Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-45597-8 — Cultural Encounters on Byzantium's Northern Frontier, c. AD 500–700 Andrei Gandila Index More Information Index 12-nummia, 225–226, 233, 235 Anemurium, 55, 58 Abasgi, 192, 198, 200, 204–205, 217 Ani, 199, 204, 206, 209 Abasgia, 201, 203–204 Annaeus Florus, 22 Abkhazia, 96, 199, 201, 204, 210 annona, 46, 48, 69, 139, 142, 150, 162, 283 Accres, 86 Antes, 4, 86, 92, 128, 141, 144, 156, 173, 190, acculturation, 136, 287 265, 268, 270, 280, 287 Adamclisi, 55–56, 73, 79, 93, 182 Antioch, 159, 172, 177, 180–181, 185, Adjovski gradec, 48 200–201, 207 Adriatic Sea, 53, 63, 148, 157, 222 Apalina, 225 Aegean Sea, 53, 63–64, 162, 182 Apsili, 192, 198, 200, 205 Agathias, 18, 22, 176, 194, 201, 286 Apsilia, 201, 204–205 Aila, 191 Apulum. See Alba-Iulia Ak’ura, 213 Aquis, 56, 59, 80, 96, 115, 184 Akhali Atoni, 201 Arabia, 132, 152, 203, 232 Akhaltsikhe, 207 Arabs, 1, 187, 214–215 Akhtopol, 189 Arad, 236 Alamans, 26 Araxes river, 208, 215 Alans, 192, 202–203, 207 Archaeopolis, 157, 198, 200, 207, 209, Alba-Iulia, 55–56, 61, 64, 107 212–213 Albania, 18, 90, 194, 196, 206–208, 211 Archar, 53 Alboin, king, 230 Ardagast, 170, 182 Alcedar-Odaia, 274 Argamum, 74 Alexandretta, 235 Argeș river, 170 Alexandria, 189, 201, 225–226, 233, 235 aristocracy. See elites Alföldi, Andreas, 11, 20 Aristotle, 258 Almăjel, 171 Armenia, 7, 194, 198–200, 202, 204, 206, Alps, 122, 217, 232, 287 209–211, 213–215, 217 Amasra, 201 Prima, 196 Amasya, 196 Secunda, 196 Ambéli, 254, 256 Arnoldstein, 231 Ambroz, A. K., 246 Artaxata, 19 Amorium, 57 Asia Minor, 53, 56–59, 96, 99, 183, 193, 207, amphorae, 6, 40–41, 46, 48–50, 69, 80, 139, 211 142, 170–171, 201, 205, 283 Asparuch, 188 LR1, LR2, 48, 51, 142, 282 Assyria, 15 Pontic, 51 At’ots’i, 215 spatheia, 48, 64 Athanaric, 26, 107 Anastasius, 8, 96, 137, 152, 157, 160, 162–163, Athens, 53, 64 168, 170, 192, 199, 202, 207, 221– Attila, 24, 26, 112, 114, 137, 147, 161, 190, 217, 223, 228, 244 220 Anatolia. See Asia Minor Augustus, 228 Anchialus, 181 Aurelian, 33, 138, 160 Andes Mountains, 252, 260 Austria, 223, 226–227, 233, 236, 238 363 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-45597-8 — Cultural Encounters on Byzantium's Northern Frontier, c. AD 500–700 Andrei Gandila Index More Information 364 Index Auxentius, 106 east of, 15, 205 Avaria, 9, 49, 53, 67, 74–75, 98, 122, 124–125, north of, 51, 74, 138, 148, 152, 169, 171, 230–231, 233, 235–236, 240, 263, 287 185–186, 244, 246, 261, 265, 287 Avars, 4, 7, 19, 26–27, 30, 49, 76, 79, 93, 98–99, west of, 49, 63, 65, 175, 189 126, 134, 140, 147–148, 176, Blancart, M., 255 179–183, 186, 190, 193, 205, Boa, 202 209–211, 217, 220, 229–232, 236, Bočar, 225 239, 261, 263–264, 266–269, Bohemia, 157, 222, 228, 235, 238 271–272, 280–281, 285, 287 Bohouňovice, 232 Axiopolis, 179, 185 Bohuslavice, 234, 238 Azande, 253 Bol’shaia Orlovka, 216 Azov Sea, 216 Boljetin, 179 Bóna, István, 247 Bacău, 86, 175, 180 Bonosus, 127 Bački Monoštor, 236 Borniș, 84, 97 Bahram, general, 208 Borolea, 171 Baian, 27, 268 Borşeni, 85 Băiceni, 173 Bosman, 182 Balaton, lake, 79 Bosnia, 223 Balatonfüzfő-Szalmássy, 122 Bosporus, 202 Balotaszállás, 222 Botoșana, 36, 49, 73–74, 124, 170, 277 Balta Verde, 99 bracteates, 215, 221, 263 Baltic Sea, 75, 157, 178, 193, 221 Bratei, 52, 67, 93 Banat, 126, 162, 176–178, 184, 224 British West Africa, 254 Banatski Karlovac, 225 Brody, 96 Bancerovoe, 75 brooches, 6, 41, 49–50, 58, 97, 124, 142, 150, Bârlad, 167, 182, 188 278, 284 Bârlăleşti, 85 bow, 87–88, 90–93, 118, 180, 277, 282 Bartel, Brad, 136 cast, with bent stem, 76–77, 81–82, 84–86, barter, 272 144 Bartym, 279 Cividale, 85 Baruya, 251 East Germanic, 88 Batumi, 199 with bent stem, 76–77, 79–81, 85, 88, 92, Bavaria, 226–227 125, 142, 180 Beclean, 226 Zaseckaia, 77 Bejan, Adrian, 82 Brown, Peter, 8 Béla IV, 20 Bucharest, 37, 79, 126, 147, 170, 178, 189, 274 Belarus, 75, 84, 189 Băneasa, 50 Belgrade, 6, 96, 223–224 Cățelu Nou, 37, 50, 278 Belisarius, 115, 226 Ciurel, 37 Beloyariv’ka, 172, 265 Foişorul Mavrocordaţilor, 50 Berezeni, 189 Măgurele, 169 Bernashivka, 73–75, 88 Mihai Vodă, 50 Beroe, 38, 55, 59 Militari, 79–80 Beth She’an, 263 Soldat Ghivan, 49–50, 52, 67, 75 Bhabha, Homi, 136 Străulești, 74–75 Biertan, 108–109 Străulești-Lunca, 37, 124 Bjelovar, 227 Străulești-Măicănești, 37, 50 Black Sea, 64, 98, 154, 172, 187, 196, 200–201, Tei, 88 203, 209, 253 buckles, 6, 41, 49–50, 58, 74, 94, 97, 99, 124, coast, 48, 55, 63, 96, 99, 162, 181–182, 189, 142, 150, 180, 284 191, 193, 196, 199, 202, 206, Beroe, 94, 96 211–212, 215, 249, 266, 285 Corinth, 90 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-45597-8 — Cultural Encounters on Byzantium's Northern Frontier, c. AD 500–700 Andrei Gandila Index More Information Index 365 Pápa, 97–98 Marukha, 200 Salona-Histria, 97–98 north of, 203, 207, 210, 212, 215–216, 246, Sucidava, 84, 94, 96, 98, 118, 125, 144 261 Syracuse, 97–99 Celje, 231, 238 Bucovina, 36 centenarium, 203, 205 Budapest, 156, 236 Červený Hrádek, 228 Buduma, 251 Cetea, 226 Budureasca, 73–75, 147 Ch’andrebi, 213 Bujanovac, 53 Ch’iatura, 210 Bukhlichskii Khutor, 84 Ch’iora, 213 Bulgaria, 4, 44, 64, 80, 82, 90, 96, 168, 189 Ch’khalt’a, 201 Bulgars, 22, 155, 173, 186–190, 237, 247, Ch’orvila, 215 282 Chad, 251 first state, 44 Chad, lake, 251 Bumbești, 55 Chaopincha, 260 Butrint, 93 Charlemagne, 230 Buzău, 147, 180–181, 185 Chełm, 228 Byllis, 18 Chernyakhov culture, 34, 36, 76, 88, 137, 161 Cherry, David, 152 Calafat, 175 Chersonesus, 56, 64, 175, 201 Caliphate, 214–215 Chibati, 212, 240, 261 Callatis, 59 Chilbudius, 28, 114–115, 138, 172, 175, 268, Callinicum, 19 270 Cameroon, 251, 256 China, 11 Cândești, 67 Chkhorotsqu, 205 Capidava, 5, 40, 53, 55–57, 59, 61, 179, 184 Chmi, 210 Căprioara, 90 Chornivka, 84 Capris. See Koper Chosroes I, 203 Caričin Grad, 58, 61, 63, 67, 73–74, 82, Chosroes II, 20, 208–210, 213–214 92–93 Chotusice, 222 Carinthia, 231 Christianity Cârja, 171 artifacts, 107, 116, 118, 128 Carnuntum, 227, 232–233, 235 crosses, 73, 97, 116, 120, 127, 144, 148, Carolingian. See Charlemagne 150 Carpathian Maltese, 74, 122, 125 barrow culture, 36 flasks, 116, 120, 126, 177 Basin, 7, 148, 154–155, 157, 159, 161, 169, Menas, 122, 128 217, 220, 224, 226, 229–230, 232, lamps, 108, 116–117, 120, 124–125 234, 240, 247, 261, 263, 284–287 bishoprics, 119–120 Mountains, 7, 21, 42, 49–50, 75, 85–86, 99, burials, 102 102, 118, 120, 125, 138, 148, 160, canons, 103, 119 167, 170–171, 173, 258, 283 cemeteries, 117–118 Carpi, 36–37 churches, 108, 117, 120, 201, 265 Carthage, 188–189, 201, 211, 228, 232–233, Folk, 102 235, 238 identity, 17, 84, 124, 142, 151 Caspian Sea, 178, 206, 285 in barbaricum, 101, 103–106, 109, 112, Catania, 235, 239 115–117, 120, 126, 128–130, 144, Caucasus Mountains, 7, 15, 96, 191–193, 200, 284 205, 208, 210, 217, 237, 240, 258, in Transcaucasia, 198, 201 263, 285 lamps, 283 Dariel, 202, 208 missions, 119 Gates, 192–193, 211 practices, 52, 63, 107, 117, 126, 144 Klukhor, 200 symbolism, 84, 118, 120, 125–126, 153 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-45597-8 — Cultural Encounters on Byzantium's Northern Frontier, c. AD 500–700 Andrei Gandila Index More Information 366 Index Christianity (cont.) Cyzicus, 185 transdanubian, 3, 41 Czech Republic, 75, 157, 222–223, 226–229, Trinity, 256 232, 234–235, 238 vocabulary, 110 Chufut Kale, 93 Dacia, 122 Cilicia, 55, 215 diocese, 80, 114 Ciołek, Renata, 222 kingdom, 23, 33, 249 Cioroiu Nou, 175 Mediterranea, 58, 63, 80, 93 Cividale, 236 Ripensis, 55, 63, 80, 82, 98, 184 Coada Izvorului, 180 transdanubian, 21, 23, 25–26, 37, 42–44, 53, Colchis. See Lazica 61, 63, 67, 75, 101, 103–105, 107, Cologne, 25 109–110, 112–113, 117–118, 120, Colombia, 260 124, 128, 137–138, 142, 147–148, Comănești, 185, 277 150, 160, 280, 283 Congo, 251–253, 260 Dacians, 22 Constans II, 186, 188, 214–216, 235, 237–240 Dacicus Maximus, 105 Constanța, 55–57, 63–64, 189 Daco-Roman, 43, 87, 101–102, 108, 110, 118, Constantine IV, 187–189, 214–215, 237, 162, 244 240 Dafne, 25, 30, 105, 113 Constantine the Great, 25, 27–28, 34, 103–105, Dagistheus, 206 107, 112–113 Dalmatia, 63–64, 122, 128, 148, 221, 231, Constantinople, 26, 32, 55–58, 96, 112, 119, 287 122, 131, 138, 147, 190, 193, 208, Dănceni, 93, 118 213, 216, 224, 227, 229, 261, 264, Dande, 259 269, 281–282, 285 Dănești, 97, 118 mint, 159, 172, 175, 177, 232 Danube, 269 siege of, 49, 186–187, 220, 236–237, 262 as cultural interface, 6, 150, 152 Constantiolus, 264 as frontier, 2, 6, 8, 11, 16, 18–22, 24–27, 30, Constantius Chlorus, 113 32–33, 36, 41, 48, 52, 76, 80, 91–92, Constantius II, 106–107 97–98, 105, 111, 117, 120, 128–129, continuity thesis, 3, 5, 43, 110, 118 131, 133–134, 136, 138–139, Corinth, 64 141–142, 144, 148, 151–152, 154, Coșoveni, 188 167, 171–173, 176, 181–183, 185, Coșovenii de Jos, 88, 90 187, 189–190, 193–194, 206, 216, Cotești, 185 249, 253, 270, 273, 280–282, Cotiso, king, 22 287 cowrie, 251 Delta, 6, 188–189, 270 Craiova, 126–127, 169 fortifications, 18, 38, 81, 96, 114, 119, 140, Crete, 53 142, 171, 180, 183, 217, 223, 279, Crimea, 51, 56, 63, 74, 77, 88, 91, 93, 98–99, 282 170, 172 god Danubius, 26 Cristuru Secuiesc, 74 Iron Gates of, 80, 82, 86, 93, 115, 127, 142, Crnomelj, 48 167, 173, 175, 181, 223 Croatia, 63, 223, 226–227, 277 Lower, 5, 7, 14, 20–21, 26, 28, 36, 38, 48, 53, Cucorăni, 126, 177 55–58, 61, 63, 65, 69, 84, 87, 90, 94, Cudalbi, 171 98–99, 104, 106, 112, 115, 118, 129, Cunimund, king, 230–231 137, 144, 147, 154–155, 159, 161, Curcani, 188 169–170, 180, 183, 187, 190, 193, curopalates, 208 196, 203–204, 217, 220–221, 227, Curzon, Lord of Kedleston, 21 235, 249, 271, 284–286 Cutrigurs, 22, 30, 138, 172–173, 190, 205, 265, Middle, 48, 64, 67, 80, 85, 94, 98–99, 124, 270, 280, 286–287 147–148, 178, 182, 217, 221, 227, Cyprus, 38, 40 229, 231, 237, 246, 249, 286 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-45597-8 — Cultural Encounters on Byzantium's Northern Frontier, c.
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