ISSUE No.1 (129), APRIL 2018 YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER KIMEP TIMES SINCE 1995 IN THIS ISSUE - PAGE THREE - - PAGE FIVE - - PAGES SEVEN-THIRTEEN - - PAGE FIFTEEN - What are we waiting for? Successful stories Get to know When should we Reconstruction news from students KIMEP faculty expect cryptotenge? 02 | KIMEP INSIDE OUT ISSUE No.1 (129), APRIL 2018 written by KIMEP opens a door to the future with Margarita Lyuts Azizakhon Yuldasheva brand new programs for freshmen Alisa Kim IMEP is now offering three provide an opportunity to expand completely new programs the boundaries of business studies, as for undergraduates. What well as the use of new technologies Kare these new programs, why were for the development of the econo- they introduced and what oppor- my in Kazakhstan. Dr. Bang pointed tunities will they bring for KIMEP out that the main goal of this aca- students, in this exclusive material demic program is to comply with all from our reporters. international standards and prepare highly-qualified specialists in the IT Bachelor of Arts in Foreign sphere. languages & Bachelor of Arts The program curriculum will have in Translation and Professional several important and interesting Communications disciplines, such as database manage- ment, project management, big data, From the next academic year, information security, e-business, sup- KIMEP Language Center will trans- ply chains and other courses. The new form into a new college and will pres- program requires more IT professors, ent two new official programs. The and one of them, a computer special- Bachelor in Foreign Languages will ist, will be provided by ZHANARTU equip students with proficiency in Charity Foundation. two 2 languages. English will be the Additionally, students already en- first language, and then there will be a rolled in other programs may com- second optional language. They prob- bine IT with other disciplines such ably will start with Chinese, because as economics, accounting, market- our university has a Chinese instruc- ing and business management. The tor from KIMEP LC and an agree- Bachelor of Information Systems in ment with some Chinese universities Business will be a part of the BCB for the very beginning. Language undergraduate programs. Therefore, choice wasn’t accidental. Dr. Juldyz students can transfer to this program Smagulova, Executive Director of just like they transfer to any other the Language Center, points out that: BCB program. “China is Kazakhstan’s biggest neigh- Year 2018 Moreover, 3rd and 4th year bachelor bor, and there is huge market out students can get a minor or double there. There are lot of companies in minor degree if they take additional Kazakhstan; silk road projects need information systems specialization specialists who speaks multiple lan- courses. guages.” After introducing the first language, KIMEP LC plans to add Bachelor programs In his welcoming speech, Nura- Korean language and another foreign li Aliyev said that “progressive de- language depending on the need. velopment of the country can be The Bachelor in Translation Stud- students 1 clear way to get a job after mentary to all bachelor changes, there nouncement of the new Nurali Ali- achieved only through the synergy of ies and Professional Communication the graduation, adding professional will be proposed new minors for all yev Bachelor of Information Systems traditional educational processes and offers training in one of the most skills in translation area and adding current KIMEP students. If you are in Business. Dr. Bang introduced Nu- modern digital technologies, so the popular industries in the world. The new points to their CVs. In the first majoring in marketing, management, rali Aliyev, a well-known businessman new bachelor program will create a field of translation is changing and place, graduates can enter work in or journalism, after completion of and Maecenas in Kazakhstan. He is sound and prosperous environment developing very rapidly, and the glo- the educational field. Students can the translation minor, you will have a member of the Board of Trustees for IT development in Kazakhstan”. balized market prefers professionals become teachers, professors or can more than 1 stable specialty, and your of the Ana Yui charity public fund, Graduates from this program are ex- and experts who speak several lan- organize private language courses. In CV will be very powerful with lan- the framework within which Mother’s pected to become professionals high- guages. This new bachelor program addition to the education field, Juldyz guage specialization. Homes in the cities of Almaty, Uralsk ly demanded in the international la- will prepare new specialists in terms Smagulova explains the opportunities In the next year probably 25 fu- and Karaganda are financed. Recent- bor market. Their IT skills, combined of creating, adopting and managing of working in the increasingly pop- ture specialists in the language area ly, Mr. Aliyev established the Snow with business knowledge gleaned content in several languages, which is ular entertainment adaptation area: will start their education. KIMEP is Leopard charity foundation, which is from the best professors, will be ap- very necessary in any company. “Subtitles, voiceovers, screenwrit- providing 5 new 2-year scholarships launching a program to save the snow plied in various industries. These new programs for prospec- ing, editing were always in demand, specifically for Kazakhstani citizens. leopard in Kazakhstan. KIMEP guarantees to provide 10 tive students open big opportunities especially now in new channels like The goal of this new programs is to Moreover, as a founder of his own full-tuition, 4-year scholarships to for their future employment. Each Netflix and Amazon. As well as fast train brand new translation specialists ZHANARTU Charity Foundation, the inaugural class in order to study student will be a professional in his domestication of any information, in the marketing, business and enter- Mr. Aliyev actively finds opportuni- this new program; the other 10 concrete field. The learning process there is a big need in the social media tainment fields. ties to support the young IT-genera- scholarships will be sponsored by will be based on in-depth knowledg- sphere for work with magazines, offi- tion of Kazakhstan. Beginning now, ZHANARTU Charity Foundation. es of literature, history and language cial accounts, corporation websites.” The Nurali Aliyev ZHANARTU Charity Foundation is In turn, Dr. Bang offered pro- analysis. Besides that, students will After graduation, KIMEP students Bachelor of Information establishing a completely new IT pro- found gratitude to Mr. Aliyev and begin to read and write well in sever- are faced with translation requests Systems in Business gram at the BCB. ZHANARTU Charity Foundation al languages. It makes graduates very and find out that speaking two lan- Dr. Chan Young Bang, the Presi- for their commitment to the well-be- flexible in terms of career choice. guages is not the same as translating The ceremonial meeting at KIMEP dent of KIMEP University, highlight- ing of our students and the advance- The foreign language program pro- from one to another. Right now, they University held on December 8, ed how important this collaboration ment of information technology in vides pedagogical courses, which give can foresee such problems. Comple- 2017 was dedicated to the official an- is to our university and how it will Kazakhstan. INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER KIMEP INSIDE OUT | 03 written by Renovations move onto a new level Margarita Lyuts e all look forward to the opening of the tions, who lost their home location, will be back educational building on Valikhanov on the 4th floor. Their relocation was the most StreetW — how it has changed and what to ex- painful, since even the KIMEP radio station pect in the future, new designs, cool changes closed. The department is working hard on the and expectations from KIMEP Times. new environment for students — they restored their media lab with all equipment and the radio Covering this issue in the previous special room; maybe we will see new KIMEP Waves edition, KIMEP Times already presented the with some interesting projects. KIMEP administration’s colossal plans for cam- The ground floor is transforming into a big hall pus reconstruction. From the very beginning, with a completely new design. At the entrance students said that they missed the elevators, will be turnstiles, the first part of new security which are located in the part of Valikhanov system. A new staircase will make this place freer. Building under reconstruction. Soon students The KIMEP Student Association already real- will breath easily, according to Dr. T. Barnett. All ized plans to purchase and install new lockers for rough work will be finished by the 6th of April, personal things and bags near the lift. and we hope the first students will cross the The next object for reconstruction will be threshold of Valikhanov building by the Summer another part of Valikhanov Building on Abay 1 semester . Street. This is a massive reconstruction project The west wing of Valikhanov Building will because Valikhanov Building has a lot of offices, be in a new, stylish grey color spectrum. There two huge halls, media laboratories, and the corri- will be a new doors system: wooden doors for dor that leads to KIMEP Grill.That is why all of teachers’ rooms, doors with glass in the center these facilities will be closed until 2019. However, for study rooms and modern doors with integrat- students and staff can stay calm because KIMEP ed louvers for halls. Students will notice that the Grill and all offices will be relocated. For a while, stairways were extended, every room carpeted, study rooms in the renovated section will be giv- and all open spaces equipped in lounge style. en to teachers from the Abay Wing. New open spaces will allow you to spend time A separate project is Halls 1 and 2 of Valikha- in soft armchairs, instead of closed, uncomfort- nov Building.
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