THE WINDOW 5777 High Holy Day Edition September - December 2016 Tishrei - Kislev 5777 Best Wishes SYNAGOGUE SERVICE TIMES Page 10 שנה טובה ...for the new year • From the Rabbi 3 • Micky’s Corner 19 • From the Cantor 4 • Club Chaverut 20 High Holy Day • From the President 5 • Brotherhood 21 Services Timetable • From the Executive Director 6 • Youth & Families 22 Page 11 • Gift Giving Opportunities 7 • Program Director 23 • From the Ritual Director 8 • B'nai Mitzvah Program 24 • Ritual Matters 9 - 13 • Shinshinim 25 • Sisterhood 14 - 15 • Book Club 25 Sukkot Services 2016 • Adult Education 16 - 19 • Our Congregation 26 - 36 Page 12 THE WINDOW is published by Beth David B’nai Israel Beth Am 55 Yeomans Road, Toronto, ON, M3H 3J7 Telephone: 416.633.5500 Fax: 416.633.1740 Web: www.bethdavid.com Looking for a Unique SEPHARADI - ASHKENAZI JEWISH EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE? Finally! The GTA has a Hebrew School that bridges & celebrates both traditions Through a comprehensive mix of Hebrew and Judaic studies, students explore the richness that makes up the culture & history of theJewish people. From music to food, prayers to holy day traditions. Your kids will learn what it truly means to live and practice Judaism. Small classes: 10 students maximum Custom programme: based on child’s level & interests Hebrew language skills and Judaic content Certified dynamic & experienced teachers Immersive & informal component led by Israeli Emissaries Registration is now OPEN! Register at bethdavid.com or call 416 633 5500 ext. 23 HEBREW SCHOOL the derech eretz experience From the Rabbi I would have wanted to stand up and thank Elie Wiesel for teaching Torah, so often in the name of his teacher, and mine, “Rabbi Saul Lieberman,......... his summer we were deeply saddened by the “I would have wanted Philip S. Scheim Tpassing of Elie Wiesel, who inspired survivors to stand up and thank Elie of the Holocaust to tell their story, who reminded us Wiesel for teaching Torah, Rabbi of the need not only to remember what happened to so often in the name of his teacher, and mine, Rabbi our people, but also, to use those sacred memories Saul Lieberman, for reminding the Jew of today that as building blocks to a strengthened commitment to we have a Biblical, Midrashic, Talmudic, Hasidic legacy Jewish life and Jewish learning. that represents the gateway to a meaningful Jewish It was fifty years ago that Elie Wiesel, who had tomorrow. covered the Eichmann trial for the Jewish Forward, “For all these things, and many more, I have and whose searing Holocaust memoir, Night, was always wanted to stand up and thank Elie beginning to attract attention, wrote The Jews of Wiesel.” Silence, detailing his visit to the Soviet Union the And that night, twenty years ago, I had the chance year before, in which he described his visit to to thank him for honouring us with his visit, and for Moscow’s main synagogue on Erev Simhat Torah: all that he had done for the Jewish people and for “Inside, the great hall of the synagogue was countless others. In words that we will read on Rosh crammed with more than two thousand men and Hashanah, Elie Wiesel reminded us, notwithstanding women. Many brought their children, for children, all that we had endured in our challenging history, that too, were to see that the Jews knew how to yeish tikvah l’ahartieykh, that there is hope for a strong rejoice.....I do not know where all these young people Jewish future. came from. Who sent them? Who persuaded them to May his memory be a source of blessing and come running to spend a Jewish holiday in a Jewish strength as we embark on a new year. atmosphere with traditional Jewish custom? They Rabbi Philip S.Scheim came in droves. From near and far.... They came in [email protected] groups, they came alone. But once here, they became a single body, voicing a song of praise to the Jewish people and its will to live.” Contrary to this nascent Jewish awareness that was energizing Soviet Jews, their struggle, at first, aroused little interest in the Jewish world. To a very Pre-Selihot Lecture large extent, it was Wiesel’s The Jews of Silence that brought their struggle to the forefront of the Jewish agenda, and eventually, to the attention of Presidents and Prime Ministers, leading, finally, years later, to the unlocking of those doors of oppression. Twenty years ago this coming spring, we were privileged to welcome Elie Wiesel to our congregation, when we dedicated our Aron Kodesh and Mizrah window themed From Holocaust to Redemption. These are words that I spoke that night, in appreciation of our distinguished guest, Elie Wiesel: “There are so many times in my life, that I would have wanted to stand up and thank Elie Wiesel for what he had done, for what he had said, for what he represents. I would have wanted to stand up in Oslo, when he received the Nobel Peace Prize, to thank him for reminding the world of its responsibilities to All are welcome to attend those who suffer, of the horrific price of its silence, its complicity. Please visit www.bethdavid.com for more information “I would have wanted to stand up in the White House, to thank Elie Wiesel for representing the Jew of courage who need fear only silence and God, but no 3 earthly power. From the Cantor We must know where we came from in the past year in order to make tefilah “and teshuva really count. Honey. What better way to wish for a Shana Tova Marshall Loomer pples and honey, U’metukah, a sweet year. Cantor AChallah, gefilte fish, Pomegranate. This may be used as a “new fruit” brisket, chicken, roasted so that we may say shehecheyanu, a blessing of potatoes, tzimmes, chopped liver. These are the thanksgiving for all that we have. In addition, as the traditional comfort foods that we eat at a typical Rosh pomegranate seeds are plentiful, so may our merits 4 Hashanah family meal. Yummy! Once again I have in the coming year be as plentiful. your attention! We love to eat traditional foods at Carrot. In hebrew gezer, similar to the word we the Jewish High Holy Days and at all the holidays and hear at Rosh Hashanna, “G’zar”, which means festivals. decree. Eating them on Rosh Hashanna is with the What would happen if you served a completely hope that G-d will nullify any negative decrees different kind of meal, something outside your against us. “comfort” zone instead of the traditional same? I know Beets. The hebrew word for Beet is “selek” which that it would be stepping outside the box. Perhaps that means remove. We pray that G-d will remove us is exactly what is needed to shake things up. What from our enemies. would happen if you sat in a different place for the High Holy Days, with different people around you? You Black eyed peas or beans. The many beans would probably feel a little “uncomfortable” at first. I symbolize the hope for a fruitful year filled with wonder if at this time of introspection, if it would be merit. better for us to feel vulnerable as we stand in “awe” Fish head. Our hope in including some sort of head reciting Unetane Tokef before G-d. on the menu is that we be likened to a head, and We say this prayer (almost a thousand years old), and not a tail. In other words, we should move forward end with the words, Teshuva, (return, repentence), and make progress in the coming year, rather Tefilah, (prayer), Tzedaka, ) justice and charity. And, than follow or linger in the rear. Vegetarians may just before we say these words, we reflect on our own opt for a head of cabbage or garlic in place of the frailty. Who are we? That we stand before G-d almighty traditional fish or sheep's head. asking for forgiveness. We must sometimes be creative Fish. The ancient belief that fish don’t sleep has in finding ways to look deep inside ourselves through been discredited, but the notion that fish are ever prayer. We must know where we came from in the vigilant and swim constantly is linked to this symbol, past year in order to make tefilah and teshuva really and reflects the desire to be constantly aware of count. This is why we blow the Shofar, it is to wake G-d and of opportunities to do mitzvot. us up so we can inspect our actions and do teshuva. Rambam says, “those who have forgotten the truth Leek. The hebrew word for leek is related to and wasted their time should look into their souls and “kareyt” which means to cut. This symbol is linked inspect their way of life. They should leave the wrong to the prayer that those who wish to hurt us will path that they find themselves on.” The Rambam instead be cut off. says that the mitzvah of teshuva is comprised of four Gourds. The Hebrew word for gourd is related to components; confession, regret, stopping oneself from the Hebrew homonym pronounced k'ra. This word sinning again and resolution. Certainly the new mahzor also means “to rip,” the other “to announce.” We which we have become accustomed to in the last few ask that G-d rip up any evil decree against us, and years will help, but only you can search from the depth that our merits be announced before Him.
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