INUT INUK .... Indian and Affaires indiennes (0.- ) (""s.[>-e:!( (rL JeanChretien,PC,MP. Issued under authority of the Publie avec I'autorisation de <JL-e:!bfl.:--[>-e:!b n<Ja..l'.da-( Hon. Jean Chretien, PC, MP, I'hon. Jean Chretien, C.P., depute, Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs. Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs. ministre des Affaires indiennes et du Nord. <E Information Canada, <J) <: r 1974 (Ednformation Canada, Ottawa, 1974 @Information Canada, Ottawa, 1974 V« Q..LL INA Publication No. QS-1253-010-HB-A1 Publication AIN N° OS-1253-010-HB-A1 INA Publication No. OS-1253-01 0-HB-A1 Design: Century Art Studio, Montreal Presentation: Century Art Studio, Montreal <J P(L: Century Art Studio, Montreal a..cr.-'I>n b Contents <ClPI"Ai"'1< ..................................................... 2 Sommaire Foreword.................................................... 3 Pegeanenga. ..............•..................•.............. 3 Avant-propos................................................ .. .. 4 ........r. l>b?Cl>c..l>:::>· . 5 Settlement of Land claims in the Northwest Territories . 5 Kinakungnut pigijaulangmangiita nunait. .. 5 Reglement des revendications territoriales dans les T.-N.O... 5 Cl>:::>f:::>< 'Cd--o!" A~~ .....Ll>Lfo-·........................... 11 The Blind "See" Inuit Art. ................................. .. 11 Tautungitungnut Taekkojauvut inuit sananguagangit. ......... .•. 11 Exposition d'Art Inuit pour aveugles 11 bAc..l>d<! Cdc..l>d<! ~l>cr! . 14 Tikiput! Taekkoput! Tigusikasakpullo!. ............. 14 They came I They saw! They almost took! ........... 15 lis sont venus, ils ont vu, ils ont presque pris. ................... .. 15 A~ ..-.Lo- l>Pl>r "Je:lo-. <ClAfdi"-A"" <Clc.....Ibr ~ 4-r 11-..J< 1974 23 Spring/Summer Arctic winter games held in Anchorage, Alaska, March 4 to 11, 1974. 23 Printemps/Ete ;:.:.,,:..... ..................................................... 26 The story of Pudlaksaq. ............................. 27 Pudlaksaq. .................... .. .......... 27 Histoire de Pudlaksaq. ......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 27 ~L""'~' A~ ..-.fo- ........................ .. .. .. .... 38 Soapstone in the N.W.T.. .................................. 38 Kollikasajait Ojagait Northwest Territory-NE.. ................. 38 La Steatite des T.N.-O.. ...................... ... .. .. .... 38 ~• ....." cr l>nL A~ ..-.fo- . 41 New CBC Shortwave Service for Nunaga. 43 <lcIcro-Cb",( ..... 45 Akunninitakasak - Only Yesterday . 45 ~rl>' ~n>nc-l>n-JA... ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 55 INUVIK Song Maker - Willie Thrasher. ................ 55 Le compositeur de chansons d'i nuvik, Willie Thrasher. ......... 56 r C<:" ~P,~<Jc-<Jc;n" 6.ob n), 6c. c.~C~' <J<:;Jb 1850-~n-=>J. Co.. r~[>n,Jc-rL~J' 6.!)6' [>6[>,Jr C <J,J- ~6~,J" ) p,Jn,JJn b 800 -"b ~'6- r,~r,,' l>6J,Jr~[>--!"b 6.<,.!)' ~,JC6c.~)b ~6-<;6-=>~,Jr,,-=> 6-=>o..r-<;' c.<)<J'[>.!)'. [>P[>"b <J,r'"b 6c.~,J <J)C~",b /lLr'-,,' [>6[>,.1.0' •• c.<)­ LrLC 6CJn,-<;' dl\6b cc;",~r.!)' <J'[>.o', LIb -=>c-'~-<;' 'P<J~,J'[>.<,-=>. -<;o..,J<J,[>-<;-=> <JlL-=>C[>,,J~c-<', [>~6 C6r'L" 6.<,6' nnc;~,Jr' <J)C[>c.[>­ c-LL[>< <J~r' /I~[>Jo..c.Lc-~b)' <Jd err)' [>6[>,.1' )pr' <J)C[><:b)6\,,' P),' 6'c.c-'. 6So..n)6"c--=>n-=> [>6 6 < -=>0..' nn C; J ,.1 r n) , nn <:; J ,.1 r r' r ' J 6n)) 6 ""[><:,,<Jc--=>,,-=> P J" L J' , Lo.. 6-<;n)L-=><J b n-=>r'. 6-<;6' nnC;J,JL np[>nJo..c-' C;C <J,r'6,,-<;' 6.!).!)' ~6[>~n,JJC~",6\"b [><J",[>' <JP<J", 6-<;6' [>6[>,JL <J)(I>LrLL' LI-<;r'C l> r .!), Hud son Bay -,[> -<; , I 8 7 0 - [> n ­ 6P)<JI\[>L-=><Jb r'(. (0.. (6LLlL-=><Jc; b n -=> J <J --! P) LI~ -.J' 12 . J. Pee1, - -.J' •C0.. n -=> (, 6.<, L( /I L r' --!)" b 6 - " b <J~ r nnC;J ,Jc-l>c-C Llo..)6\"b <Jc.J,J" 1870 [>n-=>r' <JC;J 6', nnC;J ,Jc-<J6\""b <J r)"b 6<:L6n-=>J IO-J"LrL),,-=> <J­ --!P)6~-.J' James Evans --.J' nnC;J,Jc­ ~rr)" nnC;J,J6)J', [>/l0..C;" Llc." <JrL~6\"rL~r" <Jbc.-<;' 6' Pc--,,' L~) S b-<;~<Jc-,JLo..<)b (d<Jc-L' nnc;[>,J' <,[>.!)' 6.!)b n)n,J,J--!6\"b <J--!' P) LI <J,J~,JLr r<Jr'. l\[>r~"rLLnr' <J,J~ ~ Peck -, b <Jnc- b c. <) <J,[>' ) ,J[>n ,JLrc.p--!'. Lo..C;(b, 6.!)6' (/lrL'" r"b <J)<.b r'" 6.on)c-n,J"'6\"b <JPr' 60..(' bnL[>n6c.,,<JL( [>6[>,J6-=>nb Llr'" In[>< <Jbc.r" 6-<;6' nnC;J,J­ LI.!)6' nnc;[>,Jr<:(r"b. Po..[>~b (c.­ ~ c; b )' 6 <: L d ' 6 b ",n L" (6L (d <J r n)' . 6 Lld~Jo..,,<JL( 6-<;"b 0..,,) 60..b .<,0.. (6Lo.."Llo..b 6-<;6' nnc;~,Jr' np c-"b 6nLc-~nb. Lo.. 6nbr'6c-~b)' [>nc-,,''''' [>d,~' (C;",~r.D' ,6-<;6 Po..[>~b "b nnc;[>,J' ,b ".<,' 6[>~Lr' nnC;J,JL 6-=>0..' nnC;J,JLn)' 6.<,n) <J~n"" b • ~c;6,JLn-=>r' <J)~b([>,J",6\,,' ,P<J~ ,J'~.!)'. /I~rL<J6LrL)' /lo..r'b ([>,JL­ ,J~c-<' nnc;[>,J 66\" , [>~ 6[>,J~ b n c-SbL Lo.. <Jc.,J6' nnC;J,Jc-[>c- b ,,,,' .<,' c;6[>~~[>c.[>~b)' <JdP), c;6'c.c-' <J6[>,,<JL( [>6[>,Jc-L.!)' .~I\<JrL<J'l>' 1760-[>n-=>J <J",~ P)6~.<,' nnc;~,J­ 6.<,6' <J)L( ([>C;",[>') nnC;J,Jr" c-<J6\,,' • (d <J <J~ Pr'66c.[>c; b )6\,,' ~,,,b l>6[>~b'.o' nnC;c-C;'b.<JlL­ [>6~,J' )pr"b 6.!)bn)' n~",Jn)-=> ([>b 6' -=>o..n)c-L",' nnC;J,J' <J) C~ 1804-Jn-=>J. nnC;[>,Jb <JdP),' 1\ ,L( dLl<b,l>-<;' <Jbr'<J-=> l\~n<J)--!-.. 'r'nb c.<) <J-.Jc.[>b )6\,,' <JC;J 177 I c.L--!b nnC;J,Jb(-=>" Po..)Llo..c-Ld-<;' -In-=>J. (6LL,,' (L <J)C[>ro..,JLc­ <J)c; b ([>Je-),b 60..(', /I~rL<J6-=><Jb )b (66". ,J~c-<' 6.06' 6<-=>0..-=> r'" nnc;~,J~< <JP([>r<Jc.rL<J6"L Lo.. l>6l>,Jr( )pr' <Jc;p(~r<Jc-b)6\,,' <JPr'([>"rLc.L~L. (d<J (<: 6.D"'J' 6-=>0..( Llr'LJnr r<J6c.L~~' • 2 In this issue of Inuttituut we have added another The first dictionary of Inuit to English was pre­ Inuit dialect - that spoken by the people of the pared in London in the year 1850. It contained eight Labrador Coast. For many years they have been out hundred words and expressions in general use in of contact with their cousins in Northern Quebec three dialects ... Labrador, Igloolik, and Mackenzie. and the Northwest Territories. Also, for the first time, Syllabics were not in use at this time so the dic­ copies of the magazine will be available in Greenland. tionary used the Roman alphabet. Syllabic writing With more English and French than before, we are was introduced to the west coast of Hudson Bay in now able to reach a greater number of people. This the 1870's by Reverend E. J. Peck. He adapted it will help others to know us better. from the alphabet invented in 1840 by Reverend The Inuit language is still a very great and strong James Evans for use by the Cree people in Manitoba. language, though as a people, we are few in number. Using the Bible translations in use in Labrador, In spite of this. the fact that we live under six dif­ Reverend Peck produced the Gospels in syllabics. ferent governments, and have at least ten different At the same time that syllabics reached the Eastern writing systems, makes you wonder how it survived Arctic, a system of writing Inuktitut with ,Roman at all. It must be because we love it. letters was coming into use in the Mackenzie District. Recently, Inuit Tapirisat of Canada held a planning Considerable work is being done now in Alaska to conference to discuss a common writing system. develop a writing system that is adaptable to all They received financial help from the Department of dialects. The Inuit of Siberia (USSR) use the Russian Indian and Northern Affairs so they could invite Inuit alphabet·to write in their own language. There is from many places. They are now seeking funds to also a writing system using Roman letters in use in form a commission to report on the possibility of Quebec. It will be a job to find a system that every­ standardizing one writing system for all Canadian body can use in Canada, especially a system that Inuit. can be reproduced by modern printing methods. It The first writing system for our language was is something we must all think about. devised in Greenland in 1760 by missionaries. They produced the first dictionary of Inuit and Danish in 1804. The writing system travelled from Greenland to Labrador in 1771. It has been in use there ever since. KemeKualiuktaptingne mana "Inuttituut"-me Aglausiliuktausimalaukpok sivorlipak ajuKetuijing­ atugiallalikpogut oKalausingmik, inuktitOjomik, nut Karalline 1760-iutillugo. Sivorlipaudlutik Keme­ Labradoremiunut atuktaujomik. Jaret unuktut nad- Kuaiiuksimalaukput Denmark-miut oKalausingit lugit ilausimagungnaimata inOKatingminut Quebec­ inuktitOliguktitaudlutik jareme 1804-ame. Karallimiut miunut, Northwest Territorymiunullo. Sivorlipamiglo aglausinga LabradoremOktitaulaukpok jareme 1771 ­ Karallimiut tapsominga KemeKuatasongolalikput. ame, taimanganiglo atuktauvok tamane. KablunaktitOjungnik, French-itOjungnillo oKalaus­ Kablunat oKalausingit inuktituliguktitaulaukput ingnik atuluasongolingmigapta, unuluangmijunik sivorlipamik KemeKualiudlugit Londoneme jareme atuajiKasongoligivogut. 1850-me. 800-iulaukput oKausingit atuktangit Inuit oKalausinga sulle sangijungmariukpok KemeKuangme, aktatuktaudlutik oKausingnit atuk­ atuktaudlune, Inuit ikiktOgaluangmata. Taimaigalu­ taujungnit pingasungne nunane ... Labradoreme, aktillugo, 6-nillo governmentiKadlagaluagaptalo, Igloolikme, Mackenzie-millo. 1O-nit unuluaktunik aglausiKadlagaluagaptalo, Taipsomane sulle atuktaulaungilat avanemiut opingnagane tamanna issumajangnakpok Kanok aglausingit. Taimnalo KemeKualiuktavinik atulauk­ Inuit oKalausinga assiutu.ingnasimangimangat. pok uvagut aglausiptingnik. Avanemiut aglausingit Manakasak Kangitome, Inuit Tapirisatkut katti­ pigiasiktitaulaukput 1870-galangne Hudson's Bay mautiKalaukput Inuit aglausinganik. Governmenti­ kangiane ajuKetuijingmut E.J. Peck-imut. Aktatu­ tingnut kenaujaktataulaukput ilauktisisongoniang­ laukpok aglausiliuktavininganik ajuKetuijiub James mata Inungnik nanemiutuingnanik. Mana katik­ Evans-ib Adlait atugaksanginik aglausiliuktillugo suiligivut kenaujangmik atuktaugaksangmik Manitoba-me.
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