neW s subway cars: R comfort tne and safety page 8 AR MWM: Recognized leader in subway car building page 4 Railway vehicles a la franc,ais: page 12 the p An interview with Franck Lecoq R o F zine A g A M 3 06/2010 № TRANSMASHHOLDING corporate news 2–3 cover story 4–7 MWM: Recognized leader in subway car building innovations 8–11 New subway cars: comfort and safety NTS Railway vehicles 12–15 e a la franc,ais: An interview with Franck Lecoq operation 16–17 Ultraviolet against infections holding abroad 18–19 ONT Kolomna-Minsk-Brest TEP70BS has shown itself C to good advantage in Belorussia technologies 20–23 Transmashholding is establishing the network of corporate service traditions 24 At the origin of metropolitan railway construction 8 18 4 12 Magazine for partners of CJSC Transmashholding Authors: К. Dorokhin, V. Mironov, V. Ivanov, Layout: JSC Imars Group Editor K. Dorokhin, phone: (495) 660-89-50, V. Smirnov, N. Belova, E. Bychkova, M. Fedorova M. Fedorova, A. Denisenko [email protected]. Editorial office adress: Edition 999 copies Phone: (495) 234-57-46 127055, Moscow, Butyrsky Val st., 26, bld. 1 CORporate NewS TransmashhoLding, ALstoM And KAzakhstAn RAilways sign An AgReeMent FoR the cReAtion oF A joint ventuRe to manufactuRe eLectRic LocoMotives in KAzakhstAn Andrey Bokarev, Trans- CEO of Alstom and Askar of a joint venture to produce The joint venture will mashholding Chairman Mamine, Chairman of Kaza- electric locomotives in Ka- manufacture the locomo- of the Board of Directors, khstan Railways signed an zakhstan. On June 26 the tives on the basis of the Patrick Kron, Chairman and agreement for the creation foundation stone of the fu- technologies developed ture plant was laid. by Alstom and Transmash- This agreement was holding and also with the signed in St-Petersburg application of the compo- within the framework of the nents purchased from the XIV International Economic French-Russian consortium Forum in the presence of the and from Alstom’s Belfort Russian and French Presi- factory (France). The pro- dents Dmitry Medvedev duction of components will and Nicolas Sarkozy. The gradually be moved to Ka- parties signed the agree- zakhstan. ment in pursuance of the According to the agree- terms of the Memorandum ment, the products manufac- of cooperation signed on tured by the joint venture will, June 3, 2010 in Almaty. The as a first priority, be supplied project will benefit from the to Kazakhstan Railways. Lat- French government finan- er on they are planned to be cial support. exported to other countries. MetRowagonMAsh signs An AgReeMent With the seRbiAn RAilways OJSC Metrowagonmash “Transmashholding is has signed in Belgrad in the actively searching and en- presence of Russia Ambas- tering new markets and sador in Serbia Alexander looking for new partners Konuzin a two-year delivery both in Russia and abroad. contract with the Serbian Metrowagonmash success Railways (Zeleznicе Srbije) in a bid proves great de- for ten DMUs. mand for Russian rail rolling Two-car DMUs will be stock products, and their delivered to Serbia. competitive level compa- The bid results were an- rable with the leading Eu- nounced by the Serbian ropean manufacturers”, Railways at the end of Feb- commented the results of ruary. Apart from OJSC Me- the tender Andrey Andreev, trowagonmash, Spanish roll- General Director of Trans- ing stock manufacturer CAF mashholding. International, Croatian TŽV DMUs and rail buses, Gredelj (Tvornica željezničkih the company manufactured vozila Gredelj, Zagreb) and during years of its activity, Slovak company ŽOS Vrútky operate successfully not a.s.(Vrutki) participated in only in Russia but also in the tender. Ukraine, Lithuania, Hungary Alongside with the quo- and Czech Republic. tation, in order to select a Since 2006 Metro- winner, the bid committee wagonmash has delivered to considered the manufactur- its customers in all 62 DMUs ers’ experience in DMU de- made of two- and three- velopment and production. cars. 2 № 3 06/2010 CORporate NewS TransmashhoLding And RZD sign A contract FoR the suppLy oF 200 innovAtive pAssengeR eLectRic LocoMotives CJSC Transmashholding and 2010 in Paris in the pres- EP20 — is OJSC RZD on May 27, 2010 ence of the Presidents of the first Rus- concluded a contract for the the Russian Federation and sian electric supply of 200 dual-system France. locomotive, passenger new generation State-of-the-art and chal- which is EP20 locomotives to cater lenging engineering solutions capable to for the needs of the railway are used in the design of the haul pas- company in the period of new locomotive, providing s e n g e r 2012–2010. higher operational character- trains at The contract was con- istics, design reliability and a speed cluded in Sochi within the comfortable working condi- of 200 framework of the V Interna- tions for the drivers com- km/h. The tional Rail Business Forum pared to the locomotives of l o c o m o t i v e “1520 Strategic Partnership”. the previous generations. will be equipped It was signed by the Presi- Electric locomotives will with asynchronous dent of OJSC RZD Vladimir be produced at Novocher- drive on the basis of Yakunin and the Chairman kassk Electric Locomotive IGBT-transistors. The of the Board of Directors of Plant. applied technical solutions CJSC Transmashholding An- The first EP20 sample lo- will allow reducing several drey Bokarev. comotives are planned to be times maintenance works, The locomotive is devel- produced in 2011, after that increasing the run between oped by a joint engineer- they will undergo a full cy- repairs and ensuring energy ing company, established cle of various tests and state saving. by Transmashholding and certification. In 2012-2013 36 EP20 will become a basic basic platform will allow in- French concern Alstom locomotives will be handed platform for electric locomo- creasing units and systems Transport under the Gen- over to OJSC RZD and they tives, on the basis of which unification for a new series of eral Partnership Agreement will be used in passenger a family of passenger and passenger electric locomo- for the development and transport management on freight electric locomotives tives EP2 and EP3 up to 85% production of the new roll- the route Moscow-Sochi, in- of various types will be es- and for the freight electric ing stock and railway com- cluding the Winter Olympic tablished. The concept of a locomotives E2, E3, 2ES4, ponents, signed on May 01, Games period. new-generation locomotives 2ES5 up to 70-75% TransmashhoLding togetheR With WäRtsiLä, Will manufactuRe And deveLop dieseL engines Transmashholidng signed СJSC Transmashholidng A. and testing of the engines, an agreement with the world Adreev and the President of machining lines for cylinder leader in diesel and marine Wärtsilä Ole Johansson, in blocks, connecting rods products manufacturing the presence of the Prime and cylinder heads. The Wärtsilä (Finland) to set Minister of the Russian joint project stipulates the up a joint venture for the Federation Vladimir Putin localization of component manufacture and testing and the Prime Minister of parts production in Russia. of multipurpose medium- Finland Matti Vanhanen. The products will be speed diesel engines On the vacant spaces supplied to Russia and for railways, marine and of Penzadieselmash plant abroad. stationary application, and a new diesel engine pro- Currently the deve- It is not the first experience also for the production of key duction facility with the lopment of the new of the partnership between components. output of 350 diesel engines modifications of diesel Transmashholding and Wärt- The agreement was and diesel generators per gene rators for railway silä. In 2007 a license agreement signed in the Finnish city annum will be constructed. application and locomotives was signed with the Finnish of Lappeenranta. The The new production (production at the Bryansk company on the production of signatures were affixed facility will have modern Engineering Plant) is being low speed propulsion marine by the General Director of equipment for the assembly carried out. diesel engines. № 3 06/2010 3 COVeR STORY MwM: Recognized Leader in Subway Car Building OJSC Metrowagonmash, being a part of CJSC transmashholding, is one of the leading Russian enterprises, operating in the field of transport machine building and specializing in the development and design of sub- way cars and dMus for railways. Metrowagonmash — recognized leader in car building bAcK to the beginning Ministers allowed to establish a company MetRoWAgonMAsh 1895 hereditary honorary and its charter was approved by the citizen Savva Mamontov, emperor Nickolas the Second himself. • Founded in 1897 In nobleman Konstantin The official opening of Mytishchi Car • Carries out development and Artsybushev and the citizen of the North Building Plant was in May 1897. It was production of subway cars since 1943 American United States, temporary designated for the construction of the • Over 6000 cars are operated in merchant of the Moscow guild, engineer railway rolling stock, cars for the city 16 cities of 11 countries Alexander Bari presented to the Ministry horse roads and tram cars. • Subway cars, manufactured at of Finance a project “Moscow stock Production of electric cars for Metrowagonmash, transport over 10 company of the car building plant”. In commuter trains for the first electric mln passengers daily the beginning of 1896 the Committee of railroads started at Mytishchi plant for the 4 № 3 06/2010 COVeR STORY first time in the country in 1926. In 1933 Since 1946 three manufacturing pieces per day. Wide standardization the design office of the enterprise created departments had been formed at the of tracked vehicles ensured the start of a project of the first subway car and as enterprise: automobile for the production manufacture of air defense gun “Shilka”, early as in 1935 a series production of the of dumpers, car building for the surface-to — air missile systems “Cub”, type “A” cars for the first in the country fabrication of subway cars and series for “Kvadrat”.
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