Thai J. For. 35 (3) : 15-29 (2016) ªµ¦­µ¦ª«µ­¦Í 31 (1) : 1-8 (2556) Original article A Survey of Riparian Species in the Bodhivijjalaya College’s Forest, Srinakharinwirot University, Sa Kaeo Boontida Moungsrimuangdee* Thonyaporn Nawajongpan Bodhivijjalaya College, Srinakharinwirot University, Sukhumvit 23, Bangkok, 10110 Thailand *Corresponding Author, E-mail: [email protected] Received: Oct 30, 2015 Accepted: Jan 11, 2016 ABSTRACT The riparian forests along the Phra Prong Canal act as a buffer to protect the freshwater environment from disturbances on the adjacent land. However, degradation of riparian forests has occurred throughout the area. Data on species composition is needed for riparian restoration and management. This study investigated all vegetation types in the riparian buffers along the 3KUD3URQJ&DQDO.QRZLQJWKHFRPSOH[LW\RIWKHYHJHWDWLRQVWUXFWXUHLVEHQH¿FLDOIRUSODQQLQJ and designing riparian reforestation in this canal. The survey of vegetation was conducted in the Bodhivijjalaya College Forest as a UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVDPSOHRIWKHULSDULDQIRUHVWEXIIHUDORQJWKH3KUD3URQJ&DQDO7KHUHVXOWVLGHQWL¿HG 92 riparian species belonging to 45 families. They were FODVVL¿HGLQWRIRXUJURXSVFRQVLVWLQJRI GLFRW\OHGRQVPRQRFRW\OHGRQVJ\PQRVSHUPDQGIHUQ6HYHUDOPHPEHUVLQWKHIDPLOLHV Annonaceae, Apocynaceae, Fabaceae, Phyllanthaceae, and Moraceae were dominant in this forest. Most riparian species were climbers, trees and shrubs among other life forms. The climbers commonly found in this area were: Uvaria rufa Blume, Parameria laevigata -XVV 0ROGHQNH Oxystelma esculentum /I 6PTarlmounia elliptica '& +5RE6&.HHOH\6NYDULD & R. Chan, and Combretum latifolium Blume. Among the collected trees were: Hydnocarpus anthelminthicus3LHUUHH[/DQHVVGaruga pinnata Roxb., Crateva magna /RXU '&Hopea odorata Roxb., Dipterocarpus alatus5R[EH[*'RQDQGStreblus asper/RXU7KHXQGHUJURZWK consisting of shrubby trees, shrub and herbaceous plants included: Polyalthia suberosa 5R[E Thwaites, Tabernaemontana bufalina/RXUConnarus cochinchinensis %DLOO 3LHUUHGmelina asiatica /Antidesma acidum Retz., Allophylus cobbe / 5DHXVFKLasia spinosa / 7KZDLWHV Commelina sp., and Merremia hederacea %XUPI +DOOLHUI7KHJ\PQRVSHUPIRXQGLQWKLVVWXG\ was Gnetum montanum Markgr. Status, uses, and pharmaceutical and phytochemical activities of the collected riparian species were also reviewed. Keywords: Survey, Riparian Species, Bodhivijjalaya College Forest, Sa Kaeo 16 Thai J. For. 35 (3) : 15-29 (2016) INTRODUCTION from potent disturbances. Many studies have recommended planting native species in riparian Riparian forests are the areas between EXIIHUV 0DLWODQGet al.LQJHU\ terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These Schultz et al., 2004). However, information on ecosystems provide a unique microclimate the species composition in the riparian forests for plant and animal diversity. Moreover, is lacking in this area. As our previous work they act as a buffer to protect the freshwater focused only on trees with a diameter size of 4.5 environment from disturbance by agricultural FPXSZDUG 0RXQJVULPXDQJGHHet al., 2015), activities on the adjacent land. Many reports the present study investigated all vegetation have demonstrated that vegetation within the types, such as herbaceous, shrub, tree, and ULSDULDQEXIIHULVFRQVLGHUHGWR¿OWHUVHGLPHQWV climber, in the riparian buffers along the Phra and reduce soil erosion, to protect the water Prong Canal. Knowing the complexity of the quality, and maintain the habitat structural YHJHWDWLRQVWUXFWXUHLVEHQH¿FLDOIRUSODQQLQJ diversity, and to provide ecological integrity and designing riparian reforestation along this %URDGPHDGRZDQG1LVEHW6FKXOW]et canal. al*XQGHUVHQet al., 2010; Bain et al., 2012). MATERIALS AND METHODS The Phra Prong Canal is an important ZDWHUZD\RI:DWWKDQD1DNKRQDQG0XDQJ Study area districts in Sa Kaeo province. Indeed, the The study was conducted in the river has served as a water supply for many %RGKLYLMMDOD\D&ROOHJH)RUHVW ¶´ N households living along the banks and also 22’ 42” E) as a representative sample of for the irrigation of agricultural crops, namely riparian forest buffers along the Phra Prong rice, cassava, sugar cane and rubber, among Canal, which originates from the Phra Prong others. The presence of vegetation assures Dam located in the mountains of the Pang stabilization and regulation of soil and water Sri Da National Park. The length of the Phra in the riparian ecosystem; however, in the Prong Canal is about 176 km, passing through Phra Prong Canal, the degradation of riparian :DWWKDQD1DNKRQDQG0XDQJGLVWULFWV6D.DHR forests is continually increasing throughout province. The elevation ranges from 50 to 100 the area. Our previous study indicated that m above msl. The soil properties are clay to riparian forest cover along the Phra Prong sandy loam with a pH of 4.76 and organic Canal had consistently decreased. Those PDWWHURI 0RXQJVULPXDQJGHHet al., forest areas have been replaced by agricultural 2015). Online meteorological data were freely land and clear-cutting for irrigation systems accessed from the Bodhivijjalaya College, 0RXQJVULPXDQJGHHet al., 2015). Thus, :DWWKDQD1DNKRQGLVWULFWZHDWKHUVWDWLRQ restoration of riparian forests is needed to belonging to the National Electronics and help protect the freshwater environment Computer Technology Center (http://agritronics. Thai J. For. 35 (3) : 15-29 (2016) 17 nstda.or.th). The average temperature was 27 found in this area were: Uvaria rufa Blume, &ZLWKUHODWLYHKXPLGLW\DQGPP Parameria laevigata -XVV 0ROGHQNH DQQXDOUDLQIDOOLQ± Oxystelma esculentum /I 6PTarlmounia Data collection and analysis elliptica '& +5RE6&.HHOH\6NYDULD The survey of plant diversity was & R. Chan, Combretum latifolium Blume, performed in the riparian forest located Acacia megalagena Desv. var. indo-chinensis along the east side of Bodhivijjalaya College, I. C. Nielsen, Ventilago harmandiana Pierre, Srinakharinwirot University, Sa Kaeo Campus. Poikilospermum suaveolens %OXPH 0HUU The area has been established as a Demonstration and Ampelocissus sp. Among the tree species 5LSDULDQ)RUHVW/HDUQLQJDQG5HVHDUFK&HQWHU were: Hydnocarpus anthelminthicus Pierre Many vegetation types have been observed H[/DQHVVGaruga pinnata Roxb., Crateva along the stream line over a distance of 7 km magna /RXU '&Hopea odorata Roxb., LQDEHOW±PIURPWKHEDQNV7KHVWXG\ Dipterocarpus alatus5R[EH[*'RQ was performed at least once every month Streblus asper/RXUKnema globularia from February to June, 2015 in an attempt to /DP :DUENauclea orientalis / / and Xanthophyllum lanceatum J. J. Sm. The REWDLQÀRZHUDQGIUXLWVDPSOHV+HUEDULXP undergrowth consisted of shrubby trees, shrubs VSHFLPHQVZHUHFROOHFWHGIRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQ and herbaceous plants including: Polyalthia DQGYHUL¿FDWLRQ7KHULSDULDQVSHFLHVZHUH suberosa 5R[E 7KZDLWHVTabernaemontana LGHQWL¿HGLQWKHODERUDWRU\RI%RGKLYLMMDOD\D bufalina/RXUConnarus cochinchinensis College, Srinakharinwirot University. Taxonomic %DLOO 3LHUUHGmelina asiatica /Antidesma nomenclature and life forms followed Pooma acidum Retz., Allophylus cobbe / 5DHXVFK DQG6XGGHH Lasia spinosa / 7KZDLWHVCommelina sp., and Merremia hederacea %XUPI +DOOLHU RESULTS AND DISCUSSION f. The gymnosperm found in this study was 7KHVXUYH\LGHQWL¿HGULSDULDQ Gnetum montanum Markgr. This species was species, which were FODVVL¿HGLQWRIRXU also reported in the riparian forest along the JURXSVFRQVLVWLQJRIGLFRW\OHGRQV 6RN&DQDO6XUDW7KDQLSURYLQFH .RQJLHG monocotyledons, 1 gymnosperm, and 1 fern et al., 2011). belonging to 45 families as shown in Table 1. Research on the effectiveness of Several members in the families Annonaceae, medicinal plants has been widely conducted. A Apocynaceae, Fabaceae, Phyllanthaceae, and review of the status, uses, and pharmaceutical Moraceae were dominant in this forest. and phytochemical activities of some riparian From Table 1, most riparian species species was accessed and the results are were climbers, trees, and shrubs among shown in Table 1. The collected species that other life forms. The climbers commonly have been categorized as threatened in The Thai J. For. 35 (3) : 15-29 (2016) ,8&15HG/LVWZHUHLasia spinosa / 7KZDLWHV For example, fractions of the root and stem Hopea odorata Roxb., Homonoia riparia/RXU of Derris scandens 5R[E %HQWKKDGVWURQJ and Gnetum montanum Markgr. Many species antibacterial effect against Bacillus megaterium, ZHUHIRXQGWREHXVHGDVYHJHWDEOHV Diplazium JRRGDQWLDOJDO Chlorella fusca), and antifungal esculentum 5HW] 6ZLasia spinosa / Microbotryum violaceum SURSHUWLHV +XVVDLQ Thwaites, Tiliacora triandra &ROHEU 'LHOV et al., 2015). Moreover, a clinical study also and Oxystelma esculentum /I 6P IUXLWV showed that ethanol extraction of D. scandens Hymenocardia punctata :DOOH[/LQGO VWHPVFRXOGVLJQL¿FDQWO\GHFUHDVHORZEDFNSDLQ Antidesma ghaesembilla *DHUWQNephelium in patients in Sa Kaeo province similar to the hypoleucum Kruz, and Ampelocissus sp.), HI¿FDF\RIWKHGUXJ'LFORIHQDF 6ULPRQJNRO DQGRUQDPHQWDOV Tabernaemontana bufalina et al., 2007). Sphenodesme pentandra Jack has /RXU, and Oxyceros horridus /RXU 6HYHUDO been found to be a host plant of Cladomyrma species have been shown to be a source of sirindhornae, a new species from Thailand DQWLPLFURELDODQWLLQÀDPPDWRU\DQWLR[LGDQW -DLWURQJet al., 2013). Study of the relationship and antidiabetic value among other activities. between this ant and its host plant is underway. Table 1 Riparian species in the Bodhivijjalaya College’s Forest, Srinakharinwirot University, Sa Kaeo province. Status/Uses/ Pharmaceutical assays/ No. Family name 6FLHQWL¿FQDPH Thai name Life form* Phytochemistry
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