A COUNTRY IN A SCHOOL: FAJR IRANIAN SCHOOL IN TURKEY by ALEV IRMAK KURTULMUŞ Submitted to the Graduate School of Social Sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts Sabancı University July 2020 A COUNTRY IN A SCHOOL: FAJR IRANIAN SCHOOL IN TURKEY Approved by: Assist. Prof. Kristen Sarah Biehl Öztuzcu . (Thesis Supervisor) Assist. Prof. Çetin Çelik . Prof. Zeynep Alemdar . Date of Approval: July 17, 2020 ALEV IRMAK KURTULMUŞ 2020 © All Rights Reserved ABSTRACT A COUNTRY IN A SCHOOL: FAJR IRANIAN SCHOOL IN TURKEY ALEV IRMAK KURTULMUŞ TURKISH STUDIES, M.A. THESIS, JULY 2020 Thesis Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Kristen Sarah Biehl Öztuzcu Keywords: Iranian school, ideological state apparatus, habitus, symbolic power, social identity The Fajr Iranian School has been located in Sultanahmet, in the center of Istanbul, for more than one hundred years, and it has operated as a foreign school continuously since 1882, providing education for the Iranian community in Istanbul. After the Islamic Revolution of 1979 in Iran, the Fajr Iranian School has become affiliated with the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) in Turkey. This special position of the school, as a government-run school of the Iranian regime located in a foreign country, implies the significance of this school’s spatial setting. This thesis is an ethnographic exploration into this spatiality. After presenting a brief history of this educational institution and the Iranian community in Turkey, this thesis argues that the spatial setting of the Fajr Iranian School, examined as an ideological state apparatus that creates a state-centered habitus, plays a significant role in constructing social identities of the Iranian students in Turkey. Furthermore, it shows that these students negotiate their identities differently based on their self- positionings, which are examined through their collective and personal negotiations. On the one hand, the Fajr Iranian School plays a vital role in creating a ‘safe’ and ‘private’ space for its students to learn and maintain the culture, history and language around being Iranian in Turkey; on the other hand, it also constitutes a site of struggle due to being a ’closed place’ where the symbolic power of the state is differently exercised over its agents as the school aims to exert a dominant Iranian identity. Collective negotiations represent how the students negotiate their identities through a collective group lens. Personal negotiations, however, somehow as counter examples against the image of group identity, prove to be valuable to analyze that there are different positionings of some students in their interpersonal relations within this state-centered habitus. In this way, the thesis shows that, symbolic capitals and levels of symbolic power are prone to shifts for particular groups in the school space. iv ÖZET BİR OKUL İÇERİSİNDE BİR ÜLKE: TÜRKİYE’DE FAJR İRAN OKULU ALEV IRMAK KURTULMUŞ TÜRKİYE ÇALIŞMALARI, YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ, TEMMUZ 2020 Tez Danışmanı: Assist. Prof. Kristen Sarah Biehl Öztuzcu Anahtar Kelimeler: İran okulu, ideolojik devlet aygıtı, habitat, sembolik güç, sosyal kimlik Fajr Iran Okulu, İstanbul’un merkezinde Sultanahmet’te yüz yıldan fazla bir süredir bulunmaktadır. 1882’den beri kesintisiz olarak eğitim hayatına devam eden okul, uzun bir süre yabancı okul statüsü altında İstanbul’da bulunan İranlıların eğitim ihtiyacını karşılamıştır. İran’daki 1979 İslam Devrimi’nden sonra ise, okul İran İs- lam Cumhuriyeti Büyükelçiliği’ne bağlı hale gelmiştir. Yabancı bir ülkede İran rejimi kontrolünde bir büyükelçilik okulu tanımını aşarak birçok öğrencisi olan okulun bu özel konumu, okulun mekansal ortamının önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu araştırıl- mamış eğitim kurumunun kısa bir tarihini kısaca verdikten sonra, bu tez devlet merkezli bir alan yaratarak ideolojik bir devlet aygıtı olarak tartışılan bu okulun, İranlı öğrencilerinin sosyal kimlik inşalarında önemli bir yeri olduğunu söyleyerek bu öğrencilerin kimliklerini toplu ve kişisel olarak öz-konumlanmalarına göre farklı şekillerde müzakere etmekte olduklarını iddia etmektedir. Okul, öğrencilerinin söyle- minde Türkiye’de İranlı olmak etrafında oluşturdukları kültürleri, tarihleri ve dilleri hakkında öğrenmelerini ve bunları sürdürmeleri için ’güvenli’ ve ’özel’ bir alan yarat- mada önemli bir rol üstlenir. Bir yandan ise, okul, devletin sembolik gücünün farklı bir şekilde uygulandığı kendilerini farklı şekillerde de ifade eden grupları da barındır- makta ve bu gruplar için okul alanında oluşturulmuş egemen bir İran kimliğine karşın bir mücadele alanı oluşturmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, toplu kimlik söylemleri öğrencilerin toplu bir grup merceği aracılığıyla kimliklerini nasıl müzakere ettiklerini temsil ed- erken, kişisel görüşmeler, bir şekilde bu grup kimliği imajına karşı örnekler olarak, bazı öğrencilerin kişiler arası ilişkilerinde farklı konumların olduğunu analiz etmek için değerli olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First, and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor Asist. Prof. Kristen Sarah Biehl Öztuzcu. Without her guidance, personally and academ- ically, I would never be able to complete this study. I am indebted to her for the constant encouragement, critical comments and continuous editing. She was the one who enabled me to surmount my perpetual postponements and encouraged me to start writing the thesis. Besides her contribution to my thesis, she also supported me during my doctoral degree applications. Without her support, I would not have been accepted to a Ph.D in Toronto, and more to say, I would not have been awarded a significant Canadian government scholarship, CERC in Migration and Integration. Also, I would like to thank the rest of my thesis committee: Assist. Prof. Çetin Çelik and Prof. Zeynep Alemdar. I was honored to work with Prof. Zeynep Alemdar when I was a Research Assistant in Istanbul Okan University. I would like to thank her for her invariably generous support through those years and sharing invaluable contribution to my studies until now. I am also grateful to Assist. Prof. Çetin Çelik, who kindly agreed to participate in my jury and shared his enthusiasm about my study. Sumru Küçüka has been incredibly helpful during my years at Sabancı University as well as during this thesis submission process. I am thankful to her. I would like to thank my mother who has always been there for supporting me throughout my life. Many thanks for providing me unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years of study. It would be inappropriate if I omit to mention the names of my dearest friends: Aliosman, Binnur, Merve, Ayşe, Barış, Onur, İbrahim. I am grateful to them for sharing even the most difficult moments of my life, for their friendship and valuable support. I am so blessed to have a large family comprised of them. Finally, for all his love and patience through the rough road to finish this thesis, I deeply thank Peyam. Without him, this accomplishment would not have been possible. vi Dedicated to the ‘students’ of the Fajr Iranian School vii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATONS ............................................... x GLOSSARY OF TERMS IN FARSI ...................................... xi 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................ 1 2. METHODOLOGY AND FIELDWORK .............................. 10 2.1. Qualitative and Ethnographic Research............................... 10 2.2. Research Design....................................................... 12 2.3. Research Participants.................................................. 17 2.4. Data Analysis.......................................................... 19 2.5. Fieldwork- Before, During and After.................................. 21 2.5.1. Before.......................................................... 21 2.5.2. During.......................................................... 24 2.5.3. After........................................................... 27 2.6. Limitations of the Study............................................... 28 3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND AND SETTING................... 32 3.1. The Place of Foreign Schools within the Educational System since the Ottoman Empire................................................... 32 3.1.1. The Ottoman Empire Period................................... 34 3.1.2. The Republican Turkey Era.................................... 39 3.2. A Brief History of the Fajr Iranian School in Istanbul................ 43 3.3. Iranian Immigration to Turkey........................................ 50 4. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ..................................... 53 4.1. School as a State Apparatus........................................... 54 4.2. School as a Space...................................................... 59 4.3. School as a Site of Social Identity Making............................. 64 4.4. Conclusion............................................................. 66 viii 5. THE SCHOOL ............................................................ 67 5.1. On the State Ideology of the IRI and Schooling in Iran............... 68 5.2. The Spatial Setting of the Fajr Iranian School........................ 70 5.2.1. The Configuration of Space.................................... 71 5.2.2. Material Objects and Symbols................................. 78 5.2.3. School Practices................................................ 83 5.2.4. Conclusion..................................................... 90 6. THE PEOPLE ...........................................................
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