1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 11803 Brooks, later Governor of Massachusetts, Porter-Phelps-Huntington Foundation, the we shall have set an example that the rest Colonel Ebenezer Francis, mortally wounded Shaker Community in Pittsfield, and the of the country will gladly and rightly follow. at Whitehall, New York, and his brother Women's City Club of Boston. But it is up to us here, at the very center John Francis, who served continuously for 6 A citizen's interest and knowledge of the of these veritable reservoirs of our past, to years in the Continental Army. history of his locality and his support of create and emphasize this sense of history. Daniel Townsend of Lynnfield was killed its hlstorl,cal society is part of his strength The current Civil War Centennial celebra­ during the retreat of the British from the in these times of crisis and peril for the tions accomplish such a purpose, and do Concord fight. His body was found to have cause of freedom. A major weapon in the something more besides. Such celebrations seven bullet wounds. His remains were incredible and nerve-wracking cold war in are not without their proper economic side, taken to Lynnfield and according to an ac­ which we find ourselves is the preservation if this aspect of the matter is intelligently count written in 1875 '.'lay the next night in of the visual and inspiring evidences of our motivated and wisely handled. the Bancroft house, where the bloodstains country's career as it is revealed in the en­ It is my understanding, based on infor­ remained for many years afterward." nobling architecture and places of its his­ mation furnished to me by the report of One of the Revolutionary heroes of Saugus tory. chambers of commerce, that some 9 billions was Captain David Parker who mustered his We must not let the ruthless hand of of dollars will be spent by tourists viewing company at an early hour on the day of the material progress reduce to rubble and ob­ historic scenes of the American Civil War Concord fight, and marched it quickly to the livion our great national landmarks, wher­ during the centennial celebrations. Here scene where his men fought gallantly. ever they may be. are primarily educational enterprises, sat­ Although Chelsea was remote from th,e The aspiration of the preservationists is to urated with historical significance, that pro­ conflict, and the route to it circuitous, some perform a national service for the American vide as byproducts highly desirable and of her citizens rendered important service. people and for freedom everywhere at a mo­ beneficial economic gains for the localities Wnen provisions were sent to the relief of ment in history which is critically dangerous. which support them. the British at Concord the convoy was inter­ Their desire ls to help make the American But, to be interesting and significant, his­ cepted at Arlington by a group of patriots people, themselves, conscious of their im­ toric places need not be associated with the led by the Reverend Mr. Payson of Chelsea. mense . contribution to the Western World Civil War, or with the battles of any war, The Chelsea company at Concord that day in the theory and practice of free political for that matter. Every year thousands and was commanded by Captain Samuel Sprague. and legal institutions. thousands of people visit Washington Ir­ You have perhaps heard it said that his­ The preservationists' purpose ls to thwart ving's mansion, Theodore Roosevelt's home tory is to a nation what memory ls to an the propaganda that defaces the picture of in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Franklin Roose­ individual. But this is more than a figure of o.ur country before the world. The goal is velt's home at Hyde Park. These houses speech; it contains a truth. We cannot af­ to present visual, living, documented proof, tell us something about great men. They ford to.lose by neglect what ls irreplaceable. some of it brick and stone, in hills and add to our judgment and taste. They are We should all know our local, county, State, squares, in parks and commons, in heights authentic American history. and National historical societies in their ef­ and halls, in churches and statehouses, in There is so much to be seen in Boston and fort to save what is worth saving and which homes and military sites, in all of these, in the areas around it. The scene of the must be saved immediately, or lost forever. proof that for the American people the cause Boston Massacre, Faneuil Hall, North Square There are many, many historical societies, of freedom was always the inner soul of their and the old North Church, Dorchester and other similarly interested groups in being. Heights, Bunker Hill, the Capitol Building it­ Massachusetts. The directory of the Na­ Not only would our own countrymen see self, the old corner bookstore, the Thomas ·tlonal Trust of Historic Preservation lists and learn and understand from the truths Crease house, Shirley place and the Shirley­ the following member organizations in expressed in stone, mortar, and locale, but Eustis house, the Old South Meetinghouse, Massachusetts (and, of course, there are visitors by the millions from abroad would the Lexington and Concord Battle Road, the others which are not associated with the come to know the elementary facts and ideals Minuteman National Historical Park in the National Trust): the Balch House Associates of our tradition. towns of Lexington, Lincoln, and Concord, of the Beverly Historical Society, the Beacon Millions of Americans plan tours abroad to all of these constitute an historical treas­ Hill Architectural Commission, the Beacon look at old cities and beautiful monuments. ure trove. Perhaps none of them surpasses Hill Civic Association, the. Castle Hill Foun­ Yet the very things that Americans seek for in fidelity to historical detail the Saugus dation, the Chesterwood Studio Museum, abroad they destroy at home. Old buildings Ironworks restoration. the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Your are broken up in the United States as fast I think that we may justifiably hope that Own First Iron Works Association, the Gore · as used packing crates. each year an increasing number of our peo­ Place Society, the Historic Districts Com­ The preservation of the American heritage ple will become aware of what needs to be mission of the Town of Nantucket, the is thus and in fact a prodigious educational done in the field of local history and historic Ipswich Historical Society, the Milton Histor­ endeavor. We are not collecting museum preservation. ical Society, the Nantucket Historical Asso­ pieces. We are not providing entertainment As you know, and as I know, and as anyone ciation, the Old Dartmbuth Historical So­ and picnic grounds. We are preserving may see by this restoration of tl).e Saugus ·Clety, the Old- South Association in Boston, American history. Ironworks, when Americans become con­ Old Sturbridge Village, the Peabody Mu­ If we in this area hold our unique and vinced that something should be done, it seum of Salem, the Pilgriµi Society, the irreplµ,ceable relics in the proper respect, will be done, and it is done, and it is well Plimoth Society, the Plimoth Plantation, the a13:d save them forever free from demolition, done. THE JOURNAL H.R. 3537. An act to increase the jurisdic­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES · tion of the municipal court for the District The Journal of the proceedings of of Columbia in civil actions, to change the THURSDAY, J UNE 27, 1963 yesterday was read and approved. names of the court, and. for other purposes; and The House met at 12 o'clock noon. H.J. Res. 467. Joint resolution amending The . Reverend Martin Canavan, pas­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE section 221 of the National Housing Act to tor, First · Baptist Church, Long Beach, A message from the Senate by Mr. Mc­ extend for 2 years the broadened eligibility Calif., offered the following prayer: · Gown, one of its clerks, announced that presently provided for mortgage insurance the Senate had passed without amend­ thereunder. Heavenly Father, with gratitude for ment bills and a joint resolution of the the privilege of prayer we again approach The message also announced that the Thy throne. · In the hurried lives· we live House of the following titles: Senate had passed, with amendments in we pause to seek Thy guidance for the H.R. 1492. An· act to provide for· the sale of which the concurrence of the House is re­ deliberations which are ahead. Give us . certain reserved mineral interests of the quested, ills of the House of the follow­ United States in certain real property owned ing_titles _:• the wisdom to seek Thy will, and 'the by Jack D. Wishart and ,Juanita H. Wish­ willingness· to be Jed by Thy spirit. art; H.R. 4330. An act to amend the District Bless, we pray, the leaders of this great H.R. 1819. An- act to amend the Federal of Columbia Business Corporation .Act; and Nation ·and- may dependence on Thee Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959 to pro­ H .R. 5081. An act to authorize the Com­ ever be present in the thoughts of each vide additional choice of- health benefits missioners of the District of Columbia to sell one. We humbly thank Thee for the plans, and for other purposes; a right-of-way across a portion of the. Dis­ H.R. 1937. An act to amend the act known trict Training School grounds at Laurel, M1., _heritage of the past, and seek Thy bless­ as the "Life Insurance ·· Act" of the District and for other purposes.
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