tItLt4 and we 1t,Ise 64014,ofeteihes selmintt to the kinious td0.01s tI skhool Ntikti t' 10 t14! than all 01 lilt Ot! Ando in4fead Of Voilig if alone, we ought to whinge lot itttt, toolving Ail Ateits thAt deal Anil titia,oichti to onto to itiodoue A pow of the depth anti bitiidth houran needs and the aVadahki1uton to them. We in health obis anon hate no mottipoly on twit el fort. Neither 4.14i iliolney in home et-0110;10o Of I.iJoiS ot non4nog We rived a /#14,40VC JOU fliSeit Altit15 IRO iilentif i. the know leitge now Au Itil. ools to olucilion PtJt lo iti le adios *shit purport 141 deill ith hilmin health ptohlemsft we want peroms Ot 1st!0<e, A,0 bAv to ow then, the tools O. 011 4,41114 II I.uteate sukti If humans are to Ise ker.'. they must he C111;1111:11/311:11 110111 tfwtt piestot bondage of primitive mctialisni nu oak( In tcltakc their powers of cleat ivity and drinettatton 'there is atisolisfely no reason fit believe ihal we know all thtte is to know ',thorn human perceptive tyt teccpitte poisav kescarchets ate sontinuously resealing new knowledge ahinit the brain and the netvous system. Who is to sa that new lottos of sonwirinsitess 54 ill nil 401Var: net% telation tik ittin the human's huh Oiwhite 5401 lint itilVe 415 111 mast lint %hole Noon tOfit-Clthintl iii ph, tat. IlielusA and emotional I his plot ess of e%randitig out sontept ol Ilie human is wholly within the hinuldattes of (hat pots lit:Mite definition of eduralion that ei s if is the ntoucss hy *stitch ime 4.1fItte, into possession of oneself and ones powers thfortrh continuous participation in the ak hies anent, of the taer Whete clke in all of olusation w ill sink h art oils rthrtsit1 fti foctict ptesented lit * hies e this mansion of ittug's awareness dun m oin three fields ol heahh eilusation, rh)skal tilikation. and ts:-steatiorit Wiwrld d Iv too fetOlest 141'1.411 that out ssiste is, ei at leas! uht hi he. 04.1-tenCNI Atv40 the trlanon of honsano. 141 the isioniak id' which it is OM in the ratio of Aloof I to Iii3OPOW Victor Shallet *Mg-gots, in the (Moho' 1447)_ Smithioriran, whethct it is iii peopk in pislitteal UM-% ot elcivtrit: chairs, ot 01 animals in the wild. can he erosive to the human spirit. The eintservalionisfsaretelling us that the sorleture Ike hting to lite is eoutues, tutsiofise to out pei-teo: H ficviitoes difficult to stie4 of Me s'inu-crwanion human Me in omstacic,0 If oin the S on scivalion of all living things, and thetelote, theheillifiedikaiiit is inSited to t'att his ot her view of iinisetvation in the light of both mkt and inner natint foi wild animal% and lot humanity: 'Mete i%. WM' all,only a Iim line of dif letentiation hetween the survival irquiteincensni humans and those of 11010 forms of living things, The lesson is dear. if humanity ts tMahritV WC.it had better We tit il that if lives in +mimeWA of hammy with its ens initinitnt. 193 19'9 iJI atiyithe eSei h n14,141144 he4kor us 411 film1144 441h, kbaried, litIC OHS ill oat Nee fields, We it.e not nowand will never be I Mile. Loch ol Ilion involves e kpet lake aS one seeks IIIdeVeitip, SIRS Ne and expand one'v ego within iiite44 ellisitilliment 1kis, whets we face the cotton% bit ot educational administration byWhicn we are requited to cimstrucl a cuoiculum fin health instruction, welace a task that, by it% vet), nature, has to t*e tepeated cet eat Why! Ilecause one's experience,needs, and interest% lieSef remain slaw. 'I hey are alwaysespanding info new fealms, One of the titincipat tnt fi,tt ,q die eihicatii mai poreess is lead MO e'SeVilleepetilitg mil ostidt and socolifie spbetes etittitAilm Ioils can be delev mined Iss die Welk( hid matottly id the students involved. hot how e %know do %oil sc,e tliese tidd ol healthcdocation and phy sical oho:alum.' Vomitett to the contents of atty.good high school teidlrook?Tt- tumvcribedtithe cnculatory glow tollowing a goodssilliaiiiii"1 We have, so far. t reated many scenarios, each devoted to anesploration of sonic aspect of homan behavior as it relates lit and helps us form a conceptof human nature . the est:rose physiologists come up ssith a fragment ofknowledge regarding interval training. Pie didician tells Os smnething about C and the cottmtott t old rseful information,hut it must never be Isogonal that as we seek ssivahno and understanding of the humanbeing, the realities sit the hUman slate Canthit he eshausted by any 111. Itssingle protections. Any particular human phenomenon always telletts a state of being,A study can be fruitful only if Mete is an ass areness of' the %hole to w t,kl, me fragments cartbe rdated, 'Mete is tot particulm harm in either discovering orlearn* about these fragment% or kilos leJge vonteromg the human being !there verywell may be something in cigarette smoke that preclikposes emphestiat, hut unless one has a vision of AS 114,1ettesv, links.* one ispledisposed to undetsunding sshitietitss., it will not ht ffs pt,e f,e full import of the value offragmemed ktuttvietige, flasic, then. no any stud% of the coniti KOS in 44 tititaiiinis svieriVes %could he thc development of an intellettual vision of thewhole. Ihcre stiould he no tont o son' taiis (VII An utidetstatuling of ss ?vile pastor versus conceptionof the w husk but fragmented ;scrim.k7niler thes,e, all of the fragmented and ostensibly untdated ciintobutions orphysics and chemistry, microbiology huge tapestry and and all the others could he woven mitt A the ultimate reference uteki t id the panne iif she huoun and useful to us as lot instruct II in in health eitueatnin Health education, broadly defined. includes more thanthe insInktional aspects ist 3 program I cate not that thew ate Milliewhose isisiti is Nil Jitotiftelal that they, try to limit Mar concept of health eilWaliononly to those things that go on in a classosom with the usual appunenancesof teaching. That is far too itiffoiS itt make good sense. thebowler view stems from the simple concept Nit 1 that ttllilleter happens to to. vdocating, and ife plan gm fd things aspart of a school pingtom to incliiLe Omani/anon progiams, physical examinations, lieating tests, and vision screening, then thi he things ate edueutional a wdl ItieditA itt theft impao and thus beconte a part of defined prOgratti uf health ethicatkirr It follows that what we call school health r,ervices and the development of a healthful school environment become, with the instructkmal program, a tripartite program of school health educarirm. No matter that a variety of porfessional personnel is needed. do.s not alter the fact that when a chihl is innounited for smallpr i it is an educational experience as well as a medical one, Ily the time you add up all the things that happen to a child in school that MO of do lust' a bearing Oita the child's heithh, ,s-ou Imve a htoad program itf health educanon, \ne mote hooted and restricted cAineept is so untealistic as to tie ahsind One of the protoising. relatisdy new apects of all this is the gratifying rise of interest in the medicine of learning. We are watching the espansirm of medical interest in orgaMtcd education, from the !I upervision of vision testing and immunilation programs and other such relatively simple processes to an up, proach tim a thorough study of medical pmblems involved in teaming, What can medicine offer in the instance of the slow learner? Is the lary child anemic? Is the underachiever not merely not motivated, hut is thew a functional disorder proem that May be nutritional or endocrinological in origin? Is there a dyslexia or Itmetional wor&blankness behind a reading disability? What aft the neurologie involvements in reading disability? Are we interested In discovering any asthenia, autism, or hormonal deficiencies? Do energy.absorbing factors, parent rejection, insomnia, delayed sesual development, or sibling rivalry put a damper on learning.' "this sod of esploraton has a tigaifkani hearing upon the prArrarn or prevention, cortechrm, and deselopment that tse arrange older the aegis sit health education: It is good to see: Let us hope that as people give thought and arlention lo the broad and general development of education as a ts hole, theY remember that the quahty ot learning &rends upon the quality or the tissue doing the kaming-. How can one be INe if one has no basis in knowledge for an ability to separate the real from the fraudulent or to pick to pieces the massive flood of adtenisillg with which we Are drenched et cry slay? I shudder to think of the millions ohm people who are not free but held within the shackles of ignotatwe asi they struggle with their problems of anxiety, generie handicaps, allergies, nutritional defleiencies, marital diseord, infirmities, suicidal tendencies, de, pressions. and others and who, because they have not cultivated an understand. ing or these things in their school health education, become victims of the multimillion,dollar program of quackery rampant in our society. 20I .1 9 .5 Chose wet,. some or the things that I thought about as I tried to figure out what the Atillentan Rom Oes N1101104 trying to tell me, To live in 0 'tee !toddy, we have to learn cettain nominal and social skills.
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