The Lost World THE LOST WORLD 《遗失的世界》 第四季剧本翻译 树屋字幕组-文翻组 - 0 - The Lost World 树屋字幕组-文翻组成员: 阿花 二娃 Dall Avenger Toffy-Can Tell 小洛 小潮 小 R 组长:二娃 树屋字幕组新浪微博 http://weibo.com/thelostworldSG 树屋字幕组论坛 http://thetreehousefansub.868cn.net/ 遗失的世界官方粉丝组织 TLW team 美国论坛 http://www.thelostworldfanforum.com 剧本提供、注释咨询:小新 瞳瞳 PFD 编辑制作:二娃 - 1 - The Lost World Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 向阿瑟•柯南•道尔爵士致敬 GUY MULLALLY 盖伊•穆拉利 JUDITH REEVES-STEVENS 朱迪思•瑞威丝·史蒂文斯 GARFIELD REEVES-STEVENS 加菲尔德•李维斯史-蒂文斯 - 2 - The Lost World 审核修改:小 R;翻译:小洛、Toffy The Story So Far 迄今为止的故事 ROXTON: It ’s been a helluva ride, George! 罗斯顿:乔治,这真是一段很艰难的旅程啊! CHALLENGER: It ’s not over yet! 查林杰:它根本就还没有结束! “INTO THE FIRE” 《困入火舌》① In January, 2002, New Line Television announced that the syndicated television series, Sir Arthur Conan DoylesThe Lost World had been renewed for a fourth season. 2002 的一月,New Line 电视台宣布热播电视剧,柯南道尔爵士的《遗失的世界》 将会续期迎来第四季。 Full of confidence, the three of us Guy, Judy, and Gar, aka the writer were given the go-ahead to write a cliff-hanger for the last episode of Season Three after all, we were definitely coming back for an all-new season and the story would continue. - 3 - The Lost World 带着满满的自信,我们三个,盖伊②,朱迪和加尔③,换言之即编剧,被给 予了给第三季最后一集留下一个悬念的任务。我们一定会带着一季全新的剧集回 来,同时故事将会继续。 The result was the optimistically titled Heart of the Storm, Part 1, the final episode of Season Three, and, as it turned out, the entire series.Season Two had ended in a different cliff-hanger Challenger, Roxton, Marguerite, and Veronica crashed into a cliff in a blazing dirigible while Malone plunged to certain death, struggling with Captain Ask with for control of a single parachute. 而我们所写出的结果被乐观地命名为《风暴之心》上集,第三季的最后一集, 而事实上它成为了整个系列的最后一集④。第二季以另一种同样扣人心弦的结局 结束——查林杰,罗斯顿,玛格瑞特和维罗妮卡与一艘燃烧的飞艇上一同撞上了 悬崖而与此同时马龙和阿斯克船长在争夺一个降落伞时坠落飞艇,似乎面临着必 死无疑的结局。 For Season Three, the stakes were upped and now each member of the Challenger Expedition, including newcomers Finn and Arthur the Beetle, faced a different life-or-death situation. Veronica ’s life-or-death situation seemed to hinge not only on her survival, but the survival of the entire Plateau perhaps even the universe itself. 至于第三季,情况变得更为严峻,现在查林杰的考察队里的每一个成员,包 括新加入的芬恩和小甲虫亚瑟,都面临着一个不同的生与死的局面。维罗妮卡的 生死困境似乎不仅仅关乎她自身的生存,并且关系到了整个遗失高原甚至宇宙的 - 4 - The Lost World 存亡。 Around May, 2002, Executive Producer Jeff Hayes asked the three of us to start thinking about Season Four stories and the resolution to the cliff-hanger. 在 2002 年 5 月左右,执行制片人杰夫海瑞斯⑤让我们三个开始思考第四季 的新的故事以及第三季末尾的悬念的解决方法。 Fortunately, we writers had already been thinking of the future. Much earlier in the third season, we had started discussing future developments in what the three of us had begun to call The Big Story. That is, what was the true nature of the Plateau, what were the main characters really doing there, and the $64 billion q uestion would any of them ever get home. 幸运的是,我们几个作者已经考虑到了以后的发展。早在这之前的第三季中, 我们就已经开始讨论未来的剧情将会在我们开始所称的“大故事”中的发展。即 遗失高原的本质,主角们在那里所做的事的实质是什么,以及一个价值 64 00 亿 美元的问题:他们能够回到原来的世界吗? O n June 6 , 2002, we sent Jeff Hayes a story memo describing not only “Heart of the Storm, Part 2, ” but sixteen other stories for Season Four. 2002 年 6 月 6 号,我们把一份剧情备忘录发给杰夫·海瑞斯①,备忘录不仅 描述了《风暴之心》下集,也包含了第四季的 1 6 个故事。 Not all the stories would have been used. Some of them were holdovers from Season Three and, no doubt, inspiration for new and unexpected stories - 5 - The Lost World would have struck us during production—but it gave the new season a direction which Jeff approved. 但并不是所有故事都会被拍摄,一部分故事是对第三季故事的延续。无疑在 创作中寻找全新的、意想不到的故事灵感的过程是很艰难的,但是它也引导了新 一季的故事走向,且杰夫对此表示认可。 Not included in our memo was the story arc that would lead to a resolution of the entire series. We left th ose stories out not because we didn’t know what they were, but because we had good reason to believe that Season Four would lead to Season Five. ( The television syndication business of the time generally meant that any series that had survived three seasons would almost automatically be cleared for five. ) So, we planned to wait to see how the Season Four ratings played out, and if that season was going to be the end, then we’d resolve the series in Season Four. If another season seemed likely, then the series would be resolved in Season Five. 我们的备忘录里没有给出暗示整个故事结局的线索。我们不给出结局是并不 是我们不知道怎么安排结局,而是我们有充分理由相信第四季结束后还会有第五 季(现在的电视联合企业一般允许播出三季还未被砍的电视剧,继续做到第五 季)。所以,我们计划看第四季收视率的表现如何,如果第四季将会是终结季, 那么我们就会在第四季放出结局。要是有第五季的可能性较大,那么电视剧的结 尾就会放在第五季。 What this document provides then, is our final revelation of what might have been in store beyond Season Three. - 6 - The Lost World 那么这个文件就包含了我们已经写好的,第三季之后的故事的最终真相。 We will never know all the details of what might have happened, becauseso many other people were involved in the creative direction of the show, from Jeff Hayes—who set the tone for the series and was its guiding spirit—to the cast, the directors, and everyone else who took part in the show ’s production and who, in their enthusiasm made exciting and insightful suggestions for new developments. 我们并不知道故事发展的所有细节,因为有其他很多人参与到这个剧本的创 作,从为这个剧集定下基调的杰夫·海耶斯,到演员,导演还有每一个参与到剧 集制作的人,还有那些热情地为剧集新发展提出令人兴奋和富有洞察力的建议的 人。 Since this document is merely a glimpse at what might have been, we hope no fan will allow anything in it to interfere with his or her own vision of different futures for the Challenger Expedition and the Plateau in personal fanfiction writings. 由于这个文档仅仅是可能发生的故事情节的缩略,我们希望粉丝不会允许任 何同人小说或个人观点,去影响查林杰探险队的未来发展。 Everyone involved in the production of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ’s The Lost World had a wonderful time bringing sixty-six stories to life. Nothingwould please us more than knowing that the characters and situations liveon in the hearts and minds and imaginations of the fans. 每一个参与到阿瑟•柯南•道尔爵士《遗失的世界》制作的人都享受了把六十 六个故事带到生活中来的经历。没有什么比知道剧集角色、情景活在粉丝们的心 中、意识中和想象里更令我们开心的事了。 - 7 - The Lost World After all, why should we have all the fun ? 总而言之,我们为什么不来享受乐趣呢? Without further delay, here ’s one way the story might have gone … 不再多说废话了,接下来你看到的,就是这个故事的可能发展方向。 Guy Mullally & Judith Reeves-Stevens &Garfield Reeves-Stevens 盖伊莫拉莉&朱迪思•瑞威丝·史蒂文斯&加菲•瑞威丝·史蒂文斯 Roraima, Venezuela, October 15, 1912 委内瑞拉罗赖马山,1912 年 10 月 15 号 释①:《困入火舌》,详情请参见《遗失的世界》第二季第二十二集。 - 8 - The Lost World 释②:盖伊这里盖伊应该是指《遗失的世界》的编剧及制片人盖伊穆拉利。 释③:J & G 朱迪和加尔是美剧《遗失的世界》的工作人员,具体来说应该是《遗 失的世界》这部剧的监制人员。 释④:此处指编剧们认为第四季会顺利播出,并想把第四季第一集命名为《风暴 之心》下集 释⑤:杰弗瑞海斯。《遗失的世界》制片人,她曾参与《异形入侵》以及《海底 两万里》等三十余部电影的制片。 审核修改:二娃;翻译:Tell、Dall、阿花、小洛、小潮 - 9 - The Lost World The Big Story 一个丰富的故事 Guy Mullally & Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens 盖伊•莫拉莉&朱迪思•瑞威丝·史蒂文斯&加菲•瑞威丝·史蒂文斯 CHALLENGER: Do you have any idea where the Ouroboros comes from, Marguerite, or who made it? 查林杰:你知道神蛇盘是从哪来的吗?玛格丽特,或者是谁制造出来的? MARGUERITE: Legend says its as old as the two fundamental forces of creation. 玛格丽特:有传说说它和两个基本力的产生时间差不多。 CHALLENGER: The fundamental forces of creation electromagnetis and gravity. 查林杰:这两个基本力分别是...电磁力和引力。 MARGUERITE: No, George,good and evil. 玛格丽特:不,乔治,不是这样的,是善良与邪恶。 LEGACY 《遗产》① First things first, Roxton and Marguerite aren ’t related. 先说说重要的事,罗斯顿和玛格丽特和这是没有联系的。 O ther characters are, but well get to them later. - 10 - The Lost World 其他人物和这相关,但是他们之后才会出场。 The other most important revelation is that Challenger got it wrong, and Mordren was right. 其次我们得到最重要的启示就是查林杰错了,莫拉登②才是对的。 By the end of Season Three, Challenger, if you recall, believed the Plateau was a gathering point, for lost worlds, lost time, and lost lives. 到第三季结束时,如果你还记得,查林杰他认为遗失高原其实是一个聚集点, 聚集遗失的世界,遗失的时间,遗失的生命。 Mordren knew better. As he put it, the truth is that the Plateau is not a collector of life, it is the source of everything. 然而莫拉登有自己更好的见解。他说,事实上遗失高原并不是“生活的收藏 家”,而它是一切的源泉。 Where the Plateau came from, well, that was never a q uestion to be answered in this series. But it is related to what Marguerite called the two fundamental forces of creation. 遗失高原到底从哪来,嗯,在这一系列剧集里,这是个无法回答的问题。但 它和那两个被玛格丽特叫做基本力的东西有关。 She called them good and evil. Challenger would come to see them as order and chaos. No one would ever come up with an exact description, or even an exact understanding, because the power of the Plateau is something that, for our time at least, is truly beyond our minds to comprehend. - 11 - The Lost World 她称它们为善与恶。查林杰在看见之后会发出它们是整齐与混乱的边缘之物 的感慨。没有人能给出一个确切的描述,甚至是一个准确的认识,因为就们这个 时代而言,遗失高原是超越我们理解能力的东西。 The important thing is what the line of Protectors know : The Plateau is a powerful force of creation. Left to itself and its unfathomable cycles of renewal, every time the power of the Plateau bursts forth, it can mindlessly overwhelm, and even destroy, whatever it had created the last time. So, the line of Protectorswho dwell in a place out of time called Avalon-learn how to focus and control the Plateaus power 重要的是守护者们熟知的事:遗失高原有着强大的创造力。就它的本身和它 深不可测更新循环来说,每次遗失高原迸发出来的力量,可以毫不费力地压倒, 甚至摧毁,此前创造了的一切。因此,守护者们居住着的与世隔绝的地方被称为 阿瓦隆,守护者们在那里学习如何集中和控制高原的力量。 When the Plateau reaches the end of one cycle of creations - as it did a the end of Season Three - the Protector guides it to the next cycle, preserving and protecting what has gone before. Think of controlled burns of the brush in the Australian O utback in order to avoid horrendous conflagra tions that can blaze out of control, devastating vast areas of land. That’s th e role of the line of Protectors - control. 当遗失高原达到了一个创生周期的终点,也就意味着到达了第三季的尾声, 守护者们将带他们走向下一个周期,保留和保护过去。想想发生在澳大利亚内陆 的监控燃烧③,为避免可怕的大火灾一旦失去控制,对大面积的土地都是毁灭性 - 12 - The Lost World 的伤害。这就是守护者保护者们的角色-控制。 The line of Mordren wants to usurp that power for themselves, so that the positive power of the Plateau will benefit only them, leaving its destructive aspect to lay waste to all those who oppose them. 莫拉登一行人为了自己的利益篡夺权力,好让遗失高原的正面力量只使他们 这些人获益,背离它的积极的一面,去毁灭对抗他们的人。 In other words, the Protectors are responsible
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