ISSN: 2676-1068 Lake and Wetland Conservation Publication Series no 7 PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL LAKE CONFERENCE 2018 Sustainable Utilization of Lake Resources Organized by Government of Nepal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation National Lake Conservation Development Committee Supported by District Coordination Committee, Kaski National Lake Conservation Development Committee Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan City P.O Box 25253 Sangam Chowk, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: + 997-1-4104143 Fax: +977-1-4104154 Website: www.nepallake.gov.np Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2676-1068 Lake and Wetland Conservation Publication Series no 7 PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL LAKE CONFERENCE 11-13 May 2018, Pokhara, Nepal Sustainable Utilization of Lake Resources Editors: Bishnu B. Bhandari Lanka Bahadur Shahi Prava Pandey Rajesh Sada Organized by Government of Nepal Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation National Lake Conservation Development Committee Published by: National Lake Conservation Development Committee (NLCDC), Nepal Published Year: 2018 Copyright: National Lake Conservation Development Committee (NLCDC) Citation: Bhandari, B.B., Shahi, L.B., Pandey, P and Sada R. [Eds.]. (2018). International Lake Conference: Sustainable Utilization of Lake Resources, Pokhara, 11-13 May. Kathmandu: National Lake Conservation Development Committee (NLCDC). Note: Materials from this document may be reproduced in whole, in part, or in any form for educational or non-profit uses without permission from the copyright holder, provided that the source is acknowledged. NLCDC would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication which uses this report as a source. ISSN: 2676-1068 Available from: National Lake Conservation Development Committee P.O Box 25253 Sangam Chowk, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: + 977-1-4104143 Fax: +977-1-4104154 Website: www.nepallake.gov.np Email: [email protected] Disclaimer This report is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. - iii - kf]v/f 3f]if0ff kq cGt/f{li6«o tfn ;Dd]ng, g]kfnsf] u08sL k|b]z, kf]v/fdf d] !! b]lv !# ;Dd cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . pSt ;Dd]ng /fli6«o tfn ;+/If0f ljsf; ;ldlt, ;+:s[lt ko{6g / gful/s p8\8og dGqfnon] ;o'Qm ?kdf cfof]hgf ul/Psf] lyof] . ;f] ;Dd]ngnfO{ ;kmn kfg{ cd]l/sL ;xof]u lgof]u cGtu{tsf] hnLo k|fs[lts >f]t ;'wf/ sfo{qmd -kfgL sfo{qmd_, ljZj jGohGt' sf]ifsf] xl/of] ag sfo{qmd, g]kfn ko{6g af]8{, kf]v/f n]vgfy dxfgu/kflnsf, ?kf tfn k"g{:yfkgf tyf dT:o ;xsf/L ;+:yf, ICIMOD, g]kfn kj{{tf/f]x0f ;+3 / ILEC hfkfgn] cfly{s tyf k|fljlws ;xof]u u/]sf lyP . pSt ;Dd]ngdf a+unfb]z, ef/t, hfkfg, Dofgdf/, >Ln+sf / cfof]hs b]z g]kfn ;lxt ^ j6f b]zsf @#& hgf ;xefuLx?sf] pkl:yltdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] . ;xefuLx?n] tfnsf] kfl/l:ylts k|0ffnLsf] kof{j/0fLo sfo{, ;]jf / nfesf] dxTjdfly k|sfz kfg'{sf ;fy} :j:y jftfj/0f sfod ug{sf nflu ;Dk"0f{ ;+/If0fsf k|of;x?sf] ;/fxgf u/]sf lyP, h:fsf nflUf lgDg ljifox?nfO{ Wofg lbg' kg]{ b]lvG5 . != tfntn}of ;|f]tx?sf] Joj:yfkg Ps ;du| k2tLdf cfwfl/t eP/ ul/g'k5{ h:n] :yflgo kfl/l:yTfLs k|0ffnLnfO{ vnn\ gk'Ug] ul/ :fd'bfonfO{ lbuf] hLljsf]kfh{gsf cj:f/x? -h:t} kof{ko{6g_ pknJw u/fpg clek|]l/t ug{'kb{5 . @= hnjfo' kl/jt{g tyf k|fs[lts ljkb Go"lgs/0fsf nflu tfntn}ofx? ljZjJofkL ?kdf ckl/xfo{ 5g\ . #= :yflgo :fd'bfon] lbuf] hLljsf]kfh{gsf nflu ldrfxf k|hfltx? 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Pokhara Declaration The International Lake Conference was held at Pokhara, Gandaki Pradesh, Nepal from 11 to 12 May 2018. The Conference was organized by the National Lake Conservation Development Committee (NLCDC) of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation and supported by USAID PAANI Program, WWF Hariyo Ban Program, Nepal Tourism Board, Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan City, Rupa Lake Restoration and Fisheries Cooperative, ICIMOD, Nepal Mountaineering Association and ILEC. The Conference was attended by 237 participants from 6 countries; Bangladesh, India, Japan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and the host country, Nepal. The participants recognized the importance of lake ecosystems and their ecological functions, services and benefits. They also appreciated the conservation efforts undertaken for the maintenance of a healthy environment and suggested to take into considerations 1. That management of lake resources must be pursued in a holistic approach for creating the sustainable livelihood opportunities (such as ecotourism) to local communities without hampering the integrity of the local ecosystem; 2. That mitigation measures against natural disasters and climate change surrounding the lake are becoming imminent globally; 3. That people need to manage invasive species such as Water Hyacinth and if possible be encouraged to sustainably utilize them as resources for their sustainable use. 4. That the cultural values of lakes and their surrounding environments must be integrated as part of lake basin management and conservation; and, 5. That the indigenous knowledge collected from the Nepalese people should be evaluated and integrated into national policy formulations. In order to "stop, prevent and reverse the trend of loss and degradation of lake resources" in Nepal, the Conference recognizes the need for: 1. Implementation of the Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) in collaboration with International Lake Environment Committee Foundation (ILEC, Japan) for sustainable management and wise use of lakes and their resources; 2. Development of model projects in each province for the wise us of lakes and their resources; 3. Strengthening of national cooperation mechanism for connecting governments, I/NGOs, CBOs and communities and combine their strengths and competencies for the improved management of lakes and their resources; 4. Implementation of a special project to prepare the vulnerability and a comprehensive inventory of lakes representing all ecological zones; and, 5. Establishment of special grant schemes to assist youth researchers for action-oriented research. 6. Finally, the participants recommend the NLCDC to: a. Implement the National Lake Conservation and Development Strategy Plan; and b. Set up an Ad Hoc Committee for the establishment of the ILBM South Asian Platform. 7. The participants highly commended the National Lake Conservation Development Committee (NLCDC) and Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan City for hosting the Conference. 8. The Conference requests the organizer and participants to disseminate and promote the results of this Conference to the Federal Government of Nepal, Provincial Governments and Local governments, academia, partners and other appropriate fora and mechanisms. International Lake Conference Table of Contents Inaugural Speech from Right Honorable Ganesh Pd. Timilsina, Chairperson, National Assembly ..........................iii Remarks from Honorable Prithvi Subba Gurung, Chief Minister, Gandaki Pradesh ................................................. iv Remarks from Honorable Bikash Lamsal, Minister of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment, Gandaki Pradesh ............................................................................................................................................................. v k|fSsyg (Foreword) ........................................................................................................................................................ vi cfef/ (Acknowledgement) .............................................................................................................................................. x kf]v/f 3f]if0ff kq ...............................................................................................................................................................xii
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