Document of The World Bank I L 9 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 3717-PAK STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized PAKISTAN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS REHABILITATION PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized April 9, 19E2 Public Disclosure Authorized South Asia Projects Department Agricultural Division A This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS US$1 = Rs 11.0 Rs 1 = US$O.0909 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES English/US Units Metric Units 1 foot (ft) 30.5 centimeters (cm) 1 yard (yd) 0.925 meters (m) 1 mile (mi) 1.609 kilometers (km) I acre (ac) 0.045 hectare (ha) 1 canal mile (5000 ft) 1.524 km 1 square mile (sq mi) 259 ha or 2.59 sq km 1 pound (1 lb) 0.454 kilograms (kg) 1 long ton (lg ton) 1.016 metric tons (mt) Pakistani Units English Units 1 maund = 82.3 lbs (0.0367 lg ton) = 37.39 kg (0.0373 m tons) 26.8 mds = 2,205 lbs = 1.0 m tons 27.2 mds = 1.0 lg ton (2240 lbs) = 1,016 kg ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMSUSED AC - Acre ACOP - Alluvial Canal Observation Project ADBP - Agricultural Development Bank, Pakistan ADP - Annual Development Program CB - Commercial Bank cca or CCA - Canal Command Area CDWP - Central Development Working Party cft - Cubic Feet cusecs - Cubic Feet per Second ECNEC - Executive Committee of National Economic Council ERR - Economic Rate of Return FBC - Federal Bank for Cooperatives FFC - Federal Flood Commission FGW - Fresh Groundwater FRR - Financial Rate of Return GOP - Government of Pakistan GO Provinces - Government of Provinces ICB - International Competitive Bidding IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development km - kilometer LCB . - Local Competitive Bidding M - Million m - Meter maf - Million Acre Feet FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ABBREVATIONS AND ACRONYMS USED m/m - Man/Month mt - Metric Ton NA - Not Applicable NESPAK - National Engineering Services, Pakistan NDB - Non-Development Budget NPV - Net Present Value NWFP - North West Frontier Province O&M - Operation and Maintenance p.a. - Per Annum PCB - Provincial Cooperative Banks PIDs - Provincial Irrigation Department ppm - Parts Per Millicn PS - Prudent Shopping PV - Present Value RAP - Revised Action Plrogram SCARP - Salinity Control and Reclamation Projects SGW - Saline Groundwater TDS - Total Dissolved Solids T&V - Training and Visits TW - Tubewell UNDP - United Nations Development Program USAID - U.S. Agency for International Development WAPDA - Water and Power Development Authority Xen - Executive Engineer GLOSSARY bund - flood protection embankment doab - land between major river systems in Punjab chak - lowest order of irrigation command (about 450 ac) karaze - traditional irrigation system with tunnel con- veyance channel kharif - wet season (mid--Aprilto mid-October) rabi - dry season (mid--Octoberto mid-April) warabandi - weekly rotational schedule of irrigation deli- veries to farmers watercourse - irrigation distribution system in a chak FISCAL YEAR July 1 - June 30 This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. PAKISTAN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS REHABILITATION PROJECT STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT Table of Contents Page No. I. BACKGROUND ..................................................1 General ......................... ........................... 1 Agricultural Performance and Policies ................. 2 Physical and Demographic Features ........................... 2 Agricultural Production ...... ............................... 6 Agricultural Inputs and Services ..... ............. 6 II. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS AND RELATED O&M .......................... 7 Irrigation Facilities ...... ................. 8 Drainage Facilities ........................ ................... 10 Flood Protection Facilities .............. .. .................11 Problems Associated with Existing Facilities ....... .........12 Current O&M Funding .................... .....................13 Execution of Works .. ... ................................. 16 Equipment and Maintenance Facilities ............ ............16 III. THE PROJECT ........................ .........................17 Objectives ......................... .........................17 Civil Works ................................................. 18 Equipment ............................ 21 Technical Assistance ................................. 22 Training ................. ................ 22 Supervision and Administration ............................... 23 IV. PROJECT COSTS, FINANCING, AND PROCUREMENT ... ................23 Cost Estimates and Schedule of Expenditures ................. 23 Financing . ............ 24 Procurement . ............. 25 Disbursements . ............ 26 Accounts and Audits . ....... ..... .................26 V. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ........ 26 Institutional Arrangements .............. 26 Operation and Maintenance ............... 30 Monitoring and Evaluationi ...................................31 Implementation Schedule ..................................... 31 - ii - Table of Contents (Cont'd) Page No. VI. PRODUCTION, MARKETING AND PRICES, FARM INCOME AND COST RECOVERY ............ ..............................32 Agricultural Impact .......... ..............................32 Marketing and Pricing ......... .............................34 Water Charges . ..............................................35 VII. BENEFITS AND JUSTIFICATION ....... ..........................37 Employment and Distributive Effects ..... ...................38 Direct Foreign Exchange Effect ...... ........................38 Environmental Impact ......... ..............................39 Assumptions of the Economic Analysis ..... ..................39 Project Risks and Sensitivity Texts ..... ...................40 VIII. AGREEMENTS REACHED ........... ..............................43 LIST OF ANNEXES ANNEX 1 - Cost Tables Table 1 - Total Project Costs Table 2 - Project Costs -- Punjab Province Table 3 - Project Costs -- Sind Province Table 4 - Project Costs -- NWFP Table 5 - Project Costs -- Baluchistan Province Table 6 - Project Costs -- Federal Coordinating Cell Table 7 - Civil Works -- Summary of Costs and Schedule of Targets and Expenditures Table 8 - Civil Works -- Proposed Schemes for Punjab Table 9 - Civil Works -- Proposed Schemes for Sind Table 10 - Civil Works -- Proposed Schemes for NWFP Table 11 - Civil Works -- Proposed Schemes for Baluchistan Table 12 - Equipment, Spares, and Machine Tools -- Summary of Costs and Schedule of Expenditures Table 13 - Equipment and Spares List and Costs by Province Table 14 - Machine Tools List and Costs by Province Table 15 - Technical Assistance -- Summary of Costs and Schedule of Expenditures Table 16 - Training -- Summary of Costs and Schedule of Expenditures Table 17 - Supervision and Administration -- Federal Coordinating Cepl Table 18 - Disbursement Schedule of IDA Credit ANNEX 2 - Procurement Schedule Table 1 - Equipment and spares Table 2 - Machines Tools - iii - LIST OF ANNEXES (Cont'd) ANNEX 3 - Supervisory Consultants Term<, of Reference ANNEX 4 - Implementation Schedule ANNEX 5 - Financial and Economic Tables Table 1 - O&M and Aministration -- Summary of Costs and Schedule of Expenditures Table 2 - O&M and Administration -- Puiijab Province Table 3 - O&M and Administration -- Sind Province Table 4 - O&M and Administration -- NWFP Table 5 - O&M and Administration -- Ba:Luchistan Province Table 6 - Cropping Patterns and Yields for the Sub-systems/schemes Model Table 7 - Illustrative Financial Crop Budgets Table 8 - Farmgate Prices used in Economic Analysis Table 9 - Current and Estimated Revenues and O&M Expenditures Table 10 - Summary of Economic Evaluation Table 11 - Economic Cash Flow PLATES I - Water Balance - Indus Plan and Peshawar Vale II - Indus Irrigation System III - Typical Cross-section of Main Canals and Branches IV - Typical Cross-section of Distributaries and Minors V - Organizational Chart - Federal Coordinating Cell VI - Organizational Chart - Punjab Department of Irrigation and Power VII - Organizational Chart - Sind Department of Irrigation and Power VIII Organizational Chart - NWFP Department of Irrigation IX - Organizational Chart - Baluchistan Department of Irrigation and Power MAP - PAKISTAN - Irrigation Systems Rehabilitation Project :it PAKISTAN IRRIGATION SYSTEMS REHABILITATION PROJECT STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT I. BACKGROUND 1.01 Pakistan's irrigation, drainage, and flood protection systems are deteriorating because of an accumulation of deferred maintenance. This has been evidenced by: breaching of flood protection bunds during the 1973 and 1976 floods, frequent breaching of canal banks; and, clogging of canals and surface drains with sediment and debris. This situation has been documented in many reports such as: (a) "Pakistan: Flood Rehabilitation Program Credit", Report No. 304a-PAK, World Bank (February 20, 1974); (b) "Operation and Maintenance of Flood Protection Works in Pakistan", Inter-Departmental Group (June 1978); (c) "Revised Action Progranm (RAP) for Irrigated Agricul- ture", Water and Power Development Authority (May 1979); and (d) "An Economic Analysis of Level and Structure of Irrigation Water Charges", a recent publication by Pakistan's Institute of Development Economics. 1.02 The possibility of strengthening the operation and maintenance
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