August 3, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25373 the purpose of continuing such research. H.R. 14749. July 20, 1976. Judiciary. Re­ Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to prohibit Authorizes, under the Public Health Serv­ quires that persons convicted of specified the issuance of permits thereunder which ice Act, the appropriation of specified sums terrorist activities receive a sentence addi­ authorize the taking of marine mammals in for the purposes of making gra.nts to centers tional to that provided for the offense com­ connection with commercial fishing. for research and training in diabetic re­ mitted. Directs that the death sentence be Amends such Act to grant the Secretary lated disorders. imposed if the death of any person occurs of the Interior exclusive jurisdiction over H.R. 14744. July 20, 1976. Interstate and during the commission or attempted com­ such Act. Foreign Commerce. Amends the Public mission of such an offense. Permits reduction H.R. 14756. July 20, 1976. Banking, Cur­ Health Service Act to direct the Secretary of of the death sentence to an additional term rency and Housing. Establishes a National Health, Education, and Welfare to indemnify of imprisonment if the required sentencing Commission on Neighborhoods to consist of · physicians, health care personnel, and health hearing results in a finding that specified Members of Congress and Presidential ap­ facilities providing nonprofit professional mitigating factors exist. pointees. States the duties of such Commis­ services in connection with the national in­ H.R. 14750. July 20, 1976. International sion, including studying the factors neces­ fluenza immunization program against civil Relations; Interstate and Foreign Commerce. sary to neighborhood survival and revitaliza­ claims resulting therefrom, except in cases Amends the Export Administration Act o1 tion and making recommendations for modi­ of gross negligence. 1969 to make it the policy of the United fication of existing laws and policies. H.R. 14745. July 20, 1976. Interstate and States to oppose restrictive trade practices H.R. 14757. July 20, 1976. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Directs the Secretary of or boycotts imposed by foreign countries Foreign Commerce. Amends the Federal Food, Health, Education, and WelfMe to establish against any domestic concern of the United Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require disclosure a National Commission on Digestive Dis­ States. Amends the securities Exchange Act on food package labels of the portion of the eases. Requires the Commission to develop of 1934 by imposing additional disclosure weight of the food which is sugar in in­ a long-range plan for the use of national re­ requirements on any investor who proposes stahces where sugar constitutes ten percent sources to deal with digestive diseases. to acquire more than five percent of the or more of the total number of calories in Directs the Secretary to establish a Co­ equity securities of any United States com­ the food. ordinating Committee for Digestive Diseases pany. H.R. 14758. July 20, 1976. Post Office and to improve coordination among Federal H.R. 14751. July 20, 1976. Merchant Marine Civil Service. Designates the song "God agencies in the research, training, control, and Fisheries. Extends the coastwise laws of Bless America" as the national anthem of and treatment of digestive diseases. the United States to the Virgin Islands with the United States. H.R. 14746. July 20, 1976. Education and respect to the transportation in bulk by H.R. '14759. July 20, 1976. Rules. Amends Labor. Revises the conditions for terminat­ water of crude oil, unfinished oils, residual the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 ing the payment of compensation to surviv­ fuel oil, and finished petroleum products. to require that each public bill or resolution ors of Federal employees who die from job­ H.R. 14752. July 20, 1976. Interstate and reported by a Congressional committee be related injuries. Foreign Commerce. Amends the Federal accompanied by a Paperwork Impact State­ H.R. 14747. July 20, 1976. Public Works and Power Act to revise procedures for suspen­ ment which assesses the amount and char­ Transportation; Jnterior and Insular Affairs. sion of new rate schedules pending final acter of the information that such bill or Terminates the authorization for the Tocks determination by the Federal Power Com­ resolution will require of private individuals Island Reservoir project in New Jersey, New mission. Stipulates that public utilities may and businesses and the cost of time required York, and Pennsylvania. Requires that prop­ not file proposals for additional rate in­ of such individuals or businesses who must erty a,cquired by the Secretary of the Army creases while similar proposals are pending provide the information sought by such pursuant to such authorization be trans­ before the Commission. legislation. ferred to the Secretary of the Interior for H.R. 14753. July 20, 1976. Ways and Means. H.R. 14760. July 20, 1976. Ways and Means. management by the National Park service. Amends the Social security Act by including Amends the Internal Revenue Code to estab­ H.R. 14748. July 20, 1976. Armed services; the services of optometrists under the Medi­ lish graduated corporate income tax rates. Merchant Marine and Fisheries-. Establishes a care supplementary medical insurance pro­ Increases the gift tax exclusion and exemp­ Commission to Study the Quality of Instruc­ gram. tion and establishes a new gift tax rate. Pro­ H.R. 14754. July 20, 1976. Ways and Means. tion at the Service Academies to: (1) study vides special treatment for the sale of stock the quality of instruction and training at Amends the Medicare and Medicaid pro­ grams of the Social Security Act to include in a closely held corporation when sold to the service academies; (2) study the feasibil­ rural health facilities of 50 beds or less with- pay estate taxes. Redefines a subchapter S ity of including more civilian professors and · 1n the definition of the term "hospital." · corporation. Redefines section 1244 stock instructors; and (3) study the rules of the H.R. 14755. July 20, 1976. Merchant Ma­ (small business stock, losses on which are academies concerning the conduct of cadets. rine and Fisheries. Amends the Marine treated as ordinary losses). EXTENSIONS OF RE.MARKS A SERIOUS PROBLEM OF OCCUPA­ 0cCUPATIONAL HEALTH HAzARDS, A NATIONAL gation by a team of Times reporters, the oc­ TIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY CRisrs ' cupational health crisis and its implications for the larger society are only dimly per­ (By Richard T. Cooper and Paul ~· Steiger) ceived by the public, yet specialists regard WASHINGTON.-In bygone days, coal minel's them as perhaps the most serious medical HON. FORTNEY H. (PETE) STARK took caged canaries underground with thein OF CALIFORNIA challenge facing the United States in the because the tiny birds were far more sensi­ remainder of this century. And the battle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tive than men to the deadly, invisible "white to deal with the problem is in jeopardy be­ damp," carbon monoxide gas. By collaps­ Monday, August 2, 1976 cause of bureaucratic red tape, public ing-and sometimes dying-the canaries apathy, political sniping and claims that Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, each day warned of a danger that would otherwise reform would be too costly. we gain more insight into the extent have crept up undetected. At the Occupational Safety and Health Tuday, in fa,ctories and mills, and even in Administration and the National Institute and spreading nature of on-the-job beauty parlors, dentists' offices and auto re­ hazards to the health and safety of mil­ of Occupational Safety and Health, the two paiT shops, hundreds of thousands of Amer­ federal agencies most directly responsible for lions of working men and women. ican workers have themselves become canar­ dealing with the problem, o1Hcials a.re strug­ The Los Angeles Times, in an exhaus­ tes--for their fellow workers and for society gling with inadequate' budgets, scattered tive 3-month examination of this ur­ as a whole. By falling sick and often dying, and ill-equipped staffs and lack of expertise. gent concern, has described in vivid they are signaling the fact that a major Labor leaders have lobbied for a larger com­ detail the mushrooming threat to our crisis has struck the nation as stealthily as mitment, and there has been significant poison gas in a coal mine. response among some business executives. national health and safety. Appearing The source of the danger is a little under­ in its June 27 editions, this is the first But overall the problem is growing faster stood but rapidly growing array of occupa­ than are the efforts to contain it. of a two-part series that indicates a tional health hazards, many of them toxic Occupational health hazards have existed menace whose consequences we cannot chemicals routinely used by industry, that from earliest times, of course. One of the ignore. kill an estimated 100,000 workers every year, cruel ironies of the present situation is cause at least 390,000 new cases of job-re­ Mr. Speaker, this is a thought pro­ that toxic substances identified more than lated disease annually and pose an increas­ 100 years ago still inflict widespread dis­ voking article for which the Times de­ ing threat to the entire spectrum of U.S. ability and death. What has caused the serves acknowledgement. I commend it society and the environment. problem to mushroom in the last three to my colleagues: As documented in a three-month invest!- decades, however, is the technological ex- 25374 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS August 3, 1976 plosion of new chemicals, new industrial and cures for these occupational health Somehow, they arrived several hours before processes and new products. problems are imperfectly understood. the special clinic, set up in the gymnasium of This flowering of technology, responsible -An estimated 500,000 living workers have Groton's trim new civic center, was to open.
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