A guide to developing Kirkley waterfront and a new sustainable urban neighbourhood in Lowesto Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): Adopted May 2013 All maps in this document are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (c) Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Waveney District Council Licence No. 100042052, 2013 / Pedestrian / cycle bridge Retail Primary Housing centre school Marina and Employment leisure "0,5 facilities ! , ,1. .&!$",! "+*.(,! ,**". &) 2"+"5.&2" & 0,.&,! ")),! &*".)"5,! &.()"51+ ,* .&/-5 Employment Open space Housing Housing County Wildlife Site View the full draft outline masterplan on page 51 Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | What is the purpose of this document? The Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront will be a large mixed-use development on the south-side of Lake Lothing in Lowesto. This document provides praccal informaon and development guidelines to help implement this site. Brooke Peninsula 1 Introducon 1 Appendix 1 Site Analysis 65 1.1 Purpose of the Brief 2 A1. Exisng Uses 1.2 Policy Context 2 A2. Constraints and Opportunies A3. Local Character Appraisal Contents 2 Context 5 Appendix 2 Evidence Base 72 3 Vision And Objecves 9 3.1 Vision 9 Appendix 3 Policy SSP3 from Lake Lothing 76 3.2 Objecves 9 and Outer Harbour Area Acon Plan 4 Land Use 13 Appendix 4 Energy and Water Policy from 81 the Lake Lothing and Outer Harbour Area 5 Streets and Transport 21 Acon Plan 6 Open Space and Biodiversity 29 7 Urban Design Guidance 37 8 Flood Risk Management 47 9 Outline Masterplan 51 10 Implementaon 53 10.1 Infrastructure Requirements 53 10.2 Strategic Phasing 57 11 Planning Applicaon Requirements 61 Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | View north-west across the site 1 Introducon Aerial view from Oulton Broad to Brooke Peninsula Waterfront, Brooke Peninsula / 1. Purpose of the brief 0120.5 Miles 1. Introducon / Peto Way 1.1 The Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront (SUN) will be a large mixed-use development on the south-side of Lake Lothing in Denmark Road Lowesto. The 59.8 hectare site covers the Bridge Road majority of the southern shore of Lake Lothing Commercial Road stretching back from the shore to Victoria Road and Waveney Drive. Figure 1.1 shows the locaon and area of the site. The site comprises predominantly underulised or unoccupied brownfield land and offers an unrivalled Waveney Drive waterfront opportunity to regenerate the south- Horn Hill Victoria Road side of Lake Lothing as a new employment area Kirkley Run and residenal community and to open up access Dell Road to the waterfront for the public. Tom Crisp Way 0150 300 600 Metres Figure 1.1 Locaon of the Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | 1 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE BRIEF 1.2 POLICY CONTEXT 1.1.1 The Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley • the distribuon of land uses across the site, 1.2.1 Policy CS05 of the Adopted Waveney Core Strategy Waterfront (SUN) is allocated for a mixed-use • high level street network and transport idenfies Lake Lothing as an area for employment development under Policy SSP3 of the Lowesto proposals led regeneraon and the provision of 1,500 new Lake Lothing and Outer Harbour Area Acon Plan. • open space and landscape principles homes. Policy CS05 states that an Area Acon Plan Policy IMP4 of the Area Acon Plan requires the • design principles for the Lake Lothing area will be developed to preparaon of a Development Brief prior to the • flood risk migaon requirements provide further guidance. determinaon of planning applicaons. • implementaon strategy 1.1.2 The purpose of this Development Brief is to set out a site-specific vision and objecves for the delivery of the SUN. It builds upon the detail set out in the Area Acon Plan and seeks to ensure that a Figure 1.2 AAP Allocaons comprehensive approach to development is / achieved. In summary, the brief sets out: Proposed Energy Related Employment (SSP1) Proposed Retail, Leisure, Tourism and Port Related Acvies (SSP2). Proposed Housing, Industrial and Community Facilies (SSP3). Proposed East of England Park (SSP4) Proposed Housing, Employment and Community Facilies (SSP5). Proposed Mixed Use Regeneraon (SSP6) Proposed Housing and Community Facilies (SSP7) Proposed Mixed Use Regeneraon and Enhancement (SSP8). Proposed Employment (SSP9) 0400800200 Meters Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | 2 1.2.2 The Adopted Lowesto Lake Lothing and Outer 1.2.3 Policy SSP3 is repeated in Appendix 2 for Harbour Area Acon Plan (AAP) sets out the reference. detailed policy framework for the Lake Lothing area which includes the Sustainable Urban 1.2.4 The Naonal Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront site (SUN). has been considered in the preparaon of this Figure 1.2 shows how the SUN allocaon fits with brief. The NPPF dislled guidance from a large other allocaons in the AAP area. The document number of naonal Planning Policy Statements contains a number of area-wide policies which and Planning Policy Guidance Notes which have been reflected in this document as well as a informed previous dras of this brief. site-specific policy for the site. Policy SSP3 of the AAP sets out detailed proposals for the development of the SUN including: • Approximately 1,380 dwellings and a potenal connuing care rerement community • Open space (3 hectares, dependant on actual density) and re-provision of the Jeld-Wen Playing Fields • 12 hectares of employment land to be shared with Kirkley Waterfront (majority to be on the waterfront) • Primary School • Retail, restaurants, bars, cafes as acve ground floor uses • Marina facilies and moorings for historic vessels • Hotel Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | 3 2 Context Aerial view of the north eastern part of the site looking towards the North Sea View from seafront along Lake Lothing and towards the Broads 2. Context 2.1 Before it is possible to plan for the future of a site 2.2 Figure 2.3 highlights the constuent parts of the it is necessary to understand the historical and site that are referenced throughout the brief. For present context of the site and its surroundings. reference, throughout this document the 2. Context Figure 2.2 analyses the exisng physical context of Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley the site and its surroundings and Figure 2.1 Waterfront will be abbreviated to SUN. Where the analyses the exisng social infrastructure document refers to the western part of the SUN, surrounding the site and the key connecons to it means the area west of the Jeld Wen Factory and from the site. A detailed analysis of exisng site. uses, constraints and opportunies and local character is found in Appendix 1 of this brief. Figure 2.1 Social Infrastructure Context Railway staon / Health centre High school c Shop SHOPl Naonal Cycle Network Regional Cycle Network Main roads Town centre area $#.'")/&. !"&&,)/&. '.%,#*)/&. #,(&%)". #+).!!#(( 02004000200400100100 Meters Meters Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | 5 Figure 2.2 Physical Context / )'(/ )'(/ )'(/ )'(/ )'(/ '(3'.& '.-(3,+ *%/. %,'.% )'(/ )'(/ 0)-.3+ '(3'.& ''/1'3/ '.-(3,+ '(3'.& '.-(3,+ /1%$$/(( 00200400100100 200 400 Meters Meters 19th Century Housing Character Port / Industry Character Open space Broads Authority Area 20th Century Housing Character Indicave Flood Risk Conservaon area Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | 6 Figure 2.3 Constuent parts of the SUN / Denmark Road Brooke Harbour Road Peninsula Brooke Business Park Haven Marina SCA Kirkley Waterfront Recycling County Former Wildlife Sanyo Witham Site Riverside Factory Former Jeld Wen Factory Paints Road Jeld Wen Playing Waveney Drive Fields Victoria Road Dell Road Kimberley Road Tom Crisp Way 0200400100 Meters Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront | Development Brief | May 2013 | 7 3 Vision And Objecves Aerial view of SCA Recycling, Witham Paints, Sanyo, Brooke Business Park and Brooke Peninsula in context with north Lowesto Waterfront, Copenhagen 3.2 OBJECTIVES Objecve 1: Housing Objecve 3: Infrastructure Approximately 1380 new homes consisng of a New infrastructure will support new residents and mix of market and affordable housing will be businesses in the area. This will include a new 3. Vision and provided to meet local housing need. These will primary school, a pedestrian/cycle bridge over Objecves be of different housing types, sizes and tenures to Lake Lothing at Brooke Peninsula, a new road to provide for people of different ages, incomes and access the site and measures to reduce the risk of family sizes. New dwellings will be of high quality flooding. New infrastructure will be delivered in a and maximise the aributes of the local area comprehensive and integrated fashion. including the waterfront, public open space, access to goods and services and connecons with exisng residenal areas. Objecve 4: Retail 3. Vision and Objecves Small-scale retail facilies in the heart of the SUN will provide goods and services for the local 3.1 VISION community. These will reduce the need to travel, assist with the creaon of a focal point in the Development in the Sustainable Urban neighbourhood and complement the exisng Neighbourhood and Kirkley Waterfront will shopping areas of Kirkley, Oulton Broad and transform an underulised and una racve area central Lowesto. into a vibrant, inclusive community that is Objecve 2: Employment integrated with adjacent areas and provides New land available for employment uses along the access to employment, services and facilies in a waterfront will enable businesses to take high quality environment.
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