NAVAIR 00-80T-105 CV NATOPS MANUAL DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C — Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies and their contractors to protect publications required for official use or for administrative or operational purposes only (15 July 2004). Other requests for this document shall be referred to Commanding Officer, Naval Air Technical Data and Engineering Service Command, Naval Air Station North Island, Bldg. 90, Distribution, P.O. Box 357031, San Diego, CA 92135-7031. DESTRUCTION NOTICE — For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. ISSUED BY AUTHORITY OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS AND UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDER, NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND. 12 0800LP1039308 1 (Reverse Blank) 15 JULY 2004 NATEC ELECTRONIC MANUAL NAVAIR 00-80T-105 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND RADM WILLIAM A. MOFFETT BUILDING 47123 BUSE ROAD, BLDG 2272 PATUXENT RIVER, MD 20670-1547 15 JULY 2004 LETTER OF PROMULGATION 1. The Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization (NATOPS) Program is a positive approach toward improving combat readiness and achieving a substantial reduction in the aircraft mishap rate. Standardization, based on professional knowledge and experience, provides the basis for development of an efficient and sound operational procedure. The standardization program is not planned to stifle individual initiative, but rather to aid the Commanding Officer in increasing the unit’s combat potential without reducing command prestige or responsibility. 2. This manual standardizes ground and flight procedures but does not include tactical doctrine. Compliance with the stipulated manual requirements and procedures is mandatory except as authorized herein. In order to remain effective, NATOPS must be dynamic and stimulate rather than suppress individual thinking. Since aviation is a continuing, progressive profession, it is both desirable and necessary that new ideas and new techniques be expeditiously evaluated and incorporated if proven to be sound. To this end, Commanding Officers of aviation units are authorized to modify procedures contained herein, in accordance with the waiver provisions established by OPNAVInstruction 3710.7, for the purpose of assessing new ideas prior to initiating recommendations for permanent changes. This manual is prepared and kept current by the users in order to achieve maximum readiness and safety in the most efficient and economical manner. Should conflict exist between the training and operating procedures found in this manual and those found in other publications, this manual will govern. 3. Checklists and other pertinent extracts from this publication necessary to normal operations and training should be made and carried for use in naval aircraft. JEFFERY A WIERINGA Captain, United States Navy By direction of Commander, Naval Air Systems Command 3/(4 blank) ORIGINAL NAVAIR 00-80T-105 INTERIM CHANGE SUMMARY The following Interim Changes have been cancelled or previously incorporated into this manual. INTERIM CHANGE NUMBER(S) REMARKS/PURPOSE 1thru30 Previously incorporated The following Interim Changes have been incorporated into this Change/Revision. INTERIM CHANGE NUMBER(S) REMARKS/PURPOSE Interim Changes Outstanding — To be maintained by the custodian of this manual. INTERIM CHANGE ORIGINATOR/DATE PAGES NUMBER (or DATE/TIME GROUP) AFFECTED REMARKS/PURPOSE 5/(6 blank) ORIGINAL PTTUZYUW RULSABU1234 1182011-UUUU--RHMCSUU. ZNR UUUU P 282011Z APR 05 FM COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PATUXENT RIVER MD//4.0P// TO LSO SCHOOL NORFOLK VA//JJJ// INFO COMNAVAIRSYSCOM PATUXENT RIVER MD//4.0P/4.1/5.0F/5.1// COMNAVAIRFOR SAN DIEGO CA//N32/N421// COMNAVAIRES NEW ORLEANS LA//N42/N52// CG FOURTH MAW//DOSS// COMMARFORLANT//DSS// COMMARFORPAC//SAFETY// CNATRA CORPUS CHRISTI TX//N3// CMC WASHINGTON DC//SD// COMNAVSAFECEN NORFOLK VA//11// COMNAVAIRWARCENACDIV PATUXENT RIVER//JJJ// NAVAIRDEPOT JACKSONVILLE FL//3.3.3// COMCARGRU EIGHT COMCARAIRWING SEVEN USS KITTY HAWK USS ENTERPRISE USS JOHN F KENNEDY USS NIMITZ USS DWIGHT D EISENHOWER USS CARL VINSON USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN USS GEORGE WASHINGTON USS JOHN C STENNIS USS HARRY S TRUMAN USS RONALD REAGAN BT UNCLAS//N03711// MSGID/GENADMIN/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM/4.0P// SUBJ/CV NATOPS AND LSO NATOPS PUBLICATIONS INTERIM CHANGES /SAFETY OF FLIGHT// REF/A/EML/LSO SCHOOL/06APR2005// REF/B/DOC/LSO SCHOOL/29MAR2005// REF/C/DOC/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM/15JUL2004// REF/D/DOC/COMNAVAIRSYSCOM/17JUN2004// NARR/REF A, AN EMAIL, IS LSO SCHOOL (CV/LSO NATOPS COG CMD) CONCURRENCE WITH THIS MESSAGE. REF B IS CV/LSO OAG POWER POINT PRESENTATION OF ACCEPTED NATOPS CHANGES TO REFS C & D. REF C IS CV NATOPS, NAVAIR 00-80T-105 DTD 15 JUL 2004. REF D IS LANDING SIGNAL OFFICER (LSO) NATOPS, NAVAIR 00-80T-104 DTD 17 JUN 2004.// RMKS/1. THIS MESSAGE IS ISSUED IN RESPONSE TO REFS A AND B. THIS MESSAGE ISSUES INTERIM CHANGE (IC) NUMBER 31 TO REF C AND INTERIM CHANGE (IC) NUMBER 11 TO REF D. 2. SUMMARY. A. THIS MSG INCORPORATES IDENTIFIED MISCELLANEOUS NATOPS CHANGE ITEMS FROM THE APRIL 2004 CV/LSO OAG CONFERENCE FOR INCLUSION IN REFS C AND D. B. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR NOTIFICATION OF THESE CHANGES ONLY. THE DETAILS OF THE ACTUAL CHANGES ARE FOUND IN REPLACEMENT PAGES. C. REPLACEMENT PAGES CONTAINING THESE CHANGES FOR DOWNLOADING AND INSERTION INTO REFS C AND D WILL BE ATTACHED TO THIS INTERIM CHANGE NAVAIR 282011Z APR05 Page 1 of 3 00-80T-105 IC 31 00-80T-104 IC 11 MESSAGE WHEN IT IS POSTED ON THE NATEC AND NATOPS WEBSITES (SEE LAST PARA BELOW). E. THESE REPLACEMENT PAGES IMPACT THE FOLLOWING EXISTING MANUAL(S) PAGES: 1. REF C (CV NATOPS), PAGES 3-5, 5-11 AND 5-19. 2. REF D (LSO NATOPS), PAGES 1-1, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2, 3-1, 4-1, 5-5, 6-3, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8, 6-12, AND 8-2. 3. POINTS OF CONTACT: A. CV/LSO NATOPS PROGRAM MANAGER IS LCDR JOSEPH KRASINSKI, LSO SCHOOL, TEL DSN 433-2515 OR COMM (757) 433-2515, EMAIL: JOSEPH.KRASINSKI(AT)NAVY.MIL B. NAVAIR POCS: 1. MARTY SCANLON, 4.0P NATOPS INTERIM CHANGE COORDINATOR, TEL DSN 757-6045, OR COMM (301) 757-6045, EMAIL: MARTIN.SCANLON(AT)NAVY.MIL 2. LCDR JR NASH, 4.0P NATOPS OFFICER, TEL DSN 995-2052, OR COMM (301) 995-2052, EMAIL: JAMES.NASH(AT)NAVY.MIL 3. KRISTIN SWIFT, 4.0P NATOPS CHIEF ENGINEER, TEL DSN 995-4193 OR COMM (301) 995-4193, EMAIL: KRISTIN.SWIFT(AT)NAVY.MIL 4. THIS MESSAGE WILL BE POSTED ON THE NATEC WEBSITE, WWW.NATEC.NAVY.MIL WITHIN 15 DAYS OF RELEASE. NEW NATOPS IC MESSAGES MAY BE FOUND IN TWO PLACES ON THIS WEBSITE: (1) IN THE NATOPS IC DATABASE FOUND UNDER THE TMAPS OPTION, AND (2) IN THE AFFECTED PUBLICATIONS(S) JUST AFTER THE IC SUMMARY PAGE. IF THE IC MESSAGE INCLUDES REPLACEMENT PAGES, THEY WILL BE ADDITIONALLY PLACED WITHIN THE MANUAL AND REPLACED PAGES DELETED. MESSAGES ARE NORMALLY POSTED IN THE DATABASE BEFORE APPEARING IN THE PUBLICATION. THIS MESSAGE WILL ALSO BE POSTED ON THE NATOPS WEBSITE, NATOPS.NAVAIR.NAVY.MIL. IF UNABLE TO VIEW THIS MESSAGE ON EITHER THE NATEC OR NATOPS WEBSITES, INFORM THE NATOPS GLOBAL CUSTOMER SUPPORT TEAM AT (301) 342-3276, DSN 342-3276, OR BY EMAIL AT NATOPS(AT)NAVY.MIL.// BT #1234 NNNN NAVAIR 282011Z APR05 Page 2 of 3 00-80T-105 IC 31 00-80T-104 IC 11 NAVAIR 00-80T-105 CV NATOPS NATOPS MANUAL INTERIM CHANGE 31 REPLACEMENT PAGES ------------------------ 1. Replacement pages for Interim Change 31 to the CV NATOPS, NAVAIR 00- 80T-105 dated 15 Jul 2004, are attached as follows: Page Page Version Marking ----- --------------------- 3-5 Original W/IC 31 3-6 Original 5-11 Original W/IC 31 5-12 Original 5-19 Original W/IC 31 5-20 Original W/IC 31 5-20A/(5-20B blank) Original W/IC 31 NAVAIR 282011Z APR05 Page 3 of 3 00-80T-105 IC 31 00-80T-104 IC 11 NAVAIR 00-80T-105 within visual range of the ship will normally be helicopter at least every 20 minutes during Case III. controlled by the air officer. Outside the visual range of Concurrent USW/plane guard helicopter operations the ship, aircraft in an emergency shall be controlled by may be conducted provided a responsive plane guard either CDC or CATCC. Aircraft in distress should not capability is maintained during launch/recovery. change radio frequencies if satisfactory radio contact is established. 3.6.2 Plane Guard Station. During carrier qualification landings and/or when concurrent 3.5.2 Basic Procedures. The procedures for tactical/plane guard operations are not authorized, the pilots to follow when experiencing communications pattern depicted in Figure 3-3 should be used. For and/or navigation equipment failures are listed in concurrent operation, during launch/recovery, the Figure 3-1. Controlling agencies shall be familiar with designated planeguard helicopter is “on station” when and alert for conditions indicating communication or operating within 20 NM (Day) or 10 NM (Night) of the navigation failures and perform the following as carrier. The helicopter shall remain within UHF range appropriate: and monitor the assigned air control frequency at all times. 1. Attempt to establish communications with the aircraft. 3.6.3 Restrictions. During launch/recovery, no concurrent USW/plane guard operations shall be 2. Vector the aircraft as appropriate. conducted within the shaded area depicted in Figure 3-4 without the explicit approval of the air officer. The If unable to communicate with the aircraft in maximum altitudes when conducting concurrent difficulty: USW/plane guard operations shall be as depicted in Figure 3-4. 1. Identify on radar and maintain a track. 3.6.4 Search and Rescue. In the event of a plane 2. Vector available aircraft to join if practical. guard incident, the designated plane guard helicopter shall immediately respond unless otherwise directed by 3.
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