CONTACT ENERGY LIMITED GEOFUTURE Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station Land Use Consent Application to Taupo District Council 6 August 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS Part A: Resource Consent Application Part B: Assessment of Environmental Effects Executive Summary 1. Introduction __________________________________________________________ 5 1.1 Contact Energy Limited 5 1.2 Te Mihi Power Station 5 1.3 Proposed Expansion of the Te Mihi Power Station 7 1.4 Geofuture - The Wider Context 9 1.5 AEE Report Structure 10 1.6 Technical Studies Undertaken 11 2. Description of the Existing Environment ____________________________________ 12 2.1 Geology, Topography and Land Uses 12 2.2 Wairakei Geothermal Power Scheme 14 2.3 Terrestrial Ecology and Waterbodies 14 2.4 Cultural History and Setting 15 2.5 Other Environmental Characteristics 17 2.6 The Existing Environment – Legal Context 17 3. Proposed Activities ____________________________________________________ 19 3.1 Location of Future Power Plants 19 3.2 Te Mihi Electricity Generation Plant Options 22 3.3 Key Features of the Proposed Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station 25 3.4 Switchyards and Electricity Transmission 25 3.5 Site Access 25 3.6 Construction Activities 26 3.7 Plant Operations and Maintenance Activities 27 3.8 Future of the Wairākei A & B Power Stations 27 4. RMA Status of Activities ________________________________________________ 28 4.1 Taupō District Council Jurisdiction 28 4.2 Waikato Regional Council Jurisdiction 33 4.3 Joint Applications 33 5. Assessment of Applications _____________________________________________ 35 5.1 Section 104 of the RMA 35 5.2 Section 104B of the RMA 35 6. Positive Effects _______________________________________________________ 37 6.1 Economic Benefits 37 6.2 Decarbonising the Economy 39 7. Landscape and Visual Effects ___________________________________________ 40 8. Noise Effects ________________________________________________________ 42 Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station 9. Transportation Effects _________________________________________________ 46 10. Archaeological Effects _________________________________________________ 48 11. Cultural Values _______________________________________________________ 49 12. Management of Hazardous Substances ____________________________________ 51 12.1 Current Use of Hazardous Substances 51 12.2 Hazardous Substances Review 51 12.3 Hazardous Substances to be stored and used 52 12.4 Major Hazard Facilities and Hazardous Substances Compliance 52 12.5 Major Incident Analysis 53 13. Contaminated Soils, Fault LInes and Hot ground ____________________________ 57 13.1 Contaminated Soils 57 13.2 Fault Lines and Hot Ground Hazard 57 14. Air Quality Effects ____________________________________________________ 58 15. Effects on Terrestrial Ecology and Thermotolerant Vegetation __________________ 59 16. Policy and Planning Assessment _________________________________________ 60 16.1 Vision and Strategy for the Waikato River 60 16.2 National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation 61 16.3 National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission 61 16.4 National Environmental Standard for Contaminants in Soil 62 16.5 Waikato Regional Policy Statement 62 16.6 Waikato Regional Plan 63 16.7 Taupō District Plan 63 16.8 Ngāti Tūwharetoa Iwi Environmental Management Plan 64 16.9 Part 2 of the RMA 65 17. Consultation and Engagement __________________________________________ 69 17.1 Taupō District Council 69 17.2 Waikato Regional Council 69 17.3 Tangata Whenua 70 17.4 Transpower NZ Limited 71 17.5 Department of Conservation 71 17.6 Waka Kotahi / New Zealand Transport Agency 72 17.7 Neighbours and General Public 72 18. Proposed Consent Conditions ___________________________________________ 73 19. Lapse Period and Term of Consent _______________________________________ 74 19.1 Lapse Period 74 19.2 Term of Consent 74 20. Notification of the Application ___________________________________________ 75 21. Conclusion __________________________________________________________ 76 Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: Records of Title and Survey Office Plan Appendix 2: Plans of Proposed Power Station Options Appendix 3: Taupo District Plan - Analysis of Rules and Performance Standards Appendix 4: Hot Ground Assessment Appendix 5: Economic Benefit Assessment Appendix 6: Landscape and Visual Assessment Appendix 7: Acoustical Assessment Appendix 8: Independent Peer Review of Acoustical Assessment Appendix 9: Integrated Transportation Assessment Appendix 10: Archaeological Assessment Appendix 11: Te Mihi Binary Plant Major Incident Analysis Appendix 12: Preliminary Site Investigation Appendix 13: Analysis of Policy and Planning Documents Appendix 14: Draft Land Use Consent and Proposed Conditions Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station REPORT INFORMATION Report Status FINAL Our Reference MDL001036 File Location Contact – GeoFuture – Application and AEE – Taupo District Council – Final – 060821 Author Mark Chrisp Review By GeoFuture Project Team Version Number 1 Version Date 6 August 2021 © Mitchell Daysh Limited (2021). This document and its contents are the property of Mitchell Daysh Limited. Any unauthorised employment or reproduction, in full or in part, is forbidden. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACC Air Cooled Condensers BOI Board of Inquiry CIA Cultural Impact Assessment Contact Contact Energy Limited DOC Department of Conservation ESCP Erosion and Sediment Control Plan FP Flash Plant GGC Geothermal Group Control HAIL Hazardous Activities and Industries List Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station ITA Integrated Transportation Assessment LP Low Pressure MDCT Mechanical Draft Cooling Tower NES-ETA Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission Activities) Regulations 2009 NES-CS Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 NPS-ET National Policy Statement on Electricity Transmission 2008 NPS-REG National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation 2011 NZECP New Zealand Code of Practice for Electrical Safe Distances (NZECP 34:2001) PSI Preliminary Site Investigation RMA Resource Management Act 1991 RPS Waikato Regional Policy Statement SGF Significant Geothermal Feature SGW Separated Geothermal Water SNA Significant Natural Area STG Steam Turbine Generator TDC Taupō District Council TDP Taupō District Plan WBF Western Bore Field WRC Waikato Regional Council WRP Waikato Regional Plan Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station A PART A Resource Consent Application FORM 9 APPLICATION FOR RESOURCE CONSENT Under section 88 of the Resource Management Act 1991 To: Taupō District Council 30 Tongariro Street TAUPŌ 3330 1. CONTACT ENERGY LTD, whose address is Level 2, Harbour City Tower, 29 Brandon Street, PO Box 10742, Wellington 6143 (note address for service below) applies for the following type(s) of resource consent: Land Use Consent 2. The activity to which the application relates (the proposed activity) is as follows: To construct, operate, maintain, replace, renew, and undertake minor upgrading of an expansion to the Te Mihi Power Station and all associated structures, equipment, facilities, signage, earthworks, internal site roading, and 220kV grid connection, to the extent that it involves activities beyond that which are authorised by Land Use Consent RM0703041 (more fully described in Part B of this document) including: o Option 1 (THI_1) – A single large steam turbine located within the existing consented footprint (Site THI A), with a gross output up to 180MW; or o Option 2 (THI_2) – Two smaller steam turbines, one on the existing consented footprint (Site THI A) and one further southeast (Site THI B), with a combined gross output up to 180MW; or o Option 3 (THI_3) – Organic Rankine Cycle Binary Plant, consisting of up to four units located on a footprint to the southeast of the existing Te Mihi Power Station (Site THI B), with a gross output up to 165MW. A Land Use Consent is required due to the proposed activity exceeding several performance standards in the Taupō District Plan. 3. A lapse period of 10 years is sought in relation to the above application. 1 As amended by consent granted by Taupō District Council on 4 August 2010 under s.127 of the RMA (referred to as Land Use Consent RM070304A). Expansion of Te Mihi Power Station 1 4. The applicant requests its application be publicly notified. 5. The site on which the proposed activity is to occur is in the vicinity of the existing Te Mihi Power Station within the area shown on the following plans attached as Schedule 1 to this application: Plan 1: Te Mihi Power Station Expansion – Land Use Consent Area; and Plan 2: Te Mihi Power Station Expansion Sites THI A and THI B. Physical Address: 136 Oruanui Road, Taupō. Legal Description: Lot 3 DP 454472 (Record of Title 583496); Section 4 SO 355555; and Area 1 DP 445146. The relevant Records of Title and Survey Office Plan are presented in Appendix A. 6. Contact Energy Limited is the owner and occupier of Lot 3 DP 454472 and is the lessee and occupier of Section 4 SO 355555. The owner of Section 4 SO 355555 is: The Crown acting through the Commissioner of Crown Lands C/o Land Information New Zealand PO Box 5501 WELLINGTON Attention: Naomi Bray and Megan McKinstry Transpower New Zealand Ltd is the owner and occupier of Area 1 DP 445146 (being the switchyard located immediately north of Te Mihi Power Station). 7. There are no other activities that are part of the proposal to
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