This is a free sample of content from The Road to Discovery: A Short History of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. Index Page references in italics refer to information found in the fi gures and their legends. A B Dean, Bashford, 4 Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 336, 337 Ballybung, 321 Demerec, Milislav, 131 Abramson, Harold, 133–134, 184–186, Baltimore, David, 194, 198 Harris, Reginald, 76 185, 186, 206 Banbury Center, 253, 261–262, 263, 268, Ponder, Eric, 103 Acosta, George, 74 288, 314 Umbarger Edwin, 208 Adams, Mark, 156, 169–170 Banta, Arthur M., 32, 50–51 origin and early development, 2–15 Addison, Thomas, 91 Bar-Sagi, Dafna, 309 takeover by the Long Island Biological Addison’s disease, 86, 86, 91–92, 340 Barbacid, Mariano, 281 Association, 69–75 Agarose gel electrophoresis, 255–256 Barford, David, 273 Billings, John Shaw, 17 Agassiz, Louis, 2 Bassett, G.C., 51–52 Biometrika, 12 Airborne Instruments Laboratory (AIL), Bateson, William, 12 Biondi, Fran, 325, 326 133 Bauer, Hans, 112, 269 Airslie House, 141, 142, 319–321 Bauerle, Ronald, 219 Bishop, J. Michael, 277 Alcohol, germline effects, 51–53 Beach, David, 275–276, 275, 291–292, 309 Blackburn, Elizabeth, 273, 308, 315 Ali, Muhammed, 336, 337 Beadle, George W., 116 Blackford, Eugene, 3, 3 American Breeders Association, 34 Beckman Center, 300, 301–303, 320 Blackford Hall, 176, 205–206, 224, Ames, Amyas, 199, 199 Bell, Florence, 102 304–305, 306 Anderson, John, 303 Bell, Stephen, 294 Blakemore, Colin, 303 Anderson, Tom, 169, 173, 174 Belling, John, 59, 59, 62, 66–67, 120–121 Blakeslee, Albert, 50, 62, 114, 135, 138, 147 Anderson School, Penikese Island, 2–3 Benacerraf, Beraj, 227 becomes director of the Department of Asselbergs, Fred, 279 Benzer, Seymour, 156, 286, 301 Genetics, 44, 109 Astaire, Fred, 75 Berg, Paul, 246 photos, 32, 57, 67, 109, 122 Astbury, Bill, 102 Berget, Susan, 106, 251, 257, 310 research on Datura, 56–59 Astor, Vincent, 74 Bergner, Dorothy, 121 research on taste (PTC), 121–123 Atomic Energy Commisson (AEC), Bertani, Guiseppe, 169 vignette, 66–67 196 Betta splendens, 184, 185 Blobel, Günter, 108 Atwal, Gurinder, 331 Biological Laboratory Bodine, Joseph Hall, 78 Avery, A.G., 121 becomes Cold Spring Harbor Bodmer, Walter, 226 Avery, B.T., 121 Laboratory, 207–210 Bohr, Niels, 153, 154 Avery, Oswald, 170, 175 directors Bonhoeffer, Friedrich, 303 Axel, Richard, 281, 285, 336, 347 Chovnick, Arthur, 204 Botchan, Mike, 245, 245 Axinn, Donald Everett, 339 Conn, Herbert, 4 Botstein, David, 336 Ayres, Dill, 318 Davenport, Charles, 8 Bovie, William T., 71 361 © 2016 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. All rights reserved. This is a free sample of content from The Road to Discovery: A Short History of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. 362 INDEX Boyer, Herb, 243, 255, 336 directorship, 215–234 photos, 194, 199 Brainerd, James, 318 fi nancial crisis, 215–218 resigns, 208 Braucher, Pela Fay, 123, 124 fi rst impressions of Cold Spring saves inner harbor, 206 Brehme, Kitty. See Warren, Kitty Brehme Harbor, 206–207 Chow, Louis, 251, 251, 257–258, 310 Brenner, Sydney, 99, 106, 179, 211, 223, photos, 210, 213, 219, 229 Churchland, Anne, 335, 335 322 research, 210–211, 219–220, 248–249 Clarkson, Barney, 307, 308 Bridges, Calvin, 55, 100, 111–115, 112, resignation, 227–230, 233–234 Claude, Albert, 152 114, 116–118, 119 vignette, 213–214 Cline, Holly, 334, 334 Bridges, Philip, 118 Watson pays tribute to, 234 Coghill, Robert, 135 Brings, Art, 319 Cannabis, 136–137, 137 Cohen, Seymour, 169 Britten, Roy, 207 Cannon, Walter B., 9 Cohen, Stanley N., 336 Broach, Jim, 275 Carnegie, Andrew, 15 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Broker, Tom, 251, 251, 257–258 Carnegie Building, 20, 21 origins, 207–212 Bronfenbrenner, Jacques, 171 Carnegie Corporation, 88, 98 directors Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences Carnegie Desert Laboratory, 18 Cairns, John, 210 (BIAS), 7, 15, 61, 62 Carnegie Institute of Washington (CIW), Stillman, Bruce, 314 establishes Biological Laboratory at 15–17, 22, 30, 42–44, 63, 109, Watson, Jim, 234 Cold Spring Harbor, 3–4 126, 145, 153, 162, 164–165, One–hundredth anniversary, 297–299, origins, 2–3 186–187, 193, 199, 304, 344 297, 298 photos, 2 Carnegie Station for Experimental Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Association withdraws from Biological Laboratory, Evolution. See Station for (CSHLA), 75, 107, 304–305, 69, 72, 75 Experimental Evolution 307–308 Browne, Morgan, 318, 320 Caspari, Ernst, 182, 200 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Fellows Bryson, Vernon, 133–134, 133, 150, 158, Castle, William Ernest, 9, 28, 59 Program, 273 170, 194–195, 199 Castro, Bernadette, 318 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Buchkovich, Karen, 280, 295 Caudy, Amy, 328, 329 266–269, 324 Bukhari, Ahmad, 247, 247 Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi, 226 Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 269 Bulfi eld, Graham, 268 Cell, 271 Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Museum, 144 Burbank, Luther, 26, 31–32 Cell Biology Corporation (CBC), 284 Cole Cottage, 133 Burgi, Elizabeth, 175, 220, 220 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Comb, Don, 283 Burk, Dean, 103 185–186, 186 Committee on Immigration, 41, 42 Burks, Barbara S., 126 Chadwick, C., 175 Conklin, E.G., 26 Burnet, MacFarlane, 170, 227 Chase, Martha, 172–175, 173, 174, 175, Conn, Herbert W., 4–6, 5, 77 Burridge, Keith, 281 188–189 Cooper, Geoffrey, 281 Bush, Vannevar, 45, 98, 125–126, 140, 145, Chemical Warfare Service, 149–150 Cooper, Susan, 297, 321 150, 167–168, 193, 193, 344 Childress, Jim, 299, 319, 320 Corner, George, 64, 124 Bush Lecture Hall, 98, 98, 166–168, 167, Choppin, Purnell, 195 Cotransfection, patent, 284 168, 226, 227 Chovnick, Arthur, 104, 195, 306 Couric, Katie, 336 appointed director of Biological Cowan, Max, 286 C Laboratory, 203–205 Crawford, Lionel, 280, 295 Cahn, Elise, 177 establishes Undergraduate Research Creighton, Harriet, 139, 197 Cairns, John, 235, 240, 305, 320 Program, 194, 194 Crick, Francis, 105–106, 105, 107, 223, becomes director of Cold Spring genetics research, 28–30, 33 226, 262, 270, 286, 302 Harbor Laboratory, 210–212 license for Blackford Bar, 205 CSHL. See Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory © 2016 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. All rights reserved. This is a free sample of content from The Road to Discovery: A Short History of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Click here for more information on how to buy the book. INDEX 363 CSHLA. See Cold Spring Harbor Delbrück Laboratory, 273 Dolan, Helen, 338 Laboratory Association DeLisi, Charles, 287 Donahue, Phil, 336 Cuddihy, Judy, 267 Delius, Hajo, 239–240 Dorcas Cummings Lecture, 106–108, 107, Curie, Marie, 261 Dellaporta, Stephen, 276 302, 325 Curtis, Howard, 83, 85 DeMatteis, Frederick, 339 Double Helix Medal, 335–336, 337 Demerec Laboratory, 166–167, 166, 167 Dowling, Michael, 342, 343 D Demerec, Milislav, 104, 132, 142, 156, Drosophila, 26–28, 27, 55, 56, 66, Danielli James, 87, 87 163, 166, 176, 177, 186, 195 109–111, 113, 114–118, 115, 134, Darwin, Charles, 19, 31, 142, 346 becomes director, 131 143, 147, 152, 183, 301–302 Datura stramonium, 57, 58, 59, 66–67, 121 and Calvin Bridges, 111–115 Drosophila Information Service Davenport, Charles, 37, 49, 50, 53, 54, 62, meetings and courses, 168–170 (DIS), 111–112, 115–117, 63, 77, 78, 79, 80, 87, 120, 124, photos, 110, 165 116, 117, 194 141, 145, 199, 314 plans for Cold Spring Harbor, Dulbecco, Renato, 156, 161, 162, 237, 237, appoints Reginald Harris, 76 145–153 239, 261 becomes director of the Biological recruits Alfred Hershey, 171–173 Dunn, L.C., 116, 118, 139 Laboratory, 8–15 recruits Barbara McClintock, establishes the Station for 137–141 E Experimental Evolution, 15–22 research on bacterial genetics, Eagle, Harry, 230 eugenics, 33–45, 225 178–180 East, Edward M., 31 photos, 32, 33, 69, 144 research on Drosophila, 109–111 Echols, Harrison “Hatch”, 221, 238 research in Station for Experimental retirement, 187, 198–204 Edelman, Gerald, 226 Evolution, 23, 49–61 wartime research on penicillin, Efstratiadis, Arg, 249–250 retires, 109, 144 134–136 Egeblad, Mikala, 332 vignette, 11–12, 46–47 Demerec, Zlata, 178–179 Ehrenfest, Paul, 154 Davenport, Gertrude Crotty, 10, 12, 20, Denk, Winfried, 334 Elledge, Steve, 332 33, 46 Department of Genetics Emerson, Rollins, 110, 138 Davenport House, 326 Biological Laboratory relationship, Englesberg, Ellis, 195 Davenport Laboratory, 80, 81, 82, 83, 275 152–153 ERO. See Eugenics Records Offi ce Davern, Cedric, 218, 228 Demerec’s tenure, 109–111, 152–153 Estabrook, Arthur, 43 Davidson, Norman, 251 origins, 62–63, 63 Ethidium Bromide, 255–256 Davis, Bernard, 156 status in early 1960s, 207, 208 Eugenical News, 43 Davis, Kathryn W., 336 Diamond, Jeff, 265 Eugenical Sterilization in the United States, Davis, Ron, 302, 309 Die Mutationstheorie, 19, 26 41, 41 Davson, H., 87 Dirac, Paul, 154 Eugenics Records Offi ce Day-care center, 322–324, 323 Dixon, J., 175 assimilation by Carnegie Institute of De Forest, Henry Wheeler, 141, 321 DNA double helix, 168–169, 169 Washington, 42 De Forest Stables, 323 DNA Learning Center (DNALC), 264–266, closing of, 43–45 De Lucia, Paula, 214, 248, 249 297, 317, 324 fi eld work, 37–41, 37, 38, 39, 40 De Vries, Hugo, 19, 19, 20, 26, 32 Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 111–112, Harry Laughlin, superintendent, 36, Dean, Bashford, 4, 77 142–143, 176, 183, 194 36, 41–42 Delbrück, Manny, 155, 171 Doermann, Gus, 159, 171, 176 Mrs. Harriman’s gift, 35 Delbrück, Max, 129, 152–157, 154, 155, Dohrn, Anton, 1 origin, 34–35 157, 168–170, 171, 188, 211, 227, Dolan Hall, 300, 301 societal issues, 41–42 236, 239, 270 Dolan, Charles, 338 Experiments in Molecular Genetics, 267 © 2016 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
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