TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 MOBILE PHONES IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 2014 ~ APPENDIX II: TOK PISIN SMS1 No. SMS/Words /Phrases Tok Pisin English gloss 1 1 Wan,wun Alone 2 2 to 3 2 tu too 4 4 bilong for 5 4 fo for 6 6 Stenbai,sex Standingby,Sex 7 7 Tamiok Axe 8 8 weit wait 9 8 Ait Ate 10 9 Nais Nice 11 9 wanpla naispla single nice one 12 10 tenkyu thankyou 13 10 Toilet Toilet 14 11 Moni Cash/moni 15 11 mi lavim u I love you 16 12 Insait lo ofis In the office 17 13 Wekshop Workshop 18 13 mi laikim na nidim u I want you and need you 19 17 wai wokim osem lo mi why you treat me like this 20 19 Wan night One night 21 23 2 tris Two trees 22 23 mi misim u I mis you 23 24 Nogat moni, kredit No cash/money/ Credits 24 24 1ktn, wankaten SP Beer one carton of SP Beer 25 24 nogat credits no credits 26 24 Credits pinis credits finished 27 24 Kredits pinis No credits 1 Data collected between July and October 2014 1 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 28 29 2nite tonight 29 31 larim God dairectim relationship blo umi let God direct our relationship 30 42 blong yu for you 31 43 Lavim yu Love you 32 43 mi laikim yu I love you 33 43 lykim yu love you 34 43 laikim lov u 35 43 lav u love you 36 50 hap half 37 55 slip waintaim u tunait sleep with you tonght 38 58 samtin blo mi private 39 60 Kam Coming 40 60 hariap hurry up 41 60 ron Run 42 60 ran hury up 43 61 smatpla sexy one 44 64 ino rong yet stil ok 45 72 Sem lo u Same to you 46 77 switpla sweet one 47 81 me las i dont want 48 82 belat lo u hate you 49 85 pilo em redi blo u the pillow is ready for you 50 91 Naic 1 Nice one 51 91 naispela wan Nice one 52 91 naispla turu nice guy 53 91 Gutpela wan Nice one 54 92 beibi slip lo sait blo mi sleep on my side baby 55 93 had lo lusim tingting lo smail blo u hard to forget your smile 56 95 kis blo mi ino sa pinis my kiss will never end 57 96 wonem hap mi go, lav blo u em stap wherever I go, I still have your love 58 99 Gutnait Goodnight 59 99 naitnait night night 60 Request 61 CXC1 sexy one 2 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 61 ID 24 nogat credit no credit 62 jol tasol That's all 63 jol tasol That's all 64 nap inap enough 65 Yu no nogut Yu ino nongut You're not that bad 66 "'Ino gudla frog yah" I no gudpela man Not a good person 67 "m heartzz u" mi laikim yu I love you 68 "pairap ose popkon" planti mauswara Too much talking 69 "so bobo" skin dai so boring 70 "Tym blo ragzz" taim bilong go long haus Time to go home 71 "umi footzz" yumi wakabaut long leg Will take a walk 72 # namba number 73 # ya namba ya number (with reference to a song) 74 :) smail smile 75 :-) amamas happy 76 0 blns nogat unit/moni nil balance 77 1 2 me laikim I want you 78 1 bel stap I'm happy 79 10p Mi orait I'm fine 80 10q tenk yu thank you 81 10x tenks thanks 82 18 free 18 free text digicel promo 83 1bel wanbel agree 84 1bel onebel I agree 85 1bel wanbel peace/agree on a subject 86 1bel wan bel good/okay 87 1kyn wankain same 88 1la wanpela one 89 1m wanem what 90 1m Wanem what 91 1NE? WANEM? WHAT? 92 1nem wanem what? 93 1pla wanpla one 3 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 94 1pla/1 wanpla one 95 1st namba wan number one 96 1tem wantaim with 97 1TEM TIME WANEM TAIM WHEN 98 1ting onpela samtin one thing 99 1TM WANTEM WITH 100 1tok/1dok wantok relatives 101 1tym/wntym wantaim 102 20 toea Marit man Marit man 103 2b long kamap To be 104 2bcom long kamap become 105 2bel tupela bel confused 106 2cu long lukim yu to see you 107 2day tete today 108 2dei,2day Tete,tede,tudei Today 109 2la Tupla/Tupela Two 110 2lait tulait day break 111 2lait tulait dawn 112 2maro Tumaro Gomorrow 113 2mas tumas too much 114 2mora tumora tomorrow 115 2morow,2mrw Tumorow Tomorrow 116 2mr tumoro tommorrow 117 2mrw tumora tommorrow 118 2mrw tumoro tomorrow 119 2mrw tumora tommorrow 120 2nyt nau nait tonight 121 2pla tupela two of them 122 2pla tupela two of us 123 2pla tupla two 124 2rangu turangu poor 125 2ru trupela TRUE 126 2tak tutak dark/darkness 4 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 127 3pla tripla three 128 4 May means C2acn ripot Situation report 129 4DLT laspela taim For the last time 130 4get Lustintin Forget 131 4me Bilong me For me 132 4n fon phone 133 4pla forpla four 134 4rm lon from 135 4rom,4rm,frm Bilong we From 136 4rum /request K4 Forum Forum/at the forum 137 4thz Potnait Fortnight 138 4u bilong yu for you 139 4u 2 c Bilong yu long lukim For you to see 140 4une Fone Phone 141 4WANN BILONG WANEM FOR WHAT 142 4Wod Fowod Forward 143 5 baks kot Repot 144 5 baks man Man bilong repot Reporter/ Rat 145 5 laets (lates) Slow thinker 146 5 leit 5 minits leit 5 minutes late 147 60 Kam ron nogut tru Run faster 148 6T siksti to hurry / hurry up 149 8u Belhat long yu Hate you 150 abt klostu about 151 Ai blo mi blat Ai blo mi slip My eyes are sleepy 152 ai gris ai gris envy 153 Ai soreh! Sad 154 aiya sore ya aiya sore ya im sorry 155 aiyo oh no 156 Aiyo aiyo Surprised 157 Aiyo plis Expression of "oh please" 158 Akdg Tok amamas Acknowledge 159 Allehyam (< Tolai) Expression of different emotions 5 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 160 alpec kisim was alert 161 AM Aman Amen 162 Ama Mi Nap I might 163 Ama Mi bai I'm gonna/I'm going to 164 amaspla hamaspla how much 165 ambai meri simbu chimbu female 166 ambe meri hagen female western highlander 167 ambo meri ialibu female southern highlander 168 Amux Gel fren Girl friend 169 angel angolo pretty woman 170 angra simbu man chimbu male 171 Angra (< Chimbu) man 172 angs angere/ankol hungry/uncle 173 angs man uncle uncle 174 angs man kande man uncle 175 anks ancol uncle 176 anma man men 177 anma Boy 178 ANS Askim na savi Ask and know 179 Anta Antap Ontop Mekim wanpela samtin bikos yu laikim 180 Antap lo lav tru wanpela man/meri Doing something for love 181 anty/aunt anti aunty 182 ap hap place 183 apim lek kuap sexual intercourse 184 aplodim aploudim upload 185 Apo (< Goroka) Man 186 arca kar car 187 ariap hariap hurry 188 AROB Autonomous Region of Bougainville 189 arvo avinun afternoon 190 arvo/avo avinun afternoon 191 ASAP Nau yet As soon as possible 6 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 192 Ass pipe Asshole 193 aswa asua wrong 194 AtFrmMe aot from mi piss off 195 ATIN ATING I THINK 196 atm Lo nau yet At the moment 197 atm lo disla taim at the moment 198 aus haus house 199 Av igat Have 200 av gat have 201 avo avinoon afternoon 202 awara tsol orait tasol okay 203 awes algeta taim always 204 ayo sore ayo sore felling sad 205 B Binen Be/Bee 206 B/day Mama karim dei Birthday 207 b/day Bondei Birthday 208 b/stop bas stop Bus stop 209 b4 bipo before 210 b4 bipo before 211 ba bai by 212 ba m kol bai em/mi kol I will call 213 Ba mi kisim life blo u I will kill you 214 ba me stp hap bai mi stap long hap I will be there 215 ba mi go yet I will go 216 ba mi killim yu I'am going to kill you 217 ba mi stap yet im here 218 ba yu les you wont like this 219 ba yu lukim redpla blo yu You will face the consequences 220 bab nana baby 221 baba beibi baby 222 Babi sens Osem liklik pikinini Chidlish 223 baby samting samting nating It’s nothing 224 Babynais an attractive young girl 7 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 225 Bagarap man Bad man 226 bagarap tru ya not even close 227 BAGRP BAGARAP DAMAGE 228 bai mi kilim yu bai mi kilim yu im going to kill you 229 bam bai mi/ ba me 230 bam bai mi I will 231 bata brata brother 232 bata 4 mi/ susa 4 mi my brother /my sister 233 Bata avinun Bro afternoon 234 Bata cuts out Me go out I'm going out 235 Bata man stret My true brother 236 bata stret bata stret true brother 237 bats/batsy brata brother/bro 238 batsi barata brother 239 Batz Brata Brother 240 batzi lewa brata lewa Brother at heart 241 bauns danis dance 242 BBEL BIKPELA BEL BIG BELLY 243 Bc bisi busy 244 BC Bisi Busy 245 bcos bicos because 246 bcoz long dispela as because 247 B'coz Bekos Because 248 Bel blo frog U gat bikpla bel 249 Bel bruk Pulap lo kaikai Tummy full 250 Bel Krai Angre Hungry 251 bel sting ya belhat angry 252 bel vibrait feeling hungry 253 Belo Lans taim Lunch time 254 Bembe Babe 255 Bestie Best friend/Polite way of calling out to others 256 Besty Wantok Friend 257 besty pren friend 8 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 258 besty poroman bestfriend 259 besty besty best friend 260 bex tanim baksait long wanpela man/ samting to give up /loose interest on someone or sth 261 BF boi pren Boy Friend 262 bgm begim pay back 263 bgrp bagarap damage 264 bhain bihain behind 265 Bhain Bihain Behind 266 bhainm bihainim 267 Big sot Moni man Rich person 268 Biggie Bikplea barata o susa Bigger siblings 269 biggy bigpela big 270 biket bred biket man naughty guy 271 bikhet bikhet disobedient 272 bikla bikpela big 273 Bikpela meri tumas The big lady 274 bikpla mangi mani man business man 275 Bikpla mangi/meri Lida A person you look up to 276 bisnis col col blo gel pren/boi pren a girl/boy friend's call 277 bk buk book 278 bk bek back 279 BKHET BIK HET BIG HEAD 280 bkpla bikpla 281 BKPLA BIKPELA BIG, HUGE, LARGE 282 BKPLA 2MAS BIKPELA TUMAS TOO BIG 283 Bksp Bekspeis Backspace 284 blackey dark skin black person 285 blackpower black magic 286 Blat Simukim mariwana na eye ret In a sense of Marijuana Barata, susa, tambu, kandre o ol wan lain Brother, Sister, In-Law, Parents or any of your 287 Blat bilong yu neuclear or extended families 288 blat close brother/sister 289 Blem Blo em His/her's 9 TOK PISIN [email protected] 2014 290 Blem Bilong em Belongs to him/her 291 BLEM BILONG EM HIS/HERS 292 BLG BILONG FOR 293 blhat bel hat angry 294 bliu bilong yu for you 295 BLIU BILONG YU YOURS 296 blm bilum bilum (PNG made bag) 297 blng bilong belong 298 blo bilong for 299 Blo Bilong His/ Her 300 blo wanem? what for? 301 BLOL BILONG OL THEIRS 302
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