S o , i H l i l So Whats the Difference Between Art and Entertainment Anyways??? 1 IJU U Kli^Jljj MM 2A Thursday, April 18,1985 Daily Nexus Alvin Alley Repertory Ensemble Inspired Beyond the Physical The Alvin Ailey Repertory they move together, as if Ensemble brought to the only able to truly connect fortunate Santa Barbara after being stripped of their audience Sunday night a initial pretense. Ultimately, concert of not just the dancers return to full technically excellent dan­ dress minus the hats, but cing, but more importantly, retain the freedom they a showing of unique insight struggled for earlier, leaving and conviction. While many behind much more than just other collections of young the hats that were once on choreographers and dancers their heads. are looking to achieve The second piece is clarity of technique, Ailey’s dedicated in the program to repertory group has a good friend of the achieved this and proceeds choreographer and along ' /So "PiddLetj ' w to levels beyond the with its title, Bridgeforms physical, to dancing with connotes all the themes of ; p ' * S k i t * l L i true soul. The dancers are any friendship strong strong, exuberant, and inspired, and yvith all of these enough to inspire a dance. The men in the company are qualities overflowing as they perform, they inspire us too, allowed through Loris Beckles’ playful choreography to N y ★ P l a t t e t J to reach for an understanding of what being a person is all fully express their abilities as dancers and as sensitive, about. The company members are descended from many talented men. They support each other at times, dancing m u generations of people who have been forced by social in­ together, and playfully challenge each other to the limits of justices to be always attuned to their human integrity, as their capabilities. Bridgeforms is a delightful dance often they were stripped of everything else. Any per­ narrative about male friendships and the joy and strength formance stemming Trom so deep a source and being to be found in them. a n d th e A lo n t e û & x io i manifested in such sensitive, intelligent choreography by Blues the last piece, is a classic in the repertory of as meticulously trained dancers as these can only be Suite, ARLINGTON TH€flTR€ • SflNTR BRRBflRR tremendous, as Sunday’s very much was. Alvin Ailey’s choreographic and humanistic genius. Printed in the program is “ From the fields and SAT. MAY 18th - 8:00PM A 9:30PM - RESERVED SEATING *15.00/312.50 The first of three pieces in the program, Warren Spears’ barrelhouses of the Southern Negro sprang the blues — TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ARLINGTON TICKET AGENCY, MORNINGLORY Knudsen Variations, was a strenuous exercise in control MUSIC, JAILHOUSE RECORDS, VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, AND songs of lost love, despair, protest, and anger — hymns to A U CHEAP THRILLS RECORD STORES. where the dancers were pushed to their physical limits. the secular regions of his soul.” This soul is clearly what The curtains open onto five dancers, donning layers of drives the company, as well as all Black Americans who fashiony costumes and hats and most of all, an affect with share the history to which Blues Suite is a tribute. The which they confront us and each other coldly. They never arrangement of traditonal blues music itself depicts the touch and their movements are forced and stiff. With each struggle of a group of human beings to gain the kind of exit from and return to the stage, a piece of costuming freedom and deserved recognition that cannot be disappears. The dancers move more freely, but seem Peter S a m e lso n legislated. We in turn witness the unity born out of their almost fearful at losing their outward protection as well as shared struggle. When matched, though, with such im­ that of the person inside who was initially so guarded. mensely talented representatives of Black American Theater of Illusion Eventually, the bodies are nearly bared and the lighting society, portraying roles so close to their hearts through becomes as sultry as the dancers. With the music heavy, this dynamic medium, the fact of this people’s tribulations A titan among each conducts an exploration of themselves through subtly very sensual movements and we are invited to join in an and their constant and admirable struggle to overcome tricksters, excursion to the primal core of our beings. Then, as if them is so clear that we are compelled to applaud them Samelson released from some earlier constraints, the dancers’ moods through five curtains with fervor. manipulates become much lighter. Their expressions are happier and v w w > — Judith Smith-Meyer perception to create magic and unveils an evening of theatrical Spend An Evening With Shange wonderment. 7 don't do magic, / Poet, playwright and short dramatic works that help you see magic. novelist Ntozake Shange is w ere published in the one of America’s most ex­ collection Three Pieces, It happens in your citing and important young winner of a Los Angeles mind. ” writers. The fire and feeling Times book award.' In ad­ of Shange’s work has cap­ dition, Shange wrote an Fri., April 26 / UCSB Campbell Hail / 8 PM tivated audiences since the acclaimed adaptation of ___________________________ In residence April 25-26___________________________ commercial and artistic Berthold Brecht’s Mother Reserved Seats: $9.00/$7.50/$6.00 success on Broadway of her Courage and Her Children. UCSB Students: $7.00/$5.50/$4.00 first play: For Colored Girls Shange integrates poetry, Presented by UCSB Arts & Lectures. Who Have Considered dance and music, evoking Suicide/When the Rainbow powerful images of life for Tickets/Charge By Phone: 961-3535 is Enuf, later a best-selling Blacks in America, in all of book and a well-received its exuberance and beauty. PBS Television special. In all of her works, Shange Local audiences have a creates “an emotional unique opportunity to see landscape/a felt ar­ and hear Shange soon, at chitecture” in a stunningly —APPUCA TIONS— “ An Evening with Ntozake original and unique vision of Shange,” a free presentation what it means to be “ a are now being accepted for in which Shange will read Njozake Shange colored girl” in America and discuss her work and today. '85-'86 Positions other topics of interest, on With the recent nappy edges), she is also a For more information o n th e Saturday, Apr. 20 at 7:30 publication of her novel, respected contemporary about Ntozake Shange’s visit p.m. in UCSB Campbell titled Sassafrass, Cypress & playwright, having com­ to UCSB, or to receive a free A.S. Comm. Hall. This special program is Indigo, Shange has made her pleted “Spell 7,” “A Public Lectures and Special o n th e presented in conjunction debut as a major voice in Photograph: Lovers in Events brochure, call the with SUPER SATURDAY American fiction. Not only a Motion” and “Boogie Arts & Lectures Ticket Status o f W om en activities at UCSB. superb poet (as the author of Woogie Landscapes” — Office at 961-3535. 13 Positions Available THURSDAY PUB NIGHTS • COMEDY NIGHTS • MUSIC WARS • VIDEO DANCE • JOHN STOCKWELL • SAL BERNSTEIN • Commissioner Violence Prevention MORE THAN 82% Sexual Harassment OF THE Affirmative Action A.S. PROGRAM BOARD EVENTS Women's Health OVER THE LAST 4 YEARS Cross Cultural H A VE BEEN Lesbian Issues Publicity and Graphics Womanwise (2) FREE!!! "Raw Images" V O TE YES ON Sorority Liaison A.S. PROGRAM BOARD’S Re-Entry Liaison 50« FEE INCREASE Applications available on 3rd Floor UCan Room 3110A Applications are due Wednesday, April 23rd & 24th . April 24th by 4 p.m. » THE FIXX » GENERAL PUBLIC « AZTEC CAMERA » JOHN LUC PONTY « FATHER GUIDO SARDUCCI • RON HUDSON Daily Nexus Thursday, April 18,1986 3A FREE MOVIES!!! Come see the world's worst movies at the "SUPER BAD FILM FESTIVAL " Featuring Munster Go Home 7:30 p.m. The Man Called Flinstone 9:15 p.m. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes 10:30 p.m. Friday, April 19th, UCen Lawn 7 9 8 5 STUDENT LIFE SLIDE SHOW Narrated by 2KO's DEBBIE BUDGE A fast paced multi-media presentation of student life at UCSB. Fun and Entertaining Saturday at 11:00, 1:00, 3:00 p.m., INTERNATIONAL Buchanan 1940 FOOD FAIRE Enjoy culinary delights of foods from around the world. Explore cultural diversity. Located along Girvetz walkway, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS BOOTHS/ DEMONSTRATIONS A great opprotunity to check a club that interests you and speak to the officers. Along North Hall 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. MEET JACK O'CONNELL Local Assemblyman will speak to students at noon near the blue pyramid. COME WATCH THE TRIVIA OF UCSB GAME See your friends play the newest popular Trivia Game. Learn about your campus and the Santa Barbara area. T rivia Of UCSB G ame Fun and prizes galore. 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. in Campbell Hall. Prizes donated by: Loring & Co. Subway I.V. Hairstylist Woodstock's Pizza Intramural Sports Ice Patch Sato's Kitchen Bpd's Ice Cream and featuring:GREG KIHN CONCERT TICKETS DONATED BY LAMBDA CHI ALPHA 4A Thursday, April 18,1985 Daily Nexus • a Actions Of A Better Dream »REDS Whatever you do you have THURSDAY, APRIL 18, * CAMPBELL HALL ★ 7:30 PM the benefit of the doubt . Whatever J do please understand Whatever I do let’s make a # pledge to put it right H I I S So we can end the rule of the division ♦ from ‘‘Dream Into Action” Howard Jones, a not so ♦ well known in America, m \ writes painfully honest and 1 .
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