04/04/2013 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST SUPPLEMENTARY LIST FOR TODAY IN CONTINUATION OF THE ADVANCE LIST ALREADY CIRCULATED. THE WEBSITE OF DELHI HIGH COURT IS www.delhihighcourt.nic.in INDEX PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS----------> J-1 TO J-1 REGULAR MATTERS --------------------> R-1 TO R-38 FINAL MATTERS (ORIGINAL SIDE) ------> F-1 TO F-10 ADVANCE LIST------------------------> 1 TO 70 ORIGINAL SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY I)-----> 71 TO 73 APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)-> 74 TO 82 (FIRST PART) APPELLATE SIDE (SUPPLEMENTARY LIST)-> - TO - (SECOND PART) COMPANY ----------------------------> - TO - SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY----------------> - TO - NOTES 1. Matters listed before Special Division Bench comprising Hon'ble the Chief Justice & Hon'ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Sahai Endlaw on 05.04.2013 will be taken up on 03.05.2013. 2. All final hearing matters pending in the category of After Notice Misc. Matters before Hon'ble DB-I shall be listed in Regular Matters list on their respective dates of hearing. If the matters are not taken up on actual date of hearing, these shall be taken up on their turn in the Regular Matters list. 3. Following directions are issued by Hon'ble DB-II in urgent mentioning matters: i) No urgent mentioning shall be entertained, except at 10.30 A.M. ii) Urgent mentioning shall be entertained only in respect of matters of Detention and Personal Liberty and matters which cannot brook delay till the normal next day of listing. iii) Urgent mentioning shall be entertained only in such cases which are accompanied by duly filled in “Form For Urgent(Mentioning) Cases For Listing/Accommodation” in duplicate. Such forms can be obtained from window No. 4 of the Filing Counter. A Specimen of the form is also available on the website of Delhi High Court under the heading “Download”. 4. Hon'ble DB-VI will be comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice S.Ravindra Bhat and Hon'ble Mr. Justice Valmiki J. Mehta for hearing Admission and After Notice Misc. matters. After DB matters are over Hon'ble Mr. Justice Valmiki J. Mehta will hear single bench matters listed before his Lordship. DELETION 1. W.P.(C) 3056/2011 listed before Hon'ble Ms. Justice Reva Khetrapal at item No.13 is deleted as the same is fixed for 03.05.2013. NOTICE I. It is hereby informed that Hon’ble the Chief Justice, on the recommendation of the Hon’ble Computer Committee, has directed that in addition to filing of soft copy on CD-R/DVD-R in Company and Taxation matters, it will be mandatory to file soft copy on CD-R/DVD-R in all Arbitration matters also w.e.f. 1st April 2013 in addition to the existing paper filing of cases. The procedure to prepare soft copy is as under: Use below mentioned formatting style for preparing the document: Paper size: Foolscap paper Margins: Top: 1.5” Bottom: 1.5” Left: 1.75” Justification: Full Font: Times New Roman Font size 14 Line Spacing: 1.5” Footnotes/End Notes: Font size-10 Procedure for documents preparation for filing of soft copy 1. Prepare original text material/documents viz. index, notice of motion, memo of parties, main petition, interlocutory applications, etc. in MS-word or Open office, as per format already prescribed for hard copy. 2. Convert documents into PDF using any PDF converter tool or inbuilt PDF conversion functionality of word processing software. 3. Scan the documents viz. notorized affidavit(s) signed vakalatnama, certified copy of order or award /agreement and annexures etc. (other than text material) using 300 dpi. 4. Merge both type documents, prepared in MS word or open office and scanned,in a single PDF and bookmark the documents strictly as per the index of hard-copy. Burn the merged single file on a CD-R/DVD-R. 5. Present hard-copy, as usual, along with the CD-R/DVD at the Delhi High Court filing counter at the time of filing. (Details of the case be written in black ink using black marker on the CD mailer (padded) cover as well as on CD under the signature of counsel). The Advocate will give an undertaking on the hard-copy in the following format: “Certified that the soft copy filed herewith is a replica of the hard-copy filed. For any assistance and training please contact Mr. Sarsij Kumar, System Analyst, and Mr. Zameem Ahmad Khan, Programmer, Computer Cell, Ground Floor, A-Block, Delhi High Court, New Delhi. (011- 43010101, Ext. no.4563). NOTE: Facility of scanning and preparing the soft copy on payment basis (0.50 paisa per page) has been provided at Filing Counter No.13,14 for Advocates/Litigants by a private agency. REGISTRAR[LISTING] 04.04.2013 J-1 FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF JUDGMENTS (APPLT. JURISDICTION) 04.04.2013 COURT NO. 24 HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE P.K. BHASIN FOR PRONOUNCEMENT OF ORDERS 1. CRL.REV.P 683/2010 KRISHNA DEVI ANIL AGGARWAL VS. STATE & ANR S.N. PANDEY M.N. DUDEJA BHAGWATI PRASAD SATPAL SHARMA ASHISH S. KULSHRESHTHA 2. CRL.REV.P 684/2010 KRISHNA DEVI ANIL AGGARWAL VS. STATE & ANR S.N. PANDEY M.N. DUDEJA BHAGWATI PRASAD SATPAL SHARMA ASHISH S. KULSHRESHTHA COURT NO.26 EXTENSION BLOCK (GROUND FLOOR) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE SURESH KAIT AT 10.30 A.M 1. MAC. APP. 175/2007 UNITED INDIA INSURANCE RAJESH DWIVEDI CO LTD. A.K. DE VS. AMARATTA & ORS JAI PRAKASH 2. MAC. APP. 325/2012 CHATURBHUJ VIJAY WADHWA VS. KAILASH & ORS KAMAL SHARMA SAMEER NANDWANI 3. W.P.(C) 2235/2004 INDRA PAL SINGH GULAB CHANDRA VS. FOOD CORPORATION SANJIV JOSHI OF INDIA & ORS COURT NO.31 EXTENSION BLOCK (FIRST FLOOR) HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE S.P. GARG AT 2.15 P.M 1. CRL.A 860/2011 PRADEEP KUMAR CHAWLA VIVEK SOOD @ CHHOTTU JANHAVI MAHANA VS. STATE(NCT OF DELHI) FIZANI HUSAIN HIGH COURT OF DELHI 03RD APRIL, 2013 REGISTRAR (LISTING) 04.04.2013 R- 1 ( Regular Matters) 04.04.2013 REGULAR MATTERS COURT NO. 1 (DIVISION BENCH-1) HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE V.K. JAIN [NOTE I: COUNSELS ARE REQUESTED TO PAGINATE THEIR FILES IN CONFORMITY WITH THE COURT FILE IN ADVANCE. NOTE II: COUNSELS ARE REQUESTED TO PROVIDE LIST OF BOOKS/ACTS ON WHICH THEY ARE RELYING IN ADVANCE. NOTE III: IN REGULAR MATTERS & FINAL HEARING MATTERS , THE PARTIES SHOULD FILE SHORT SYNOPSIS RUNNING INTO NOT MORE THAN 3 PAGES EACH TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE. NOTE-IV: REGULAR MATTERS WILL BE TAKEN UP IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER IN THE FOLLWING MANNER: (i)PART-I(LPA & SENIOR CITIZEN MATTERS)---- MONDAY,TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY (ii)PART-II(PIL)---------------------------- WEDNESDAY PART-I CASES OF PERSONS ABOVE 65 YRS. OF AGE (SENIOR CITIZEN) 1. LPA 26/2013 DEEP CHAND H P CHAKRAVORTI PH Vs. NORTH DELHI MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 2. LPA 747/2012 STATE BANK OF INDIA RAJIV KAPUR CM APPL. 19152/2012 Vs. P N SALUJA REGULAR MATTERS 3 . LPA 334/2007-----| UOI AND ORS. RAJNISH K.JHA, ROHAN Vs. NATIONAL RESTAURANT JHURIWALA,MOHIT PAUL, | ASSOCIATIO SIRISH KUMAR,AMAN DEEP JOSHI 4 . LPA 343/2007-----| UOI AND ORS. RAJNISH K.JHA,RATNA Vs. FEDERATION OF HOTEL DWIVEDI,RAJESHWARI SHUKLA, RESTAURAN SIRISH KUMAR, AMAN DEEP JOSHI,LALIT BHASIN,MUDIT SHARMA 5 . LPA 1173/2007 M.C.D. AJAY ARORA,P.M. Vs. THE PATRI ASSOCIATION SINGH,MANINDER SINGH 6 . W.P.(C) 12857/2009----| EASTERN INSTITUTE OF AMIT ANAND TIWARI,AMITESH INTEGRATED LEARNING AND KUMAR,B.V. NIREN,JATAN MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY, SINGH,NEERAJ CHAUDHRI,ALY | JORETHAND MIRZA Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ORS 7 . W.P.(C) 13207/2009 | EASTERN INSTITUTE OF AMIT ANAND TIWARI,AMITESH | INTEGRATED LEARNING AND KUMAR MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY JORETHANG DISTT. NAMCHI THROUGH I | Vs. UNION OF INDIA AND ANOTHER 8 .W.P.(C) 7852/2009-----| UNIVERSITY OF DELHI AND ANR. MOHINDER J.S. RUPAL Vs. IGNOU AND ORS. 9 . LPA 25/2008 TASNEEMUL HAQ (SINCE ANURADHA CHOUDHRY,G. DECEASED) THRU L.R'S TUSHARAO,SHILPA SINGH Vs. UOI AND ANR 04.04.2013 R- 2 ( Regular Matters) 10. LPA 135/2008--------| TATA STEEL LTD. RAIAN KARANJAWALA,SRIDHAR CM APPL. 3740/2008 Vs. NATIONAL MINERAL POTARAJU,P.S. NARSIMHA,ANJANA WITH LPA 151/2008 | DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND ORS GOSAIN,GOPAL JAIN,KUNAL NOT TILL 4.4.2013 VERMA,SONIA,ATUL JHA,DEBMALYA | BANERJEE,SUMIT 11. LPA 151/2008--------| STATE OF CHHATTISGARH ATUL JHA,SRIDHAR NOT TILL 4.4.2013 Vs. UOI AND ORS. POTRAJU,MANISH SINGHVI,ANJANA GOSAIN,CHETAN CHAWLA,GOPAL JAIN,SONIA NIGAM,P.S. NARASIMHA,RAIAN KARANJAWALA 12. LPA 213/2008 SHAKUNTLA NAVANI ANUSUYA SALWAN,YEESHU JAIN Vs. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, NEW DELHI 13 . LPA 260/2008---------| BHOOP SINGH DIGVIJAY RAI, BALJIT SINGH CM APPL. 7592/2008 Vs. D.D.A. AND ORS. CM APPL. 7593/2008 CM APPL. 7594/2008 14 . LPA 263/2008 | GANGA BISHAN DIGVIJAY RAI, BALJIT SINGH CM APPL. 7601/2008 Vs. D.D.A. AND ORS. CM APPL. 7602/2008 15 . LPA 264/2008 | KANSHI RAM DIGVIJAY RAI, BK SRIVASTAVA, CM APPL. 7604/2008 Vs. D.D.A. AND ORS BALJIT SINGH, VIRENDRA SINGH 16 . LPA 265/2008 | DEEP CHAND AND ORS. DIGVIJAY RAI,BALJIT SINGH CM APPL. 7607/2008 Vs. UOI AND ORS. CM APPL. 7608/2008 17 . LPA 274/2008---------| OM PARKASH AND ORS DIGVIJAY SINGH,BALJIT CM APPL. 7847/2008 Vs. UOI AND ORS SINGH CM APPL. 7848/2008 CM APPL. 7849/2008 18 . LPA 275/2008 KARTAR SINGH S.P.JHA Vs. MCD AND ORS 19 . LPA 295/2008 Y.N.MISRA AND ANR AMIT KHANNA,RAJVARDHAN, CM APPL. 8264/2008 Vs. N.D.M.C. ASHOK MATHUR 20 . LPA 297/2008 R.K.CHAUHAN SALEEM AHMED, EHTISHAM CM APPL.
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