LONDON BOROUGH OF ENFIELD PLANNING COMMITTEE Date : 22nd October 2013 Report of Contact Officer: Ward: Edmonton Assistant Director - Planning, Andy Higham Tel: 020 8379 3848 Green Highways & Transportation Sharon Davidson Tel: 020 8379 3841 Mr C. Ahmet Tel: 020 8379 3926 Application Number : P13-02350PLA Category: Other Development LOCATION: LAND OFF LOWER HALL LANE, Edmonton, London. PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a new Pumping Station with ancillary buildings, means of access and enclosure. Applicant Name & Address: Agent Name & Address: Kay Silver, David Henry, Essex & Suffolk Water Savills (UK) Ltd Sandon Valley House, UNEX HOUSE Cannon Barns Road, 132-134 HILLS ROAD Essex, Cambridge Chelmsford, Cambridgeshire East Hanningfield, CB2 8PA CM3 8BD RECOMMENDATION: That planning permission be GRANTED subject to conditions. Application No:- P13-02350PLA L T E Pipeline Foot Bridge Pipeline Tanks Sluice 10.7m C C y d B B L & t s n o C ly s A L G t, s n o C ro o B k c ra T n i a r D n io s r e iv D e e L r o a Tanks e L t c r u FB d e e u v q Sluice i A R FB Sluice Pumping Station D ra in Sluice FB Water Sluice FB in Dra th Pa FB Sluice 10.9m 1 3 1 o t 0 2 1 FB ry n FB o s a m g in p lo S 11.6m 11.4m Sl Posts w lo rf e v O Chingford Mill Pumping Station e n a ll L a r H e w o L 10.7m C y c le n o i s r T e r a v c i k D e e L r o a e L r e v i R C ycle Track Development Control 0 1 2 300m Scale - 1:2500 Time of plot: 09:16 Date of plot: 09/10/2013 © Crown copyright. London Borough of Enfield LA086363,2003 1.0 Site and Surroundings 1.1 The application site is located at the edge of the Lee Valley Park, south of the William Girling and King George V Reservoirs. The site currently comprises an existing pumping station (Pumping Station A), associated operational land and road access, measuring a total area of 2.35 hectares. A temporary contractor’s compound to the northwest of the application site is also indicated, outlined in blue on the location plan. The main access will remain from the A406 (North Circular). The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt. 1.2 The site is bound to the north by the existing William Girling Reservoir, the River Lea Diversion to its immediate eastern boundary and residential development located in Chingford (Waltham Forest) further east; an aggregates recycling plant/facility to the west and the River Lee Navigation Canal and towpath beyond that. Pumping Station B, sited to the south does not form part of this application. 1.3 The immediate character of the area is that of wide open landscape with the incidence of structures limited to the distant east and west. 2. Proposal 2.1 The application follows the decision of Essex and Suffolk Water to decommission Pumping Station A (currently leased from Thames Water) to provide a modern and efficient facility. Planning permission is therefore sought to erect a new pumping station and ancillary building to the northeast of this existing pumping station complex. The applicant advises that demolition of the existing facility would not commence until the new facility becomes fully operational. Pumping Station B would remain within the operational use and ownership of Thames Water and is therefore not comprised within the remit of this planning application. 2.2 The proposed pump house facility would measure approximately 16.7m (w) x 25.3m (l), with an overall height ranging from 5.6m to 8.6m, and would contain the main water (turbines). The electrical support building sited to the southwest of the new pump facility would measure approximately 18.4m (l) x 6.3m (w) and 5.3m in height. The applicant’s have indicated that the facility would be unmanned, with visits restricted to overseeing maintenance or for emergency purposes. 2.3 With regard to the construction and appearance of the building, the proposed drawings indicate the use of block work with timber cladding to all of the main elevations and Cambrian interlocking slates for the roof area. Doors and louvers, finished in grey powder coated steel, are arranged across all the elevations. In terms of the electrical building, this will also be finished in similar materials to the new pumping station. Galvanised steel platforms and stairs will be incorporated to the perimeter of both buildings. 2.4 Internal service road and turning areas are to be constructed from reinforced concrete with an aggregate finish, including bund to contain any spillage from delivery vehicles. The applicant indicates that the remainder of the site would be landscaped with a natural/informal approach consistent with the context of the location, although suggests that this detail is secured by planning condition. Fencing of three metres in height will also secure the perimeter of the site finished in a mild green colour, subject to agreement by planning condition once more. Other minor structures in the form of a free standing diesel generator and fuel tank are also proposed, sited to the north of the new pump house. No further details have been provided with regard to the relative size of each installation although the applicant agrees to reserving this by planning condition should the Council grant planning permission. 3. Relevant Planning Decisions 3.1 No relevant planning decisions. 4. Consultations 4.1 Statutory and non-statutory consultees Thames Water 4.1.1 Thames Water does not object to the proposals. Environment Agency 4.1.2 The Environment Agency does not object to the proposals. Lee Valley Regional Park Authority 4.1.3 Lee Valley Regional Park Authority does not object to the proposals although recommends the inclusion of planning conditions to secure demolition of the existing facility within 6 months of the first use of the new facility; details of all external materials and planting scheme and submission of all results of the ecological survey. Funding for enhancements to Footpath 274 including provision of sign posting is also requested to be secured via a S.106 agreement. Canal Trust 4.1.4 The Canal River Trust does not object to the proposals. Natural England 4.1.5 Natural England does not object to the proposals on ecological grounds subject to the inclusion of a planning condition that would restrict demolition work between March and July. It is recommended also that the applicant’s consider the opportunity for biodiversity enhancements within the design of the scheme. English Heritage 4.1.6 English Heritage has not objected to the proposals subject to the inclusion of a planning condition to secure a Written Scheme of Investigation prior to commencement of any demolition and or development. National Grid 4.1.7 National Grid has not objected to the proposals. Traffic and Transportation 4.1.8 Traffic and Transportation has not objected to the proposals subject to planning conditions to secure details of construction servicing/management plan. Biodiversity 4.1.9 The Council’s Ecologist does not object to the proposals subject to inclusion of planning conditions that will secure a survey of the existing pumping house for the presence of bats including any mitigation measures deemed necessary; any clearance of existing shrubs/vegetation to take place outside of bird nesting season; eradication of Japanese Knotweed and biodiversity enhancements. 4.2 Public response 4.2.1 Three separate site notices were displayed in locations surrounding the site. No responses have been received to date. 5 Relevant Policy 5.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in March 2012 allowed local planning authorities a 12 month transition period to prepare for the full implementation of the NPPF. Within this 12 month period local planning authorities could give full weight to the saved UDP policies and the Core Strategy, which was adopted prior to the NPPF. The 12 month period has now elapsed and as from 28th March 2013 the Council's saved UDP and Core Strategy policies will be given due weight in accordance to their degree of consistency with the NPPF. 5.2 The Development Management Document (DMD) policies have been prepared under the NPPF regime to be NPPF compliant. The Submission version DMD document was approved by Council on 27th March 2013 for submission to the Secretary of State for examination. Examination and subsequent adoption is expected later this year. The DMD provides detailed criteria and standard based policies by which planning applications will be determined. 5.3 The policies listed below are considered to be consistent with the NPPF and therefore it is considered that due weight should be given to them in assessing the development the subject of this application. 5.4 London Plan Policy 2.18 Green infrastructure: the network of open and green spaces Policy 5.1 Climate change mitigation Policy 5.2 Minimising carbon dioxide emissions Policy 5.3 Sustainable design and construction Policy 5.14 Water quality and wastewater infrastructure Policy 5.15 Water use and supplies Policy 7.16 Green Belt Policy 8.1 Implementation Policy 8.2 Planning obligations Policy 8.3 Community infrastructure levy 5.5 Core Strategy CP20 Sustainable energy use and energy infrastructure CP28 Managing flood risk through development CP30 Maintaining and improving the quality of the built and open environment CP31 Built and landscape heritage CP33 Green belt and countryside CP35 Lee Valley Regional Park and waterways CP36 Biodiversity CP37 Central Leeside 5.6 Submission Version DMD DMD37 Achieving high quality and design led development DMD38 Design process DMD44 Preserving and enhancing heritage assets DMD47 New roads, access and servicing DMD59 Avoiding and reducing flood risk DMD60 Assessing flood risk DMD61 Managing surface water DMD71 Protection and enhancement of open space DMD78 Nature conservation DMD79 Ecological enhancements DMD80 Trees on development sites DMD81 Landscaping DMD82 Protecting the Green Belt 5.7 Unitary Development Plan (II)GD3 Planning standards (II) G8 Landscape Measures (II) G11 Environmental Measures affecting new development (II) G16 Environmental Measures affecting new development 5.8 Other relevant policy/guidance National Planning Policy Framework Central Leeside Area Action Plan Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area Planning Framework 6.
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