ULAANBAATAR CITY DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 DАА-338.5 ННА-65.012.1 U-33 ULAANBAATAR CITY DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 Ulaanbaatar. 2021 ECONOMIC POLICY AND COMPETITIVENESS RESEARCH CENTER San Business Center, 9th floor, Prime Minister Amar street 29, Sukhbaatar duureg, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Tel: 976-11-321927 Fax: 976-11-321926 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ecrc.mn | www.aimagindex.mn | www.nogoonhutuch.mn Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ecrcmn Twitter: http://twitter.com/ursulduhchadvar Printed in Tushig design LLC. ISBN 978-9919-9722-1-9 © All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system. CONTENTS FOREWORD 4 3.1 BAGANUUR 44 GREETINGS 8 3.2 BAGAKHANGAI 52 ABBREVIATIONS 10 3.3 BAYANGOL 60 RESEARCH TEAM 10 3.4 BAYANZURKH 68 PREFACE 11 3.5 NALAIKH 76 3.6 SONGINOKHAIRKHAN 84 01 PRINCIPLES OF ANALYSIS 3.7 SUKHBAATAR 92 AND METHODOLOGY 14 3.8 KHAN-UUL 100 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH 15 3.9 CHINGELTEI 108 1.2 MEASURING DISTRICT 3.10 ULAANBAATAR CITY 116 COMPETITIVENESS 16 1.3 DATA SOURCES 19 1.4 SURVEY SAMPLING 20 04 STATISTICAL TABLES 122 1.5 COMPETITIVENESS INDEX METHODOLOGY 25 4.1 QUALITY OF LIFE 125 4.2 LIVING ENVIRONMENT 134 02 DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS 4.3 SAFETY AND SECURITY 148 SCOREBOARD 28 4.4 GOVERNANCE 157 4.5 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE 166 2.1 OVERALL DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS INDEX 30 2.2 COMPETITIVENESS FACTOR INDEX 31 05 APPENDIX 170 2.3 COMPETITIVENESS SUB-FACTOR INDEX 36 5.1 DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS CRITERIA 172 03 DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS PROFILES 42 5.2 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SAMPLE 190 EPCRC DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 FOREWORD 004 FOREWORD I am pleased to present to you the increased by 27 percent in the past third “Ulaanbaatar City: District 10 years, making it home to 46 per- Competitiveness Report”. The Eco- cent of Mongolia’s population. The nomic Policy and Competitiveness total internal migration to Ulaan- Research Center has been conduct- baatar city amounted to 39,515 ing research on Mongolia’s com- people in the year 2020, which is the petitiveness for the past 10 years greatest record of the past 10 years. including district and provincial The shift from traditional nomadic competitiveness studies incorpo- lifestyles where people would move rating international methodologies with the seasons following climate and made them available for public situations to more sedentary and use. urban lifestyles which offer more opportunities and choices contin- By analyzing the competitiveness of ues to be observed. Ulaanbaatar city, the political and economic center of Mongolia, using Even though internal migration to cutting edge international method- the city has greatly increased in ologies we obtain crucial source of quantities, can we say the same information regarding the country’s about the quality of life? If there is development status in all areas. The a change in quality, is it getting bet- population of Ulaanbaatar city has ter or worse? Are the cities and dis- EPCRC DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 FOREWORD 005 This report illustrates the results of policies and activities taken place and implemented by district and government authorities. By evaluating current and past situations, we are better posi- tioned to deal with problems in the future and plan our actions having learned from our past mistakes. tricts able to support health, safe- have become an essential part of ty and life quality of its residents? our lives. Many scientists and re- Questions like these can come close searchers warn that COVID-19 will to being answered by our District not completely disappear from our Competitiveness Report, giving our future. We are all faced with the readers opportunity to come to need to adapt to ever-changing life- their own conclusions using avail- styles brought on by the pandemic. able data, thus making it different The matters regarding digitalization from other types of research out- of government services cannot just lets. stay undone in papers but they must be addressed with utmost pri- Even though the overall compet- ority so that we can effectively deal itiveness index, published for the with the impacts of the pandemic. third time and in every 2 years, Is digital transformation happening has improved when compared to at the district offices and services? 2017, attention needs to be paid to Or are we still seeing queues domi- its growth inconsistency over the nated by people holding paper doc- years. Due to the global pandemic uments to get government services COVID-19, information and tech- at the district and khoroo offices in nology and digital services industry similar ways as in the 1980s? EPCRC DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 006 FOREWORD Mongolia has the most land per could use this report to their capita in the world, yet the residents advantage to bring positive changes of Ulaanbaatar city are facing many to all areas, whether it is already problems—lack of parking space, doing well or not doing so well. pedestrian road, green space and traffic congestion, air and soil 2020 has been an unusual year pollution—in their day to day lives of challenges and choices for making life very stressful, all because Mongolia. While some countries urban planning and standards have had postponed their elections and never been properly implemented. sports events due to COVID-19, It is very sad that Mongolia is among Mongolia had held its parliamentary the countries with the most soil and local elections, choosing its and air pollution even though we representatives for the next 4 years. have this spacious land available at our disposal. This speaks to how I would like to congratulate you on unorganized and left behind we are. reading the District Competitiveness Report. As of 2020, Chingeltei, Baganuur and Nalaikh districts experienced This report illustrates the results improvements in their of policies and activities taken competitiveness scores while all place and implemented by district the other districts had their scores and government authorities. declined. Of the 9 districts of By evaluating current and past Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul came first in situations, we are better positioned the District Competitiveness Report to deal with problems in the future and Bayanzurkh and Bayangol and plan our actions having learned districts came second and third. You from our past mistakes. We are can see the detailed information inspired when this report helps on each indicator from the report not only provinces and districts but and demand changes from your also their residents in making their local authorities in the sectors that works advance further. The districts are not performing so well, so that must learn from each other and our city and districts can improve educate themselves on what is or collectively. Also, local authorities is not working thus creating a space EPCRC DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 007 for improvement, while fixing past We, at the Economic Policy and mistakes and getting better as one. Competitiveness and Research Center, wish our readers the best of We thank the Asia Foundation, luck and abundance in your future other institutions and those who endeavors. By measuring your work made this report possible and for performance, you will have better supporting informed decision- control. By having better control, making process based on research you will lead successfully. and data. Dr. Tsagaan Puntsag Chairman of the Board EPCRC DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 GREETINGS 008 GREETINGS The EPCRC District Competitiveness Since starting our work, we have Report is one of the most important observed significant increases in data sets that comes available to us the data that is available to help us every two years in Ulaanbaatar. The understand the dynamics that are Asia Foundation has been partner- shaping the development of this ing with the Municipality of Ulaan- vibrant and ever-changing city, and baatar for more than a decade on how we can best contribute to the a range of initiatives to improve the improvements being made. The in- quality of services across the city, troduction of the District Compet- especially in the ger areas. One of itiveness Survey conducted by the the core areas of work we have fo- EPCRC every two year since 2017 cused on has been collaborating has certainly been one of the most with our partners to gather infor- important data sets to emerge re- mation about the city as it is, and lating to the city’s development. turn it in to useful data in various formats, such as GIS maps, tables This is a tool that helps us under- and graphics that can help citizens, stand the complexities of gover- officials and decision makers alike. nance and local economies across EPCRC DISTRICT COMPETITIVENESS REPORT 2021 GREETINGS 009 the city, and how they interplay with ed by having clear, consistent stan- each other. With the longitudinal dards of performance measured data set now taking shape as the over time is invaluable in trying to EPCRC keeps adding new data sets, create an environment of positive we can also use this data to monitor development in Ulaanbaatar. our impact, as well as seek to under- stand what policies are behaviors For these reasons, The Asia Foun- shaping positive change the most. dation is very proud to again have We have also noticed the growing supported this 2021 District Com- interest among decision makers petitiveness report. I would like to and local officials in understanding congratulate the EPCRC for their ex- and using the data being produced cellent work this year, and offer my to try and determine how they can sincere best wishes for those who make improvements within their would use this report and make own scope and powers.
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