r---- -- -~----- T~E "The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man."-Thomas Jefferson Volume XXXill.V, Number 1 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250 June 22, 1999 Driver Error Causes Footbridge Collapse Investigation Continues, Charges Pending TRACY SOLTESZ 695 just as three vehicles collided Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff with the rubble. The trailer contin­ ued northbound on the Beltway, Investigation of a multiple motor also colliding with the Westland vehicle collision continues this Boulevard overpass. week as the Maryland State Police Robert Taylor, 54, of Baltimore CRASH team decides whether to was killed by the collision while his file charges against the driver of a passenger, Regina Brehon, 51, was tractor trailer responsible for the ac­ injured and taken by helicopter to cident. ShockTrauma. Henri Williams, 27, "When the police complete their of Westminster and Elizabeth Free­ Amy Banowetz I Retriever Weekly Staff report, they will tum it over to the man of Catonsville were also in­ Construction Continues: The new residence hall, between the library and Center Road, will house State's Attorney," explained First jured and transported by ambulance over 200 students come late September. Until then, students will be placed in lounges and motels. Sergeant Laura Lu Herman of the to Shock Trauma. Public Affairs Unit. "Any charges According to Herman, both sides that are filed - whether they be of the Beltway were closed for Alternative Housing criminal, traffic or both - will be eleven hours as the Maryland State up to the State's Attorney." Highway Authorities (SHA) The accident, which took place cleared the fallen concrete and de­ Tuesday, June 8 around 5 p.m., stroyed the remaining side of the for New Hall Residents killed one motorist and left several footbridge. others severely injured. According "Because of the bridge's instabil­ to press releases from the Maryland ity, it was determined hazardous to (Jpening of New Residence Hall Delayed for Fall State Police, the accident occurred leave the footbridge as it was," said when a tractor trailer, loaded with a Herman. "It was destroyed that DAHLIA NAQIB housed on campus in lounges and Residential Life, Karla Nurcyzk, Caterpillar backhoe, struck a pedes­ night and taken down." Retriever Weekly Editorial Staff temporary rooms located in Chesa­ these motels are conveniently lo- trian overpass. The overpass, which Portions of Westland Boulevard peake and Susquehanna Halls. connects the two sides of Arbutus, The new residence hall, as a re­ These rooms will be equipped with see NEW HALL, page 4 collapsed onto the innerloop of I- see BRIDGE, page 3 sult of construction delays, will not desks, beds and one telephone line open at the beginning of the fall for the four to six students assigned semester as was originally sched­ to each lounge. The room opposite uled. The projected date of comple­ the lounge will remain unoccupied tion now stands at early September. so these students may use that bath­ This issue of The It will not, however, be ready to room. There will also be a bathroom Pretriever will cost you accommodate students until mid-to­ available down the hallway for .•• one million dollars! late September, following final in­ those in the temporary rooms. Just kidding, of spections and one to two weeks The two motels chosen .are lo­ course. These two Dr. time for moving in the furniture. cated within 10 miles of campus Evils are just on hand For the 231 students assigned to and will take in 85 students in single to help the Features this hall, this means various hous­ and double rooms. Transportation section bring you a look at ing alternatives including floor will be provided by the UMBC the summer movie extrava­ ganza, including lounges and temporary room in Shuttle Bus, which will alter its previews, reviews other residence halls and motels off schedule as necessary to accommo­ and a glimpse of a date those students with late classes. campus. particularly Fifty-two of the affected students These students must arrange their swi.nging shindig at schedules to eat at the dining hall. have elected to commute until the Bohager's. See page X fo~ new dorm is ready. These students No meals will be offered at the the scoop. Yeah, baby! Yeah! will not be given discounts off the motels, except one that offers a con­ regular price of room and board. tinental breakfast. Real Dr. Evil: New Line Cinema I Fake Dr. Evil: Jennifer Siciliano I '60s art: Emily Bernstein and Jamie Peck Ninety-four students will be According to the Director of PAGE2 THE PRETRIEVER NEWS June 22, 1999 THE SCENES Web User Sells Frat Tapes (U-WIRE) GAINESVILLE, Fla.-Be­ The Mystery Man (Or Woman) fore hiding two videotapes behind .a pic­ ture on his wall, Delta Chi of U. Florida member Mike Yahraus, bragged about how much money the recordings of his Yeah, you know who we're campus and why. fraternity's sexually explicit initiation talking about. You've seen her Now, hold on one second. party would make. on campus every day in the This isn't a contest, so don't Someone is now trying to tum that pre­ last semester, busily working get so excited. This is your diction into a profitable reality- a move on some project or another, chance to show how much that has people close to the case concerned but you can't quite recall her you care about your faculty about legal and moral implications. name. You've read about his and staff. You will, however, "It's unfortunate that somebody is try­ achievements in the paper a receive a warm, fuzzy feel­ ing to raise money off this very unfortu­ couple of times, buLyou're ing inside from the joy of nate incident," said Tampa lawyer Mark not sure you'd know him if knowing that your nominee Rodriguez, who represents Delta Chi you saw him in the hall. She will appreciate the recogni­ member Joshua Rothburd, one of six just got promoted after five tion you're giving him or her. members facing criminal misdemeanor years of hard work in your Students and faculty are charges of lewdness. department, but you've never welcome to submit nomina­ The tapes include graphic close-ups of heard of her before. tions. Tell us as much infor­ Yahraus and fraternity brother Anthony The Retriever Weekly would mation as you can about the Marzullo having real and simulated sex like to shine the spotlight on person. For example, name, with married stripper Lisa Gier King and some lesser-known faculty position and reason for nomi­ another younger, unidentified stripper. and staff here at UMBC. In the nation are all helpful. If "What's the big deal?" wrote a WebTV weeks to come, we hope to you're not sure of a name or user under the name Ron Turner. "The give you a look into their lives position, that's OK, as long whole point of going to college is to get and jobs, so that you can ap­ as you point us in the right drunk, party and get laid. It's not like they preciate the great deal of work direction. did anything wrong or somebody got hurt." these people contribute to our we'd like to give you a chance to nominate Send your submis­ But King has since lost her daytime campus community. someone you think may be under-appreci­ sions to [email protected] by job and considered changing her name But before we start digging around, ated. We want to know who you admire on Monday, Aug. 2 for early consideration. and six young men's futures could hinge on the outcome of the criminal case against them. Iowa State Follows plonels Aging (U-WIRE) AMES, Iowa- After run­ ning molecular tests on the world-re­ nowned cloned sheep, Dolly, research­ POLICE LoG ers from the Scottish Roslin Institute found that although Dolly is only three years old, her cells are nine years old. Safety Tip of the Week be responsible for the removal of his vehicle reported that three photographs Dolly was cloned from a 6-year-old Don't make life easy for a thief; from parking lot #16. The preliminary inves­ mounted on a bulletin board outside ewe in 1996, and since then, scientists protect your property: tigation failed to provide information as to the of her office in the Administration at Iowa State have been closely follow­ • Lock your doors every time you identity of the suspect or the recovery of prop­ Building had been damaged and de­ ing the research. leave. erty taken. The investigation will continue. On faced. According to a Washington Post ar­ ,.. Make a list of your valuables and June 15 the officer received information that ticle in May, some scientists theorize keep it in a safe place. Include an ex­ the vehicle had been recovered by Baltimore Disorderly Student Dolly will die at an early age because act description, year purchased and City Police and a suspect arrested. June 7, 4:43 p.m. - Several people her telomeres, genetic material that serial numbers. reported that a student had become dis­ shortens as the cells divide and the ani­ • Engrave your valuables with an ID Theft ruptive and was refusing to leave a mal ages, are shortening more rapidly number. Check with your campus or June 5, 2:04p.m. -A non-student reported classroom in the Academic IV Build­ than a normal sheep's telomeres. local police department for information that she parked her vehicle on UMBC Blvd.
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