loJ€lcaqlol tsEJluocul u,rolq qsrppeJalu spaas oql pu€')uld srdlnd 1e1ueceld eql,uorlces esra^sue! ut .arnleuerd ftlnclc eJeslrn{ aql sarcedsesaql 11e u1 dnor8 pelelar,(lasolc e ruloJsercads u-re1se,,n aq1 oiuap)D?uetlerlsnv cqUo uorst^rpqnsfue el€tu€x€l lurer\asucc.\rleq seuoz puq,{qJo pooqrlalrl aql pu€ dnor8 uJelse,$eql utqlt,n,{seldouroqjolunorue eql'reAe,lrol I sn1e1scrreua8qns luure,r,(eut leql sdnor8 luranespelee,rar(sscJd ur uulnO ? I?o11n6)serceds asaql jo srs,{leuectlsrpe lc y otuapng snuaBqns prlEJlsnV cql uI peleld ,{lluarrnc er€ llE pup ut pazluSoJeJ,,lrou ete oluap,DDJo satcedsuee1eur51 'erlellsnvur cruepue 'r?aaptag JIE qcrqA\.lolle go sercedsu_relse,t\ ;urututueJ eqtJo uolslAolarruouo\?l p st eJeqpeluesotd '(t661 '6861 ,,ftolrJle.L Iroun d)ouasnllDX otpauegsuerluaeq flsnor^eid s€q UJer{uoNequo lJt.tlsrC JInD pue ur^uec eql ot orLuepueselceds E' ]|enl^ losottn,llnsDluap)Dg (sserdur 1copn4) esnrr;1 ; ry'41rpg sndncolco.ttv pue (68611co11n4)3ue,u11zr uasnpoy '(99611co11n4)rraaprap ur peceld ueoqo^€rl Ex€l eseql pesr^oJueaq,rou o^€q I s oluap,toDut paceld.{Uerurolsatreds puelsueanf 'fulunoJJlnC uJels€a-quoueql llV puelsueenolsa.r-qUou aqlJo sla^lu u€uuoN pw sJepurlCeql-]o 'serceds ,pu?lsuoano ,plnsulued sur€ld,{€lceqlJo lse,r Suuncco uro1sa,,naql pue ul3lsee-quou $oA 'suotlces ade3 ol peuguoc serredsruelsee eql o,r1lolur papt^tp ueeqsetlouap.fiDJo saraadsuerler1snV eqlJo luaul€eJlJrurouoxel eq.[ rru^\cllol uotiet Jr]tJedurJtsJM Jql puE€rlEllsnV ,utsv .eJuJVJo sJrdoJleql ol pauUuocserleds 0t t -02l Jo snue8eStBl flelEJepolu p sl (oeaxerqn)!)slllg DruapDD uollJnpollul 'pepr,r.o.rd .1; eru uxul 11eo1 ,{e1 e puu suorldrrcseq 1cogn6 rp7otaBzTlf dsqns4,nna pue lcound .g:paz.uaocer slsua{a4aqwD!dsq\s rsorlrsa,l C 5lJoun4srToTaalrodsqns si w,to!,ttd eresercedsqns ,neu "r0uoB 'CJo oarql pu€ x?'uunJ v s!M)oli,/,{d s3tcadsqnsD ol peJnpoJsr ?tEMpuDltna.l owap)oD 'zte/nVJS ,oueu .{ooDnd () Dtolottad g ro; pepr,lordere edfloeu puu lcoltrrd nztot\q2s t ^\au V tlt,tDtAaD se l1treJsorceds ol past€Jsr ueMAoaloqn).tet owtadsn&awot aplrt ecuolcsol,rou sP 'lxojlndulnlrqDl 'r...,tonn,Jlnup,tD8 pcqlJcseperu 1coundrarr/as C pu€{colndscuanpulol C q D 'Ixonnd r)aollnd DlorDnpJ C saprctioDpDluaptoC pest^ot ere ,&1unoc;1n9 puElsueenooql Jo lse,{\E rlprlsnv IEcrdo! ol crtuepuasr IE D?aaprrCJoserceds c,rlemt er{t (2661)297-977:(7) I I ers1,(nN1 'eIIpIsnV .C ,Icollnd uelse^\-rluou pu€ ujeqUou tuo4 (JEJlctqnU) Dtudp)DDJo uorsl^er V J lJsrlsqv '0091 ,tutsnpul ^rotDret IDlrdE)uerFrsnv l09Z €lloqwl xofl luvld uorsr^r( 'runueqraH OdD Jo OIISJ lpuo48Nuerprlsnv'q3rprsou {lrsrt^rporg turld rol oluoJ 1copn4 g reqdolsuq3 EttuJlsnYuralsc,.|{-q|lou pu8 urequou uro{ (eEeJEtqnd)rtrla/,rrg Jo uorsraeJv (r6bt) Z9ZSZZ (a) ErstInN NulrsraVol. ll. No 2 (lqa7) ycllorv w ithage; colouredseeds ofnorth-eastenr specics. Thc flowcrs are wh ite, 5- to 9-mcrous,tuming pafiiallyexserted' and thecorolla tube is tubaefbrm or crateriformwith the anthers affixed medially and ishighly developed thestigmas are white. ln mostspccies the sclerification ofthe mesocarp ofthe fruit vilhelmii'one ofthc SpeciJswithout mesocarp sclerification form a subgroupmore closcly relatcd to G north-eastemspccles. 'l'welve speciesare recognized within the region west ofthe GulfcountryofQueensland' ofrvhich Onespecies' on)y threepose little taxonomic difficulty'. G dctcryoides'G' kakuduensisand G "sericea its sister G.'gardneri,remains poorly known and appearsto havecharacters intermediatc between pyrifttrmis There are two species,G. c/acryoftlesand thc morc distantlyrelated G pyriformis stbsp s. Thcseare the G. feslt?.)n.l speciescomplexes wh ich presentgreat d iflicu ltiesfor specicsdetermination complex'whicl') compfex,whichincl udesG.schw(1rzii,G e$tartiiattG megasPetma,andtheGfucal'r indepcndent' includesG. p-vri/brmis,G../itucicttla and G. jabilufui Thetwocomplexcs arenotentirely and G' /eti'')s4 subsp with the pos;ibility of gene flow between G pyriformis subsP keartldndii aims to identity thc kinberleyensis. With such taxonomic tiifficulties, the treatmentpresented here needto rccognizableclemcnts \\'ithin the complexes' and by sodoing draw attention to thecontinuing much rcfin-ethe understandingofall thetaxa involvcd A conservativeapproach wouldhavehiddcn problemsare resolved The ofthe observablediveriity and ledto the assumptionthat the taxonomic problematicsubgenus complexityof this savannahwoodland group is comparableto the equally Bergfuas(Sonn.) Vcrdc. ofcentral and southem Africa (Verdcourt 1979)' Materialsand methods FAA (fomalin-acetic Dcscriptionsof taxalverc madc from driedherbarium spcc imens, ethano I or followedthat dcscribedin acid-alcohol)preserved specimens' and living material Datacollection Puttock&Quinn(inpress)'MorphologicalterminologyusedinthiSpapcrfollowsthatofPuttock(1988)' spur' ln some Thevertical extension ofthc calyx'gencra)ly regarded as calyx lobes' is termed'calyx u'iththe calyx speciesthis structureis continuousrvith the hypanthium and may not bc homologous ofrr?dolrbeing lobes.The terminology used for bark and blaze fbllows I Iyland(1982) with the exception Substitutcdft.lrntlntlescrip|'Conscrvationstatuswitsdetermined|romfieldobservations,|ocal ( I996) knorvleclgeantl herbarium collections, using the standardsprovided by Briggs& Leigh exceplionof All taxawere examincd across thcir known distributional ranges in thefield with thc Garcleniugartlneri'MuchofthemateriaIrvascollectedduringseveralfieldtripSthatresultedinafloriStic (Puttock WaterhouseI 981). All surveyof ihe MagelaCrcek catchmcnt area of NorthernTerritory & thefollowinghelbaria: spccies*cre alro examinedon herbariurnmaterialheld at, or availablefor loanfrom, AO.EISH,gIT,SNI,gM,CANB,CBG,DNA,JCT,K'L.MEL,NSWNY'PERTH,QRS'SYD,UNSW'US' publishedduringthe first Relativelylittle taxonomic literature dealing with Australian Gardenla was halfofthiscentury'andthiSconsiStsoflittlcmorctltanspecieslists'andlikewiseintherecentecological Generallythe andfloristic studies such as the floristicsurveys in theKakadu and Kimberley regions speciesnanrescitedintheseeartieraccountscannotbereliedupon.ForthiStreatmentlhaveattcmpted toobtainallcoltectionsusedinthosepublishedaccountsandhavelistcdthetleatmentsundeltheir appropriatespecies wherever possible (1 keytothe species' I'hecalyx, rvhich was the celltraltaxonomic characterusedby Bentham 867)in his isavoided in thecurrent wasiound to bc extrcmelyvariab le with in somespe cies (c g G reslaosa)and vegetativeand lruit key for spccieswhere it is unreliable Thekcy prescntedhere endeavours to use slsuanprttlotl g iuol ruu g-g lecrped :uaruelndurql E drDcopuapuD reful ,(uotsploqluoqr c tnoqtr,r 'IJrqtuluZ r d.]ecoseuripcuaqdsqns ol prosdr ne ,(lp€olq trnljl *II " tutadsoiaw'g 8uol uru g 1-gl lecrped :d:eJopueueruulnd lorql puu re,{e1,{uols proquroqr p Sulssessod ')lllql ruu t-t &Ecosau:uJojrsnJ fluoqs o1pro,\oqo,{l,ro.ueu lruJ I I " II SuolruuE y -g selorted:Suol (rlru gz-g l eqnlEllorol '.{cr8 :,rolle( flsnr ol arqJopaluoru tqBrlIrpq :3uolturu 0/-9e llmJ *01 'rllssasqns Da)lJas'D 3uo1tuur E-g se;ortod sc^?el:3uo1 uru 71-61 eqnlElloioc :u^\oJq IrEp ot e^neuIsnocnEIS IJEq :3uol turu gZ-02 tlnrg Ot al x6 " 0l snoecues01 asolueruol se^€el 6 'ns€tuld srsua{a1taqu11dsqns ,s(rurs""r , (ErlEJtsnVulelse/A lteqtlrl,!) snourserlou '3uo1 turu9-g selndrls :artdt lla ,{1,$otrpu ot eleloeJuElqosu[uDI rllr^\ se^e3'I *g ,soarsr|dsqns 2r?u!sat '0 """""" (ellEJlsnvuletsey'A ',{elJequr) urolsuapul:,ftolurcl urequoNuelse,r-qgou) snourser,{qsnordoo fllensn3uo1 ruu 1 1-g(g)selndrls :Jlldllla ot ale^opultutl qlrMsa^€a.I g """" 'Suol 8 3uo1ruru g g-g 1 slacrpad q1r,r ruLug f -0t lrn.rJ:Irpq u,/{orqIIPp qlr,{\slueld */ 'D ltpuoluDal dsqnss!rarol!.r,{d Suolruru g l -Eslecrpad qtr.,rr '3uo1 ruu gg-771rnr;:Ir?q ,\\olle,{,{tsnr ot erLllopeltloul {ar8 qtl,{{stu9ld / ' 'Suol 'pro^o t Suolruu Eg- g slecrpedqlr,{ urtrls t-ZZ ol lecrraqdsqns lrn.rl *9 'g 'l?cuoqds rllt ruayo dsqr\sslta,rol!,tiftl Suolrulu g-ZsleJlped qlr,\\'Jaletuatp uu 9l-01 ltnJl 9 slutollttd dsqr\sslu,tt{1,tf,tl'g esu?psa^eel uo urqueunpur :fup ueq,r qloous 1tn{ 'leJupurl,{J 'pto^o :trnr.I.qt olul Suucdellou Ierrped:3uot uLu (/Z)ZZ-g I lrnrJ *g o\ncnl'g esrudsser\eel uo unlueunpul:,{lp uoqmasolnSnl 'lrn{ 'lccueqds eqlolur Suuadel Xlldmqe lorrped LreleuEr p ruru (0 t)02-91 lrnrC A " 9 sura^.,osllpd (01)6 ol / qlr,{\se^De'l *t '''' ''''''''''''' surJ^.;os-rrcd E1 ol 0l{o)rltr^\sJ^pJ-l t . 'l9]ueqds oryry1qo['9 Jelerwrpruru t I -g llnr.t:Euol ultu 6-g '8uol cqnlelloJor :sur3^ ,Oupuooes.+o srred 6 ol L rllr,lr ruruZZ-8 1 si^pc'l *C 'prosdrlle qorlrnvl' j 3uo1ruu 9 J-g 1 lrn4 :?uolturu g l -EI '3uo1 eqnlclloror isurcl fuupuoresgosrred y 1 o16 q1r,tr rurugt-gt se^pe'l t " l lueserdDllpuIop :csolueruol ol sno€tuas,{lesleds urnluaunpul lllu1orlod sc,neol *7 " € luesqeultpurop :snorquf,s XlesrEds 'oltssesqns.lo puEflelnurLu lucserd runluerunpurjr .ro snoJqDlt elrssesse^pa.l Z " 6 raleurcrpur ruru 6-t'lsnqor s8r,nl,{jea1 *1 'repuels Z releuerp urruru (€)Z- 1 s5r,,'r1,!ee1 1 o!uaptoD Josap}dsqns puv sarradsu.ralsa^{-quou puB uJaqlrou o1,{ay '(9961 1co11n4)oraaplro urelsDe-quoueqtJo lpql qtr,{\luauteoJl slql.]ouortr?prulssE elqeua ol pepr,rordcre serceds llelo suorldrrtsapllng saqolJo Joqurnupup czls ur elqDue^fluo srpuD dnor8 srql lnoq8noJqt u.lo-+run sreduqs elloJoo cqt u,\\oulst s€J€J sV €xelII€ JoJ u,{\ouIlou srEsre,l{oU pueJeuq fllureue8 st uospas3uue,,!rou aql etuts'elqrssodlaAeloqA\ slalJuJpqa nrl|)lsnv urclsi,{-quou pur ur:quou 'rlorl DtuaprDD Jo uorsr{.r v l.otnd ,t :) Nuylsiavol. ll, No. 2 (1997) 12 Leafy twigs 5-9 mm diameter;calyx tubemore
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