOD AND DRINK FOOD Aarhus University Anders Frølund, Head of Events and Communications Support When it comes to hosting conferences sustainably, Aarhus University wants to be the best in Europe. We’re already well on our way, and over the past few years many of the initiatives mentioned in the handbook have already been tested at our 300 annual conferences. As a ELECTRICITY university and a research institution, we feel that it’s extra important that we show our stu- dents and staff that taking responsibility for the environment is a natural part of holding a From the left: Kirsten Rudbeck and Allan Tambo, VisitAarhus, Rasmus Hørsted Jensen, Worldperfect, conference, but we can’t do it alone. This handbook and its underlying collaboration illus- Anders Frølund, AU, Charlotte Kirk Elkjær, Aarhus Events, Søren Stochholm, Worldperfect, Jørn Sønderkjær, Aarhus Events, Thomas Mikkelsen, Climate Department, Aarhus Municipality trates how important it is for the whole city to work together to achieve this goal. Using this handbook, and through various collaborations, we hope not only to make our own events more sustainable, but to inspire other universities to do the same. VOLUNTEERING The Climate Department Aarhus Events VisitAarhus Worldperfect Henrik Müller, Head of Climate Jørn Sønderkjær, Head of Events Allan Tambo, Head of Business Tourism Søren Stochholm, Partner Department, Aarhus Municipality Sustainability is increasingly becoming Through our work with NorthSide and The One of Aarhus’s strengths is that we can, and INNOVATION Aarhus has a very ambitious climate plan and want to, work together across the board. As a crucial part of the bidding process when European Capital of Culture 2017, and we have a clear strategy of how to achieve it. a city, we are particularly strong when we join it comes to hosting large congress events. most recently the Hempel World Sailing One of our areas of focus is local green en- forces in the area of sustainability. For this This handbook and the collaboration that Championships, we have acquired a lot of gagement, where we strive to communicate, reason, Aarhus can help set new goals and led to its creation strengthen our position experience in working with sustainability showcase and cultivate a sense of ownership standards for integrating sustainability into as a sustainable congress city, both na- and large events. Alongside the rest of the for our city’s green transition. In our work, event management. tionally and internationally. It also allows group, we’ve chosen the advice and con- events and conferences are essential, as this us to encourage local organisers and the tacts that we think will be the most useful With this handbook, Aarhus Events can help is where we physically meet our citizens and tourism industry to work together and do for organisers on the ground. improve a number of events in the city, from their bit to make the city as sustainable guests. We’ve made this handbook easy to follow, smaller sports, cultural and knowledge-shar- DOKUMENTATION as possible, helping us attract valuable ing events to big festivals with tens of thou- so that any event organiser can use it to With the publication of this handbook we have visitors. taken another important step towards encour- sands of guests. We look forward to taking improve their sustainability. You don’t even aging more people to work sustainably. By see- the next step and helping event organisers have to develop a full strategy. It’s that ing or experiencing a green idea at an event, implement their ideas. simple. you are more likely to be open to new ideas at events in the future. INTRODUCTION TRANSPORT TO THE SECTIONS WASTE This handbook describes the general areas How to use this handbook that we, as organisers, work through in our In the following pages, you can dive into planning. These are also areas that every AND DRINK FOOD any of the various sections and find event organiser should consider in terms inspiration for sustainable initiatives for of sustainability. We have included all rele- your event. vant aspects of an event, so each section provides an entry point in how to work In each section, you can find our goals, sustainably. which match the goals that Aarhus is working towards. Procurement – the first choices You will also find a guide for organisers, ELECTRICITY It can be difficult to judge where you can which includes our recommendations for make the biggest impact with sustainable each of the focus areas.
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