Canadian Literature / Littérature canadienne A Quarterly of Criticism and Review Number 209, Summer 20 11, Spectres of Modernism Published by The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Editor: Margery Fee Associate Editors: Judy Brown (Reviews), Joël Castonguay-Bélanger (Francophone Writing), Glenn Deer (Poetry), Laura Moss (Reviews), Deena Rymhs (Reviews) Past Editors: George Woodcock (1959–1977), W.H. New (1977–1995), Eva-Marie Kröller (1995–2003), Laurie Ricou (2003–2007) Editorial Board Heinz Antor University of Cologne Alison Calder University of Manitoba Cecily Devereux University of Alberta Kristina Fagan University of Saskatchewan Janice Fiamengo University of Ottawa Carole Gerson Simon Fraser University Helen Gilbert University of London Susan Gingell University of Saskatchewan Faye Hammill University of Strathclyde Paul Hjartarson University of Alberta Coral Ann Howells University of Reading Smaro Kamboureli University of Guelph Jon Kertzer University of Calgary Ric Knowles University of Guelph Louise Ladouceur University of Alberta Patricia Merivale University of British Columbia Judit Molnár University of Debrecen Lianne Moyes Université de Montréal Maureen Moynagh St. Francis Xavier University Reingard Nischik University of Constance Ian Rae King’s University College Julie Rak University of Alberta Roxanne Rimstead Université de Sherbrooke Sherry Simon Concordia University Patricia Smart Carleton University David Staines University of Ottawa Cynthia Sugars University of Ottawa Neil ten Kortenaar University of Toronto Marie Vautier University of Victoria Gillian Whitlock University of Queensland David Williams University of Manitoba Mark Williams Victoria University, New Zealand Editorial Guest Editor: Dean Irvine Spectres of Modernism 6 Articles Alan Filewod Authorship, Left Modernism, and Communist Power in Eight Men Speak: A Reflection 11 Erica Kelly “The art of making artists”: Canadian Modernism, F.R. Scott, and the New Deal 31 Articles, continued Anouk Lang Modernity in Practice: A Comparative View of the Cultural Dynamics of Modernist Literary Production in Australia and Canada 48 Annette Hayward Littérature et politique au Québec pendant la première moitié du vingtième siècle : Prolégomènes 68 Mark Benson Yves Thériault : Un vert avant la lettre 90 Len Early Border Crossings in Isabella Valancy Crawford’s Story-Paper Fiction 109 Alastair Morrison Solomon Gursky Was Here: A History by Hunger 127 Poems Salvatore Difalco 30 Blair Trewartha 89 Adrienne Weiss 47 Todd Swift 107 Jesse Patrick Ferguson 66 Jim Johnstone 126 Books in Review Forthcoming book reviews are available at http://canlit.ca/reviews Authors Reviewed Paul Chamberland 152, 159 Arlene Alda 141 Jan Conn 153 Madhur Anand 142 Sheldon Currie 154 Tammy Armstrong 144 Adam Dickinson 142 Jerry Auld 144 Susan Dobbie 144 Brenda Austin-Smith 146 Gail Edwards 156 Marie Bélisle 159 Jacques Flamand 152 David Bergen 147 Irene Gammel 157 George Bowering 149 Isabelle Gaudet- Di Brandt 150 Labine 159, 177 Marian Bredin 161 Connie Gault 173 Margaret Buffie 169 Camilla Gibb 174 Bonnie Burnard 147 Sky Gilbert 183 Barbara Godard 150 Margaret Trudeau 171 Agnes Grant 160 Kim Thúy 168 Sigurjon Baldur Priscila Uppal 182 Hafsteinsson 161 J.A. Wainwright 187 Dirk Hoerder 162 Kathleen Winter 154 Anosh Irani 164 David Yee 183 Sharon Jennings 165 Marthe Jocelyn 165 Reviewers Smaro Kamboureli 150 Ariane Audet 177 Ric Knowles 167 Mandy Barberree 176 Liz Kotz 142 Emmanuel Bouchard 159 Monica Kulling 141 Sarika P. Bose 169 André Lamontagne 168 Nicholas Bradley 144 Benjamin Lefebvre 157 Candis Callison 161 Leanne Lieberman 169 Liz Czach 146 Dirk McLean 141 Moira Day 183 George Melnyk 146 Rachelle Delaney 165 Caroline Merola 141 Paul Denham 173 Bruce Meyer 153 Kit Dobson 174, 180 Robert Moore 153 Caroline Dupont 152 Erín Moure 150 Chiara Falangola 172 Farley Mowat 171 Elizabeth A. Galway 156 Ingrid Mündel 167 Karl E. Jirgens 162 Marc Ory 172 Adrienne Kertzer 147 Sina Queyras 142 Lindy Ledohowski 160 Pascale Quiviger 173 Katja Lee 171 Tom Rachman 174 Jan Lermitte 179 Jennifer Reid 176 Sarah MacKenzie 167 Al Rempel 144 Travis V. Mason 142 Lyne Richard 177 Tanis MacDonald 187 Claire Holden Owen Percy 153, 182 Rothman 177 Linda Quirk 150 Anusree Roy 183 Ian Rae 149 Judith Saltman 156 Duffy Roberts 164 Johanna Skibsrud 179 Wendy Roy 177 Robert David Stacey 180 M. Sean Saunders 157 Drew Hayden Taylor 164 Cynthia Sugars 185 Richard Teleky 182 Jim Taylor 154 Judith Thompson 183 Jean-Pierre Thomas 168 Tony Tremblay 185 Hilary Turner 141 Opinions and Notes Richard Teleky Editing “Old Ladies”: Margaret Avison, P.K. Page, Miriam Waddington, Suzanne Rosenberg, and Jane Jacobs 189 Laura Moss Celebrating Robert Kroetsch (1927–2011) 199 Errata for issue 208: • In Deena Rhyms’ editorial, endnote 4 should read “Peltier is an American Indian convicted of murdering an FBI officer at Wounded Knee in 1975. The fairness of his trial has been questioned.” Current endnotes 4 and 5 should be renumbered 5 and 6. • Dans l’article de Dominic Marion « D.A.F. de Sade et Hubert Aquin : le récit au pied du mur » toutes les références à Pasolini entre parenthèses devraient plutôt être aux Cent vingt journées de Sodome, de Sade. Pasolini n’est pas cité dans l’article. Le titre abbrévié dans les références de Prochain Episode d’Hubert Aquin devrait être Prochain. • Jon Paul Fiorentino’s name was misspelled as “John” in Erin Wunker’s review “Mapping and Way-making.” It was also misspelled in the table of contents. • John Donlan’s name was misspelled as “Jon” on his poem “Out All Day.” It was also misspelled in the table of contents. We apologize for these errors. Canadian Literature, a peer-reviewed journal, welcomes original, unpublished submissions of articles, interviews, and other commentaries relating to writers and writing in Canada, and of previously unpublished poems by Canadian writers. The journal does not publish fiction. Articles of approximately 6500 words (including Notes and Works Cited), double-spaced, in 12-point font size, should be submitted online to canlitsubmit.ca. Submissions must be in Rich Text Format (.rtf) or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Submissions should include a brief biographical note (50 words) and an abstract (150 words). Articles should follow MLA guidelines for bibliographic format as outlined at http://canlitsubmit.ca/submissions/help. Littérature canadienne, une revue évaluée par les pairs, accueille la sou- mission d’articles, d’entrevues, et d’autres commentaires originaux et non publiés sur les écrivains et l’écriture au Canada, ainsi que de la poésie canadienne pour publication initiale. La revue ne publie pas de fiction. Veuillez soumettre les articles—d’environ 6500 mots (notes et références bibliographiques comprises), à double interligne, taille de la police 12— en ligne à canlitsubmit.ca. Les soumissions doivent être en format de texte enrichi (.rtf) ou Microsoft Word (.doc ou .docx). Les soumissions doi- vent comprendre une brève note biographique (50 mots) et un résumé (150 mots). Les articles doivent suivre les directives MLA en matière de format biblio- graphique comme décrites à http://canlitsubmit.ca/submissions/help. Canadian Literature online: CanLit Submit (canlitsubmit.ca) Submit articles, poetry, and book reviews online to speed up evaluations and reduce paper waste. Online store (canlit.ca/store) Order subscriptions and back issues securely with credit card, debit, or Interac. Archives (canlit.ca/archives) Issues #1 to 155 are freely available online as are pre-print book reviews, including unpublished upcoming reviews, from issue #156 onwards. CanLit Poets (canlitpoets.ca) Our award-winning poetry archive, containing more than 250 poems and interviews with poets who have had their work published in Canadian Literature. Copyright © 2011 The University of British Columbia Subject to the exception noted below, reproduction of the journal, or any part thereof, in any form, or transmission in any manner is strictly prohibited. Reproduction is only permitted for the purposes of research or private study in a manner that is consistent with the principle of fair dealing as stated in the Copyright Act (Canada). GST R108161779 Publication of Canadian Literature is assisted by The University of British Columbia, the Faculty of Arts (ubc), and sshrcc. Canadian Literature is indexed in Canadian Periodical Index, Canadian Magazine Index, Humanities International Complete, and the MLA International Bibliography, among numerous others. The journal is indexed and abstracted by ebsco, proquest, and abes. Full text of articles and reviews from 1997 on is available from proquest, gale, and ebsco Publishing. The journal is available in microfilm from University Microfilm International. Publications Mail Agreement SUBSCRIPTIONS: $56 INDIVIDUAL; no. 40592543 $130 INSTITUTIONAL, GST INCLUDED. Registration no. 08647 OUTSIDE CANADA: US $86 INDIVIDUAL; US $160 INSTITUTIONAL. RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ISSN 0008-4360 ADDRESSES TO Managing Editor: Donna Chin Canadian Literature [email protected] The University of British Columbia Production Staff: Matthew Gruman ANSO Building, Room 8 Kathleen McHale 6303 NW Marine Drive Jennifer Lin Vancouver, BC Beth Veitch Canada V6T 1Z1 Design: George Vaitkunas TELEPHONE: (604) 822-2780 Illustrations: George Kuthan E-MAIL: [email protected] Printing: Hignell Printing Limited http://canlit.ca Typefaces: Minion and Univers http://canlitsubmit.ca Paper: recycled and acid-free Editorial Spectres of Modernism Dean Irvine, Guest Editor Canadian
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