OLD ENGLISH NEWSLETTER Published for The Old English Division of the Modern Language Association of America by The Department of English, University of Tennessee, Knoxville VOLUME NUMBER ISSN - O E N Volume !" Number ! Summer #$$% E&'()* R. M. Liuzza, University of Tennessee, Knoxville A++),'-(. E&'()*+ Year’s Work in Old English Studies: Daniel Donoghue, Harvard University Bibliography: Thomas Hall, University of Notre Dame C)/(*'01('/2 E&'()*+ Research in Progress: Heide Estes, Monmouth University Conference Abstracts: Dana Oswald, University of Wisconsin, Parkside Bibliography: Melinda Menzer, Furman University E&'()*'-3 B)-*& Patrick W. Conner, West Virginia University Antonette diPaolo Healey, Dictionary of Old English David F. Johnson, Florida State University Catherine Karkov, University of Leeds Ursula Lenker, University of Munich Mary Swan, University of Leeds A++'+(-/( () (4. E&'()*: Teresa Hooper The Old English Newsletter (ISSN $$5$-"675) is published for the Old English Division of the Modern Language Asso- ciation by the Department of English, University of Tennessee, 5$" McClung Tower, Knoxville, TN, 57668-$!5$; email [email protected]. The generous support of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists and the Department of English at The University of Tennessee is gratefully acknowledged. Subscriptions: The rate for institutions is 9#$ US per volume; the rate for individuals is 9": per volume, but in order to reduce administrative costs the editors ask individuals to pay for two volumes at once at the discounted rate of 9#:. Individual back issues can be ordered for 9: each. All payments must be made in US dollars. A subscription form is online at http://www.oenewsletter.org/OEN/subscription_form.pdf. Correspondence: General correspondence regarding OEN, including changes of address, should be sent to the Editor; correspondence regarding the Year’s Work, Bibliography, Research in Progress or Abstracts should be sent to the re- spective Associate or Contributing Editors. Editorial addresses appear on the inside back cover. Submissions: OEN is a refereed periodical. Solicited and unsolicited manuscripts (except for independent reports and news items) are reviewed by specialists in anonymous reports. Scholars can assist the work of OEN by sending off- prints of articles, and notices of books or monographs, to the Editor. Material in OEN may be reproduced for noncommercial educational or scientific purposes. All other requests for permission to reprint items from OEN should be addressed to the Editor. Copyright © #$$6 The University of Tennessee. http://www.oenewsletter.org/ In this Issue Old English Bibliography . Research in Progress . How to Contact the Old English Newsletter . inside back cover O E B 2007 Thomas N. Hall Melinda Menzer University of Notre Dame Furman University ". General and Miscellaneous Subjects. #. Memorials, Tributes, History of the Discipline. 5. Language (a. Lexicon, Glosses; b. Syntax, Phonology, Other Aspects). !. Literature (a. General and Miscellaneous; b. Individual Poems; c. Prose). :. Anglo-Latin, Ecclesiastical Works. 8. Manuscripts, Illumination, Charters. 7. History and Culture. %. Names. 6. Archaeology, Sculpture, Inscriptions, Numismatics. "$. Book Reviews. Sections "–# and !–"$ were compiled by Hall, section 5 by Hall and Menzer. An asterisk (*) following an entry means that we have not had the item in hand but have tried to verify the entry’s accuracy and relevance from at least two independent bibliographical sources. G M S Burt, Richard. “Re-embroidering the Bayeux Tapestry in Film and Media: The Flip Side of History in Open- Asma, Stephen T. “Never Mind Grendel. Can Beowulf ing and End Title Sequences.” Exemplaria "6 (#$$7), Conquer the #"st-Century Guilt Trip?” Chronicle of 5#7–:$, ill. Higher Education :!.": (December 7, #$$7), B"!–B":. Butler, Robert M., ed. “Abstracts of Papers in Anglo- Beck, Heinrich, et al., eds. Reallexikon der Ger- Saxon Studies.” OEN !$.5 (Spring #$$7), 8$–"!$. manischen Altertumskunde. #nd ed. Vol. XXXIV: Crépin, André, with the collaboration of Leo Car- Weilbark-Kultur–Zwölften. Berlin and New York: ruthers. “Old English Studies in France.” OEN !$.5 Walter de Gruyter, #$$7. vi, 8#5 pp. ill. + plates. [arts. (Spring #$$7), #%–5$. on Wilfrid, Wilhelm der Eroberer, Willehad, Willi- Davidson, Mary Catherine. “Remembering Our Saxon bald, Willibrord, Winchester, Winwæd, Wissensdi- Forefathers: Linguistic Nationalism in Ivanhoe.” Stud- chtung, Wuffingas, Wulfhere von Mercien, Yeavering, ies in Medievalism ": (#$$8), !"–:!. Zauberspruch und Zauberdichtung, etc.] Davis, Glenn. “Beowulf in Fourth Period: Anglo-Saxon _____, et al., eds. Reallexikon der Ger manischen Alter- England in the High School Classroom.” Studies in tumskunde. #nd ed. Vol. XXXV: Speckstein–Zwiebel Medieval and Renaissance Teaching "!.# (Fall #$$7), (Nachträge und Ergänzungen). Berlin and New York: 5"–56. Walter de Gruyter, #$$7. vi, 67" pp. ill. + plates. [arts. Donoghue, Daniel, ed.; Frances Altvater, Dabney Bankert, on Tiersymbolik, Totenklage, Whitby, Witenagemot, Christopher Cain, Elizabeth Coatsworth, John David Wulfstan II, etc.] Cormican, Craig R. Davis, Glenn Davis, Jeannette Biggam, C. P. “Anglo-Saxon Plant Name Survey Denton, Nicole Guenther Discenza, Michael Fox, (ASPNS): Eighth Annual Report, January #$$7.” OEN John Harkness, David F. Johnson, Richard F. Johnson, !$.5 (Spring #$$7), #7. Dianne Jonas, Eileen A. Joy, Stefan Jurasinski, Paul Ker- Bishop, Chris. “Civilizing the Savage Ancestor: Rep- shaw, Aaron Kleist, Christina Lee, Joseph P. McGowan, resentations of the Anglo-Saxons in the Art of Robin Norris, Andrew Rabin, Mary K. Ramsey, Eliza- Nineteenth- Century Britain.” Studies in Medievalism beth Rowe, Phillip G. Rusche, Andrew Scheil, Doug- ": (#$$8), ::–78. las Simms, Emily Thornbury, M. Jane Toswell, and Bolton, Brenda, and Christine Meek, eds. Aspects of Benjamin C. Withers. “The Year’s Work in Old Eng- Power and Authority in the Middle Ages. Interna- lish Studies #$$:.” OEN !$.# (Winter #$$7), 5–###. tional Medieval Research "!. Turnhout: Brepols, #$$7. D[umville], D. N. “The Centre for Anglo-Saxon Stud- xi, 5!6 pp. ill. ies at the University of Aberdeen.” Anglo-Saxon Bukowska, Joanna. “Studies on Old and Middle English (Aberdeen) " (#$$7), ix–x.* Literature in Poland ("6"$–#$$8).” Studia Anglica Expósito González, María de la Cruz. “Old English Posnaniensia !# (#$$8), !$:–#:. [bibliography] Studies in the #"st Century: A New Understanding ! Old English Newsletter of the Past.” Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses :: Starr-Reid, Kimberly Ann. “The Ghosts of Britain (#$$7), 6–"#. Future: The Trauma of "$88 in Geoffrey of Forni, Kathleen. “Graham Baker’s Beowulf: Intersec- Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain.” Ph.D. tions between High and Low Culture.” Literature/ Diss., Univ. of California, Berkeley, #$$8. DAI 87A Film Quarterly 5: (#$$7), #!!–!6, ill. (#$$7), #6%$. Foys, Martin K. Virtually Anglo-Saxon: Old Media, New Stottlemeyer, Ronald. “A Study-Abroad Course in Media, and Early Medieval Studies in the Late Age of Anglo-Saxon Culture: On-Site Experiential Learn- Print. Gainesville: Univ. Press of Florida, #$$7. xiv, ing.” Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching #7: pp. ill. "!.# (Fall #$$7), "$7–"8. Godden, Malcolm, and Simon Keynes, eds. Anglo- Tolley, Clive. “Old English Influence on The Lord of Saxon England 58. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. the Rings.” ‘Beowulf’ & Other Stories. Ed. North and Press, #$$7. x, 55$ pp. ill. + plates. Allard. [see sect. !b under Beowulf] pp. 5%–8#. Hall, Thomas N., and Melinda Menzer. “Old English Bibliography #$$8.” OEN !$.! (Summer #$$7), 5–56. M, T, H Harvey, A. D. “Alfred in the Neatherd’s Cottage: History D Painting and Epic Poetry in the Early Nineteenth Century.” PQ %8 (#$$7), "!5–8#, ill. Ballin Smith, Beverley; Simon Taylor, and Gareth Wil- Kastan, David Scott, ed. The Oxford Encyclopedia of liams, eds. West over Sea: Studies in Scandinavian British Literature. : vols. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, Sea-Borne Expansion and Settlement before '()). A #$$8. [entries on Ælfric, Anglo-Saxon Elegies, Bede, Festschrift in Honour of Dr. Barbara E. Crawford. The Beowulf, Cædmon, Judith, Old English, etc.] Northern World 5". Leiden and Boston: Brill, #$$7. Klein, Stacy S., and Mary Swan. “Old English Litera- xxix, :%" pp. ill. + plates. ture.” The Year’s Work in English Studies %8 (#$$7), Benson, Larry D.; V. A. Kolve, and George Rigg. “John "88–#$7. Frank Leyerle.” Speculum %# (#$$7), %":–"7. LaCelle-Peterson, Mark. “Claiming a Place at the Table: Brito, Manuel; Matilde Martín González, Juan Ignacio Anglo-Saxons in the Liberal Arts Curriculum.” Stud- Oliva, and Dulce Rodríguez González, eds. Insights ies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching "!.# (Fall and Bearings: Festschrift for Dr. Juan Sebastián Ama- #$$7), ":–#6. dor Bedford. Publicaciones institucionales, Hom- Lewis, Michael. “The Mystery of Charles Stothard, FSA, enajes #. Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands: and the Bayeux Tapestry Fragment.” AntJ %7 (#$$7), Universidad de La Laguna, #$$7. 5%6 pp. ill. !$$–$8, ill. Carroll, Jayne, and Christina Lee. “Women in Anglo- Marzec, Marcia Smith. “‘Retrieving the Anglo-Saxon Saxon England and the Impact of Christine Fell: Past’: A Course Plan.” Studies in Medieval and Renais- An Introduction.” Nottingham Medieval Studies :" sance Teaching "!.# (Fall #$$7), 7"–%%. (#$$7), #$"–$:. Moffett, Joe. The Search for Origins in the Twentieth- Clayton, Mary. “Foreword.” Text, Image, Interpretation. Century
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