Marc L. Greenberg School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures University of Kansas (785) 864-4803 (main office) Wescoe Hall (785) 864-9171 (voicemail) 1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 2080 [email protected] Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7594, USA http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8419-8779 Web page: https://sllc.ku.edu/marc-l-greenberg Blog: http://slavist-semistrunnik.blogspot.com/ Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=m6EZq4IAAAAJ KUScholarWorks archive: https://goo.gl/Q88a9L LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marclgreenberg Twitter: https://twitter.com/marek4 Wikipedia: https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_L._Greenberg (in Slovene, Russian) Present position (University of Kansas): Director, School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures; Professor of Slavic Languages & Litera- tures; Professor of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies; Courtesy Professor of Linguis- tics; European Studies Program (Core Faculty Member) Honorary Corresponding Member, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), Ljubljana. Induction June 2017 Education PhD: Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1990, UCLA. Thesis: A Historical Analysis of the Phonol- ogy and Accentuation of the Prekmurje Dialect of Slovene; Co-Chairs: Henrik Birnbaum, Alan Tim- berlake. MA: Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1984, University of Chicago BA: Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1983, UCLA; Magna cum Laude (For details of study abroad in former USSR, former Yugoslavia, Hungary and former Czecho- slovakia, see below under International experience.) Employment, positions, rank 2014– Director, School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures, KU 2012–14 Chair, Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures, KU 2012 Acting Associate Dean, Humanities, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, (6-mo. appt.) Updated 6 March 2018 Marc L. Greenberg, 2 Employment, positions, rank 2001– Full Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Russian and East European Stud- ies, KU 2000–11 Department Chair, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures 1995– Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Russian and East European 2001 Studies, KU 1990–95 Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Russian and East European Studies, KU 1990 Slovene language instructor, intensive 1st year course, Summer Workshop in East European Languages, Indiana U., Bloomington 1986–87 Russian language graduate teaching assistant, 2nd year Russian, UCLA; 1st and 2nd year Russian, Self-paced (individualized) program, UCLA Non-KU leadership and service offices 2017– National Advisory Board, Center for Urban Language Training (CULTR), Georgia State University, Atlanta 2014– Executive Committee, Association of Departments of Foreign Languages, New 2017 York, NY 2014– Board of Directors, Gabriel Al-Salem Foundation, Foster City, CA and Almaty, Ka- zakhstan 2013–14 Chair, Executive Committee, Slavic Linguistics Society 2011–14 Executive committee, Slavic Linguistics Society Honors/Awards 2014 Outstanding Honors Seminar, University of Kansas Honors Program, November 2014. 2014 Shulenburger Award for Innovation & Advocacy in Open Access, University of Kan- sas, October 2014. 2004 Award for Outstanding Achievement in the field of Slovene Studies, Slavic Studies So- ciety of Slovenia, Novo mesto, Slovenia, October 2004. 2003 Graduate and Professional Association: Honorable Mention Award for the GPA Out- standing Mentor Program. 2002 American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages Book Prize for “Best Book in Slavic Linguistics” for A Historical Phonology of the Slovene Language, 2000. 2000 Excellence in Teaching Award, Center for Teaching Excellence, KU 1992 Zahvala [Certificate of Gratitude] from the government of the Republic of Slovenia for efforts aiding Slovenia in gaining international recognition from Milan Kučan (Presi- dent), France Bučar (Prime Minister), Lojze Peterle (Prime Minister), and Dmitrij Rupel (Foreign Minister). Updated 6 March 2018 Marc L. Greenberg, 3 Publications Publications: Books B4 2008 A Short Reference Grammar of Slovene (= LINCOM Studies in Slavic Linguistics 30). Munich: Lincom. ISBN 978-3-89586-965-5 [revised version of B3] REVIEWS: C. Digital Publishing in Linguistics (Linguistic Society of America), 26 March 2012; https://journals.linguisticsociety.org/booknotices/?p=2015 Kozma Ahačič: Marc Leland Greenberg. A Short Reference Grammar of Slovene. Slovenske slovnice in pravopisi: spletišče slovenskih slovnic in pravopisov od 1584 do danes. Različica 1.0.. 2015. http://www.fran.si/slovnice-in-pravopisi/51/20082006-greenberg B3 2006 Short Slovene Reference Grammar. Reference Grammar Network. Duke University / Uni- versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: SEELRC. http://slaviccenters.duke.edu/projects/grammars B2 2002 Zgodovinsko glasoslovje slovenskega jezika [trans. of A Historical Phonology of the Slo- vene Language] Maribor: Založba Aristej. ISBN 961-220-036-X [Subvention for translation granted by Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia] REVIEWS: Josip Lisac, Kaj 1–2: 159–161. Zagreb, 2003; Marko Jesenšek, Slovenski jezik / Slovene Linguistic Studies 4: 65–69. Ljubljana/Lawrence, 2003. B1 2000 A Historical Phonology of the Slovene Language (= Historical Phonology of the Slavic Lan- guages, 13). Heidelberg: C. Winter Universitätsverlag. ISBN 3-8253-1097-3 AWARD: Best book in Slavic Linguistics, American Association of Teachers of Slavic & East European Languages, 2002. REVIEWS: Z. Babik, “Na marginesie najnowszej fonologii historycznej języka słoweń- skiego.” Rocznik Slawistyczny, LV: 93–136. Warsaw, 2005; Frederik Kortlandt, “Early Dialectal Diversity in South Slavic II.” Dutch Contributions to the Thirtheenth Interna- tional Congress of Slavists: Linguistics (Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 30): 215–235. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2003; Josip Lisac, Filologija, 41: 189–191. Zagreb, 2003; Josip Lisac, Kaj 36/1–2: 159–161. Zagreb, 2003; L. V. Kurkina, Voprosy jazykoznanija, 3: 143–149. Moscow, 2003; Mark J. Elson, Language, vol. 78/4: 796–797. Baltimore, MD, 2002; Tom Priestly, Diachronica XVIII/2: 366–370. Amsterdam, 2002; Joseph Vene. Germanic Notes and Reviews, vol. 33, no. 1: 54–55. Bemidji, MN, 2002; Nikolai Mikhailov, Slavica Tergestina 9, Studia Slavica II: 321–325. Trieste, 2001; Si- mona Klemenčič, “Američan o zgodovinski fonologiji slovenskega jezika” [An American writes about the historical phonology of Slovene], Delo – Književni listi (January 24, 2001), Ljubljana: 29. Publications: Articles and Book Chapters (* = refereed; I = invited) A 38 2017 I Greenberg, Marc L., Borowski, Krzysztof, Joseph Schallert, and Curt Wool- hiser. “Slavic Dialectology: A Survey of Research since 1989.” Journal of Slavic Linguistics 25(2): 303–336. A 37 2017 I Greenberg, Marc L. “Slavs as Migrants. Mapping Prehistoric Language Vari- ation.” Definitely Perfect. Festschrift for Janneke Kalsbeek. Genis, René, Eric de Haard, Radovan Lučić (eds.) (= Pegasus Oost-Europese Studies 29): 169–183. Amsterdam: Pegasus. Updated 6 March 2018 Marc L. Greenberg, 4 Publications: Articles and Book Chapters (* = refereed; I = invited) A 36 2017I Greenberg, Marc L. “Slavic.” Kapović, Mate (ed.) 2017, The Indo-European Languages: 517–549. London: Routledge. A 35 2015 I Greenberg, Marc L. “Introduction.” Sijmen Tol and of René Genis (eds.), Bib- liography of Slavic Linguistics, 3 vols.: xxv–xxxviii. Leiden: Brill. http://hdl.handle.net/1808/19760 A 34 2015 I Greenberg, Marc L. “12: The Slavic Area: Trajectories, Borders, Centres, and Peripheries in the Second World.” Dick Smakman and Patrick Heinrich, eds. Globalising Sociolinguistics: Challenging and Expanding Theory, 164–177. Lon- don: Taylor & Francis. A 33 2014 I Greenberg, Marc L. 2014. “George L. Trager’s Field Notes on the Prekmurje Dialect Spoken in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.” Leben, Andreas, Martina Orožen, and Erich Prunč, eds. Beiträge zur interdisziplinären Slowenistik. Prispevki ki meddisciplinarni slovenistiki. Festschrift für Ludwig Karničar zum 65. Geburtstag: 119–125. Graz: Leykam. http://hdl.handle.net/1808/15269 A 32c 2014 Greenberg, M. L., Emmett, A., Peterson, A. T., Bonaccorso, E., Bozhankova, R., Cadena, C. D., Čapská, V., Czerniewicz, L., Oludayo, F. F., Glukhova, N., Hladnik, M., Grillet, M. E., Indrawan, M., Kapović, M., Kleiner, Y., Łaziński, M., Loyola, R. D., Menon, S., Morales, L. G., Ocampo, C., Pérez-Emán, J., Poposki, D., Rasheed, A. A., Rodríguez-Clark, K. M., Rodríguez, J. P., Rosen- blum, B., Sánchez-Cordero, V., Smolík, F., Snoj, M., Szilágyi, I., Torres, O., & Tykarski, P. “Ozka grla sistema odprtega dostopa: glasovi iz sveta.” Knjižnica, 58: 77—92. http://hdl.handle.net/1808/16080 [Slovene translation of A 33a] A 32b 2014 Гринберг, Марк Л. (Контактный автор/Corresponding author), Элиза Бо- наккорсо, Ренета Божанкова, Карлос Даниэль Кадена, Вероника Чапска, Лаура Черневиц, Ада Эмметт, Фолорунсо Фасина Олудай, Наталья Глу- хова, Миран Хладник, Мария Евгения Гриллет, Мохаммед Индраван, Мате Капович, Юрий Клейнер, Марек Лазински, Рафаэль Д. Лойола, Шейли Менон, Луис Гонсало Моралес, Клара Окампо, Хорхе Перес- Эман, А. Таунсенд Питерсон, Димитар Попоски, Ажади Адетола Ра- шид, Катрин Родригез-Кларк, Джон Пол Родригез, Брайан Розенблюм, Виктор Санчес-Кордеро, Филип Смолик, Марко Сной, Имре Силади, Орландо Торрес, Петр Тыкарский. “Подводные камни системы публи- каций открытого доступа: мнения в разных странах мира.” Научная пе- риодика: проблемы и решения № 2: 9–20. http://nppir.ru/article/9218/ KUSW: http://hdl.handle.net/1808/13709 [Russian translation of A 33a] A 32a 2014
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