Table of Contents Special Assistance Cards………..………..…...…….………4 Community Travel Tips…………..…..………….……….….5 South King County Transportation Providers….…........……..11 FindARide.org…………….…………………………...…...17 South King County Mobility Coalition…………...…...….…..18 Hopelink Travel Programs………………………………….19 GET MOVING Glossary………………………………..…….……...…….21 South King County Transportation Resource Guide 2 Special Assistance Cards you speak limited nglish are blind or deablind and you additional help South King County Transportation ptions and Hopelink have ith King Country Metro buses you can reuest a Special Assistance Card. This card helps you communicate ith bus drivers on your route and developed this guide on local transportation options. For more destination see diagram belo. The card can be completed by a amily inormation regarding the partnership you can visit the member or caseorker in nglish. The Special Assistance Card allos or easy identiication and is a training tool or ne riders. program’s webpage at: TukilaA.gov SKCTransportationptions Version 1 01/12/18 Phone: 425 94-760 Website: metro.kingcounty.govtopsaccessibleriding-the-busassistance-cards.html 3 4 Community Travel: Tips for Getting Around King County ll etro and ound ransit uses have lifts or ramps for people using g te s moility devies and people who have troule liming steps ou an only use a lift or ramp to get on and off the us at an aessile us stop, whih will display this stiker at the us stop t te top: ease arre at or bs stop at east e mtes eary. e te bs o use the lift or ramp, make eye ontat with the driver to let him know arres oo at te estato sgns o te rot a se at or that you need the lift or ramp If you are in a wheelhair, get on the lift or rote mber to te rote mber o te bs to mae sre t s te rgt ramp and then move into the area for wheelhair seats at the front of the oe. us Whe o see or bs omg rase or a to et te rer ow o wat to re tat bs ae or are pamet rea beore gettg he us driver will seure the hair for you If you have a walker, fold up o te bs see page o ts ge eats te rot o te bs are your walker and hold it after you sit down resere or seors a peope wt sabtes Sit were o a ear a see te bs rer If you don’t speak English, have your family write down your destination hen you know your stop is oming, pull the signal ord that runs along bs stop a retr bs stop ow t to te rer we o get o each the top of the window one lok efore the stop to let the driver know bs o ma aso se a spea assstae ar see page o ts you want off the us ome uses may have yellow stripes instead of ge to ep o ommate wt te bs rer. ords Ridg te s: Reuesting our top If you use a wheelhair, press the yellow push utton strip on the ottom ease eep te ases o te bs ree to aow oter rers to get to ter of the flip-up seats in the wheelhair area ne the us omes to a stop, seats eep or bags o or ap or er te seat wait for the driver to ome ak and remove your wheelhair seurements 5 6 Community Travel: Tips for Getting Around King County ne eional ard for ll CA): Paying to ide the us or ight ail ORC is an easy way to pay for transit in the uet ound reion o pay ing ounty etro ound ransit us for the us usin an tap the card once on the reader inside the us when you et on f you pay with an you do not need to as the driver for a transfer he card automatically calculates transfers ou an pay to ride etro uses and ound ransit uses with ash For ound ransit light rail, you an use ash to purhase a tiket If you pay to ride the us with ash, put your money in the fare o net to the o pay for the liht rail train usin on card tap the card on driver ou will need the eat amount rivers do not provide hange the yellow card reader on the train platform efore oardin t is very important to rememer that you also need to tap your card on the reader when you et off the train ou are ale to mae transfers etween etro and ound ransit uses usin A. ight ail: iscount rorams If you pay to ride the light rail train with ash, you need to purhase tikets from the tiket vending mahine at the train station ou annot f you are 65 or have a disaility you can apply for an eional purhase tikets on oard educed are ermit FP). ares are $1.00 per ride on the us and light rail. For Seniors, apply for one at Metro’s Customer Service office, at an o-o event or y mail roof of ae reuired or people with disabilities, apply in person at Metro’s Customer Service office or at an o-o event ndorsement y your doctor is reuired If you ride more than one etro us to reah your destination, you an pay with a transfer tiket on the seond us lease ask for a transfer when you pay your fare on the first us If you do not speak English, have your family write “transfer please” on a piece of paper and show ORC is a proram for low-income individuals Fares are $1.50 per the driver hen you get on the net us, show the driver your transfer ride on the bus and light rail. It’s registered in your name and is valid for ou may also use a speial assistane ard. two years. You can apply for one at Metro’s customer service office, pulic health offices various human service oraniations or at o-o events ou can call (206) 533-3000 for more information Paper ransfers aper transfers are only valid on etro uses ou annot use a transfer or those -18 offers the youth card Fares are $1.50 per ride on to hange etween etro uses and ound ransit uses or light rail the bus and light rail. Apply for one by mail, at Metro’s Customer Service trains office or at an o-o event 7 8 Community Travel: Tips for Getting Around King County Community Travel: Tips for Getting Around King County Trip lanning, ther ays to ravel, and CA o-o ther Forats and nterpretie ssistance ther Forats and anguages ther ays to ravel Counity rael ips include a three-ideo series created to help you trael around King County ie the ideos online at youtube.com/user/kcmobilitycoalition he ideos and guides are aailable or ree in these languages Yellow Cab has wheelchair accessible tais for people unable to get in and out of tais without help. lease let them now that you need a English Russian Burmese Nepali wheelchair accessible tai when you call. Call 1 (800) 923-7433 for more information. Amharic Somali Spanish Tigrinya Mandarin Cantonese Vietnamese Arabic Korean ai Scrip is used lie cash to pay the tai driver the meter fare at the end of your trip. It lets you pay half price on tai fares. A $1 tai ride nterpretie ssistance only costs . If you have an CA RRF and are also low-income, you can fill out an application for ai Scrip. You can buy ai Scrip on a monthly basis from ing County Metro. Call (206) 553-3000 for more information. King County Metro Contact the Metro Custoer erice oice to get started: • Call 06 3-3000 Trip lanning • ress or an interpreter • ell the representatie hat language you need in nglish Figuring out your trip can be done online through King County Metro’s • ou ill then be connected to the interpreter online trip planner tripplanner.kingcounty.gov. nter your origin and destination, then hit enter for your customied trip opelin Medicaid ransportation plan. • Call 80 23-7433 • ell the representatie hat language you need in nglish CA o-o • ou ill then be connected to the interpreter ach month CA o-o travels around the uget Sound area maing stops at senior and community centers, maor events, fairs and other ey locations to provide on the spot full-service CA card sales and assistance. Book or check ORCA To-Go events online at https://goo.gl/xzXGkj or call 1-844-212-1313. 9 10 South King County Transportation Providers his inoration is subect to change p-to-date as o /2017 Public Transportation Public Transportation Service Provider Service Available For Cost (One-Way) Wheelchair Access Service Hours Telephone Website Additional Information dults—$ - $3.25 Rapiie oes opee in King County Metro Fouth—$1.50 (206) - eneral public es il - eokinono onty eo n os e se s ll us RRF—$1.00 el eo ses Free or children and belo ees loe-ensi es not King County Metro dults—$ - $3.25 currenl see ie-oe eand rea Fouth—$1.50 eie os oe ek esie o eneral public es (866) -3278 eokinono nsi all e o eques esponse ransit RRF—$1.00 oe inoion. eiion o eie pik-up o (DART) Free or children and belo op-o Travels o nle ke tation o dults—$ - $3.25 il - e niesi o sinon s ound ransit Fouth—$1.50 oes ee in urin pek os (888) -6368 eneral public es sonnsiorlink p sion pio o K ight ail RRF—$1.00 oes ee in urin off-pek os el oardin i n o Free or children and belo oes ee in e p prcsin icke dults—$ - $3.75 oies oes eeen iies ound ransit Fouth—$1 - $2.75 (888) -6368 sonnsiorie- eneral public es il - across e e on eion oes press us RRF—$1.0 - $1.75 el ie/ST-pess-s no ep ppe nses Free or children and belo Travels o keoo o dults—$ - $5.75 onday-i - p onon ele es epen on ound ransit Fouth—$2 - $4.25 (888) -6368 eneral public es p o 00 p sonnsiorsone e lengt o ie nl opees ounder ail RRF—$1.5 - $4.25 el oes ee in duin pek peios in e Free or children and belo onin n eenin Public Transportation Assistance Public Transportation Assistance Service Provider Service Available For Cost (One-Way) Wheelchair Access Service Hours Telephone Website Additional Information Hopelink’s igrants refugees eterans opelinkonee-elp es nsi inins o ops Hopelink Mobilie ublic ransit youth and indiiduals ith Free na ppoinen se (425) -6760 nspotation/oiliy- oes eie peloe o e rientation O) lo-incoe neent on n eisin o ose oin on ip King County Metro eniors and people ith (206) -4242 eokinono/ es one-on-one o op nsi inins o Free na onday-i - pm ransit nstruction disabilities el opsessile people i isiliies n senios s e n RF ole ne eisee i roides a discount on tai rides or up to (206) -3000 eokinono/ e po o n p o seen ooks o Metro ai crip RRF olders ith lo-incoe na n boos o tai scrip per onth el opsessile taxi scrip each on o eo isont.
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