Changes in the List of Finnish Insects During 2001–2005

Changes in the List of Finnish Insects During 2001–2005

© Entomologica Fennica. 6 June 2007 Changes in the list of Finnish insects during 2001–2005 Hans Silfverberg Silfverberg, H. 2007: Changes in the list of Finnish insects during 2001–2005. — Entomol. Fennica 18: 82–101. During the period 2001–2005, 769 species have been added to the list of Finnish insects, and 213 species have been deleted from it. At the end of year 2005, a total of 20,533 insect species were known from Finland. The Finnish insect fauna is generally well known. Still, particularly for Diptera Nematocera and Hymenop- tera Parasitica, and to some degree also in part of Hemiptera, there still remains much to be done. H. Silfverberg, Zoological Museum, P.O.Box 26, 00014 Helsingfors, Finland. E-mail: [email protected] Received 10 March 2006, accepted 23 May 2006 1. Introduction ported, and has not been included in the species total. Again square brackets have been employed This paper is a sequel to a similar list published in for the name used in the original record when dif- 2001 (Silfverberg 2001, Entomol. Fennica 12: ferent from the one used here. Other symbols are 227–243), which itself was a continuation of a se- * = new to science and ! = different from the ries of lists published in 1921–1996 first by check list mentioned for the order. Hellén and then by Silfverberg. Insect species A thorough examination of earlier lists added to the fauna of Finland during the five-year showed that a few species had been added twice. period are listed, with references, as are those de- In order to correct the numbers, corresponding leted from the fauna. A few previously unnoted subtractions are made. changes have also been included. During the period covered by this list, 769 For the new species the locality has generally species have been added to the list of Finnish in- been given, with its biogeographical province sects and 213 species have been deleted from it. (for the provinces, see e.g. Heikinheimo & Raati- At the end of year 2005, a total of 20,533 insect kainen 1981, Notulae Entomol. 61: 133–154). If species were known from Finland. the species has been reported from many locali- ties, often only the provinces have been listed, or the abbreviation m.l. (= many localities) has been 2. Additions and deletions used. When Finland is mentioned as the locality, from the list of Finnish insects the original record gave no more exact location. Some other abbreviations or signs must also Collembola be explained. Thus f.d. = false determination and sp.dist. = distinct species (previously considered Deletions a variety, a synonym or such like); in literature Anurida brunsvigiensis Hüth. (= A. ellipsoides references EF = Entomologica Fennica nd NE = Stach). Fjellberg 1998 Fauna Entomol. Scand. Notulae Entomologicae. A species enclosed in 35:84. square brackets is considered accidentally im- Species accidentally counted twice ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 18 • Changes in the list of Finnish insects 83 Protaphorura fimata (Gisin). Silfverberg 1991 EF cae ssp.) Hackman 1994 Memoranda Soc. Fauna 2:9; Silfverberg 2001 EF 12:217. Flora Fenn. 70:59. Tullbergia arctica Wahlgr. Silfverberg 1991:9; Holomenopon nyrocae (Blagov.) (= H. leucoxanthum Silfverberg 2001:217. ssp.) ibid.:41. Mesaphorura hylophila Rusek. Silfverberg 1991:9; Actornithophilus laveni Eichl. (= A. ochraceus ssp.) Silfverberg 2001:218. ibid.:46. – tenuisensillata Rusek. Silfverberg 1991:9; Ricinus bombycillae (Denny) (intermedius (Piag.)) Silfverberg 2001:218. (= R. elongatus ssp.) ibid.:56. Craspedonirmus frontatus (Nitzsch) (= C. colym- Additions binus ssp.) ibid.:36. Columbicola bacillus (Gieb.) (= C. columbae ssp.) Isotoma anglicana Lubb. Ta, Tb. Huhta & al. 2005 ibid.:53. Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 81:62. Saemundssonia melanocephala (Burm.) (= S. sternae Lepidocyrtus violaceus (Geoffr.) Tb. ibid.:62. ssp.) ibid.:51. Lunaceps phaeopi (Denny) (= L. numenii ssp.) Presentnumber:218–5+2=215spp. ibid.:49. Allobrueelia viscivora (Denny) (= A. marginata ssp.) Thysanura ibid.:57. Docophorulus bischoffi Eichl. (= D. merulae ssp.) Additions ibid.:57. Cypseloecus microsomaticus (Tand.) (hirundinis (Pi- Ctenolepisma lineata (F.) N: Helsingfors. Huldén ag.)) (= C. excisus ssp.) ibid.:55. 2001 Sahlbergia 6:37. Pediculus capitis (DeG.) (= P. humanus L., var.) Leo [ – longicaudata Esch. N: Esbo & Helsingfors. & Barker 2005 Parasitol. Res. 98:45. ibid.:37.] Additions Present number: 4 + 1 = 5 spp. Menacanthus merisuoi Eichl. Finland (on Nucifraga Odonata caryocatactes) Hackman 1994 Memoranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 70:62. Additions Lanicanthus camelinus inaequalis (Piag.) Finland (on Lanius collurio) ibid.:61. Sympecma paedisca Brau. Ab: Dragsfjärd Örö. Kull- Austromenopon vanelli Zlot. Finland (on Vanellus berg 2004 Suomen Luonto 63(7):17. vanellus) ibid.:47. Aeshna mixta Latr. Al, Ab, N. Kauppinen 2002 Suo- Holomenopon clypeilargum Eichl. Finland (on Mer- men Luonto 61(10):16. Hildén & al. 2003b Me- gus merganser) ibid.:42. moranda Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica 79:76. Hämä- Larithophilus piceus (Denny) Finland (on Larus ar- läinen, Huldén & Karjalainen 2004 Sahlbergia gentatus) ibid.:51. 8:49. Laemobothrion maximum (Scop.) Finland (on Hali- aeetus albicilla) ibid.:42. Present number: 52 + 2 = 54 spp. Lagopoecus tetrastei Bech. Finland (on Tetrastes bo- nasia) ibid.:45. Psocoptera Anaticola rheinwaldi Eichl. & Vasj. Finland (on Branta bernicla) ibid.:39. Additions Columbicola claviformis (Denny) (sp. dist.) Finland (on Columba palumbus) ibid.:52. Psocus flavonimbatus Rost. Ok: Kuhmo. Lienhard & Aquanirmus emersoni Edw. Finland (on Podiceps Kanervo 2002 EF 13:59. griseigena) ibid.:37. Mesopsocus helveticus Lienh. Ab, N. Kanervo 2002 Lunaceps falcinellus Timm. Finland (on Limicola Sahlbergia 7:37. falcinellus) ibid.:48. Strigiphilus glaucidii Zlot. (sp. dist.) Finland (on Present number: 65 + 2 = 67 spp. Glaucidium passerinum) ibid.:53. Picophilopterus arcticus Carr. Finland (on Picoides Phthiraptera tridactylus) ibid.:55. Docophorulus hansmanchi Eichl. & Vasj. Finland Deletions (on Loxia leucoptera) ibid.:63. Menacanthus vistulanus Eichl. & Zlot. (= M. curru- Present number: 292 – 12 + 14 = 294 spp. 84 Silfverberg • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 18 Hemiptera Laburrus impictifrons (Boh.) Sa: Lappeenranta. Al- brecht & al. 2004:71. Deletions Metalimnus steini (Fieb.) Finland. Söderman 2004:28. Aradus crassicornis Boh. (= A. betulinus Fall.). Heiss Paralimnus zachvatkini Em. Finland. ibid.:28. 2001 Catal. Heteropt. Pal. Reg. 4:17. Parapotes reticulatus (Horv.) N: Hangö. Albrecht – pictus Bärenspr. (f.d., = A. obtectus Vásárh.). ibid & al. 2004:71. :17. Calamotettix taeniatus (Horv.) Al, N, Ka, Sa. ibid.:71. Additions Mongolojassus bicuspidatus (J.Sahlb.) Sa: Lappeen- ranta. ibid.:71. Calocoris affinis (H.-Sch.) N: Espoo, Helsinki. Al- Aphalara crispicola Oss. N: Helsinge, Sa: Mikkeli brecht & al. 2004 Sahlbergia 8:65. (O. Heikinheimo). Ossiannilsson 1992 Fauna Phytocoris reuteri (Saund.) Ab: Turku, N: Hanko. Ent. Scand. 26:48. ibid.:65. Cacopsylla melanoneura (Först.) Ab, N, Ka, Ta.Al- Europiella artemisiae (Beck.) (obscura (J.Sahlb.)). brecht & al. 2004:71. Finland. Schuh, Lindskog & Kerzhner 1995 Trioza rotundata Flor St: Ikaalinen. Mattila 2002 Di- Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 97:386. amina 11:32. Liorhyssus hyalinus (F.) Ab: Nagu. Ollikainen & Rin- Pemphigus populi Courch. Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Sa, Oa.Al- ne 2005 Sahlbergia 10:65. brecht & al. 2004:72. Amphiareus obscuriceps (Popp.) Ka: Hamina. Al- Aphis erigerontis Holm. Ta: Nastola. ibid.:73. brecht & al. 2004:66. – newtoni (Theob.) N: Helsinki. ibid.:74. Odontoscelis fuliginosa (L.) N: Pyhtää. ibid.:67 – selini (Börn.) N: Helsinki, Pernå. ibid.:74. Dybowskyia reticulata (Dall.) Ka: Hamina. ibid.:67. – viburni Scop. N: Sibbo, Sa: Punkaharju. ibid.:74. Eysarcoris aeneus (Scop.) Ka: Hamina. ibid.:67. Brachycaudus tragopoginis (Kalt.) Ab, N. ibid.:75. Cyphostethus tristriatus (F.) Ka: Vehkalahti. ibid.:67. Coloradoa campestrella Oss. Ab: Pargas. ibid.:75. Aradus obtectus Vásárh. (A. pictus auct.). Finland. Dysaphis centaureae (Börn.) Al: Hammarland. Heiss 2001 Catal. Heteropt. Pal. Reg. 4:16. ibid.:75. – newskyi (Börn.) Ta, Oa. Heie 1995 Fauna Ent. Kelisia praecox Haupt Ab, N. Albrecht & al. Scand. 31:175. Albrecht & al. 2004:75 2004:68. Hyperomyzus lampsanae Börn. N, Ta. Albrecht & al. Stenocranus fuscovittatus (Stål) N: Pernå. ibid.:68. 2004:75. Populicerus albicans (Kirschb.) N, Ka. ibid.:68. Macrosiphoniella asteris (Walk.) Ab: Dragsfjärd. Macropsidius sahlbergi (Flor) Sa: Lappeenranta. ibid.:75. ibid.:68. Pleotrichophorus duponti HRL Oa: Närpes. ibid.:75. Macropsis scutellata (Boh.) Finland. Söderman 2004 Titanosiphon artemisiae (Koch) Ab: Dragsfjärd. Beitr. Zikadenk. 7:28. ibid.:75. Oncopsis avellanae Edw. Finland. ibid.:26. Tuberolachnus salignus (Gmel.) Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Sa. Alebra albostriella (Fall.) Sa: Joutseno. Albrecht ibid.:76. & al. 2004:68. – neglecta Wagn. Sa: Joutseno. ibid.:69. Accidentally omitted from check-list in 1984. – wahlbergi (Boh.) Ab, N. ibid.:69. Typhlocyba bifasciata Boh. Silfverberg 1981 NE Vilbasteana oculata (Lindb.) N, Ka, Sa. ibid.:69. 61:47. Fagocyba carri (Edw.) Ab: Turku Ruissalo. ibid.:69. Edwardsiana ampliata (Wagn.) N: Helsinki. ibid.:69. Presentnumber:1,376–2+54=1,428spp. – lanternae (Wagn.) N, Ta, Sa. ibid.:69. – gratiosa (Boh.) N: Pyhtää, Ka: Vehkalahti. Thysanoptera ibid.:69. Eupterycyba jucunda (H.-Sch.) Ab: Mietoinen. Additions ibid.:69. Lispothrips crassipes (Jabl.) Sb: Joroinen. Kettunen Typhlocyba quercus (F.) Al, Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Sa, Kb. & al. 2005 EF 16:249. ibid.:69. Hoplothrips

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