PEACE Info (18-20 January, 2020) − NCA-Signatory EAOs to Invite Non-Signatory EAOs to Peace Process Meeting − Myanmar’s National Dialogue Must Be for All NCA Signatories Ahead of Peace Summit, EAOs Say − National-level political talk to hold in March − Two Myanmar Constitution Amendment Bills Agreed by NLD, Ethnic Parties − Kachin Community Demands Truth and Justice Five Years After Teachers’ Murder − President Xi Jinping visit and ethnic nationalities’ take on BRI − Myanmar, China sign 33 MoUs, agreements − China inks deal with Myanmar on 33 MoUs including Kyaukphyu and Yangon development projects − Taiwan rebukes Myanmar over joint statement with Xi − Xi says China never sells weapons to Myanmar armed groups − Chinese President’s Claim That Beijing Not Arming EAOs Met With Skepticism in Myanmar − What Will Xi Jinping’s Visit Mean for Myanmar’s Future? − Church and displaced Kachin villagers voice concern over restarting Myitsone Dam − Myanmar army attacks Kokang base as Chinese President arrives − Eight civilians injured in mine explosion in Rakhine − RCSS hands seized narcotic drugs over to Tatmadaw − NMSP seizes over 300 kratom plants and make an arrest − No ‘Genocidal Intent’ in Security Operations in Rakhine State, Myanmar Commission Says − �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� ည�လ�ခံ အစည��အ�ဝ� မတ��င�မ� တ��င��ရင��သ�� လက�နက�က��င� အဖ���မ��� ထ�ပ�သ��စည���ဝ�ပ�� က�င��ပ���င�ဖ�ယ�ရ�� − အမ����သ��အဆင�� ���င�ငံ�ရ��ဆ������ပ��က�� မတ�လ၌�ပ�လ�ပ�ရန� NCA လက�မ�တ�ထ��� တ��င��ရင��သ��လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ��� �မ���မ�န��ထ���ပ�� ယခ�လက�န�ပ��င��တ�င� အစ���ရ��င�� တရ��ဝင��ဆ������မည� − �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရလ�ပ�ငန��စ��မ�� ဘ�သ��ရ��ခ�င���ဆ�င��တ� ပ�ဝင�ခ�င�� − �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ� ဆ��င�ရ� မ��ဘ�င� �ဆ������ပ��သ��� NCA ထ���မထ���သ� အဖ���မ���က�� ဖ�တ�မည� − NCA အ�က�င�အထည��ဖ��မ� မ��ဘ�င�တ�င� အပစ�မရပ� အဖ���မ��� သ�ဘ�ထ�� ထည��သ�င��မည� − ဗ��လ�ခ��ပ� ဂ�န��မ����င�� ဆက�သ�ယ��မ��မန���ခင�� − လ�မည���င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ�ည�လ�ခံတ�င� ���င�ငံ�ရ�က�သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ�က�ရမ�သ� လ�ံ�ခ�ံ�ရ�သ�ဘ�တ�ည�ခ�က�ရ���င�မည� − အ��ခခံဥပ�ဒ�ပင�ဆင��ရ�ပ���ပ�င���က��မတ�၏လ�ပ�ငန��မ��� �ပ��ဆ�ံ� − ၂၀၀၈ အ��ခခံဥပ�ဒက�� ဖ�က�သ�မ���ပ�ရန� �က��င��သ��မ��� စ��ပ�င���တ�င��ဆ��မည� − �မန�မ�-တ��တ� ��စ����င�ငံအ�က�� �က��က��ဖ�အထ��စ��ပ����ရ�ဇ�န�၊ �ရနက�ဆ�ပ�ကမ��ဆ��င�ရ� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ�အပ�အဝင� က�စ�ံ န��လည�မ�စ�ခ�န�လ����င�� သ�ဘ�တ�စ�ခ��ပ� ၃၃ ခ� လက�မ�တ��ရ�ထ��� Page 1 of 73 − �မန�မ��တ��င��ရင��သ��လက�နက�က��င�အဖ���မ���က�� လက�နက��ထ�က�ပံ��ပ��ခင��မရ��ဟ� တ��တ�သမ�တ ရ��က�င��ဖ�င���ပ� − တ��င��ရင��သ���တ�က�� “လက�နက�မ�ပ�ဘ��” လ��� တ��တ���ပ��က��မ� မယ�ံ�ကည��က − RCSS အဖ���ဝင� ၂ဦ� ယ�န�တ��င� မလ�တ��သ� − �က�င��ခ�� ဆရ�မ ��စ�ဦ� အမ�မ�န��ပ��ရ� အ�ဖစ�မ�န��ဖ��ထ�တ��ကရန� �တ�င��ဆ�� − ခ�င��ပလက�ဝ ၀န�ထမ��၂၀၀�က��� ��ပ�င���ရ��စ�တင� − AA ထံမ� လ�တ���မ�က�လ��သ� ယ����မ�င��မ���အ�� ဆက�လက�စစ��ဆ��န − ကယ�ဆယ��ရ�စခန�� �ပင�ပ စစ��ဘ�ဒ�က�သည��တ�ရ�� အခက�အခ� − ရခ��င� မင���ပ�� ��မ�မ�ပ�မ��င��က��လ��� လ� ၈ ဦ� ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − မင���ပ��န�� ပ�ဏ���က�န��မ�� �ပ�က�က��မ��တ���က�င�� အရပ�သ�� က����ယ�က� ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − ဘ��သ���တ�င�မ�� က�လ�တစ�ဦ� က�ည�ထ�မ�န�ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − မင���ပ��က �ပ��က�သ���သ�အခ����က�� �သဆ�ံ�လ�က��ပန��တ��၊ ရ��သ�� ၃ဦ�က�� �တ��၂ပတ��က����က�တ��အထ� ရ��မ�တ�� − RCSS အဖ���က ၎င��တ��� ဖမ��ဆ��ရမ�ထ���သ� မ��ယစ��ဆ�ဝ��မ���က�� တပ�မ�တ��ထံ လ����ပ�င���ပ�အပ�ခ���ပ�� ယခ�လ�ပ�ရပ���က�င�� အစ���ရ၊ တပ�မ�တ����င�� RCSS တ���အ�က�� ပ���ပ�င���ဆ�င�ရ�က�မ� ပ��မ��ခ��င�မ��စခ��ဟ� RCSS သတင��ထ�တ��ပန� − ဆ�ဆ��င��မ ���နယ�တ�င� �မ���တ��ယ����ပ�၌ သ��ဝ�က�သယ��ဆ�င�လ�သည�� က�ပ�သ�န�� ၉၀၀၀ တန�ဖ���ရ�� ဘ�န�����မ�န��မ��� ဖမ��ဆ��ရမ� − ခ�င��မ��င�တ�င� စ�တ��က�မ�တဆင�� ပ����ဆ�င�မည�� စ�တ��က�ဆ� ၂ သ�န��ခန�� ဖမ��မ� − ICOE �န�က�ဆ�ံ� အစ�ရင�ခံစ�တ�င� လ�မ����တ�န�� သတ��ဖတ�မ� မခ��င�လ�ံ��က�င�� ပ�ရ�� − ICOE ထ�တ��ပန�ခ�က� HRW �ဝဖန�တ�ံ��ပန� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 73 NCA-Signatory EAOs to Invite Non-Signatory EAOs to Peace Process Meeting By NETWORK MEDIA GROUP (NMG) | Monday, January 20, 2020 Leaders from ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) signatory to Burma’s Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) have announced that they will invite non-signatory armed groups to an upcoming meeting to discuss the framework of the peace process. “We are going to invite our brothers to attend the coming framework meeting. We have already decided it,” Col Sai Nguen, a spokesperson from an implementation working team of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), told media outlets, referring to the EAOs outside of the NCA. “As a first step, we will definitely invite them to a framework preparation meeting. I think it will be a starting point.” Col Sai Nguen made the statement during a press conference following a two-day PPST meeting from January 17-18. The preparation meeting will be held after a meeting of working teams made up of NCA- signatory EAOs, the government, and the Burmese military. Col Sai Nguen speculated that this could be held at the end of January. “We are going to hold a meeting as soon as possible. It depends on negotiations. After we approve the framework, we can move forward with the national level political dialogue and other processes. So it will be a starting point to open the path,” he explained at the press conference. The PPST said that the peace process framework preparation meeting would take place before the convening of the fourth session of the Union Peace Conference (UPC) in late April. PPST spokesperson Than Khe said that everyone affected should be involved in approving the framework for the UPC. “To seek a workable framework, we have a responsibility as well as the government and Tatmadaw. Non-NCA EAOs have responsibility for it. It will depend on negotiations between all stakeholders,” Than Khe told NMG. The PPST reportedly decided on five points during their recent meeting, one of which was to invite non-signatory EAOs to the upcoming framework preparation meeting. Other points included major issues of discussion in the UPC. It will be discussed further in the working teams meeting, tentatively scheduled for January 28. Leaders of the 10 NCA-signatory EAOs attended the eight PPST meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand. They include the All Burma Students Democratic Front, Arakan Liberation Party, Page 3 of 73 Chin National Front, Democratic Karen Benevolent Army, Karen National Liberation Army- Peace Council, Karen National Union, New Mon State Party, Lahu Democratic Union, Pa-O National Liberation Organization, and the Restoration Council of Shan State. http://www.nmg-news.com/2020/01/20/9827 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Myanmar’s National Dialogue Must Be for All NCA Signatories Ahead of Peace Summit, EAOs Say By Nyein Nyein | 20 January 2020 Delegates attend the 21st-century Panglong peace conference in September 2016 in Naypyitaw. / The Irrawaddy Organizing a national-level political dialogue before the next peace conference will be one of the key issues to discuss during next week’s meeting between the government and the ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) that signed the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA). The national dialogue began in 2017 but not all the signatories were able to convene. These included the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) because of objections from the Tatmadaw (military) about the location and the Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) in Rakhine State, citing security concerns. The RCSS and ALP were missing from the dialogue in 2017 and 2018 and their input was therefore missing from the process to establish a federation. With the formal peace process stalled, the national political dialogue has been abandoned for nearly two years. Sai Ngern, the head of the EAOs’ negotiation team on the political dialogue framework and a secretary of the RCSS, said every NCA signatory “must be able to organize the national- level political dialogue under a new framework”. “We tentatively plan it to be able to hold talks in late March. It will be on the agenda of the talks with the government on Jan. 28-29,” he told reporters after the 10 NCA signatories’ Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) meeting in Chiang Mai on Saturday. He said the EAOs believed every group should organize a national-level political dialogue, as the recommendations from the consultations are passed to the Union Peace Conference (UPC) for consideration when developing federal principles.
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