AND HERALD OF REFORMS, DEVOTED TO ll!)})0«itofly, M$btt>$afy% avto fye Caiws of £tfe. VOL. XI. NO. 6.] NEW YORK, JUNE, 1851. [SI. 00 A YEAR. FOWLERS & WELLS, PUBLISHERS, PROCEEDINGS > Qualifications. 131 Nassau street, New York. 8. Election of new members. OF THE > 9. " " honorary " I donttntfl. ■ AMERICAN HYG-IENTO AND H70ROPATHIO 10. " " officers for ensuing year. DiathftiiMhet meat hard «rce-kera,137 J ASSOCIATION 11. " " standing committees. Proceeding! of the A. II. A H.A. 137 Our New Volume, . 1(3 The Hcmra of Allopathy, . 138 12. Collection of dues from members. A New Premium, . 158 OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, AT THEIR 8ECOND ANNUAL Phytic*! Education, .... 139 Drath of Edwin J. Mercer, in 13. Extraordinary business (if any). Hydropathy vs. Allo>athy, . 140 The Water-Cure in Ireland, 163 MEETING, HELD AT HOPE CHAPEL, NEW TORE, Phywolojry in School*, . 142 G'iMip frnra Bieton, . 168 | The Journal of the first annual meeting of the An Awtobi.'prnphy, .... 142 Sot Hydtropataie, . 164 ON FRIDAY, MAY 9TH, 1851. Blood Letting, 1« Experience of a Tobacco-user 164 Association was then read by the Secretary; after Inflanuiuitiiry Rheumatism, . 146 A Great Di.eoverv, . 154 Pursuant to public notice, the second annual which the Treasurer's Report was presented, as Childbirth A W. Treatment, 146 Dr. QuoggB, to Dr. Noggs, 154 meeting of The American Hygienic and Hydropa i follows: What Nature can do, ... 147 The Wyoming Water-Cure, 154 Caaea in Home Practice, . 147 thic Association of Physicians and Surgeons was We Iisve Succeeded, 184 retort of the treasurer. Food a.m> Diet, 148 Mount Prospect Water-Cure 188 held at Hope Chapel, New York, on Friday, May The titan" of life, .... 148 One Hundred Doctor*, 186 i The Treasurer of the American Hygienic and Special Notice*, 149 New Qraifcnberg Water-C, 188 9th, 1851. The President, Vice Presidents, and The Athol Wator-Cura, . I Hydropathic Association of Physicians and Sur- TlIOl'GlITH FOB JL'XE, . 149 158 Secretary, being absent, the convention was called Distilled Water 149 The Brattleboro' Water-Cuxe 188 to order at 10 I, A. M, by the Treasurer, Dr. R. T. < geons, at tho close of his term of office, respectfully An Allopathic Specific, . , 149 166 ; submits the following report: Breath iiuj- pathy, .... 149 Familiar 0»rra»p,ndence, Trall. Dr. William A. Hamilton, of Saratoga, 186 i The receipts on account of the Association have Sick Headache, 149 Who can beat it 1 . 186 was then elected President pro tern., and Dr. R. Horae-flcih oa Food, . 150 I been as follows, from the 19th of June, 1850, up to 168 S. Houghton, of New York, Secretary pro tern. Animal Food, 1 50 188 , the present date: The War of the Pothiea, . .150 Upon calling the roll, it appeared that the follow To COKRKKPONOKTtTI, . 168 Water in Chronic Dieeaeee, . 1M ing members were present : { Members7 Dues. Wam *■ Dreseea, LSI 166 \ Prom Lowrey Barney, M. D., - §3 00 Witter-Cura at Home, . .158 ADYERTTSItttlMTS, . 1ST j " Joel Shew, St D, - 200 Hydropathic Encyclopaedia, . 155 180 William A. Hamilton, M.D., of Saratoga, N. Y. Butler Wilmarth, M.D., of New Gnefenberg. " T. L. Nichols, XL D., - 2 00 " R. S. Honghlon. M. D., 2 00 Mrs. is. Mowatt has Keen restored to perfect health N. Bedortha, M.D., of Troy, N. Y. '• S. 0. Gleaeon, M. D. at Dr. •Wilson's Water Cure establishment at Malvern, 2 00 England. Her disease was consumption. — Exchange Joel Shew, M.D., of New York city. " Levi Reuben, M. D., 2 00 paper. R. T. Trall, M.D., New York city. " Hubbard Foster, M. D.. - 9 00 " Henry Foster, M. D., We hope, at a future time, to obtain from every Joseph A. Weder, M.D., of South Orange, N. i. 2 (0 " William A. Hamilton, M. D.. - 2 00 Water-Cure establishmen in the United States statis Setii Rogers, M.D., of Worcester, Mass.; and tics, bhowing the exact number of ca?es, as well as " Butler Wilmarlh, M.D., 2 00 R. S. Houghton, M.D., of New York city. " N. Bedortha, M.D., - tho various diseases treated, during each succeeding - 2 00 " Joseph A. Weder, SI. D., 200 year. Such reports should be mode up annually, and There were also in attendance, Clement B. Bar " C.C. Shieferdeclter, M.D., - 2 00 given to the world. rett, M. D., of Binghamton, N. Y. ; C. C. Field, ! " T. C. Coyle, M. D., 2 00 " Seth Rogers, M. D., - Distinguished Men always Hard Workers.— I 11. D., of Leominster, Mass. ; Dr. William E. Ro- ; - 2 00 " R. T. Trail, M. D., 2 on " When we read the lives of distinguished men in any gers, of Crystal Lake, Susquehanna county, Penn.; department, we find them celebrated for the amount of Dr. C. K. Broadrent, of Providence, R I. ; and ■ Total receipts, ... $32 00 labor performed. Demosthenes, Julius Ca;sar, Henry several others whose names were not ascertained, > The expenses of the Association during the the Fourth of France, Lord Bacon, Sir Isnac Newton, same period have been as follows : Franklin, Washington, Napoleon, different as they On motion of Dr. Houghton, the following was adopted as the Regular Order of the business of j For rent of Hope Chapel, June 19th, 1850, S18 00 were in their intellectual and moral qualities, were all " advertising previous to " " " 2 00 renowned as hard workers. We read how many days the Convention: they could support the fatigues of a march ; how 1. Call to order by the President j Total expenses, $20 00 early they rose, how late they watched ; hew many 2. Call of the Roll by the Secretary. hours they spent in tho field, in tho cabinet, in the Balance in the Treasurer's hands, $12 00 3. Reading of the Journal of the last preceding J court ; how many secretaries they kept employed ; in Your Treasurer has also to state that, on the 19th short, how hard they worked." meeting. j of June, 1850, the sum of eight dollars was paid to Let no youth flatter himself that he can succeed in 4. Report of the Treasurer. Dr. Houghton, Treasurer pro tern., as members' any undertaking, or rise to eminence in any employ 5. " " Committee on Hygiene. dues, by C. K. Broadbent, Lovias D. Towsley, F. W. ment, without pcrsovering labor, temperate habits, 6. " " " Hydropathy. j Meyer, and W. P. Collins. Inasmuch as the ques and special care of his physical constitutioa. 6. " " " " Credentials and tion of the eligibility of these gentlemen to mem- "or" for "and" in the second section, so that it bership in tho Association was one -which the . members' dues, the sum of two dollars was paid to Treasurer pro tern, was not competent to act upon, ; me by each of the following gentlemen: should read "or who shall exhibit," etc, etc.), was \) then called up, and after a few remarks from Drs. he felt it to be his duty to report the facts in the ; Dr. C. K. Broadbent, of Providence, R. I. Wilmarth and Shew, put to the vote and rejected case to the Committee on Credentials and Qualifi Mr. Lovias D. Towsley, of New York City. — receiving only one vote. So the section remains cations, and to deposit in their hands the before- Mr. F. W. Meyer, of mentioned sum of eight dollars, subject to the de Mr. W. P. Collins, of North Providence, R. I unchanged. • cision of the case to be made at the second annual On motion of Dr. Houghton, it was ordered, that Inasmuch as Dr. Broadbent himself raised the each member of the Association be requested to meeting. question of his eligibility to membership, on the transmit to the Chairman of the Committee on All of which is respectfully submitted. ground that he was not a graduate or licensed R. T. Trall, Treasurer. Hydropathy (Dr. Seth Rogers, of Worcester, : " physician and surgeon," although at too late a Mass.), before the next annual meeting, a full report New York, May 9th, 1851. stage of the proceedings of the Convention for his of a case treated under his own supervision, em On motion, the report was accepted. case to be acted upon conclusively ; and inas- bracing the principal details of the diagnosis and Dr. Houghton, from the Committee on Hygiene, : much as the three remaining names were not upon treatment ; to the end that the various cases so then read a Report, which, on motion, was accept i either the call for the Convention, or upon the transmitted might be incorporated in the Report ed, and ordered to be published. roll called this day ; and lastly, inasmuch as the of the said Committee on Hydropathy to be pre The Committee on Hydropathy failed to report. i Constitution of our Association refers to your Com- sented at the next annual meeting. [At this stage of the proceedings, Dr. Shew, by \ mittee all questions connected with the creden- On motion, the Secretary was directed to pre request, read portions of a letter from Dr T. tials and qualifications of its members, I have felt pare a copy of the Proceedings of the Convention, Carleton Coyle, of Georgia (a member of that I it to be my duty to enclose to you the amount of together with the Report of the Committee on Committee), regretting his inability to be present, j the fees paid to me by the four gentlemen above- Hygiene, Constitution of the Association, List of and expressing the hope that the Association would ) named, accompanied by this statement, and to re- Officers and Standing Committees, etc., etc., for fully maintain the high ground it had occupied at i quest you to report on the subject at the next an- publication in convenient pamphlet form ; and its first annual meeting.] \ nual meeting.
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