Accuracy is essential. Reliable local news has never been more important. A special thank you to all of our loyal advertisers and readers who support local journalism each week. We're grateful! THE LOCAL NEWS OF THE MADISON VALLEY,Buy RUBYOne GetVALLEY One! AND SURROUNDING AREAS Buy a 1-year subscription, get another one free to give a friend. MONTANA’S OLDEST PUBLISHING WEEKLYTo get set up, NEWSPAPER. contact [email protected] ESTABLISHED or 406-596-0661 1873 75¢ | Volume 148, Issue 20 Thursday, April 23, 2020 Need Help? The Montana Heritage Commission is helping those at risk individuals in Virginia City who need assistance getting medical prescriptions and Emergency Essentials. Please call 406-369-8147 to let us help. [email protected] | 406-843-5247 MONTANA COVID-19 UPDATE EVERYONE’S GOT A MASK! Phased reopening of Montana’s economy By HANNAH KEARSE and abiding to social distanc- gradually reopen Montana’s [email protected] ing recommendations. economy. The directives that are “I’m a little sensitive be- ov. Bullock an- lifted or reduced will allow cause we just had Easter a few nounced a phased local governments to decide days ago,” Madison County reopening of what is best for its unique Public Health Nurse Melissa Montana'sG economy, which community. The phases of Brummel said. will begin when all directives reopening the state’s economy The holiday brought some expire April 24. More details will be in accordance with people together spite social of the gradual process will be the Montana Public Health distancing recommendations, announced later in the week. Department, local health pro- according to the MCPHD. Montana has to ensure viders, first responders and In addition, over 300 peo- a sustained reduction of local businesses, according to ple gathered at the Capitol COVID-1 cases, that its Gov. Bullock. building to protest statewide hospitals have the capacity Madison County Public closures. It will take the vi- to treat all patients, that it Health Department will gauge rus’ 14-day-incubation period has the testing capacity to its decisions based on the de- to know if these gatherings test anyone with COVID-19 tails of the Governor’s Office contributed to spreading symptoms and that it can first phase to reopen parts of COIVD-19. work with public health and Montana’s economy. “I’d love to give the assur- businesses to continue to mit- School-openings are not ance that there won’t be any igate the risk of infection. likely to be a part of the first more spikes,” Bullock said. "Even as we do scale-backs phase of reopening the econ- “We won’t be able to give that on the directives, it's not omy. State level plans will assurance until COVID-19 like this virus is going to go include actions and rollbacks has gone away or there’s a away," Gov. Bullock said. in the event Montana has a vaccine. So, that won’t neces- Stringent guidelines will surge of COVID-19 cases. sarily dictate what happens.” accompany the facets of Montana has recently seen a The Madison County Montana’s economy that will decline in COVI9-19 cases, Board of Public Health will PHOTO COURTESY MARY ANN DOWD-SUSSMAN reopen, like taking employ- which will have to continue meet on Thursday to discuss ees’ temperatures every day to move forward with plans to its plans after April 24. TWIN BRIDGES TAKE-OUT CRUISE Supporting local restaurants Photos and story by HANNAH KEARSE [email protected] he community gathered on Twin Bridges’ Main Street to support their local restau- rantsT Friday evening. The Old Hotel’s daily 50 bento box- es were accounted for before the day started. The Wagon Wheel Restaurant, Steakhouse & BBQ had to call employ- ees into work for the first time since it closed its dining room. Pre-orders for take-out in the evening surged in the morning. “Tons of BBQ,” Wagon Wheel Restaurant, Steakhouse & BBQ owner Janet Dustin said. “Which was good because we love making BBQ.” Dustin said her sales were up compared to the last month. Most of her staff went on unemployment when the statewide directive restricted restaurants from serving due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. A cruise around town followed take-out orders. There is talk of anoth- er Friday-night cruise in Twin Bridges April 24. “I would say it was a huge success,” Dustin said. “I appreciate the support and the continued support from the community and other restaurants.” TABLE OF CONTENTS LOCAL NEWS ................................................................................ 1-6 COMICS/GAMES ............................................................................ B4 OPINIONS ..........................................................................................4 CLASSIFIEDS.................................................................................. B5 Visit us online @ PANORAMA .................................................................................... B1 PUBLIC NOTICES ........................................................................... B7 HEALTH & WELLNESS ................................................................... B2 OUTPOST ..................................................................................... B10 www.madisoniannews.com COLUMNS ...................................................................................... B3 THE MADISONIAN A2 April 23, 2020 COUNTY COMMISSIONER Custom Building Design CANDIDATE Q&A & Top two advance to the General Election By HANNAH KEARSE [email protected] Madison County’s District #1 will vote for a county commissioner in the primary elections June 2. District #1 includes Virginia City, Alder and Sheridan. It is a nonpartisan election, with four candidates running for the seat. The top two • Conventional Frame Homes candidates will carry on to the general election ballot in November. • Commercial Remodels & Additions • Hand-crafted Log Homes worked in the medical research field, done #1? software training and support, been a A: First of all, to change the climate of All phases of construction, design and consulting financial advisor and a Medicare specialist. indecision that currently takes place. We Since retirement, Bacon has worked at the also need to take care of the infrastructure e-mail: [email protected] | www.bandeconstruction.com Bale of Hay Saloon and the Star restaurant that we already have – not just ignore it and brad bullock 581-4117 | ken evans 490-2758 | office 682-7942 in Nevada City. build something new. p.o. box 1444 Ennis, MT 59729 He has been involved in the community in various ways including the President Q: Why do you think you would make a of the Virginia City Planning Board and good county commissioner? a member of the Source Water Protection A: My demeanor for one. My ability to Committee. Bacon currently sits on the take a look at all aspects of things, not just Virginia City Town Council and runs the have a predetermined Visitor Center for the Virginia City Cham- outcome. ber of Commerce. He is also a member of the Virginia City Fire Department and Q: What would you prioritize in your Dark Skies Committee. community, if elected district #1 county 121 West Main Street, Ennis, MT “My wife and I have no official family commissioner? Gemcore (waterproof LVT & Hardwood) in the Ruby Valley, however, I've had an A: The people that work for the county Carpet - Vinyl - Hardwoood extended family of friends here for over 50 are our biggest asset. Organized meetings NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL! years,” Bacon said. between the towns and county in Sheridan, Alder and Virginia City. Owner/Sales/Installation - Rob Blair (406) 539-1440 Q: Why do you want to be the county commissioner for Madison County’s District Q: What impact(s) do you hope to make #1? as county commissioner for district #1? Dan Allhands, incumbent, has been A: I'm running for commissioner in A: Promote economic growth through- involved in the Ruby Valley community for order to effect much needed change. In my out the whole of Madison County, and decades. travels around the county, I am hearing promote safety on our highways and in our He was a member of the Alder Fire increasing dissatisfaction about county towns. Department for 12 years. Allhands served government. Over the past few years we have Sherwood Swanson as the Fire Chief three of those 12 years, lost public transparency and communica- which coincided with the construction of tion in the Madison County government. the current fire hall. During his three years I believe that transparency is fundamental Drywall Inc. on the Sheridan School Board, the Sheri- to any government structure in the United dan Elementary School was built. Allhands States and must not be lost. Hanging Finishing was in the ranching business for 43 years Custom Textures Painting until he was elected to the County Com- Q: Why do you think you would make a missioner seat in 2016. good county commissioner? Office: (406)682-5438 Cell: (406)599-3524 Allhands was raised on his family’s A: All my adult life I have been a prob- ranch in Sheridan. He has always lived in lem solver, all the facets of my careers have the Ruby Valley, graduating from Sheridan demanded that capability. I have been on High School in 1977. He and his wife, Jody, many boards and commissions through- have four sons all working and living in out my life and have learned that the best Sheridan. Five of their seven grandchildren solutions come from actually listening to Lisa Brubaker, LCSW, LLC also reside in Sheridan. and working WITH people to create those Licensed Clinical Social Worker “Jody and myself, along with our four solutions rather than blindly following an boys, always support the people of the agenda. It’s never too late to find balance. Ruby Valley if there is a need,” Allhands Q: What would you prioritize in your said. community, if elected district #1 county PO Box 602 commissioner? Ennis, Montana 59729 Q: Why do you want to be the county [email protected] A: My priorities would be to make sure commissioner for Madison County’s District (406) 670-4546 that there is fiscal responsibility within the Insurance Accepted.
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