630.00 Lilianae, Monocots Eudicotyledonae Ceratophyllum Ceratophyllaceae Ceratophyllales Saccharum lea Poaceae Oryza Hordeum Poales 100 Stegolepis Rapateaceae 100 Sparganium I 98 Typha Typhaceae Vriesea Bromeliaceae 100 Maranta Marantaceae Musa Musaceae IZingiberales Strelitzia Strelitziaceae Tradescantia Commelinaceae 52 Philydrum Philydraceae ICommelinales 86 100 Elaeis I Chamaedorea Arecaceae IArecales 94 Agave Yucca Lomandra Asparagaceae Asparagus Beaucarnea Allium Amaryllidaceae Asparagales 86 Xanthorrhoea Xanthorrhoeaceae Iris Iridaceae Monocotyledonae Blandfordia Blanfordiaceae 100 Phalaenopsis I Oncidium Orchidaceae 100 100 Lilium Liliaceae 100 Smilax Smilacaceae ILiliales TriIlium Melanthiaceae 100 Carludovica Cyclanthaceae 95 Croomia Stemonaceae IPandanales 10 Dioscorea Dioscoreaceae IDioscoreales Triglochin Juncagînaceae Potamogeton Potamogetonaceae Alisma Alismataceae Hydrocharis Hydrocharitaceae 100 100 Pleea I Tofieldia Tolieldiaceae Alismatales 100 Spathiphyllum Xanthosoma Araceae Lemna Orontium Acorus Acoraceae IAcorales Magnoliidae + Chloranthales 116 Peer Group, Adolescence in the form of Ihe love for God is sublimaled 630.00 Lilianae, There is a slrong desire to belong 10 a group from disappoinled love and denial of Iheir of people their own age. Communicalion sexuality. II mal' lead 10 living in celibacy. Monocots is a major issue for them. Communication The religious fervour is expressed as a sense Series: Hl'drogen, Carbon and Silicon series; is perceived as somelhing Ihal is difficult of veneralion, il is a ver)' emotional, inslinc­ emphasis on . and has 10 be learn!. There is Ihe fear of not lual experience of religion. Cia des: Lilianae; Lilianae. belonging 10 Ihe group, of being exc\uded and having to stand alone. We see the Ihemes Value of Ihe Silicon series here. They want to feel important. to be someone Names: l.ilium Class; Monocots; Monocot­ with value. This 31so relates to the Carbon yls; Monocolyledones; Monocotyledoneae; Image is another important issue for them; series. They are interested in their own value, Lilianae; Liliopsida; Liliidae in the Dahlgren the)1 want to have an image that their peers and the)' are especially interested in social S)'stem and the Thorne system. can relate to. They want 10 be thought of as values. To belong to the group they see it as ames: from mono cotyledon, = one cotylc­ attractive; and they Iike to be seen as friendll' important to share the same values. Discus­ don; the primary or rudimentary leaf of the and likeable. sions about the world and societ)' can lead to embryo of seed plants. They feel more connecled to their peers and st rong debates. There is a st rong sensitivity Sotany: herbs; roots adventitious; stem friends than they do to society. They wanl to to injustice, in the form of what people do to go out, they dislike the normal routine, bor­ each other. vascular bundies scattered, sieve tube plas­ They identifv with their ,Reel' group; and so tids cuneale; leaves parallel veined, petiole ing things of dail)' life. their values have to be different from those absent, stipules absent; cotyledon I; seed They can be unstable, thel' have a lack of of the older generation in order to differen­ have one; flowers 3 merous; sepals 3; petals grounding. This has a correspondence to tiate themserves as a separate group. They 3; stamens 3 or 6; carpels 3; pollen mono­ the plant, to the adventitious roots of these want to belong to a group and this enhances (olpate. plants; they are not strongly rooted at one the group bond ing. poinl, they have many small roots. Reputation is important to them. There is Taxonomy It is like youngsters who have many places a need their reputation to stal' untainted, where the)' feel they belong and have 'roots'; unblemished. Lilianae or Monocots family has been There is a big fear of not being good. of recognised as a c1ade for centuries. The Apg3 some of their roots are with Iheir parents. being seen as a bad person, and not being c1assification Ireats the Lilianae in Ihe same Ihey have roots with manl' of their friends, accepted by the group. wal', showing the concordance of DNA and wilh their boyfriend or girlfriend, and thel' morphology very weil. also have roots wh en the)' are living in Monomania In plant theorl', Lilianae are treated mostil' student accommodalion away from home al They can be one-sided in Iheir views. they according to the Apg3 c1assification. university. onll' wanl to look at what they think is The differences are that Orchidaceae is split important. They miss the reflection and Looks relative perspective shown by people of Ihe off from Asparagales, and Araceaea are split older generation. It is like a kind of mono­ offfrom Alismatales. This does not affect the They want to look good to be allractive. man ia. Their emotions and strong opinions monophyly of both groups, as the Orchida­ Clolhing and fashion arc very important to can sometimes lead to dangerousoehaviour; ceae is a first divergence of Asparagales, and them, c10thes have to be in cool, fashion­ such as alcohol abuse and drinking thel11­ Araceaea are a first split off from Alismatales able styles thaI are acceplable for the group. selves into a coma, driving dangerously according to the Apg3. Dancing and music - especially rhythmic fast to show off, or recklessll' speeding on a dance music ,- are important ways they can motorbike to impress girls. Subclasses contact with Iheir peer group. Mind I. Hl'drogen series: Acoridae Feelings of shame and guilt for what the)' 2. Carbon series: Aridae Sex have aone wrong or for things they should 2. Silicon series: Liliidae Sex is a theme of the Carbon series but here have done. it is integrated with the Silicon series. For the Angel', rage, fury, held in or expressed, < too Introduction Lilianae, sex is about making contact with man)' demands, being humiliated, degraded. The Lilianae have the themes of Hydrogen, someone, connecling with anolher person. Sad, depression, < bell1g rejected, havll1g Carbon and Silicon series together. In the This can give rise to manl' concerns and failed, being unloved. rejected, humiliated. Acoridae the emphasis is on the Hydrogen inner conflicts, like the fear of being rejected Apathl', indifference from the feeling thai if Ihey make their sexual desires known. Or goals cannot be reached. series. In the Aridae the emphasis is on the fmage, c1othing, looks. being altractive. Carbon series. In Ihe Liliidae the emphasis they can fear being seen as a 'nobody' if Ihey Deme the company of the group, friends; is on the Silicon series. The Acoridae and are not very sexually motivated. They mal' desire to belong to the peer group; desire Aridae are small Subclasses, both wilh one fear pregnancy and then fear being rejected to phone, chat, talk and spend lime with Order and one Famill" They can be seen as a by a sexual partner if thel' mention the risk friends. limitation, a kind of regression of the theme of getting pregnant with them. Desire to be alone, to escape. of the Lilianae. The Liliidae is the main The first sexual encounler in adolescence is a Feeling misunderstood, nobody understands Subclass that expresses the themes of the departure from the close connection wc have them. with our parenis. ft is a step towards leaving Idealistic,. religious, worshipping, adoring, Lilianae to the fullest. devout, piOUS. The main theme is integrating their inner home.leaving the protection of your parenIs Desire musie, rhythm. dancing and singing. sense of who they are with their personal­ and starting your own life. Sex with a person Monomania, one-sided opinions, limited ity, their outer presentation of who they are. in one's own peer group is feit as being View. Thel' want to be honest and true to them­ unfaithful. to )'our falher if you are a gir!, or Unconscious; muttering. selves and at the same time they want to be to your mother if )'OU are a boy. Delusion: being pregnant. attractive. They want to be themselves as a Delusion: being poisoned. person and at the same time they want to get Religion So lhe sexual urge is strong but it is difficult General on weil with others. On the one hand thel' Weather: flushes of heat. have to discover themselves and be able to to handle. They cannot just let go and in­ sial' themselves, wilh all the good and bad dulge in their sexualit)', for fear of being bad. Body aspects of themselves, and on the ot her hand This sense of being bad is linked to sexuality. General: anorexia. Ihel' have to adapt 10 others 10 get on with The)' fear being seen as a whore or s\ut and Head: headache. olhers socially and form relalionships. being rejected by their social group. Eyes: lachrymation, < < cough. It is moslIl' aboul how to combine a relation­ They ma)' suppress their sexual instinct, even Nose: hal' fever, nose itching, sneezing. ship with self worth, how to combine love going to the extreme of compieteil' den)'ing Mouth: tongue cold. their sexual instinct. They can bchave as if Urinary: cystitis, urination frequent; urina­ with egotism, how to combine giving and tion involuntary. < cough, < sneezing, < < < tak ing. The theme of working and surviving Ihel' do not need sex; it is too filthy. This is labour, pregnancy. in society is not present. lt is about having Ihe particularly case if they have been sexu­ Male: prostate problems. children, but not about caring for them. ally abused or rejected emotionally. Female: dysmenorrhoea, menorraghia, They fear being seen as impure, tainted; amenorrhoea. irregular menses; pelvis and the)' want to stal' immaculate. a virgin. This uterus feel heavy and full; vaginitis, leucor­ denial of sexuality can make them turn to rhoea; fibroids; uterus or pelvic inflamma­ religion instead, allmving them an outlet for tions; pregnancy and labour problems.
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