13 FEBRUARY 2008 TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 215 TASMANIAN STATE SERVICE • U • B E AS RT LIT AS•ET•FIDE NOTICES PUBLISHED BY OVER THE COUNTER AUTHORITY WEDNESDAY 13 FEBRUARY 2008 SALES $1.10 ISSN 0039-9795 INCLUDING G.S.T. All vacancies in this Gazette are normally only advertised CONTENTS once. Tasmanian Government Gazettes are available for VACANCIES Perusal at the Public Sector Management Office, 9th Floor, Economic Development ............................. 217 144148 Macquarie Street, Hobart and in the reference section of major branches of the State Library. Education.................................................... 217 Health and Human Services ....................... 223 Tasmanian Government Gazettes are available for sale from Print Applied Technology Pty Ltd, 123 Collins Street, Hobart Infrastructure, Energy and Resources ........ 232 and Birchalls Newsagency, The Mall, Launceston. Justice ......................................................... 233 Police and Emergency Management .......... 234 Further Information Premier and Cabinet ................................... 235 APPlicants are strongly advised to seek further Primary Industries and Water ..................... 235 information including the statement of duties, from the www.jobs.tas.gov.au site or the enquiries Person sPecified TAFE .......................................................... 236 in the vacancy concerned. In addition there is information Tourism, Arts and the Environment ........... 237 available on the selection Process, interviews, Post-selection counselling and conditions of employment from the www. jobs.tas.gov.au site or the enquiries person. Application forms are available from the www.jobs.tas.gov.au site and from the STAFF MOVEMENTS Agency that has advertised the vacancy. Appointments ............................................. 241, 242 Promotions .................................................. 242 Submission of Applications Resignations ............................................... 240 Applications will close 16 days after the date of the Retirements ................................................. 241 Gazette in which the vacancy appears, unless otherwise stated. Transfers ..................................................... 242 Late aPPlications may be accePted at the discretion of the Head of Agency but this will only aPPly in excePtional All State Service employees and Officers are entitled to access to circumstances. a copy of these Notices within 7 days of publication. Vacancy notices and statements of duties are also available at: Fixed-Term Appointment www.jobs.tas.gov.au Fixed-term aPPointment for a sPecified term or for the If you do not obtain access, contact your supervisor. duration of a specified task may be obtained by: resPonding to advertisements for fixed-term Vacancies—General Information appointment placed in these notices; expressions of interest in registration on an Agencys The Government of Tasmania encourages and aPPreciates fixed-term employment register; the benefits of a diverse workforce. WorkPlace Diversity and the State Service PrinciPles are about making sure that Fixed-Term Employment Registers everyone who works or wants to work in the Tasmanian State Service receives fair treatment. An exPression of interest in registration on a fixed-term emPloyment register may be lodged with an Agency in All permanent and some Officer and fixed-term vacancies resPonse to an advertisement Placed in these Notices or the are advertised in these Notices and may also appear in State www.jobs.tas.gov.au site. A list of currently operating registers and National newspapers. is also available from this site. No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nquiries to David Sproule for a copy of the Statement of Duties, phone (03) 6233 5893 or email David.Sproule@ Gazette development.tas.gov.au. For further information about the CoPy can be faxed to Print APPlied Technology Pty Ltd positions, please contact Elissa Ferguson, Senior HR Officer, on (03) 6216 4294; or electronically mailed via EMAIL at Human Resources, Department of Economic Development, [email protected] phone (03) 6233 9537, email Elissa.Ferguson@development. Please Note:All coPy must be tyPed in UPPer and tas.gov.au. Lower Case not ALL CAPS, if unsure Please telePhone Applications to Human Resources, Department of (03) 6233 6110. Economic Development, G.P.O. Box 646, Hobart, 7001, phone State Service Notices (03) 6233 5893, fax (03) 6233 5703, email applications@ Vacancy, Direct Selection and Staff Movement Notices development.tas.gov.au. The only way to Place a State Service vacancy, direct selection and staff movement notices is through the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT www.jobs.tas.gov.au system. If you wish to Place a vacancy, direct selection and/or staff movement notice and SPORT AND RECREATION TASMANIA do not have a www.jobs.tas.gov.au system log on, please contact your Human Resource Manager or the Public Project Support Officer (424198). Sector Management Office on telephone (03) 6233 6687 or Applications Close:Friday, 29 February 2008. Email: [email protected]. Salary:$38,927$42,233 per annum. Order Information When using this facility please ensure that your order and a Administrative and Clerical Employees Award, Level 3. copy of the material or vacancy reference are faxed to Print Permanent full-time. Applied Technology Pty Ltd on (03) 6216 4294. Location:Launceston. Deadlines Duties:Provide general administrative services together Government Gazette:CoPy must be received by Print with a wide range of administrative and clerical support to the Applied Technology Pty Ltd by last mail or 4 p.m. Friday Programme Manager and staff of the TIS. prior to publication. State Service Notices—Vacancy, Direct Selection and Enquiries to Tania Paterson for a copy of the Statement Staff Movement Notices:Information is to be entered of Duties on (03) 6336 2034 or email Tania.Paterson@ on the jobs system by 6 p.m. Friday prior to publication. development.tas.gov.au. For further information about the Telephone (03) 6233 6687. position please contact Geoff Masters, Programme Manager, These deadlines will be strictly adhered to. phone (03) 6336 2291, email [email protected]. gov.au. For subscription and account enquiries please telephone (03) 6233 3148 Applications to Human Resources, Department of Economic Development, G.P.O. Box 646 Hobart 7001, phone (03) 6233 5893, fax (03) 6233 5703, email applications@ development.tas.gov.au. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Applications must address the selection criteria outlined in the Statement of Duties. Graduate Project Officer (Generic). Applications Close:Friday, 6 February 2009. EDUCATION Salary:$38,927$49,523 per annum. CORPORATE SERVICES Administrative and Clerical Employees Award, Corporate Communications Administrative Trainee (Graduate Recruit) A and C, Level 3-1 to 5-1. Online Services System Administrator (963515). Register Fixed-term, full-time for up to 12 months. Applications Close:Friday, 29 February 2008. Location:Hobart, Launceston or Burnie. Salary:$56,854$60,476 per annum. Duties:Major duties include:As a member of a team, Administrative and Clerical Employees Award, Level 7. undertake research, analysis and interpretation of information, Permanent full-time. assist in the preparation of proposals and recommendations. Location:Hobart. Assist with the initiation, co-ordination, implementation and monitoring of industry, community and business policies Description of the Role:Provide technical support for the development, maintenance and enhancement of the and programmes. To liaise with other agencies, industry departments online communications environment to ensure and business on relevant issues from time to time. Provide the effective delivery of services to clients and staff. Advise research and support services for the Department on inter- on trends and developments in online technologies and agency committees, as required. Undertake specific projects as appropriate applications. required. Prepare correspondence, reports and briefing notes Essential Requirements:The Commissioner has as required. Provide support to senior staff and the various determined that the person nominated for this position is functional areas of the Department. Undertake other tasks as to satisfy a pre-employment check before taking up the required by the Secretary. Assist in the preparation of briefing appointment, promotion or transfer. The following checks are notes and advice on the financial implications and viability of to be conducted:: conviction check forcrimes of violence, development projects and the Government's industry policies sex related offences, serious drug offences. and plans. Applicants should forward an Application for Employment Essential Requirements:A degree or tertiary qualification form, with a statement
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